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modern buddhism<br />

and 10,000 recitations of the condensed mantra of the sixty-two<br />

Deities of Heruka body mandala you then need to perform a fire<br />

puja, or burning offering. This practice and its explanation can<br />

be found in the book Essence of Vajrayana. In this way your close<br />

retreat of Heruka body mandala will be completed. Until the fire<br />

puja is completed you should engage in at least two sessions of<br />

The Yoga of Buddha Heruka each day, making torma offerings in the<br />

last session.<br />

Once you have completed the close retreat of Heruka body<br />

mandala you can engage in the practice of Heruka body mandala<br />

self-initiation, which can be found in the sadhana Union of No<br />

More Learning. It is most important that whenever you recite the<br />

sadhana The Yoga of Buddha Heruka you should strongly concentrate<br />

on its meaning, free from distraction and impure motivation.<br />

Between sessions you should carefully read the commentary to<br />

this sadhana presented in Modern Buddhism – Volume 2: Tantra,<br />

in the chapter The Practice of Heruka Body Mandala.<br />

Geshe Kelsang Gyatso<br />

April 2010<br />


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