2011 Geoscience Forum Delegate List - NWT Community Mobilization

2011 Geoscience Forum Delegate List - NWT Community Mobilization

2011 Geoscience Forum Delegate List - NWT Community Mobilization


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<strong>2011</strong> <strong>Geoscience</strong> <strong>Forum</strong> <strong>Delegate</strong> <strong>List</strong><br />

(November 17, <strong>2011</strong>)<br />

Last Name First Name Company City Prov.<br />

Abbott Austin Beaufort-Delta Education Council Inuvik NT<br />

Adams Joe Matrix Helicopter Solutions Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Aitaok Jorgan Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Anablak Stanley Kitikmeot Inuit Association Kugluktuk NU<br />

Anderson Damen Matco Transportation Systems Whitehorse YT<br />

Anderson Jennifer Discovery Mining Services Yellowknife NT<br />

Anderson Melissa University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB<br />

Antoine Wilbert Canadian Zinc Corporation Fort Simpson NT<br />

Archibald Deborah G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI, MOG Yellowknife NT<br />

Armstrong Karen Great Slave Helicopters Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Arychuk Ryan Fuel Flo Logistics Yellowknife NT<br />

Ashbury Doug Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Ashworth Joel Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Asmundson Carson YK Education District #1 Yellowknife NT<br />

Austin Peter Tundra Transfer Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Autut Stephanie Shear Diamonds Ltd. Toronto ON<br />

Bachelder Kathleen Skills Canada <strong>NWT</strong> Yellowknife NT<br />

Bailey Joshua Wallbridge Mining Lively ON<br />

Baines Sarah SENES Consultants Limited Saskatoon SK<br />

Baldwin Diane G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Baldwin Geoff Laurentian University Sudbury ON<br />

Balicki Dave Northern Industrial Sales Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Ball Mike Weatherhaven Burnaby BC<br />

Balsillie Don <strong>NWT</strong> Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation Yellowknife NT<br />

Baptiste Cecilia SRC - Geoanalytical Laboratories Saskatoon SK<br />

Barker Bruce Kingland Ford Sales Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Barrett Paul Arctic Energy & Minerals Chalgrove UK<br />

Bartlett John BHP Billiton Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Bassett Steve Bassett Petroleum Distributors Ltd. Hay River NT<br />

Bauer Glenn Ventures West Transport LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Bayha Collin Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Beaulieu Rachelle Mine Training Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Beckenham Tim WESA Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Beckman Oscar Maxxam Analytics Mississauga ON<br />

Beeching Ben Wajax Power Systems Edmonton AB<br />

Bekale John BHP Billiton Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Berry Andrew Kivalliq Energy Corporation Vancouver BC<br />

Bertolini Pietro Northern Foodservices Yellowknife NT<br />

Bethune Judy ALS Environmental Yellowknife NT<br />

Biss Susan Cameco Corporation Saskatoon SK<br />

Black Johanne Aboriginal Engineering Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Blondin Ted Tlicho Government Behchoko NT<br />

Blouin Stephanie AANDC Gatineau QC<br />

Bohnet Darryl MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Bonhomme Erica Stantec Consulting Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Bonner Lorraine Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Borsy Emily Inuvialuit Land Administration Tuktoyaktuk NT<br />

Boucher Martin CasCom Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Boucher Michel Xstrata Zinc Canada St. Laurent QC<br />

Bourke Robin Golder Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Boyd Jodi Aboriginal Engineering Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Boyé Sarah University of New Brunswich Fredericton NB<br />

Braden Bill Canadian Mining Journal Yellowknife NT<br />

Brand Allison Mackevoy <strong>Geoscience</strong> Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Briggs Brian Tyhee <strong>NWT</strong> Corp. Vancouver BC<br />

Brin Laura University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Britton Dana Breakfast for Learning <strong>NWT</strong> Yellowknife NT<br />

Bromley Cleo Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Brookes Terry NAPEG Yellowknife NT<br />

Brown Rod Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Burgess Scott Xstrata Zinc Canada St. Laurent QC<br />

Burns Ross Tamerlane Ventures Inc. Blaine WA<br />

Burry Jennifer Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Bussey Kevin Kivalliq Mine Training Society Rankin Inlet NU<br />

