BBQ On The Beach Feb 2016

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Wormhole Bistro<br />

It be sutsh da funtastik daee, uz hab set da brekkie taebels on da<br />

patio an in da gardens tadaee, fur ya ta entshoee da sunshain an da warm wedder!<br />

Tadaee, uz hab da Irish brekkie fur ya, da eggies Bennie Brisbaen, da palatschinken<br />

wid da fillin of yawr tshoize, da kold kutz an fedschies buffet, an of korze da fresh paestrees an<br />

breds an buns an da lots of kaffee, tees, tshoozies or wutebber ya liek!<br />

Uz wish ya da good start inta da weekend!<br />

Ooooh, still so mutsh ta do fur da <strong>BBQ</strong>...

Shadow Man OMC mew's tables lookie luverlys tuday Pookie & Starlight n Troubie ans tuday da<br />

biggie day ans da grate n sunny day it bes too. Can me gets sums Eggies Benny ans da Cawfee<br />

wiff whippie cweams purrlease. Oh ans gud day tu mews awl too<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin, Shadow Man! ♫ Da eggies Bennie an da<br />

kaffee wid da wippee kreemz fur ya, heer ya be! Oh yes, it be da wunderfull, lubelie,<br />

warm an sunnee daee - tshuss purrfekt fur da beetsh partie! Mama Nature be so good to<br />

uz!<br />

Me did bring her da niez hamper an da pot wid da flauerin primrosies, too...<br />

Shadow Man Troubie, mew bes sew kinds tu Mother Nature ans her bein sew kinds tu us<br />

too Me luvs dis!<br />

Audra Gednalske <strong>The</strong> Wormhole looks beautiful outside today!<br />

Can I have a full plate please with Orange juice<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good morinin, Auntie Audra!<br />

an da orandsh tshoozie - an sum da kaffee, too?<br />

Wun da full brekkie traee<br />

Audra Gednalske Yes please.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (comes in from the wormhole) Hi, good morning, friends! Been<br />

around a bit and then home to care for a few things and hug my Big Bear... AT-CHOOOO! (blows<br />

her nose) Sorry, lingering allergies... At least now I have a fireproof outfit... and that purple hat<br />

can take quite some beating without suffering too much as well... Ah, Starlie, could I have a<br />

big coffee, the eggs Bennie and some salad, please?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Tea time kommin up fur ya, Mama!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun and I just finished our early breakfast. We have to get home and finish<br />

our errands so we get back in time for the barbeque. (Meomy hurries toward the wormhole.<br />

HoneyBun snags a snausage as she walks by the buffet table, waves thank you, and bye.)<br />

Wormhole Bistro (waves back) See you later then!<br />

Liz Reeve Hello Aunties, kitties! Today was a sunny day in the Netherlands too. I worked in the<br />

garden. Hubby had a painful back so couldn't do much. I pruned the rose. Haven't finshed it yet,<br />

but I'm halfway!<br />

Liz Reeve Oh and I want the eggies bennie and coffee and juice! I won't eat too much for now....<br />

Liz Reeve ...and Cleo would like to know if Aunty Vicky will be coming too? I guess she wants to<br />

see Circles again! Well i'll bring her anyway.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Good mornin, Auntie Liz! Wun da eggies Bennie, kaffee an<br />

orandsh tshoozie kommin rite up fur ya! Me not neao if Auntie Vicky an Circles be<br />

kommin, but me shoor hoep it!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Hi, Liz! Austria was sunny and dry today, too, at least the part of<br />

it where I'm living. <strong>The</strong> hazelnut bushes are in full bloom... and so are all spring<br />

flowers!<br />

Liz Reeve yes here too! I love it!

Dawn Barela May I have the Eggs Benedict please. and a cup of Irish Breakfast tea with cream<br />

and sugar><br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, hai, Auntie Dawn! Wun da eggies Bennie an da kup<br />

of Irish brekkie tee wid da kreemz an shugga, as soon as me got dem mussels owt of ma<br />

pawsies!<br />

Dawn Barela Thank you Starlight!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Taim ta get da grills heeted an load da kooler buffets on da beetsh...<br />

Mabel! Ya boff need ta halp!<br />

Hm... wid da littul myoosik, ebbereeding go betta!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnPL5OXSBNE<br />

Garcon!<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Boys - I Get Around<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Boys' vocal harmonies are among the most unmistakable and enduring of the rock<br />

and roll era. Among rock and roll groups of the Sixties, the Califor...<br />


Wormhole Bistro Shad> me heres tu helpie gets stouffs outsidePookie & Starlight n Troubie<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, graet, dank ya, Shad!<br />

buffet?<br />

Kan ya halp me load da salad<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> me shurs can!

Wormhole Bistro (dances through the kitchen to the cold store) Mabel! Halp me get da<br />

kooler bokses wid da fishies an stuff daun to da beetsh!<br />

Liz Reeve I can carry something too!<br />

Liz Reeve Don't let it fall out of your paws, Cleo!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, Cleo, koold ya karree dat bowl wid da klams ta beetsh kooler?<br />

Dank ya!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats<br />

·<br />

Artemis, Dre and Foote are here to party

Mrraoworks Cats<br />

Im here to drink some niptinis on da beach ~ Foo<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wellkomm, Mrraoworks Cats!<br />

Wun niptini kommin rite up fur ya!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Fangs mew ~ Da Foo

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Unkie Jon brings sums chairz tu sits on da <strong>Beach</strong>.<br />

Jon Adams<br />

Liz Reeve I want to be in the orange chair!!!!<br />

Dawn Barela <strong>The</strong>se are lovely chairs!<br />

Lunca Susanna thank you unkie jon<br />

Joyce Toye Thank you for the chairs Jon!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Thank you, Unkie Jon. Me and Meomy wants a purkle chair please.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Foote grabs a chair, he is ready for some sun after swimming

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shadow starts bringin outs da salads fur da <strong>BBQ</strong>! Me gots sums Cole Slaw, sums Tatie Salad,<br />

sums Greek Salad, sums Garden Salads, sums Pasta Salad ans sum Caesar Salads.<br />


Pookie & Starlight Mmmh, graet!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> me gots lots mur but finks dat bes nuff fur now<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me got da fyoo, too - uz shoor no run owt of salads<br />

tadaee!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> nope me gots sum pasta salads too<br />

Audra Gednalske Oh my favorites salads..<br />

A bowl of all please.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wun big bowl da miksed salads fur ya, Auntie Audra, heer ya be!<br />

Audra Gednalske Thank you Troubie<br />

Liz Reeve Yumyum...I'm so glad it's going to be summer again.<br />

Wormhole Bistro So be uz, Auntie Liz!<br />

Dawn Barela Yum! Can i have some coleslaw and potato salad please?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun koelslaw an tater salad, heer ya be, Auntie Dawn!<br />

Dawn Barela Thank you! It is as delicious as it looks!!

