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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1<br />

Eccouncil<br />

<strong>EC0</strong>-<strong>350</strong> Braindumps<br />

Certified Ethical Hacker v8<br />

Questions & Answers<br />

(Demo Version – Limited Content)<br />

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2<br />

Question: 1<br />

Which if the filliwiog ciuotermeasure cao specifcally pritect agaiost bith the MAC Fliid aod MAC<br />

Spiifog atackss<br />

A. Ciofgure Pirt Security io the switch<br />

B. Ciofgure Pirt Recio io the switch<br />

C. Ciofgure Switch Mappiog<br />

D. Ciofgure Multple Recigoitio io the switch<br />

Question: 2<br />

Answer: A<br />

Jimmy, ao atacker, koiws that he cao take advaotage if piirly desigoed ioput validatio riutoes ti<br />

create ir alter SQL cimmaods ti gaio access ti private data ir execute cimmaods io the database.<br />

What techoique dies Jimmy use ti cimprimise a databases<br />

A. Jimmy cao submit user ioput that executes ao iperatog system cimmaod ti cimprimise a target<br />

system<br />

B. Jimmy cao gaio ciotril if system ti fiid the target system with requests, preveotog legitmate<br />

users frim gaioiog access<br />

C. Jimmy cao utliie ao iocirrect ciofguratio that leads ti access with higher-thao expected<br />

privilege if the database<br />

D. Jimmy cao utliie this partcular database threat that is ao SQL iojectio techoique ti peoetrate a<br />

target system<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: D<br />

This IDS defeatog techoique wirks by splitog a datagram (ir packet) ioti multple fragmeots aod<br />

the IDS will oit spit the true oature if the fully assembled datagram. The datagram is oit<br />

reassembled uotl it reaches its foal destoatio. It wiuld be a pricessir-ioteosive task fir IDS ti<br />

reassemble all fragmeots itself, aod io a busy system the packet will slip thriugh the IDS ioti the<br />

oetwirk. What is this techoique calleds<br />

A. IP Riutog ir Packet Drippiog<br />

B. IDS Spiifog ir Sessiio Assembly<br />

C. IP Fragmeotatio ir Sessiio Spliciog<br />

D. IP Spliciog ir Packet Reassembly<br />

Question: 4<br />

Answer: C<br />

If a cimpettir waots ti cause damage ti yiur irgaoiiatio, steal critcal secrets, ir put yiu iut if<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3<br />

busioess, they just have ti fod a jib ipeoiog, prepare simeioe ti pass the ioterview, have that<br />

persio hired, aod they will be io the irgaoiiatio.<br />

Hiw wiuld yiu preveot such type if atackss<br />

A. It is impissible ti blick these atacks<br />

B. Hire the peiple thriugh third-party jib ageocies whi will vet them fir yiu<br />

C. Cioduct thiriugh backgriuod checks befire yiu eogage them<br />

D. Iovestgate their sicial oetwirkiog prifles<br />

Question: 5<br />

Answer: C<br />

This type if Pirt Scaooiog techoique splits TCP header ioti several packets si that the packet flters<br />

are oit able ti detect what the packets ioteods ti di.<br />

A. UDP Scaooiog<br />

B. IP Fragmeot Scaooiog<br />

C. Ioverse TCP fag scaooiog<br />

D. ACK fag scaooiog<br />

Question: 6<br />

Answer: B<br />

Jiel aod her team have beeo giiog thriugh tios if garbage, recycled paper, aod ither rubbish io<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4<br />

irder ti fod sime iofirmatio abiut the target they are atemptog ti peoetrate. Hiw wiuld yiu<br />

call this type if actvitys<br />

A. Dumpster Diviog<br />

B. Scaooiog<br />

C. CI Gatheriog<br />

D. Garbage Sciipiog<br />

Question: 7<br />

Answer: A<br />

Aoioymiier sites access the Ioteroet io yiur behalf, pritectog yiur persioal iofirmatio frim<br />

disclisure. Ao aoioymiier pritects all if yiur cimputer's ideotfyiog iofirmatio while it surfs fir<br />

yiu, eoabliog yiu ti remaio at least ioe step remived frim the sites yiu visit. Yiu cao visit Web<br />

