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Vol 3 Issue 11<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Welcome to the latest edition of Elite Construction. In this<br />

issue we take a look at the latest Construction news throughout<br />

the UK. We then take a peel into the latest Construction Projects<br />

including Cumbernauld’s new high rise f’lats built by Cruden<br />

Building. Also Neilcott Construction superb development of a new<br />

sports hall at the German School in Richmond, London. We then<br />

take a look at the great work performed by The Colarodo Group<br />

in the resteration work at Cambo Stables. We also feature a dive<br />

into Spellar Metcalfe’s Perdiswell Leisure Centre which includes<br />

a unique swimming pool consisting of a movable f’loor designed<br />

and fitted by Netherland based company Variopool.<br />

Then as always the following pages feature company prof’les<br />

from some of the UK and Irelands largest construction f’rms as<br />

they wrap their 2017 work up on another succesful year in the<br />

construction industry. Finally we have a special feature from the<br />

social media famous On the Tools and take a gander into the<br />

humerous side of the industry we love. Our December issue is<br />

due to be published on return from the Christmas break, from<br />

all the team at Elite Construction have a Happy Christmas and a<br />

Wonderful New Year. Next year we hope to add to our ever growin<br />

subcscribers list so like ever please share our publication. Happy<br />

Reading!<br />

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If you would like to feature a company profile/project in a future<br />

edition please contact our sales team on 01204 298 251 and a<br />

member of the team will be happy to help.<br />

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Tel: 01204 298 251 Email: office@elitemagazines.co.uk Web: www.blueprintmags.co.uk


According to data from the UK Green Building Council, an estimated 15% of materials that<br />

are delivered to site are taken to landf’ill. This is due to reasons such as the mismanagement<br />

of purchasing and scheduling. Not only causing issues with prof’it and money but also<br />

causing further implications with things such as productivity and health and safety.<br />

Therefore, as a result of this, new technologies have been developed to address the<br />

industry’s issues. Following a report from construction company OSC, it has been<br />

established that there are currently four main technological trends that are revolutionising<br />

the industry.<br />

First up is the smart materials. Engineered to respond to changes in the environment, these<br />

materials help improve not just prof’itability but also save millions in repair costs due to<br />

their longevity. Examples of this can include concrete that can gather heat to prevent the<br />

build-up of ice/snow on busy roads or, concrete that can repair cracks that appear over<br />

time.<br />

Alongside this, another technological advancement used within the industry is drones.<br />

Used widely across a variety of sectors, drones are now being introduced into construction<br />

work. These small machines are able to monitor sites from above and can collect data<br />

not only quicker but more accurately than a person could. Plus, they can also check for<br />

structural integrity/damage and complete jobs that pose risks for human workers.<br />

Mobile apps are another technological advancement that the construction industry has<br />

benefitted from. From things as simple as virtual spirit level apps to more complex software<br />

such as drone-assisted services, these mobile apps effectively allow companies to work<br />

more eff’iciently. Alongside this, more eff’icient planning can take place too.<br />

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Finally, there is 3D printing. Advances in this technology could have massive advancements<br />

for the industry, allowing complex designs to be created with low labour costs and limited<br />

wastage. Last year, China successfully built the f’irst ever 3D printed house (see below). It<br />

was rather basic though with no plumbing, electrics or roof. However, what it did provide<br />

was an insight into how much technology, and the construction industry, in turn, could<br />

advance over the years.<br />



According to research, construction workers lose around three days of work during the<br />

winter months due to poor lighting. But with better lighting, workers could actually earn,<br />

on average, around £295 more during winter.<br />

New analysis from Direct Line for Business has recently found that across the UK, this could<br />

amount to the industry losing up to £265 million a year. All because of lighting.<br />

Last year it was found that during the summer months, on average construction workers<br />

clocked around 37.9 hours a week. However, during the winter months of October to<br />

March, it was found that fewer hours were clocked with an average of 37.2 a week.<br />

Consequently, over the course of winter, it was revealed that workers actually lose a total of<br />

twenty hours and twenty-two minutes of working time. That’s nearly three days of work.<br />

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When looking at the average weather for the UK in winter, there are less than nine and a<br />

half hours of sunlight In comparison, it was found that during the summer, there is over<br />

f’ifteen hours worth of sunlight. That’s a massive f’ive and a half hours less sunlight. So for<br />

those working outside, like construction workers, who rely on the light to be able to work,<br />

that’s more than f’ive hours less time to work.<br />

Broken down with the average tradesman earning £544.60 a week, this means that over the<br />

winter months they would face a loss of £295.32. So, for the industry as a whole, 899,000<br />

workers could be missing out on almost three hundred pounds a year. For the industry, this<br />

adds up to a £265,495,910 loss.<br />

Matt Boatwright, the Head of Direct Line for Business described: “Those working in the<br />

construction industry are clearly in demand, with the average hours of work increasing by<br />

more than 45 minutes per week over the last decade.”<br />

“However, the UK’s construction businesses have always been restricted in the hours that<br />

they work by the weather, with poor weather conditions or light quality having an impact.”<br />