Lunca Susanna ow looking good best we take a bit of eberything too<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> here mew bes Auntie Lunca dat sampler plate ob awl da<br />

nummy salads<br />

Joyce Toye Those look lovely! I'm gonna try a little of each, please<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Here mew bes Auntie Joyce da sampler plate wiff sum ob each<br />

ob da salads fur mew<br />

Joyce Toye Thank you very much Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro mew welliecomes Auntie Joyce says Shad<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Artemis haz a bit of each salad, the boys wait fur da meat<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da sampler traee of salads kommin up!<br />

Susan Siefers <strong>The</strong> salad bar is my favorite part of any restaurant. (HoneyBun pipes up > <strong>The</strong><br />

BAKUM bar is mine!)<br />

Wormhole Bistro Da bakum bar gonna be open shortlee, HoneyBun!<br />

Janie Devaux Any loaded potato salad ?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Of korze, Auntie Janie! Wun tater salad fur ya, heer ya be!<br />

Uz got ALL kainds of salads heer!

Susan Siefers I whisper to HoneyBun, "You could probably Conga to this song."<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

(whirls around behind the counter of the beach bar) Me hab purrpaer sum da niez<br />

beetsh drinks fur ya... Sum da pink an rainbow aftanoon beetsh kocktaeels, da niez summer<br />

kockaeels wid da froots, da green kokonut beetsh kocktaeels an da non-alk froot kocktaeels!

Liz Reeve I want to try them all!<br />

Wormhole Bistro <br />

rite up!<br />

Wun traee da sampler glasses fur da Miss Cleo kommin<br />

Dawn Barela Wow! Troubie Do you have any recommendations? <strong>The</strong>y all look FABULOUS!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me woold adfaiz ta traee da rainbow kocktaeel first...<br />

Dawn Barela OK! I will try one please!<br />

Lunca Susanna good idea may we try them all too troubie mamsi says on the island where she<br />

was born they had a liqour called bleu curacao ans da rainbow reminds her of her island ans the<br />

had coconut in da gardens ans that was dangerous cause 1 could fall on your head<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da sampler kollektshung on da waee, Auntie Lunca!<br />

Oooh, kokonutz fallin on heds do saund bad...!<br />

Joyce Toye Well, Hellooo everyone! I think I'm gonna start out with the "da green kokonut beetsh<br />

kocktaeel" , please

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Joyce! Wun green kokonut kommin rite up!<br />

Joyce Toye Thank you Troubie!<br />

Carol Dorr <strong>The</strong>se look great. Artemis will have one<br />

Wormhole Bistro An anudder green kokonut kocktaeel fur Miss Artemis, heer<br />

ya be!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Wormhole Bistro Fangs mew ~ Artemis<br />

Janie Devaux We would like 15 each of the pink and 15 of the rainbow drinks please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Janie an da familie! Fiftieen da pinkie an fifteen<br />

da rainbow cocktaeels kommin up!<br />

Susan Siefers A sampler set up please. And HoneyBun wants to know if you can make her a<br />

bacon straw to sip her chickie milk shake.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wellkomm back, Auntie Susan, hai, Honey Bun! Wun<br />

sampler traee an da tshickie milkie shaek wid bakum straw on da waee!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Thank you, Troubie. Bakum makes chickie taste better, don't<br />

you think?<br />

Wormhole Bistro >Troubie> Ab-so-loot-lee, Miss HoneyBun!<br />

ebbereeding taest betta!<br />

Bakum maek<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> mmmm bakum makie da wurlds go rounds

Mrraoworks Cats Ohh these look so pawesome ~ Artemis, Da Foo grabs one too<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: (tugging on Vicky) hurry up Meowmy, I see Miss Cleo by the<br />

drinks. Hi everyone. Hi Miss Cleo, you're looking purrty today.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Vicky; (running Behind Circles) oooh! That rainbow cocktail looks so<br />

refreshing.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun big rainbow kommin rite up fur ya, Auntie Vicky!<br />

Quirky the Blind Kitten Oh, which one"<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, HAI, Quirky!<br />

It be feree good!<br />

Wanna hab da niez rainbow kocktaeel?

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Oh, an of korze der be da kaffee, too, an da beer fresh from da barrel!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, beer fresh on tap... I'll have one, please!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wurkin on it, Mama!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> here let's me at dat fing me will gets it wurkie fur da beers fur<br />

eberypawdy<br />

Mrraoworks Cats I will haz a beer ~ Dre<br />

Liz Reeve Oh it's looking so nice!

Quincey and Bonnie *Quincey displays a selection of tropical looking brews* Refreshments<br />

anyone?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Oh Quince des lookie catastical, me will habs one as him spys<br />

Bonnie n gibs her da smooch n hug Quincey and Bonnie<br />

Quincey and Bonnie Oh Shaddie mew are looking so handsome today my lub.<br />

*smooch* xx<br />

Mrraoworks Cats We will awl haz one ~ Foo, Foote, Stubbz, Artemis and Dre<br />

Susan Siefers I have to try one of those, please, Quincey.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, who could resist your brew, Quincey?<br />

have to try one, please!<br />

Of course I'll<br />

Wormhole Bistro Bonnie luv, mew members Foote ob daMrraoworks Cats, him da one<br />

dat officiated ats our Wedding me luv Quincey and Bonnie<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Dats right and it waz a moss wonderpurr wedding<br />

~ Foote<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> buddys n furriends still bes talkin bout it Foote ans fank mews<br />

gains too.

Mrraoworks Cats<br />

~ Foote<br />

Joyce Toye<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Wellkomm tadaee! Wun niptini kommin rite up fur ya!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats<br />

Im here to drink some niptinis on da beach ~ Foo<br />

Liz Reeve Hello Foo! So nice to see you!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Head bonx Auntie Liz Reeve

Joyce Toye Foo, that's a real nice ride ya got there!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Fangs mew and head bonx ~ Da Foo<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: W W look Meowmy, he has a motorcycle.<br />

Hi Foo. Kool! Wheels.<br />

Liz Reeve Circles!!!!!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Fangs mew<br />

~ Da Foo<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie (purring and drooling wipes whiskers.) oh hi Miss Cleo. Your reflection<br />

looks so purritful in Foo's motorcycle. I wonder if Meowmy would let me get one.<br />

Liz Reeve You seem to like the motorcycle more than me...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles( clears throat) I'm. Sorry. But but, well look at it. Isn't it<br />

kool? Well let's go check out the food. I hears there's fish and chicken too.

