Jarvis Magnet - 1905 Volume 1 Number 4

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After the d e oa t e Mr. Harry P. .\tills m .r.le a very intere-;ti:lg" experiment in chemistry<br />

which was visible to e very one by a lantern projection. This expe riment whia<br />

had been first made just a week before by Professors Lang a nd Ken rick ofTorons<br />

Un iversity, consists of pouring a solution of aluminium chloride on a solutionIi (<br />

potassium hydrate when the reaction shows a most peculiar, animal-like twitcning<br />

a nd working, suggestive of a very intimate relation between things ani mate and<br />

inanimate.<br />

The Society's year wen~ quickly, and all too soon came the last meeting. 00<br />

Friday, April rq.th, A successful season was brought to a close by one of tbe<br />

most interesting me etings o f th e yea r. The g enera l invitation exte nde d througb<br />

the columns of TH E MAGNET was a ccepte d by not only practically th e whole school,<br />

but by m any ex-pupils and friends as well. All of th e four hundred seats were<br />

filled, and window-ledges and disused steam ra d ia to rs g ave a number of the ho)"!<br />

some a d va ntage over those wh o had standing ro om only. The a ttenda nce far<br />

exceeded th at of any other m ceting in the history of th e Society.<br />

Draped in black, the judge's high magesterial seat and the desks of the coun<br />

officials, gave the sc en e the req uis ite degree of solemnity and gloom. Promptk<br />

a t a quarter a fter four the court commenced to assemble. Colonel Buzz Fuzz, the<br />

leading lawyer for the defence, was t he first to make appearance on the staKe;<br />

sh ort ly afterward Major Stubhin, K.C., and his junior counsel happen ed a lon~; ,<br />

then followed a crowd of witncsses, jurymen, cons ta bles a nd co urt officiak<br />

There was great laughter and exci te ment a s Fanner a'll l ~'1rs. C lo vert op. the princip<br />

al witnesses, ente red th e room; the di sgui ..;es of

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