Butt Mike Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Cameron Kristen G<strong>NWT</strong> - <strong>NWT</strong> Centre for Geomatics Yellowknife NT<br />

Campbell Heather Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation Toronto ON<br />

Campbell Janet Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Carlsen John Canadian Dewatering LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Carr Erin Canadian Seabed Research Porters Lake NS<br />

Carroll Robert Pilot Ventures Ltd. o/a Trinity Helicopters Yellowknife NT<br />

Cartwright Adrienne DPRA Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Case Gus Pioneer Supply House Yellowknife NT<br />

Case Norm Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Cattrysse Clare Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Ottawa ON<br />

Chalker Philip Northern Foodservices Yellowknife NT<br />

Chambers Emily Bottomline PR Company Yellowknife NT<br />

Chandler Brian Avalon Rare Metals, Inc. Delta BC<br />

Chateauvert Adam Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Chen Fred Maxxam Analytics Inc. Burnaby BC<br />

Chenier Miguel Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Chhoa Benjamin Outcrop Communications Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Chiasson Alain McLennan Ross LLP Yellowknife NT<br />

Chocolate Georgina Tlicho Government Behchoko NT<br />

Chouinard Rebecca MVLWB Yellowknife NT<br />

Christensen Vern MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Churcher Jonathan MVLWB Yellowknife NT<br />

Clark John Williams Engineering Canada Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Clark Jon Raymac Environmental Services Inc. Nanaimo BC<br />

Clark Karin Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board Yellowknife NT<br />

Clark Steve <strong>NWT</strong> Mining Heritage Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Clarke Grant Golder Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Clements Ellen New Nadina Explorations Limited Greenwood BC<br />

Cloutier Andy Talik Industrial Inc. Surrey BC<br />

Cochrane Bryson Northern Drilling Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Cochrane Stan Northtech Drilling Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Collins Fred G<strong>NWT</strong> - PWS Yellowknife NT<br />

Collins Lona Bottomline PR Company Yellowknife NT<br />

Comerford Lynda G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Yellowknife NT<br />

Connell Ron Miramar Northern Mining Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Consaul Joel Kenn Borek Air Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Coombs Shauna University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Corrigan David Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Covello Louis Lou Covello Consulting Geologist Yellowknife NT<br />

Cox Benjamin Oreninc Vancouver WA<br />

Coyne Patricia Stantec Consulting Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Cranswick Russ Resource Capital Funds Denver CO<br />

Crapeau Rachel MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Creighton Steven SRC - Geoanalytical Laboratories Saskatoon SK<br />

Crocker Brian Kenn Borek Air Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Crowther Tim ALS Environmental Burnaby BC<br />

Culhane Michèle AANDC Yellowknife NT<br />

Cunningham Michael Selwyn Resources Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Currie Marlee UpHere Magazine Yellowknife NT<br />

Darda Ron RTL Robinson Enterprises Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Davidson Robert Xstrata Zinc Canada St. Laurent QC<br />

Davies Alan Talmora Diamond Inc. Toronto ON<br />

Davis Bill Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Dawatsare Vanessa Mine Training Society Yellowknife NT<br />

de Bastiani Pietro G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Yellowknife NT<br />

De La Mare Corey Golder Associates Ltd. Edmonton AB<br />

de Montigny Peter Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

De Souza Hugh SGS Canada Inc. Lakefield ON<br />

Decorby Gabrielle Polar Developments Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Decorby Ray Polar Developments Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Denetto Mohan AANDC Ottawa ON<br />

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Depew Chuck Summit Air Charters LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Deveau Morgan CasCom Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Devereaux Allison CBC North Yellowknife NT<br />

Dewar Lane Cassidy Point Exploration Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Dobbin Randy Canadian Dewatering LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Doherty Robert Fire Prevention Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Doherty Ryan Fire Prevention Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Donihee John McLennan Ross LLP Calgary AB<br />

Drummond Ken Drummond Consulting Calgary AB<br />

Dunning Jason Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Dupras Normand Xstrata Zinc Canada St. Laurent QC<br />