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Me da Shad habs sums Burgers n Hot Doggies n Veggies n Chickie n Ribs too on da grill now!

Mrraoworks Cats Now mews talkin! Dre, Foote and Foo will have a burger and some<br />

chicken..Ohh and ribs!! so yummy<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Hai der Mrraoworks Cats, me habs da full sampler platter ob eberyfings<br />

fur mew tu enjoys<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Wormhole Bistro Fangs mew<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> mew welliecomes<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Artemis tries da veggies and some chicken, its sooo good<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> me sew glads dat mew likie dem me puts sums nip on dem fur extwa<br />

flabours too<br />

Liz Reeve Chicken ...I want chicken!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun joins in > Chicken...I want chicken. I want chicken wif bakum!<br />

Liz Reeve Chicken with bakum...yes that's the best!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> here mew bes Miss Cleo ans Miss HoneyBun sums chickie wiff lots ob<br />

grilled bakum on dem fur mew boff<br />

Lunca Susanna yummie ribs chickie, burgers ans hot doggies who can resist that did i say ribs

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Mr. Shadow, do you hab any of dem chickie livers wrapped in<br />

bacon? Not for me! But Meomy likes dem.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Artemis sez she loves chikkie liver and wrapped in bacon? dat sounds<br />

like a bit ob heaven<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Artemis me habs sums chickie livers wrapped in bakums too, as Shad<br />

paws her da plate wiff sums on<br />

Susan Siefers Those look amazing, Shadow. YUM! <strong>The</strong>y taste even better than they<br />

look!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Oh these are so good , fangs mew ~ Artemis<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Artemis ans Auntie Susan me boff bery welliecomes

Joyce Toye Boy, you kits are puttin' out a great spread!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> fank mews Auntie Joyce, we luvs duein it too<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Hi guys. Can I gave some ribs please and a chicken<br />

for Circles<br />

please? Circles where are you? Looks around and sees him admiring Foo's motorcycle.<br />

Susan Siefers I hope he's not thinking of starting a motorcycle gang, er, club here at the<br />

Bistro. I draw the line at HoneyBun becoming a biker kitty-chickie.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Well some motorcycle gangs ER I mean clubs do good<br />

charitable work. When I live in California the Hells Angels hung out a a bar about a mile<br />

from our apartment. I don't think they a good gang but idk.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dere be da clubs dat saef an purrtekt da hurt kids an pets,<br />

too! Liek da Rescue Ink...<br />



Wormhole Bistro<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: MEOWMY! I want a motorcycle. Please?<br />

Susan Siefers We have a group here, <strong>The</strong> Patriot Guard, that serves as honor guard for<br />

fallen soldiers when their bodies are flown into the airport, they show up at veteran's<br />

funerals, collect toys for Toys for Tots drives. Motorcycles aren't cheap rides, and the<br />

guys I know who are riders treat them and the people who ride them with a lot of respect.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Have any of you seen the movie Bad Grandpa? Oh it's a<br />

naughty movie, only 5 or so actors everyone else were just innocent bystanders and one<br />

of those good motorcycle clubs was in it.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh yes and there's groups that protect mourners when that<br />

crazy church group protests.<br />

Lisa A Broshar Oh my my my. Yummies<br />

Quirky the Blind Kitten gotta have sum chicken...!!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ooh, Quirky, ya did sneek in widowt anneebuddy of uz seein<br />

ya! Me hoep ya did faind ebbereeding ya wanted...

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Fur dem hoo liek da fishies... heer ya go!<br />

An fur dem hoo liek dem fishies not grilled, uz hab da fresh sushi, too.

Quincey and Bonnie *Joey comes rushing up wearing a pair of lime green speedos and waving<br />

a fishing net* Hey Starlie - I lubs fishies.<br />

Pookie & Starlight Oh, HAI, Joey, me be so happee ya be heer!<br />

Susan Siefers Hi, Joey. Nice speedos. Be careful if SC Cooper shows up.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats MOL MOL I gots some speedos too ~ Foote, who brought along Da<br />

Stubbz too<br />

Mrraoworks Cats I gots some Speedos too ~ Da Foo<br />

Quincey and Bonnie See - speedos are the height of fashion # Joey

Susan Siefers Maybe, but if the Chief stops by he will likely have a heart attack.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Susan Siefers MOL he knows dat we juss playin around<br />

been in DaSlammer once already MOL<br />

Weez<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> just tells da Chief n Cooper ib dem shows up dat mew comes<br />

frum da speedo part ob da beach fur sum noms<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Fuddyduddy!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats We luffs da fish and da sushi ~ Artemis, Foo, Stubbz and Dre and Foote<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wun da full fishie menu kommin rite up! Oooh, an uz got da<br />

klams an oistars an udder mussels, too!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Pookie & Starlight yummy yummy<br />

Nutter Butter Good Girl Fishies! Yum yum!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Nutter Butter da ferree Godd Girl, wellkomm ta owr<br />

<strong>BBQ</strong>! Wun plaet da fishies kommin rite up!<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Hey dere Nutter Butter Good Girl, Foo, Foote, Dre, Stubbz and Artemis<br />

Nutter Butter Good Girl He everypawdy!<br />

Lunca Susanna ooowwww shrimpies ans sushi omc it;s a good thing i can eat eberything<br />

without getting fat

Wormhole Bistro Fishies no maek fat anneewaeez, Auntie Lunca - an shoor<br />

not heer!<br />

Joyce Toye Yummy! I'm gonna have some shrimps and some salmon, please<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Vicky: (puts on her sunglasses) hi guys, nice speedos Joey. Bright<br />

very bright.<br />

Janie Devaux Shrimp for 15 please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Here Auntie Janie as him paws obers da huge platter piled high<br />

wiff shrimpies fur mur den 15

Wormhole Bistro<br />

·<br />

An az ma DEER brudder Pookie hab saee me no kan waer da dong string bikinee in da<br />

publik, wut ya saee baut ma beetsh owtfit?<br />

Mrraoworks Cats MOL MOL Starlie we liked da bikini betfur<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me too...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> OMC Starlie darlin, mew goes n puts mew's kini on ans leaves<br />

Pookie tu me bouts dat, cuz mew wuds drown in dat fing frum da 30s<br />

Wormhole Bistro Starlie, go puts mew's kini on NOW says Shad, dat lookie like mew<br />

goin tu da bed fur da nite.