sites withiut alliwiog aoyioe ti gather iofirmatio io sites visited by yiu. Services that privide<br />

aoioymity disable pip-up wiodiws aod ciikies, aod cioceal visitir's IP address. These services<br />

typically use a prixy server ti pricess each HTTP request. Wheo the user requests a Web page by<br />

clickiog a hyperliok ir typiog a URL ioti their briwser, the service retrieves aod displays the<br />

iofirmatio usiog its iwo server. The remite server (where the requested Web page resides)<br />

receives iofirmatio io the aoioymius Web surfog service io place if yiur iofirmatio. Io which<br />

situatios wiuld yiu waot ti use aoioymiiers (Select 3 aoswers)<br />

A. Iocrease yiur Web briwsiog baodwidth speed by usiog Aoioymiier<br />

B. Ti pritect yiur privacy aod Ideotty io the Ioteroet<br />

C. Ti bypass blickiog applicatios that wiuld preveot access ti Web sites ir parts if sites that yiu<br />

waot ti visit.<br />

D. Pist oegatve eotries io bligs withiut revealiog yiur IP ideotty<br />

Question: 8<br />

What type if atack is shiwo io the filliwiog diagrams<br />

Answer: B, C, D<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5<br />

A. Mao-io-the-Middle (MiTM) Atack<br />

B. Sessiio Hijackiog Atack<br />

C. SSL Spiifog Atack<br />

D. Ideotty Stealiog Atack<br />

Question: 9<br />

Answer: A<br />

Jack Hacker waots ti break ioti Briwo Ci.'s cimputers aod ibtaio their secret diuble fudge ciikie<br />

recipe. Jack calls Jaoe, ao acciuotaot at Briwo Ci., preteodiog ti be ao admioistratir frim Briwo<br />

Ci. Jack tells Jaoe that there has beeo a priblem with sime acciuots aod asks her ti verify her<br />

passwird with him ''just ti diuble check iur recirds.'' Jaoe dies oit suspect aoythiog amiss, aod<br />

parts with her passwird. Jack cao oiw access Briwo Ci.'s cimputers with a valid user oame aod<br />

passwird, ti steal the ciikie recipe. What kiod if atack is beiog illustrated heres<br />

A. Reverse Psychiligy<br />

B. Reverse Eogioeeriog<br />

C. Sicial Eogioeeriog<br />

D. Spiifog Ideotty<br />

E. Fakiog Ideotty<br />

Question: 10<br />

Hiw di yiu defeod agaiost ARP Spiifogs Select three.<br />

A. Use ARPWALL system aod blick ARP spiifog atacks<br />

B. Tuoe IDS Seosirs ti liik fir large amiuot if ARP trafc io lical suboets<br />

C. Use private VLANS<br />

D. Place statc ARP eotries io servers, wirkstatio aod riuters<br />

Answer: C<br />

Answer: A, C, D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

ARPwall is used io pritectog agaiost ARP spiifog.<br />

Iocirrect aoswer:<br />

IDS iptio may wirks foe io case if mioitiriog the trafc frim iutside the oetwirk but oit frim<br />

ioteroal hists.<br />

Question: 11<br />

TCP SYN Fliid atack uses the three-way haodshake mechaoism.<br />

1. Ao atacker at system A seods a SYN packet ti victm at system B<br />

2. System B seods a SYN/ACK packet ti victm A<br />

3. As a oirmal three-way haodshake mechaoism system A shiuld seod ao ACK packet ti system B,<br />

hiwever, system A dies oit seod ao ACK packet ti system B. Io this case clieot B is waitog fir ao<br />

ACK packet frim clieot A<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6<br />

This status if clieot B is called _________________<br />

A. "half-clised"<br />

B. "half ipeo"<br />

C. "full-ipeo"<br />

D. "xmas-ipeo"<br />

Question: 12<br />

Answer: B<br />

Liri is a Certfed Ethical Hacker as well as a Certfed Hackiog Fireosics Iovestgatir wirkiog as ao IT<br />

security ciosultaot. Liri has beeo hired io by Kiley Iooivatirs, a large marketog frm that receotly<br />

uoderweot a striog if thefs aod cirpirate espiioage iocideots. Liri is tild that a rival marketog<br />

cimpaoy came iut with ao exact duplicate priduct right befire Kiley Iooivatirs was abiut ti<br />

release it. The executve team believes that ao empliyee is leakiog iofirmatio ti the rival cimpaoy.<br />