Dupuis Don AMC North America Timmins ON<br />

Duthie Andrew Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Dziuba Franz Aurora <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Edjericon Richard MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Ehrke Petra Northern News Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Elliott Ada Summit Air Charters LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Emingak Paul Kitikmeot Inuit Association Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Enge Arnold Aurora College Yellowknife NT<br />

English Michael Wilfred Laurier University Waterloo ON<br />

Erasmus Jr. Roy Det'on Cho Corporation Yellowknife NT<br />

Eriksen Alex AMEC Earth & Infrastructure Yellowknife NT<br />

Ernst Richard Ernst <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ottawa ON<br />

Esagok Dougie Inuvik Hunters & Trappers Committee Inuvik NT<br />

Esser Rob Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Evalik Charlie Kitikmeot Inuit Association Cambridge Bay NU<br />

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Evaristo-Cordero Catherine ALS Environmental Edmonton AB<br />

Eyakfwo Albertine Tlicho Government Behchoko NT<br />

Fabian Roy Denendeh Helicopters Hay River NT<br />

Fader Rick Yellowknife NT<br />

Farrell Rory EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Edmonton AB<br />

Fleischer Allison AANDC - NU Region Iqaluit NU<br />

Forbes David Buffalo Airways Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Fournier Bonnie G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR, Wildlife Yellowknife NT<br />

Fournier Mike Environment Canada Yellowknife NT<br />

Fullerton Jan Skills Canada <strong>NWT</strong> Yellowknife NT<br />

Furniss Geoff Pilot Ventures o/a Trinity Helicopters Yellowknife NT<br />

Gannon Mike Gannon Barrister & Solicitor Yellowknife NT<br />

Gill Graham Diamonds North Resources Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Gillespie Mark Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Gillman David Victor Fisheries Joint Management Committee Bayfield ON<br />

Gleeson Sarah University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Golchert Jim Arctic Tracks Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Golding Linda NAPEG Yellowknife NT<br />

Goldsmith Shantal University of Calgary Calgary AB<br />

Goldup Nigel EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Edmonton AB<br />

Gon Ritaline Tlicho Government Behchoko NT<br />

Gonzales Nancy DPRA Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Gostlin Kevin De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Gouthro Geraldlyn ALS Environmental Edmonton AB<br />

Gray Kathy UpHere Publishing Yellowknife NT<br />

Gray Sean Braden-Burry Expediting Yellowknife NT<br />

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Greening Rose AANDC - NT Region Yellowknife NT<br />

Griffore Len Mine Training Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Groenewegen Kathleen G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR, Forest Mgmt Hay River NT<br />

Guile Rick Foraco Canada Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Gullberg Sarah Bottomline PR Yellowknife NT<br />

Guy Michele Associated Engineering Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Guzzwell Steve Det'on Cho Logistics Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Hagen Leonard Transalta Calgary AB<br />

Hagen Willard MVLWB Yellowknife NT<br />

Ham Linda Government of Nunavut Iqaluit NU<br />

Hamm Sharleen Elgin Mining Inc. Vancouver BC<br />

Hamre Karen Protected Areas Strategy Yellowknife NT<br />

Hankirk Steve Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Hannam Stacey University of Waterloo Waterloo ON<br />

Hargraves Angie Vending Products of Canada Calgary AB<br />

Harper John EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Calgary AB<br />

Harrington Kyle Sub-Arctic Surveys Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Harris Jeff Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Harwood Lois Dept. of Fisheries & Oceans Science Yellowknife NT<br />

Hastings David G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Yellowknife NT<br />

Havioyak Donald MMG Resources Inc. Kugluktuk NU<br />

Hawkes Sean APEX <strong>Geoscience</strong> Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Henson Elisabeth Hydroqual Laboratories Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Heppelle Brian Environment Canada Yellowknife NT<br />

Hervieux Stephan UpHere Magazine Yellowknife NT<br />

Hewlko Bruce Sub-Arctic Surveys Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Hewton Meghan Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC<br />

Hill Derrick Acme Labs Yellowknife NT<br />

Hilman Gregory PSI Fluid Power Ltd. Richmond BC<br />

Hodgins Kevin Stantec Yellowknife NT<br />

Hoefer Tom <strong>NWT</strong> & Nunavut Chamber of Mines Yellowknife NT<br />

Hoeve Ed EBA, A Tetra Tech Co. Yellowknife NT<br />

Hogg John MGM Energy Corp. Calgary AB<br />

Hoos Rick EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Vancouver BC<br />