Susan Siefers It's a little retro, but it's a cute look on you.<br />

Quincey and Bonnie OMC! Starlie mew are looking very nice. *Joey fidgets about pulling at his<br />

speedos* um maybe I should get me coat??<br />

Pookie & Starlight Neao, DAT be da propa baff syoot fur da yung lady! Not da set of<br />

strings wid half a handkertsheef...<br />

Lunca Susanna but starlie is a beautiful young girl<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dat be eksaktlee da reezun me NO wanna hab her waer da<br />

strings raund all dem tom-katz, Auntie Lunca!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> now Pookie lets Starlie habs fun, her no gets intu any trubles<br />

here ans her lookie bery funnyah. Even Bonnie habs da lubly bathin suit on ans not one<br />

ob dem fings.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats We boyz iz awl gentlecats, we would nefur takes advantage ob da<br />

pretty girls, Iffen we did our sisfurz Artemis and Mega would slaps us silly ~ Foo, Dre,<br />

Foote and Stubbz<br />

Liz Reeve Pookie, don't be so over protecting! Starlie can take care of herself! I love her<br />

costume but it's not suited for the beach!<br />

Liz Reeve That suit is more suited for me...<br />

Joyce Toye How's about this...<br />

Mrraoworks Cats MOL MOL

Wormhole Bistro Shad> dat bes purrfect Auntie Joyce fur our wittle sisfur Starlie<br />

Joyce Toye<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun drains Meomy's glass while her attention is on the buffet, then starts<br />

singing and dancing. "I gots an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini dat my Meomy<br />

won't let me to wear!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh I love love love it. I wonder if I can get one in light purple in my size.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Auntie Vicky mew wuds be safe in case ob any misfortunates happenin<br />

gains<br />

Liz Reeve Auntie Vicky! You are here! Hmmm...Cleo is here too...did you bring Circles?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh yes he's here too. I think Foo's motorcycle distracted him. Shadow I<br />

think my days of wardrobe malfunctions are over. At leat I hope so.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Neao dat ma deer brudder did hab himz waee, ME gonna get MA<br />

waee - HEY, me be da KAT, me be waering FUR annewaeez, an dat littul bikeenie be moar dan<br />

enuff fur me! Me hab got nuddin ta haid!

Susan Siefers Georgeous, and you take such good care of your figure. Do I detect some<br />

jealousy on the part of your brother?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Him tshuss be da bit ofer-purrtektif, Auntie Susan!<br />

him dink me still be da littul kitten...<br />

Sum da taim,<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> now Starlie dat lookie gorgeous ans much cooler in dis hot sun, well<br />

dun gurl<br />

Mrraoworks Cats Ohh green looks furry good on mew<br />

~ Da Boys<br />

Pookie & Starlight Dank ya ferree mutsh, gentlekatz!<br />

komfortaebel ta waer, too...<br />

It be da lot moar<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

17 Std. ·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch…<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Boys - Good Vibrations<br />

Lyrics: I, I love the colorful clothes she wears And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair I hear<br />

the sound of a gentle word <strong>On</strong> the wind that lifts her pe...<br />


Mrraoworks Cats Artemis starts dancing

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Auntie Pat, is dat Collin singing? It sounds more like Collin than the<br />

record Meomy still has at home.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Miss HoneyBun ib mew bes hearing Collin singin wiff dem <strong>Beach</strong> Boys<br />

singin den mew hearing him cuz him awlways luvs da gud pawty, rite AuntieSusan ans GM Pat.<br />

Ans den Shad gets da poke n starts singin wiff dem too.<br />

I-I love the colorful clothes she wears<br />

And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair<br />

I hear the sound of a gentle word<br />

<strong>On</strong> the wind that lifts her perfume through the air<br />

I'm pickin' up good vibrations<br />

She's giving me excitations (Oom bop bop)<br />

I'm pickin' up good vibrations (Good vibrations, oom bop bop)<br />

She's giving me excitations (Excitations, oom bop bop)<br />

Good, good, good, good vibrations (Oom bop bop)<br />

She's giving me excitations (Excitations, oom bop bop)<br />

Good, good, good, good vibrations (Oom bop bop)<br />

She's giving me excitations (Excitations)<br />

Close my eyes, she's somehow closer now<br />

Softly smile, I know she must be kind<br />

When I look in her eyes<br />

She goes with me to a blossom world<br />

I'm pickin' up good vibrations<br />

She's giving me excitations (Oom bop bop)<br />

I'm pickin' up good vibrations (Good vibrations, oom bop bop)<br />

She's giving me excitations (Excitations, oom bop bop)<br />

Good, good, good, good vibrations (Oom bop bop)<br />

Susan Siefers Nice work, Shadow. Now it's truly a party.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (raises her glass) YEAH for Shadow Man!<br />

Liz Reeve Wish Collin was singing...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Fank mews Aunties Johanna ansSusan, Auntie Liz me wishes<br />

dat too cuz me misses me Brudder Collin sew muchie<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I dare bet that Collin IS singing... (raises her glass up to the<br />

always present rainbow) Cheers, Collin and all friends up there!

Susan Siefers Hear! Hear!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> raises him's glass bery high ans anudder one tu dat a ginger<br />

paw reaches down fur, tu our luved ones n friends !<br />

Liz Reeve Oh Shad, you sang that so nice!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews sew muchie Auntie Liz says Shad<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

·<br />

Me da Shad habs sum ob dem steaks awl ready now! Him calls out tu eberypawdys.<br />

der bes dubly baked taties too.<br />


Lunca Susanna da girls are all ready to get sum<br />

Quincey and Bonnie Mmmmmmmm steaks! Shaddie mew are such a good chef<br />

Liz Reeve Good to see you guys!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> fank mew me sweetie Bonnie n Quincey n Joey<br />

Bonnie<br />

Quincey and<br />

Susan Siefers Thank goodness for no calories! I can't say no to twice baked potatos.<br />

Mrraoworks Cats ohh that steak is cooked to purrfection<br />

and the taters are so good!<br />

Joyce Toye Oh yes I'll have me some of that, please!

Wormhole Bistro Shad paws obers da plate ob steak n dubly baked taties tu Auntie<br />

Joyce tu enjoys<br />

Joyce Toye Thank you Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Auntie Joyce<br />

Liz Reeve Come on Cleo! Let's have some steaks!<br />

Liz Reeve Yes and the taties!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad paws ober 2 plates ob da steaks n dubly baked taties fur Auntie<br />

Liz ans Miss Cleo<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: I'm sorry I hurt your feelings Miss Cleo. Can I sit with<br />

you?<br />

Vicky: Hi Liz and Cleo. I'm so glad spring is finally on the way.<br />

Daphne Berry This all looks so wonderful and I have to admit a weakness for foods cooked on a<br />

charcoal grill. I have to try everything! Thank you so much. And a nice iced tea to go with the<br />

meal. You're all so very nice to prepare such lovely dishes.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Daphne! Wun da sampler traee kommin rite<br />

up fur ya! - Troubie! Wun da aizee tee fur Auntie Daphne, pleeze!<br />

Kommin!<br />

Daphne Berry Thank you Pookie and Troubie, you are too kind.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ya be wellkomm, Auntie Daphne!

