Beacon Summer 2017

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Changes and<br />

permanencies<br />

Some things change, and some<br />

things never change. So, in<br />

this column, I will be looking at<br />

the changes that I’ve seen and<br />

felt since the last Boultham Park<br />

<strong>Beacon</strong> came out.<br />

From what was felt as disharmony and<br />

disquiet has now evolved into harmony.<br />

There was a long time of apparently<br />

nothing happening, much talking and the<br />

publicity of intentions for the Park. Well,<br />

you can’t say that nothing’s happening<br />

any more, can you?<br />

Massive changes have happened<br />

already, now that Casey and their<br />

machines are all over the place working.<br />

Some things are coming down and some<br />

things going up.<br />

It’s a well-known fact that people don’t<br />

like change. So the partnership of the<br />

City of Lincoln Council and Linkage<br />

made available their intended plans<br />

through public meetings and promotions.<br />

Everything that is now happening is the<br />

actualisation of those plans, as the people<br />

that actually attended the meetings<br />

well know. As always, when thoughts are<br />

turned into actions it can be a bit of a<br />

shock, which I can’t deny I felt, also.<br />

However, what I believe to be most<br />

important is that the ‘Spirit of Boultham<br />

Park’ remains - that is the permanency.<br />

That is what many people do not notice,<br />

not necessarily through their own fault, but<br />

with the speed and stress of living in the<br />

so called modern world and the modern<br />

way of living.<br />

www.boulthampark.co.uk<br />

I’m past my sell by date and those who<br />

know me know that I prefer the old ways<br />

which are much more relaxed, slower and<br />

less complicated. So it’s relatively easy for<br />

me to switch off and be wrapped in the<br />

spirit of Boultham Park and know that in<br />

fact all is well.<br />

The spirit of Boultham<br />

Park is alive and well.<br />

If in doubt? Try just sitting quietly when<br />

not many are about or by the lake,<br />

especially on a moon and star-lit night.<br />

Close your eyes and relax your racing<br />

mind and become still, both inwardly and<br />

outwardly, and you will feel it. Maybe only<br />

fleeting glimpses at first, but subtly, almost<br />

indiscernibly. If you do it often you will<br />

become part of it and it part of you.<br />

The spirit of Boultham Park is alive and<br />

well as it has always been. Beats paying<br />

money for the various relaxation and stress<br />

release classes that seem to be thriving<br />

with an ever-increasing demand.<br />

The best things in life are free.<br />

John Pye<br />

Chair of the Boultham Park Advisory Group<br />


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