Houle Simon Barrick Exploration Elko NJ<br />

Howell Morag Sandvik Mining & Construction Yellowknife NT<br />

Hrominchuk Joel Vale Exploration Mississauga ON<br />

Hryciuk Matthew McGill University Montreal QC<br />

Humphries Walt <strong>NWT</strong> Mining Heritage Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Hunt Sarah Tli Cho Logistics Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Hupper Garth Advanced Medical Solutions Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Hurcomb Fran Down to Earth Gallery Yellowknife NT<br />

Hutton Jamie Foraco Canada Ltd. Kamloops BC<br />

Impett Stu Det'on Cho Logistics Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Irwin Doug G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Jacquard Larry Nunavut Insurance Brokers Yellowknife NT<br />

James Thomas Natural Resources Canada Sidney BC<br />

James Victoria NAPEG Yellowknife NT<br />

Januszczak Nicole De Beers Canada Toronto ON<br />

Jaque Aaron CasCom Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Jason Whitney Associated Engineering Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Jenkins Renita MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

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Johansen Nikki Bottomline PR Company Yellowknife NT<br />

Johnson Leon Matco Transportation Systems Edmonton AB<br />

Johnson Todd Great Slave Helicopters Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Johnston Vicky Environment Canada Yellowknife NT<br />

Jones Adrienne G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Jones Kevin EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Edmonton AB<br />

Jorge Manuel Energy Wall & Building Products Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Joyce Alan De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Kaczowka Andrew Cameco Saskatoon SK<br />

Kane Dan Nuna Group of Companies Yellowknife NT<br />

Karetak Elisapee Government of Nunavut Arviat NU<br />

Karitsiotis Angelo Acme Labs Vancouver BC<br />

Karunaratne Kumari EBA, A Tetra Tech Co. Yellowknife NT<br />

Kassam Iman CKLB Radio Yellowknife NT<br />

Kelly Erin G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR, Lands & Water Div. Yellowknife NT<br />

Kenney Michael Matrix Aviation Solutions Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Kerr Dan Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Ketchum John G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Kienlen Bruce Diamonds North Resources Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Kilroe Nathan Yellowknife Inn Yellowknife NT<br />

King Tyler Sandvik Mining & Construction Leduc AB<br />

Kingston Elizabeth <strong>NWT</strong> & Nunavut Chamber of Mines Iqaluit NU<br />

Kirizopoulos Evangelos G<strong>NWT</strong> - <strong>NWT</strong> Centre for Geomatics Yellowknife NT<br />

Kocik Chester Volunteer Yellowknife NT<br />

Kocik Penelope Volunteer Yellowknife NT<br />

Kopylova Maya University of British Columbia Vancouver BC<br />

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Koshlay Chad Dyno Nobel Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Krasnozon William Boart Longyear Haileybury ON<br />

Krekoski Caitlin Old Town Glassworks Yellowknife NT<br />

Kruger Terry De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Kunstman Scott Talik Industrial Services Inc. Surrey BC<br />

Kupchanko Rob Summit Environmental Vernon BC<br />

Landry François Rescan Envrionmental Survices Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Lane Peter Bassett Petroleum Distributors Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Langille Brian Qillaq Innovations Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Lanteigne Michel AECOM Yellowknife NT<br />

Lantz Trevor University of Victoria Victoria BC<br />

Lanzon Joseph Canadian Zinc Corporation Vancouver BC<br />

Larsen Peter Sandvik Mining & Construction Mississauga ON<br />

Lavoie Jerome Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. Val d'Or QC<br />

Lavoy Michael Nunami Helicopter Transport Corporation Carp ON<br />

Lawson Nick Stantec Consulting Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Lazar Vivi G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Le Prieur Jaclyn Pioneer Supply House Yellowknife NT<br />

LeBlanc Matt Sub-Arctic Surveys Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Lentz Dave University of New Brunswick Fredricton NB<br />

Leonard Mel Canarctic Graphics Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Lepine Beatrice G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR Hay River NT<br />