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Shaddie it's Unkie Shawn ans Auntie Rena,bes der any steaks ans dubly<br />

baked taties left ober? Those wud go great wiff da white zinfandel wine uz brought fur da party<br />

tuday.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Can uz hab our steaks cooked medium-rare purrlease?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Very well, Madam and Sir, two steaks with double baked<br />

potatoes and two glasses of Zinfandel. I will serve as quickly as possible. Please be<br />

seated in the meantime!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad starts singin gains!<br />

Well East coast girls are hip<br />

I really dig those styles they wear<br />

And the Southern girls with the way they talk<br />

<strong>The</strong>y knock me out when I'm down there<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mid-West farmer's daughters really make you feel alright<br />

And the Northern girls with the way they kiss<br />

<strong>The</strong>y keep their boyfriends warm at night<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

I wish they all could be California girls<br />

<strong>The</strong> West coast has the sunshine<br />

And the girls all get so tanned<br />

I dig a french bikini on Hawaii island<br />

Dolls by a palm tree in the sand<br />

I been all around this great big world<br />

And I seen all kinds of girls<br />

Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get back in the states<br />

Back to the cutest girls in the world<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

I wish they all could be California girls<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)<br />

I wish they all could be California<br />

(Girls, girls, girls yeah I dig the)<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> Boys- California Girls (1965)<br />

SUBSCRIBE!!!<br />


Mrraoworks Cats Oh I lubbz diz song ~ Artemis<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, great song... and great purrformance, Shad!<br />

Liz Reeve Ysy Shad! I wish I was in California!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews eberypawdy<br />

says Shad<br />

Daphne Berry Great song. I like Van Halen's version with David Lee Roth, too.

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad starts bringin out sums munchie foods too likie sums Debiled Eggies, cold cuts n cheeze<br />

trays, sums cheeze n crackers, ans sums Nacho Supreme.<br />

Liz Reeve Ohhhh deviled eggs! Mama look!

Liz Reeve Yes and I see a lot of other yummie things too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> paws obers tu Auntie Liz n Miss Cleo da large plate fur dems<br />

snackies<br />

Liz Reeve Thank you! Glad it is a large plate! We'll need it!<br />

Lunca Susanna o i'll hab a couple ob debilled eggs ans a plate wizz cold cuts for da girls it's<br />

almost time for us to leebs is getting late for da girlls<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Auntie Lunca afors mew n da gurls leaves grab da takie out bag<br />

n fills it up wiff lots ob goodies tu takie homes wiff mew awl as Shad paws over da plate tu<br />

puts dem snackies on.<br />

Lunca Susanna i will good idea thanks a lot<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Auntie Lunca<br />

Lunca Susanna thank you eberyone we had a good time but da girls habs their snacks<br />

ans then they will go to bed you all hab a wonderful time ans weez see you all for brekkie<br />

xxxxxx<br />

Wormhole Bistro ("") Shad waves, Bye Bye Auntie Lunca ans gurls we sew happy dat<br />

mew comes tuday n habs da gud time too<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I'm sure not hungry anymore... but these nachos look too tempting to<br />

skip them!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad paws ober da plate ob da nachos tu Auntie Johanna, grate pawty<br />

tuday Auntie n lots ob fun too but nopawdy dancie yets.

Nicki Czalbowski Flick Just enuff time to have a quick plate of noms Lexi and I will have<br />

sum nachos and 2 deviled eggs,pleze..and sum nipsy cola for me and kitty milk for Lexi please<br />

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Nicki me habs da plate here fur mew wiff nachos n dbiled<br />

eggies fur mew n 1 Nipsi Cola ans da kitty milk fur Miss Lexi too<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh yes Johanna the nachos do look yummy. We've had taco bell a<br />

couple times recently and they are lacking. <strong>The</strong>se look so fresh.<br />

Think I'll have some deviled eggs too.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Dragon Gang Beep-beep-PURRRR Hello, furendssss!<br />

natshossss, too, pleezzzze?<br />

Kann uzzzz haffff ssum da<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> Here me wittle ones me makie up da plate ob da nachos fur<br />

mew wiff extwa hot peppers likie dem jalepeno ones as Shad sets it down on a table fur<br />

dem tu enjoys<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dragon Gang Thhhank ya, Unkie Shad! Nom-nom-nom-nom....<br />

(biting into an extra hot chili) Oooooooh, HOTTTTT!


waz dat?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dragon Gang Ooopssss, ssorreee... but thhhat wasss HOTTT!<br />

Janie Devaux A little of everything please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> paws Auntie Janie da large plate wiff sums ob eberyfings on it<br />

fur her ans da whole clowder tu enjoys<br />

Lisa A Broshar I'm gonna Habs to skip noms tonite. My hubby is taking me to eat at our home<br />

town restaurant. I just hope it's as good as your food Shadow. Thank you<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad says tu Auntie Lisa, we gunna miss mew but habs da grate time<br />

habin da din din wiff mew's hubby<br />

Joyce Toye Yay! Deviled eggs!

Wormhole Bistro Shad paws Auntie Joyce da plate wiff lots ob Debiled Eggies on it fur<br />

her<br />

Joyce Toye Yummy!

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Da aizee kreemz kart be heer!<br />

As yooshual, ya kan hab ALL sorts, an da speshyul arraendshmants liek da shrimpie aiz kreemz<br />

koen, too.<br />

An fur dem hoo liek da warm sertz, uz hab put sum da nanas wid tshokalaet on da <strong>BBQ</strong>... Dat go<br />

ferree well wid da nilla aizee!

