Momentum Campaign Full Notebook 2017

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Prayer: Lord, please show me my community the way that You see it. Help me to feel Your heart for others. Gently till<br />

the soil of my heart so I might be receptive to Your leading.<br />

Question: What are the greatest needs of those who live around me?<br />

Brainstorming:<br />

• Nehemiah is vulnerable and honest about where he (and the community) has been. But he does not shame<br />

himself or limit what God could do through him. It can be very challenging to find this balance. We are so tempted<br />

to focus entirely on ourselves, as if we were our own Judge; thank God we are not.<br />

• Nehemiah is also wise to know what is next, deeply trusting God to be faithful, and to focus on the needs of the<br />

whole community, not just his own needs.<br />

• In a way, it is reminiscent of Paul in Galatians 1. He recalls the way he had really messed up in persecuting the<br />

church; he doesn’t glaze over his past, he admits it, but he also trusts how God has and will use him in the future.<br />

He beckons the churches in Galatia to recall the true Good News and to stop perverting it. His eyes are on serving<br />

God alone, and in this, he is desperately working for the good of this community.<br />

• Perhaps helping your congregation consider how to reckon/grapple with where they have been and their faith in<br />

how God can still use them and work in them, despite it and even because of it, would be a good place to start.<br />

• It seems that in order to follow God’s call, we must 1) look inside, grappling with where we have been, 2) look to<br />

God, recognizing God as our only and righteous Judge, 3) recall God’s promise to be faithful, 4) ask how to be a<br />

part of it in our community.<br />

• Or perhaps they aren’t grappling with where they have been…they have just been waiting and waiting and waiting<br />

for something to have a church to call their own. This can be such a tough place to be because it can either get<br />

comfortable and we want to stay there, or we build up in our heads what we think should happen, and we aren’t<br />

open to what God wants. What would opening ourselves up to God’s will look like when all we know is our own<br />

dreams for the church/waiting?<br />

• As a whole, this is a great week to talk about the state of the church in the country, your state, and even your city.<br />

You can talk about the different struggles churches are facing and how we can either respond to this bad news like<br />

Eeyore, feeling sorry for ourselves and getting stuck, or standing up and trying something new.<br />

Sermon 3: “Preparing to Meet with God”<br />

The scripture this week is Nehemiah 2:1-10 and Matthew 28:16-20 and the second week of HFG will follow this<br />

sermon.<br />

Prayer: Lord, guide me to know Your will for this community and form me to carry it out.<br />

Questions: What aspects of Your character You are seeking to develop in me?<br />

Brainstorming:<br />

• It is striking that neither Nehemiah or the disciples stopped God and said, “but why me?” like Moses did. They have<br />

a sense of boldness and service. How do we strike that balance?<br />

• What is the role of doubt and faith here? What do you say to the person that likes the people at church, the<br />

community, etc. but isn’t entirely sure about God or what church is really for? We are not all as sure as Nehemiah.<br />

We are often more like the disciples who doubted (but even they received the Great Commission!).<br />

• Your congregation is probably asking questions along the lines of: “What if it fails?” “What will happen to the money<br />

we commit the capital campaign if the project doesn’t go through?” “What happens if the businesses aren’t<br />

successful?” “What happens to the money we raise if it isn’t enough to do the project?” These are all important<br />

questions and we should answer them, but we must also ask faith-oriented questions: “What could we do if we<br />

raised more than our goal?” “What will we do if we grow out of our new space?” “What are all the ways we can get<br />

involved?” “When can we start?” “Who should we be praying for right now?” “What do we need to get to where we<br />

want to go?” This last question, especially, is what Nehemiah asked the king.<br />

• This week would be a great time to talk about faith and what role doubt has. You might ask yourself what faithful<br />

doubt looks like and what you believe about miracles, and go from there.

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