Leslie Chelsea Hope Bay Mining Ltd. Leduc AB<br />

Levesque Doug Tyhee <strong>NWT</strong> Corp. Vancouver BC<br />

Levinson Lawrence Maxxam Analytics Edmonton AB<br />

Liu William EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Edmonton AB<br />

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Lockett Denise Lockett Consultation Services Inc. Bowen Island BC<br />

Low George Dehcho First Nations Hay River NT<br />

Low Mike Dehcho First Nations Hay River NT<br />

Lung John Wajax Power Systems Edmonton AB<br />

MacFarlane Bill Acme Labs Vancouver BC<br />

MacInnis Damian M & T Enterprises Ltd. Rankin Inlet NU<br />

MacIntosh Diane Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Mackenzie George Tlicho Investment Corp. Behchoko NT<br />

Mackenzie Grace De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Mackenzie Tami Weatherhaven Burnaby BC<br />

Macumber Andrew Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Mageean Michael G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Yellowknife NT<br />

Maher Michael G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Hay River NT<br />

Mahoney Kelly G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI, MOG Yellowknife NT<br />

Mailath Steve EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Calgary AB<br />

Manning Josh Baffinland Iron Mines Toronto ON<br />

Marfleet Troy Cameco Saskatoon SK<br />

Margarit Anthony Rio Tinto Exploration Vancouver BC<br />

Marques Lvriam Hydroqual Laboratories Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Mate David Canada-Nunavut <strong>Geoscience</strong> Office Iqaluit NU<br />

Mathes Bryan Elemental Controls Limited Mississauga ON<br />

Matthews Steve Yellowknife NT<br />

Mawdsley Brent ALS Minerals North Vancouver BC<br />

Mawdsley William G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR. Forest Mgmt. Div. Fort Smith NT<br />

McBryan Joe Buffalo Airways Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

McCaffrey Rick Acme Labs Vancouver BC<br />

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McCannan Doug Northern Foodservices Yellowknife NT<br />

McCheyne Bob Raymac Environmental Services Inc. Nanaimo BC<br />

McCormick Kevin DPRA Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

McCreesh Allison Down to Earth Gallery Yellowknife NT<br />

McCullum John Stantec Yellowknife NT<br />

McEvoy Jason Royal Bank of Canada Yellowknife NT<br />

McGovern Adrienne Golder Associates Ltd. Edmonton AB<br />

McHale Len Nuna Group of Companies Edmonton AB<br />

McIsaac Denise G<strong>NWT</strong> - IT, MOG Yellowknife NT<br />

McLean Malcolm Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

McMartin Isabelle Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

McWhinney Tony AMC North America Timmins ON<br />

Medak Tom Dyno Nobel Yellowknife NT<br />

Meister Steven Williams Engineering Canada Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Mercer William Avalon Rare Metals Inc. Toronto ON<br />

Mercredi Rosalind Down to Earth Gallery Yellowknife NT<br />

Merrall Greg Medex Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Milburn Bob P.Eng., FEC, FCSCE Yellowknife NT<br />

Miller Christine University of British Columbia Vancouver BC<br />

Miller Rick Det'on Cho Corporation Yellowknife NT<br />

Mills Maureen Great Slave Helicopters Ltd. Calgary AB<br />

Milton Jack University of British Columbia Vancouver BC<br />

Mircea Cristiana SRC - Geoanalytical Laboratories Saskatoon SK<br />

Mitev Ivo Midnight Sun Energy Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Moeller Volker McGill University Verdon QC<br />

Moloney Pat Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

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Moosenose Shawn Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

Morgan Charlie Canadian Helicopters Limited Edmonton AB<br />

Morison Stephen ALS Minerals North Vancouver BC<br />

Morrison Dwayne AREVA Resources Inc. Saskatoon SK<br />

Morrison Keith Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Morton Simon Canadian Helicopters Limited Toronto ON<br />

Mossman Matt Det'on Cho Logistics Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Mougeot Charlotte MMG Resources Inc. Vancouver BC<br />

Muise Phil Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Mumford Thomas Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Munroe Sunny EBA, A Tetra Tech Company Yellowknife NT<br />