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Ah, no good beach party without the ice cream cart! Surprise me,<br />

Pookie-darling - you know what I like! And I'll have those grilled chocolate bananas a little later...<br />

Pookie & Starlight Wun da big kup wid yawr faeforet sorts an lots da wippee<br />

kreems, heer ya be, Mama!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dragon Gang Aizzzee kreeemzzzzz! PURRRR! Pookie, uzzzz all lufffff ya, ya<br />

neao dat, rite?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Tehehehe... of korze ya do... speshyullee wenn me got dat<br />

kart owt... Heer be da big traee of aizee kreemz fur ya kids!<br />

Liz Reeve Look at that!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh that's a pretty ice cream sundae.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Hi Pookie. Can I have two vanilla ice creams with shrimpies please?<br />

But I don't like the cones, can you put one in a bowl with some. Whipped nip cream please?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hai, Auntie Vicky! Too da nilla shrimpie aizee kreemz wid<br />

lots da wippee nip kreemz in da bowl, heer ya be! Pleeze entshoee!

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Thank you. Mmmm they look good.<br />

Liz Reeve Ice cream with shrimpies???<br />

Wormhole Bistro (shrugs) Shoor, Auntie Liz! Ma also hab da tshickie aizee<br />

kreemz, da beef bouillon aizee kreemz, da bakum sundaees, da mato aizee wid fresh<br />

basil... As me hab purrmized: ALL sorts be heer fur ya!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Miss Cleo look I got us ice creams with lotz and lotz of<br />

whipped nip cream.<br />

Liz Reeve oh that is so nice of you Circles! But....where are the shrimpies???<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Looks around. Oops I think they fell off when I was (looks<br />

embarrassed) when I was looking at Foo's motorcycle again.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> comes runnin obers Circles mew furgets dis plate wiff da<br />

shrimpies on it fur mew ans Miss Cleo<br />

Wormhole Bistro (coming to the rescue with a big plate) Nobuddy heer hab ta<br />

suffer da lack of shrimpies! - Pssst, Circles... ya betta paee moar attentshun ta da rite<br />


Liz Reeve Now Cleo, enough shrimpies??<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Thank you both. Rite obtshekt? What do you mean?<br />

Oh look Miss Cleo, Shad and Starlie have really set us up good. (thinking) oh rite<br />

obtshekt, I get it.<br />

Liz Reeve yes Circles shall we eat the icecream first and the whippie<br />

cream...before it melts...or the shrimpies first...no no the icecream...or or...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie (mumbling with full mouth) mmmm I thinkz it tastestes best all<br />

together. Mmmm nom.nom<br />

Liz Reeve did i tell you I like you Circles?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie (blushing) no. ☹ but but but you do don't you?<br />

Liz Reeve yes I do Circles!<br />

Janie Devaux Peanut butter ice cream for 15 please .<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fifteen da peenutz budda aizee kreemz koens kommin rite<br />

up fur ya! (dances behind his ice cream cart like a flying dervish, fixing cone after cone)<br />

Heer ya be... an ya... an ya... an wun moar... an OOPS, ya get da nyoo wun rite awaee!<br />

Joyce Toye I'm gonna have the nanas and chocolate, please, mmm, mmm, mmm! Oooo! With<br />

the nilla ice, too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad paws Auntie Joyce da plate wiff nanas n chocolate on it fur her tu<br />


Joyce Toye Thank you Shad!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Auntie Joyce says Shad<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

·<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LutrOwF5bo<br />

Ans Shadow sings along<br />

Ah ah ah ah oo ooo ooo oo ahh<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls on the beach<br />

<strong>On</strong> the beach you'll find them there<br />

In the sun and salty air<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls on the beach<br />

Are all within reach<br />

If you know what to do<br />

How we love to lie around<br />

Girls with tans of golden brown<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls on the beach<br />

Are all within reach<br />

And one waits there for you<br />

(Girls on the beach)<br />

<strong>The</strong> sun in her hair<br />

<strong>The</strong> warmth of the air<br />

<strong>On</strong> a summer day<br />

As the sun dips out of sight<br />

Couples on the beach at night<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls on the beach<br />

Are all within reach<br />

And with the boys tonight<br />

(Girls on the beach)<br />

BEACH BOYS - Girls on the <strong>Beach</strong> (1964) High Quality Stereo!<br />

This will sweep you right back to that wonderful summer of '64. From their fabulous "All Summer<br />

Long" LP, and probably should have also been a single.<br />


Liz Reeve 1964...I was 15!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> momma waz her says 11 den...teeheehee, me canna sees me<br />

momma dat age Auntie Liz<br />

Liz Reeve That's difficult Shad...But I'm sure she remembers well! I do remember...I<br />

wasn't really happy at the time...but I guess a lot of teenagers weren't!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Momma not likie tu members but her likie dat musics tho. Auntie Liz<br />

Janie Devaux Now I feel young since I was born in 67 .<br />

Liz Reeve You are very young Janie!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad says tu Auntie Janie, momma calls mew da spring chickie Auntie<br />

Liz Reeve Hehehe! Janie did you see that...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Ooooh, that song is just as old as me!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad> anudder spring chickie Auntie Johanna?<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Just like most of us here!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otays as Shad runs obers n gibs AuntieJohanna da hooge paw hugs

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad says dis gunna bes me last song cuz it takie lots outa me tu sings it ans dis one bes hard tu<br />

sing sew me hopie dat mew likie it.<br />

Cara Mia why must we say goodbye?<br />

Each time we part my heart wants to die<br />

Darling hear my prayer<br />

Cara Mia fair<br />

I'll be your love till the end of time<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia why must we say goodbye?<br />

Each time we part my heart wants to die<br />

Darling hear my prayer<br />

Cara Mia fair<br />

I'll be your love till the end of time<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Oh oh oh oh oh<br />

Oh oh oh oh oh<br />

Each time we part my heart wants to die<br />

Darling hear my prayer<br />

Cara Mia fair<br />

I'll be your love till the end of time<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

Cara Mia mine<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Jm4p_HCwKA<br />

Jay and <strong>The</strong> Americans - Cara Mia<br />

Original recorded song/video sync<br />


Susan Siefers Oh, Shadow, you have to record that one for Bonnie!

Wormhole Bistro Mew finks sew Auntie Susan? Mew finks her wud likie it?<br />

Susan Siefers She would like it - especially if you sang it for her.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me will praktize murs dem me will AuntieSusan, fanks fur da idea!<br />

Liz Reeve Yes for Bonnie!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Definitely!<br />

Shad... in purrfect harmony...<br />

And I think I did hear another voice along with yours,<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yuppers Auntie Johanna, our voices awlmost blends intu one but dat waz me<br />

Brudder Collin singin wiff mes gain. It makie me happy tu hears him sing gain.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: But you didn't do under the boardwalk. (looks a Miss Cleo then<br />

winks at Shadow)<br />

Liz Reeve ohhh....we could take a walk on the beach...<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Yes. I like that. And snuggle on a blankie under the<br />

boardwalk.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otay since mew 2 young ones requested in me will due fur mew Under<br />

da Boardwalk.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Oh thank you.<br />

Liz Reeve

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Maybe you have it on a jukebox.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Ya meen dat wun?<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPEqRMVnZNU<br />

Under the boardwalk - <strong>The</strong> drifters<br />


Liz Reeve So romantic..!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh yes that's the one.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: (grabs a blankie and Miss Cleo's paw and pulls her to<br />

the boardwalk.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Be careful you no gets you pawzies wet Miss Cleo.<br />

Liz Reeve Bring her back healthy and sound Circles!<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: I will Auntie Liz. Maybe a little sandy though.<br />

Liz Reeve Hmmm...