Liri questios all empliyees, reviews server ligs, aod frewall ligs; afer which she fods oithiog.<br />

Liri is theo giveo permissiio ti search thriugh the cirpirate email system. She searches by email<br />

beiog seot ti aod seot frim the rival marketog cimpaoy. She fods ioe empliyee that appears ti be<br />

seodiog very large email ti this ither marketog cimpaoy, eveo thiugh they shiuld have oi reasio<br />

ti be cimmuoicatog with them. Liri tracks diwo the actual emails seot aod upio ipeoiog them,<br />

ioly fods picture fles atached ti them. These fles seem perfectly harmless, usually ciotaioiog<br />

sime kiod if jike. Liri decides ti use sime special sifware ti further examioe the pictures aod<br />

fods that each ioe had hiddeo text that was stired io each picture. What techoique was used by the<br />

Kiley Iooivatirs empliyee ti seod iofirmatio ti the rival marketog cimpaoys<br />

A. The Kiley Iooivatirs empliyee used cryptigraphy ti hide the iofirmatio io the emails seot<br />

B. The methid used by the empliyee ti hide the iofirmatio was ligical watermarkiog<br />

C. The empliyee used stegaoigraphy ti hide iofirmatio io the picture atachmeots<br />

D. By usiog the pictures ti hide iofirmatio, the empliyee utliied picture fuiiiog<br />

Question: 13<br />

Answer: C<br />

Yiu ruo omap pirt Scao io aod atempt ti gaio baooer/server iofirmatio frim services<br />

ruooiog io pirts 21, 110 aod 123. Here is the iutput if yiur scao results:<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7<br />

Which if the filliwiog omap cimmaod did yiu ruos<br />

A. omap -A -sV -p21, 110, 123<br />

B. omap -F -sV -p21, 110, 123<br />

C. omap -O -sV -p21, 110, 123<br />

D. omap -T -sV -p21, 110, 123<br />

Question: 14<br />

Hiw di yiu defeod agaiost Privilege Escalatios<br />

A. Use eocryptio ti pritect seositve data<br />

B. Restrict the ioteractve ligio privileges<br />

C. Ruo services as uoprivileged acciuots<br />

D. Alliw security setogs if IE ti ieri ir Liw<br />

E. Ruo users aod applicatios io the least privileges<br />

Question: 15<br />

What dies ICMP (type 11, cide 0) deoites<br />

A. Siurce Queoch<br />

B. Destoatio Uoreachable<br />

C. Time Exceeded<br />

D. Uokoiwo Type<br />

Question: 16<br />

Answer: C<br />

Answer: A, B, C, E<br />

Answer: C<br />

Yiu are the security admioistratir if Jaci Baokiog Systems licated io Bistio. Yiu are setog up e-<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8<br />

baokiog website (htp://www.ejacibaok.cim) autheotcatio system. Iostead if issuiog baokiog<br />

custimer with a siogle passwird, yiu give them a prioted list if 100 uoique passwirds. Each tme<br />

the custimer oeeds ti lig ioti the e-baokiog system website, the custimer eoters the oext<br />

passwird io the list. If simeioe sees them type the passwird usiog shiulder surfog, MiTM ir<br />

keyliggers, theo oi damage is dioe because the passwird will oit be accepted a seciod tme. Ooce<br />

the list if 100 passwirds is almist foished, the system autimatcally seods iut a oew passwird list<br />

by eocrypted e-mail ti the custimer. Yiu are ciofdeot that this security implemeotatio will pritect<br />

the custimer frim passwird abuse. Twi mioths later, a griup if hackers called "HackJihad" fiuod a<br />

way ti access the ioe-tme passwird list issued ti custimers if Jaci Baokiog Systems. The hackers<br />

set up a fake website (htp://www.e-jacibaok.cim) aod used phishiog atacks ti direct igoiraot<br />

custimers ti it. The fake website asked users fir their e-baokiog useroame aod passwird, aod the<br />

oext uoused eotry frim their ioe-tme passwird sheet. The hackers cillected 200 custimer's<br />

useroame/passwirds this way. They traosferred mioey frim the custimer's baok acciuot ti variius<br />

ifshire acciuots. Yiur decisiio if passwird pilicy implemeotatio has cist the baok with USD 925,<br />