Murphy Brent Seabridge Gold Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Mustafa Jalil De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Mvondo Hubert Canada-Nunavut <strong>Geoscience</strong> Office Fredericton NB<br />

Ndofor Fai EBA, A Tetra Tech Co. Yellowknife NT<br />

Nesbitt Lorien Lorien Environmental Consulting Vancouver BC<br />

Neville Lisa Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Nevitt Zabey MVLWB Yellowknife NT<br />

Newman Barry Kingland Ford/Budget Rent-A-Car Yellowknife NT<br />

Newton Brian Minroc Management Limited Toronto ON<br />

Newton Stephen Discovery Air Innovations Saint-Laurent QC<br />

Nichols Katie University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Nickerson Betty Anne Tlicho Logistics Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Nickerson Dave Tyhee Gold Corp. Yellowknife NT<br />

Niculescu Dragos Braden-Burry Expediting Yellowknife NT<br />

Nikiforuk Colin AltaGas Utility Group Inc. Calgary AB<br />

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Nitsiza Charlie Jim Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

Noseworthy Rodney Braden-Burry Expediting Yellowknife NT<br />

Oduro Isaac Tamerlane Ventures Inc. Blaine WA<br />

Oldfield John KBL Environmental Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Ollerhead Varick Ollerhead & Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Olthof Ian Canada Centre for Remote Sensing/NRCan Ottawa ON<br />

O'Neill Chris Bouwa Whee Catering Yellowknife NT<br />

Ootes Luke G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

O'Reilly Kevin Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency Yellowknife NT<br />

Owen Michael Associated Engineering Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Palmer Erin AANDC - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Panayi Damian Golder Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Pandey Navin Aggreko Canada Brampton ON<br />

Park Bernard G<strong>NWT</strong> - Bureau of Statistics Yellowknife NT<br />

Park Vivian Elgin Mining Inc. Vancouver BC<br />

Parker Marc Matco Transportation Systems Yellowknife NT<br />

Parsons Bob RTL Robinson Enterprises Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Parsons Ian AANDC - NU Region Iqaluit NU<br />

Pasternak Darryl Foraco Canada Ltd. Kamloops BC<br />

Patenaude Andrea G<strong>NWT</strong> - ENR, Wildlife Div. Yellowknife NT<br />

Patterson Tim Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Pearson David Graham University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Pearson Grant Nuna Group of Companies Vancouver BC<br />

Peleskei Josip WorleyParsons Canada Edmonton AB<br />

Perdue Greg Buffalo Air Edmonton AB<br />

Philipovsky Carlos Stantec Consulting Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Philipp Lois Northern Youth Abroad Ottawa ON<br />

Pickell Jim Orca <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Pierce Kelly G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Pike Yvonne Polar Developments Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Pink Melissa Rescan Environmental Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Plotner Rebecca BHP Billiton Yellowknife NT<br />

Plumlee Geoff US Geological Survey Denver CO<br />

Pook Jim Northern Communication & Navigation Systems Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Poole Stephanie Akaitcho IMA Implementation Office Lutselk'e NT<br />

Pope Frank G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Norman Wells NT<br />

Porter Mark Associated Engineering Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Poushinsky Nick Stantec Consulting Sidney BC<br />

Power Mike Aurora <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Prather Colleen Golder Associates Ltdd. Edmonton AB<br />

Pratico Val Tyhee <strong>NWT</strong> Corp. Vancouver BC<br />

Price Jo North Country Gold Corp. Edmonton AB<br />

Price-Lewis Robert Summit Air Charters LP Yellowknife NT<br />

Pridie Tim De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Primmer Chris Northern Industrial Sales Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Procure Tony TJ's Nut Hut/Tangletree Ent. Yellowknife NT<br />

Prowse Stephen Fire Prevention Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Quenneville Guy Up Here Business Magazine Yellowknife NT<br />

Ramsay David G<strong>NWT</strong> Yellowknife NT<br />

Randell Lee Icefield Tools Corporation Whitehorse YT<br />

Rarog R. Michael Arctic Response Canada Ltd. Sherwood Park AB<br />

Redwood Cory Dyno Nobel Yellowknife NT<br />

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Reeves Chris Canadian Zinc Corporation Vancouver BC<br />