Susan Siefers <strong>The</strong>re is another one Bonnie might like if you are making a recording, Shad. "If"<br />

by the group Bread. I don't know if it's ever been on the juke box, but it is a pretty ballad.<br />

Wormhole Bistro www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a_4fBH_7dk<br />

If by Bread, David Gates, w/ Lyrics<br />


Susan Siefers HoneyBun > And one by one the stars will all go out, and you and I will<br />

simply fly away. I like songs about flying.<br />

Joyce Toye Wooo! You guys are singin' and playin' some great music!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews Auntie Joyce says Shad.<br />

Daphne Berry Love the song Shad. That was beautiful. Thank you. Have a good evening.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews Auntie Daphne

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad says dis one me gunna sings ans it bes by pecial request too.<br />

Oh, when the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof<br />

And your shoes get so hot, you wish your tired feet were fireproof<br />

Under the boardwalk, down by the sea<br />

<strong>On</strong> a blanket with my baby is where I'll be<br />

(Under the boardwalk) Out of the sun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be havin' some fun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) People walking above<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be falling in love<br />

Under the boardwalk, boardwalk<br />

From the park you hear the happy sound of a carousel<br />

Mmm, you can almost taste the hot dogs and French fries they sell<br />

Under the boardwalk, down by the sea, yeah<br />

<strong>On</strong> a blanket with my baby is where I'll be<br />

(Under the boardwalk) Out of the sun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be havin' some fun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) People walking above<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be falling in love<br />

Under the boardwalk, boardwalk<br />

Oh, under the boardwalk, down by the sea, yeah<br />

<strong>On</strong> a blanket with my baby is where I'll be<br />

(Under the boardwalk) Out of the sun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be havin' some fun<br />

(Under the boardwalk) People walking above<br />

(Under the boardwalk) We'll be falling in love<br />

Under the boardwalk, boardwalk<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKmKezVBdOQ<br />

<strong>The</strong> Drifters - Under <strong>The</strong> Boardwalk (Official Video) Re-Mastered<br />


Susan Siefers Bravo! (Circles, you are blushing!)

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Wonderful, Shad!<br />

- And thank you, Collin...<br />

Mrraoworks Cats ohh great sone<br />

Wormhole Bistro Fank mews eberypawdy says Shad!<br />

Joyce Toye WooHoo!<br />

Liz Reeve Clap clap clap! Thank you Shad!<br />

Liz Reeve and thank you Collin too!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bery welliecomes Says Shad but mew can faintly hears Collin sayin it at<br />

da same time too<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Yes thank you very much. <strong>The</strong> purrfect cuddlez musics<br />

Liz Reeve purrrrrrr......<br />

Lisa A Broshar Oh sing it baby<br />

Daphne Berry Thank you for the great song Shad. You're the best!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, hai, Auntie Daphne!<br />

or sum da noms?<br />

Great ta see ya! Kan uz get ya da drink

Daphne Berry Yes, sounds great. Whatever you recommend. Thanks.<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad walks by the outdoor juke box ans it springs as ib by majik tu life.<br />

www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQswfILThsY<br />

Bob Seger - Old Time Rock n Roll - <strong>The</strong> Distance Tour 1983<br />

Bob Seger & <strong>The</strong> Silver Bullet Band - <strong>The</strong> Distance Tour 1983 - Detroit - Cobo Hall<br />


Wormhole Bistrohttps://yurination.files.wordpress.com/.../hanayamata...<br />

Susan Siefers It has been a good party, hasn't it Jacky.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (raises her glass) Cheers, Auntie Angel Jacky!

Liz Reeve Cheers Auntie Jacky!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad raises him's glass bery high n says 'Fank mews Auntie Angel Jacky, we<br />

luvs mew n misses mew'<br />

Joyce Toye Great song!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

If anneebuddy be lackin da full glass ta raize... me still be heer behaind da bar!

Susan Siefers I'll have a purkle cocktail, please.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Da purkel wun fur ya, heer ya be, Auntie Susan!<br />

Liz Reeve Yes My glass is empty! I would love the purple brew!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Heer ya be, Auntie Liz! (raises his own glass of purple brew)<br />

Cheers!<br />

Liz Reeve Cheers!<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Unkie Shawn and i would like the purrkle brew purrlease.

Wormhole Bistro Too da purkels kommin rite up fur ya!<br />

still be sum da noms on da <strong>BBQ</strong>...<br />

An me dink dere<br />

Joyce Toye <strong>On</strong>e Purple-Tini please! And "Thank You All"-for such a great time! Food was<br />

Excellent and the Drinks, too! Love To All <strong>The</strong> Furbabies!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wun da purkel-tini, and dank ya fur kommin, Auntie Joyce!<br />

It onlee be da fun wenn owr furends do komm an HAB da fun!<br />

Joyce Toye<br />

XoXo<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Gets a niptini and two straws for him and Miss Cleo to share.<br />

(yells) Meowmy do you want the Blue Hawaii or the Bahama Mama.<br />

Vicky: <strong>The</strong> blue Hawaii please.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles: Miss Cleo, its getting late let me paw you over to your Momma<br />

and we can sip a niptini together.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh, Circles, Miss Cleo's Momma allreddee hab go home, but<br />

her hab saee dat her be shoor Miss Cleo be grown up enuff ta faind her waee bai<br />

herselfie! Mebbee ya kan bring da lubbelie lady home da bit laeta?<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Oh thanks you. I'LL just escourt her home. Thanks you all for a lovely<br />

beach party.<br />

Vicky Wagner McKenzie Circles and Miss Cleo: Bye. Good night everyone. Thank you<br />

for everything.

