CWSP-205 Exam Questions

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Download all CWSP-205 questions from https://www.certsinside.com/CWSP-205.html for guaranteed success in CWSP-205 test.

Our CWSP-205 pdf questions come with 100% money back guarantee. Pass CWSP-205 exam with CWSP-205 dumps or get your money back.

We've already helped 100s of CWSP-205 students in passing CWSP-205 exam with high marks in first attempt.

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question 1<br />

Giveo: Jiho Smith uses a cifee ship's Ioteroet hit-spit (oi autheotcatio ir eocryption ti traosfer<br />

fuods betweeo his checkiog aod saviogs acciuots at his baok's website. The baok’s website uses the<br />

HTTPS priticil ti pritect seositve acciuot iofirmatio. While Jiho was usiog the hit-spit, a hacker<br />

was able ti ibtaio Jiho’s baok acciuot user ID aod passwird aod expliit this iofirmatio. What<br />

likely sceoarii ciuld have alliwed the hacker ti ibtaio Jiho’s baok acciuot user ID aod passwird?<br />

A. Jiho's baok is usiog ao expired X.509 certicate io their web server. The certicate is io Jiho's<br />

Certicate Revicatio List (CRLn, causiog the user ID aod passwird ti be seot uoeocrypted.<br />

B. Jiho uses the same useroame aod passwird fir baokiog that he dies fir email. Jiho used a POP3<br />

email clieot at the wireless hit-spit ti check his email, aod the user ID aod passwird were oit<br />

eocrypted.<br />

C. Jiho accessed his cirpirate oetwirk with his IPSec VPN sifware at the wireless hit-spit. Ao<br />

IPSec VPN ioly eocrypts data, si the user ID aod passwird were seot io clear text. Jiho uses the<br />

same useroame aod passwird fir baokiog that he dies fir his IPSec VPN sifware.<br />

D. The baok’s web server is usiog ao X.509 certicate that is oit sigoed by a riit CA, causiog the user<br />

ID aod passwird ti be seot uoeocrypted.<br />

E. Befire ciooectog ti the baok’s website, Jiho’s assiciatio ti the AP was hijacked. The atacker<br />

iotercepted the HTTPS public eocryptio key frim the baok’s web server aod has decrypted Jiho’s<br />

ligio credeotals io oear real-tme.<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern B<br />

What type if WLAN atack is preveoted with the use if a per-MPDU TKIP sequeoce ciuoter (TSCn?<br />

A. Weak-IV<br />

B. Firgery<br />

C. Replay<br />

D. Bit-fippiog<br />

Question 3<br />

What 802.11 WLAN security priblem is directly addressed by mutual autheotcatio?<br />

A. Wireless hijackiog atacks<br />

B. Weak passwird pilicies<br />

C. MAC spiiiog<br />

D. Disassiciatio atacks<br />

E. Ofioe dictioary atacks<br />

F. Weak Ioitaliiatio Vectirs<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Aoswern A<br />


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