Reid Gary Braden-Burry Expediting Yellowknife NT<br />

Reid Ross Boart Longyear Saskatoon SK<br />

Rentmeister Kyle G<strong>NWT</strong> - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Riches Amy University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Riddle Jessica Mine Training Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Ridgely Gina Protected Areas Strategy Yellowknife NT<br />

Riley Toni AANDC - NT Region Yellowknife NT<br />

Rinaldi Tom Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

Rippon Armstrong Allison Environmental and Permitting Consultant Edmonton AB<br />

Robb Tonia Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Roebuck Steve Advanced Explorations Inc. Toronto ON<br />

Rogers Keith ALS Minerals North Vancouver BC<br />

Rose Peter Kitnuna Group of Companies Cambridge Bay NU<br />

Rosolen Sarah Aurora Research Institute Fort Smith NT<br />

Rowe Cindy Coast Fraser Tower Yellowknife NT<br />

Ryeo Mike Northern Industrial Sales Yellowknife NT<br />

Sabalboro Ric Energy Wall & Building Products Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Sabourin Wayne Denendeh Helicopters Fort Providence NT<br />

Saikaley Marie AANDC Ottawa ON<br />

Samotowka Steve Acme Labs Smithers BC<br />

Sasseville Rob Northern Industrial Sales Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Scheiss Wolfgang Selwyn Resources Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

Schindel Travis MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Schmidt Jessica Skills Canada Yellowknife NT<br />

Schoeman Philo Hope Bay Mining Ltd. Stony Plain AB<br />

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Schryer Rick Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

Schwarz Steven G<strong>NWT</strong> - <strong>NWT</strong> Centre for Geomatics Yellowknife NT<br />

Scott David J. Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Scrimgeour Garry Parks Canada Agency Calgary AB<br />

Segboer Corey Aurora <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Shakotko Paul University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon SK<br />

Shaw Penelope INFR Exploration Yellowknife NT<br />

Shepard Bill Fortune Minerals Limited London ON<br />

Shields Roy Denesoline Corporation Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Sibbald Carey Stantec Consulting Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Sibbeston Glen Pilot Ventures o/a Trinity Helicopters Yellowknife NT<br />

Silke Ryan <strong>NWT</strong> Mining Heritage Society Yellowknife NT<br />

Simek de Jorge Marta Safety North Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Simmons Dwayne Northern News Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Simpson Jessica MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Simpson Kirstie Government of Yukon Whitehorse YT<br />

Skauge Greg Akaitcho Trades & Technology Centre Yellowknife NT<br />

Skeries Kristina Queen's University Kingston ON<br />

Smale-McLeod Kim Bottomline PR Yellowknife NT<br />

Smith David Prospector Yellowknife NT<br />

Smith Ken De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Smith Walter Cameco Corporation Saskatoon SK<br />

Sorensen Glenn G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI, MOG Yellowknife NT<br />

St. Jean Claudette Kitnuna Group of Companies Edmonton AB<br />

St. Onge Paul Reflex Instruments Timmins ON<br />

Staniforth Jamie Tundra Coffee Co. Yellowknife NT<br />

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Stevens Brent Kingland Ford Sales Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Stevens Christopher Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Strand Kim Earthstone Creations Yellowknife NT<br />

Strand Pamela Shear Diamonds Ltd. Toronto ON<br />

Stubley Mike Stubley <strong>Geoscience</strong> Ltd. Cochrane AB<br />

Stupi Laura Thermo Scientific Billerica MA<br />

Suiter Shannon Brokenhouse Distributors Inc. Burnaby BC<br />

Sundberg Gary Mondial Aviation Corp. Victoria BC<br />

Swallow Michelle Protected Areas Strategy Yellowknife NT<br />

Swarbrick Bernie Advanced Explorations Inc. Toronto ON<br />

Tatty Hamish M & T Enterprises Ltd. Rankin Inlet NU<br />

Taylor Alan Canadian Zinc Corporation Vancouver BC<br />

Taylor Dennis Alaska Structures, Inc. Anchorage AK<br />

Taylor Russell Ron's Auto Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Tees John De Beers Canada Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Tesar Lisa Bottomline PR Yellowknife NT<br />