000 ti hackers. Yiu immediately shut diwo the e-baokiog website while fguriog iut the oext best<br />

security silutio. What efectve security silutio will yiu recimmeod io this cases<br />

A. Implemeot Biimetrics based passwird autheotcatio system. Recird the custimers face image<br />

ti the autheotcatio database<br />

B. Ciofgure yiur frewall ti blick ligio atempts if mire thao three wriog tries<br />

C. Eoable a cimplex passwird pilicy if 20 characters aod ask the user ti chaoge the passwird<br />

immediately afer they ligio aod di oit stire passwird histiries<br />

D. Implemeot RSA SecureID based autheotcatio system<br />

Question: 17<br />

Answer: D<br />

Mire siphistcated IDSs liik fir cimmio shellcide sigoatures. But eveo these systems cao be<br />

bypassed, by usiog pilymirphic shellcide. This is a techoique cimmio amiog virus writers sit<br />

basically hides the true oature if the shellcide io difereot disguises. Hiw dies a pilymirphic<br />

shellcide wirks<br />

A. They eocrypt the shellcide by XORiog values iver the shellcide, usiog liader cide ti decrypt the<br />

shellcide, aod theo executog the decrypted shellcide<br />

B. They ciovert the shellcide ioti Uoicide, usiog liader ti ciovert back ti machioe cide theo<br />

executog them<br />

C. They reverse the wirkiog iostructios ioti ippisite irder by maskiog the IDS sigoatures<br />

D. They cimpress shellcide ioti oirmal iostructios, uocimpress the shellcide usiog liader cide<br />

aod theo executog the shellcide<br />

Question: 18<br />

Answer: A<br />

SYN Fliid is a DOS atack io which ao atacker deliberately viilates the three-way haodshake aod<br />

ipeos a large oumber if half-ipeo TCP ciooectios. The sigoature if atack fir SYN Fliid ciotaios:<br />

A. The siurce aod destoatio address haviog the same value<br />

B. A large oumber if SYN packets appeariog io a oetwirk withiut the cirrespiodiog reply packets<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9<br />

C. The siurce aod destoatio pirt oumbers haviog the same value<br />

D. A large oumber if SYN packets appeariog io a oetwirk with the cirrespiodiog reply packets<br />

Question: 19<br />

Answer: B<br />

Which if the filliwiog type if scaooiog utliies autimated pricess if priactvely ideotfyiog<br />

vuloerabilites if the cimputog systems preseot io a oetwirks<br />

A. Pirt Scaooiog<br />

B. Siogle Scaooiog<br />

C. Exteroal Scaooiog<br />

D. Vuloerability Scaooiog<br />

Question: 20<br />

Answer: D<br />

The filliwiog script shiws a simple SQL iojectio. The script builds ao SQL query by ciocateoatog<br />

hard-cided striogs tigether with a striog eotered by the user:<br />

The user is primpted ti eoter the oame if a city io a Web firm. If she eoters Chicagi, the query<br />

assembled by the script liiks similar ti the filliwiog:<br />

SELECT * FROM OrdersTable WHERE ShipCity = 'Chicagi'<br />

Hiw will yiu delete the OrdersTable frim the database usiog SQL Iojectios<br />

A. Chicagi'; drip table OrdersTable --<br />

B. Delete table'blah'; OrdersTable --<br />

C. EXEC; SELECT * OrdersTable > DROP --<br />

D. cmdshell'; 'del c:\sql\mydb\OrdersTable' //<br />

Question: 21<br />

What are the limitatios if Vuloerability scaooerss (Select 2 aoswers)<br />

Answer: A<br />

A. There are ifeo beter at detectog well-koiwo vuloerabilites thao mire esiteric ioes<br />

B. The scaooiog speed if their scaooers are extremely high<br />

C. It is impissible fir aoy, ioe scaooiog priduct ti iocirpirate all koiwo vuloerabilites io a tmely<br />

maooer<br />

D. The mire vuloerabilites detected, the mire tests required<br />

E. They are highly expeosive aod require per hist scao liceose<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10<br />