Wormhole Bistro Good nite, furends, uz be happee ya hab be<br />

heer! Hab da niez walkie tagedder... an da sweet dreemz!<br />

Daphne Berry That is a yes to the purple cocktail and the trio of tropical drinks. I would certainly<br />

like to sample the other drinks which look so lovely. Thanks.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Wellkomm, Auntie Daphne! Wun da purkel kocktaeel, da<br />

tropikal trio an da sampler glasses of da rest - CHEERS, Auntie Daphne!<br />

Daphne Berry Mozel tov, cheers and good fortune. Thanks.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dank ya an PROST, Auntie Daphne!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

(kicks the juke box) Uz no kan hab da partie widowt at leest WUN konga heer!<br />

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBM3RlgjhQQ<br />

Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - Conga (HD,1080)<br />

Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine - Conga (HD,1080) Video-re-edit by DJ-<br />

Mambito ,http://www.salsaradioamsterdam.nl FB:https://www.facebook.com/mambito.d...<br />


Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Wheeee!! Conga!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Komm on, HoneyBun!<br />

Da-da-da-da-KICK!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > Da-da-da-da-KICK! Da-da-da-da-KICK! Da-da-da-da-KICK!<br />

Ooops! (HoneyBun mis-kicked.)<br />

Shadow Man Shad paws Miss HoneyBun's back n da da da da da kick, da da da da da<br />

kick, da da da da da twirl, da da da da da kick.<br />

Liz Reeve Da-da-da-da-Kick! I'll follow you!<br />

Liz Reeve And then I have to conga home....thank you all for the wonderful party! I loved<br />

it! And when you see Cleo...well she knows how to come home...<br />

Wormhole Bistro (congas over and hugs his Auntie) Uz be happee ya hab<br />

komm over fur owr littul partie, Auntie Liz! Uz tell Cleo were ya be wenn her show up<br />

agaeen, purrmized! Hab da good nite wid da sweet dreemz!<br />

Wormhole Bistro (waves) Bai, Auntie Liz!<br />

Good nite, Auntie Liz! See ya tamorra!<br />

Sleep well!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Good night, Liz! We'll send Cleo home, don't worry!<br />

Shadow Man Nitey nites Auntie Liz<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun, we have to be heading home, too. Shadow, Starlie, Pookie, Troubie,<br />

we had a great time, and as usual, the food was amazing. I know we missed a few things so I'll<br />

check the stasis thingy closely when we stop by in the morning. Sweet dreams, everyone.

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Bye, Susan and HoneyBun! Have a good night!<br />

Pookie & Starlight & Troubie> Bai, Auntie Susan an HoneyBun! Dank ya fur habin<br />

komm ofer! Sleep well an hab da byootifull dreemz, see ya tamorra!<br />

Shadow Man Nitey nites Auntie Susan ans Miss HoneyBun<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Silly Starlie wai did mew kick the jukebox? I hope mew did not hurt your<br />

paw sweetie!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Me kick da boks ta do da da-da-da-da-KICK!<br />

Leann Applegate Whoo hoo! 1 2 3 cha cha cha 1 2 3 cha cha cha!! I lubs to dance!!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Shad comes quietly in ans sees Auntie Johanna asleep in da big chair in da grate room ans kitty<br />

sleepin awl obers sew him cleans up awl da food ans puts eberyfings in da stasis fingy ans gets<br />

da cawfee awl ready fur da mornin ans lays out da tea box n fills up da fridge wiff shakies,<br />

smoothies, juices n milks.<br />

Leaves da note n says dat it waz him who did this ans hopie dat eberypawdy habed da gud<br />

sleepies.<br />

Pookie & Starlight (opens one eye, stretches a wing before folding it neatly<br />

over himself and mumbles) Dank ya, Shad, hab da good nite!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad whispers to Troubie; mew weliecomes now goes back tu<br />

sleepies me buddy

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Auntie Rena ans Unkie Shawn whisper goodnight to<br />

Shaddie,Pookie,Troubie ans Starlie,we will see mew all later tuday,we will be back for brekkie.<br />

Rena Ann Kolodnicki Auntie Rena ans Unkie Shawn go upstairs to the forest room for sleepiez<br />

neaoo.<br />

Leann Applegate Goodnight handsome Shadow Man! I'm going to sleep upstairs! <strong>The</strong> planes<br />

flying over are loud!! Grabs snacks and goes upstairs!! Goodnight everypawdy!!<br />

Lunca Susanna sssst girls no waking anyone quick da little ones get da drinkie ans misty<br />

ans mamsi will get da noms for da fist brekkie night night eberybody<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun and I walk into the Bistro and see Auntie Johanna and the<br />

kitties sleeping in da big chair. I whisper to HoneyBun to speak softly and let them sleep<br />

in, then we go to the stasis thingy to get our early breakfast. What a treasure trove of<br />

choices! HoneyBun picks out a tuna steak and a chickie milkshake complete with a bacon<br />

straw, and I find a plate shoving its way to the front that is already loaded with an<br />

assortment of salads, devilled eggs, and barbequed ribs. A perfect accompaniment to<br />

coffee.<br />

Lunca Susanna missed that one<br />

Susan Siefers Judging by personal experience with the stasis thingy, if it's ever been in<br />

there, it's still available. Of course, that could just mean that not all of a dish was<br />

removed....but I'm beginning to think it is learning to anticipate the appetites of the aunties<br />

and kitties who stop in for an early breakfast - or very late night snack.

Pookie & Starlight (stretches, yawns and slowly opens her eyes) Oh, hi, good mornin,<br />

Auntie Susan an HoneyBun! Dat hab be da good partie, rite? (Hops down and strolls to<br />

the stasis unit) Hm... toona or tshickie? Hm... betta toona AN tshickie!<br />

(opens one eye) Did me heer toona? - Good mornin!<br />

Susan Siefers HoneyBun > And bakum straws!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (lets out a huge yawn, stretches and looks around) Good<br />

mornin! YAAAAWN! Taim fur da brekkie... (Jumps down and stretches again) Staek an<br />

kaffee... dat be it...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (moves slightly, blinks and sighs) Oh, time to wake up, I guess... - Good<br />

morning, everybody! (sorts her limbs and gets up from the big chair, then stretches like a cat)<br />

CRACK! Yep, that's better... and now coffee... lots of coffee...!<br />

Susan Siefers (I move my feet out of the way as Garcon goes scooting across the room<br />

with a HUGE mug of coffee.) Good morning, Johanna. I think there are more leftovers in<br />

the stasis thingy this morning than there was food on the tables yesterday. And like so<br />

many things, the flavors seem to improve overnight!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Yep... that thing, too, keeps amazing me. - Thank you, Garcon,<br />

your are an electronic angel! - Somehow, around here, sophisticated technology<br />

shows features that never were part of the original design...<br />

Susan Siefers Fulfillment of optimal potential....I think that's why the people and<br />

furbabies here are so nice.<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal That might be true, Susan...

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