Theriault Larry Icefield Tools Corp. North Vancouver BC<br />

Thorpe Natasha Thorpe Consulting Services Revelstoke BC<br />

Throassi Freddie Cameco Corporation Saskatoon SK<br />

Tobac Arthur Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Tobac Edna Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Tompson Lise 1984 Nunavut Vancouver BC<br />

Travis Catherine Coast Fraser Tower Yellowknife NT<br />

Travis Tammy Coast Fraser Tower Yellowknife NT<br />

Tremblay Tom Canada-Nunavut <strong>Geoscience</strong> Office Iqaluit NU<br />

Turner Andrew APEX <strong>Geoscience</strong> Ltd. Edmonton AB<br />

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Tutcho Timothy Deline Land Corporation Deline NT<br />

Twa Cameron Ollerhead & Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Udell Alan AANDC - NTGO Yellowknife NT<br />

Ullah Zaka G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI, MOG Yellowknife NT<br />

Van Egmond Rob Platinum Group Metals Vancouver BC<br />

Vaydik Mike Volunteer Yellowknife NT<br />

Vela Thandie Northern News Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Venturi Don Matrix Helicopter Solutions Inc. Kelowna BC<br />

Vermaire Jesse Carleton University Ottawa ON<br />

Vermeers Jillian Alaska Structures, Inc. Anchorage AK<br />

Vician Peter G<strong>NWT</strong> - ITI Yellowknife NT<br />

Vigue Don IRL Supplies Prince George BC<br />

Vincent Matt Advanced Medical Solutions Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

Vivian Adam <strong>NWT</strong> & Nunavut Chamber of Mines Yellowknife NT<br />

Vivian Gary Aurora <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Vornbrock Tom Canarctic Graphics Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Vrisk Val Canadian North Yellowknife NT<br />

Wah-Shee James MVEIRB Yellowknife NT<br />

Walkusz Wojceich Fisheries & Oceans Canada Winnipeg MB<br />

Walsh Nate University of Alberta Edmonton AB<br />

Ward Delia Frontier MEDEX Calgary AB<br />

Ward Shannon MVLWB Yellowknife NT<br />

Watson Keith ALS Minerals Yellowknife NT<br />

Watson Teresa G<strong>NWT</strong> - ECE Yellowknife NT<br />

Weber Ken Arctic Tracks Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Wen Joanna Rescan Environmental Services Ltd. Vancouver BC<br />

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Wenman Christine Ecology North Yellowknife NT<br />

Wesstrom Ragnar Arctic Tracks Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Wheaton Larry RTL Robinson Enterprises Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Whitaker Sean WESA Inc. Yellowknife NT<br />

White Dave Aurora <strong>Geoscience</strong>s Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Wiebe Heidi Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Wilson Hugh Tyhee <strong>NWT</strong> Corp. Edmonton AB<br />

Wilson Sara Northern News Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Winterfield Lana Williams Engineering Canada Ltd. Edmonton AB<br />

Wishloff Wayne Matco Transportation Systems Edmonton AB<br />

Wolfe Stephen Geological Survey of Canada Ottawa ON<br />

Woogh Adam Arctic Response Canada ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Wortman Jacques Elgin Mining Inc. Vancouver BC<br />

Wourms Cheryl <strong>NWT</strong> & Nunavut Chamber of Mines Yellowknife NT<br />

Wourms Des Volunteer Yellowknife NT<br />

Wright-Bird Judith Sahtu Land Use Planning Board Fort Good Hope NT<br />

Wu Vivienne Roug MDA Geospatial Services Richmond BC<br />

Yaqzan Saz Geotarget Consulting Ltd. Edmonton AB<br />

Yazdanmehr Shahram Pioneer Supply House Yellowknife NT<br />

Yeo Gary BFR Copper & Gold Inc. Saskatoon SK<br />

Young Andy Discovery Mining Services Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Young Art Ron's Auto Service Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Zaluski Gerard Cameco Corporation Saskatoon SK<br />

Zantvoort Willem Husky Energy Calgary AB<br />

Zimmerman Nancy Outcrop Communications Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

Zwicker Charles Ollerhead & Associates Ltd. Yellowknife NT<br />

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