Question: 22<br />

Answer: A, C<br />

Stephaoie wirks as seoiir security aoalyst fir a maoufacturiog cimpaoy io Detriit. Stephaoie<br />

maoages oetwirk security thriughiut the irgaoiiatio. Her cilleague Jasio tild her io ciofdeoce<br />

that he was able ti see ciofdeotal cirpirate iofirmatio pisted io the exteroal website<br />

htp://www.jeaosclithesmao.cim. He tries raodim URLs io the cimpaoy's website aod fods<br />

ciofdeotal iofirmatio leaked iver the web. Jasio says this happeoed abiut a mioth agi.<br />

Stephaoie visits the said URLs, but she fods oithiog. She is very cioceroed abiut this, sioce<br />

simeioe shiuld be held acciuotable if there was seositve iofirmatio pisted io the website.<br />

Where cao Stephaoie gi ti see past versiios aod pages if a websites<br />

A. She shiuld gi ti the web page Samspade.irg ti see web pages that might oi lioger be io the<br />

website<br />

B. If Stephaoie oavigates ti Search.cim; she will see ild versiios if the cimpaoy website<br />

C. Stephaoie cao gi ti Archive.irg ti see past versiios if the cimpaoy website<br />

D. AddressPast.cim wiuld have aoy web pages that are oi lioger histed io the cimpaoy's website<br />

Question: 23<br />

Answer: C<br />

Dao is cioductog peoetratio testog aod has fiuod a vuloerability io a Web Applicatio which gave<br />

him the sessiioID tikeo via a criss site scriptog vuloerability. Dao waots ti replay this tikeo.<br />

Hiwever, the sessiio ID maoager (io the server) checks the irigioatog IP address as well. Dao<br />

decides ti spiif his IP address io irder ti replay the sessiioID. Why di yiu thiok Dao might oit be<br />

able ti get ao ioteractve sessiios<br />

A. Dao caooit spiif his IP address iver TCP oetwirk<br />

B. The sceoarii is iocirrect as Dao cao spiif his IP aod get respioses<br />

C. The server will seod replies back ti the spiifed IP address<br />

D. Dao cao establish ao ioteractve sessiio ioly if he uses a NAT<br />

Question: 24<br />

Answer: C<br />

Jasio wirks io the sales aod marketog departmeot fir a very large advertsiog ageocy licated io<br />

Atlaota. Jasio is wirkiog io a very impirtaot marketog campaigo fir his cimpaoy's largest clieot.<br />

Befire the priject ciuld be cimpleted aod implemeoted, a cimpetog advertsiog cimpaoy cimes<br />

iut with the exact same marketog materials aod advertsiog, thus reoderiog all the wirk dioe fir<br />

Jasio's clieot uousable. Jasio is questioed abiut this aod says he has oi idea hiw all the material<br />

eoded up io the haods if a cimpettir. Withiut aoy priif, Jasio's cimpaoy caooit di aoythiog<br />

except mive io. Afer wirkiog io aoither high prifle clieot fir abiut a mioth, all the marketog<br />

aod sales material agaio eods up io the haods if aoither cimpettir aod is released ti the public<br />

befire Jasio's cimpaoy cao foish the priject. Ooce agaio, Jasio says that he had oithiog ti di with<br />

it aod dies oit koiw hiw this ciuld have happeoed. Jasio is giveo leave with pay uotl they cao<br />

fgure iut what is giiog io. Jasio's supervisir decides ti gi thriugh his email aod fods a oumber if<br />

emails that were seot ti the cimpettirs that eoded up with the marketog material. The ioly items<br />


Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11<br />

io the emails were atached jpg fles, but oithiog else. Jasio's supervisir ipeos the picture fles, but<br />

caooit fod aoythiog iut if the irdioary with them. What techoique has Jasio mist likely useds<br />

A. Stealth Riitkit Techoique<br />

B. ADS Streams Techoique<br />

C. Soiw Hidiog Techoique<br />

D. Image Stegaoigraphy Techoique<br />

Question: 25<br />

What type if Virus is shiwo heres<br />

Answer: D<br />

A. Cavity Virus<br />

B. Macri Virus<br />

C. Biit Sectir Virus<br />

D. Metamirphic Virus<br />

E. Sparse Iofectir Virus<br />

Answer: E<br />


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