“New innovations, such as Fleetlights, which is a prototype service that uses a f’leet of f’lying<br />

torch drones, responsive to movement and controlled via a bespoke app, could potentially<br />

make the construction industry more productive.”<br />

“Just a few minutes’ extra work per day can have a positive impact on a project, and<br />

without the burden of poor light, the construction industry could complete contracts faster<br />

and increase their business’ earning potential as a result.”<br />


According to a recent survey of over two hundred trainee roofers, 43% revealed that the<br />

fear of injury, or even death, is their biggest concern.<br />

Specif’ically, of the 212 that were surveyed, it was found that 63 of the trainee roofers were<br />

most concerned about falling from a height. Alongside this, twelve revealed that their<br />

biggest concern was health and safety, eleven felt that it was injuries and f’ive even said that<br />

they feared death.<br />

According to statistics from the Health and Safety Executive, these young roofers are<br />

right to be concerned. When looking back to the 45 construction workers killed within<br />

the 2015/2016 period, it was found that four of these individuals were involved in roof’ing<br />

accidents. It has also been found that 45 percent of on-site fatal injuries are due to working<br />

at heights.<br />

However, surprisingly, there was one thing that roofers were more worried about than<br />

heights: the weather. Specif’ically, 65 of the students surveyed revealed that they were most<br />

worried about the weather.<br />

In addition to these fears, it was also found that more needs to be done to reach potential<br />

roofers whilst they are in school and college. This was established after statistics revealed<br />

that the most common reason for students to be interested in joining the roof’ing trade was<br />

due to having family and/or friends already in the trade. This was followed by 14% simply<br />

wanting to work outside and 12% interested in the money associated with being a roofer.<br />

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When looking back to their school and college years though, only 2% stated that they were<br />

attracted to a career in roof’ing.<br />

Technical Training Manager Mat Woodyat for Redland, the company who completed the<br />

study, revealed: “On one hand, I am pleased that these students are aware of the potential<br />

risks of roof’ing work because safety must be everybody’s responsibility.”<br />

“But these results are also a stark reminder that the industry needs to do more to ensure<br />

that we are working safely.”<br />

“How can we attract more young people to our industry if they are facing these fears?”<br />



It has recently been revealed that tradespeople are the worst for working through pain if<br />

they are injured on site.<br />

According to recent poll f’igures, 72% of workers that are injured on site simply have to<br />

carry on working in order to make ends meet. Out of the 450 people that were polled the<br />

Daily Star reported that half of them had even been injured in the past week.<br />

When looking at the trades more in depth, it was carpenters who were found to be the<br />

worst for this. According to the poll, they got hurt the most on site with a result of 85%.<br />

In second place, was plumbers in which 75% got hurt on site and 69% of electricians were<br />

also injured.<br />

It wasn’t just physical injuries that were sustained either. According to the results, half of<br />

workers have also had to take time off due anxiety, stress, and depression. Alongside this,<br />

alternate research has also found that men working in construction are at the highest risk<br />

of committing suicide due to issues such as these. One builder admitted: “Things can be a<br />

struggle, but I’m self-employed so if I don’t carry on, I lose my house.”<br />

This is also supported by further studies which found that 90% of tradespeople attend<br />

work whilst ill or injured. 47% of which, continued to work due to being self-employed.<br />

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Automation has revolutionised factory work. The tech industry has now its sights set on the<br />

construction industry and experts forecast robots will be next to take the scene.<br />

All signs point to the fact that the building site of the future is going to look very different<br />

to the one we are all used to see nowadays.<br />

It’s a well-known fact that innovation has been slower in the construction industry in<br />

comparison to most businesses. Whereas other industries have managed to adapt quickly<br />

to technology, construction is still lagging behind, perhaps due to the fact that this<br />

technology is not easy to be adopted by small and medium-sized builders and developers.<br />

However, recent news and reports show that this trend is quickly changing among the<br />

big construction firms as a result of the recent interest of tech researches, who are now<br />

investing their resources and efforts in modernising the way in which we build our houses.<br />

Consequently, experts are forecasting that the technology gap may not last for very long.<br />

Automation to tackle labour shortage<br />

With 22% of the current workforce over the age of 50 and numerous construction jobs<br />

unf’illed across the nation due to a worrisome construction-worker shortage, some of<br />

Britain’s biggest construction f’irms are willing to invest in automation. And slowly, more<br />

and more commercial companies will join the ‘race’ to develop innovative solutions to<br />

improve eff’iciency and tackle the industry labour shortage.<br />

For example, Blueprint Robotics owns a facility in New Jersey where robots are building<br />

prefabricated walls, roofs, and f’loors. And New York-based f’irm Construction Robotics has<br />

developed a robot called SAM (Semi-Automated Mason), which can lay around 3,000 bricks<br />

a day. That’s signif’icantly more than most human builders, who can lay a daily average of<br />

500 bricks.<br />

After having completed a handful of projects in America, Construction Robotics is ready<br />

to cross the Atlantic Ocean and conquer the British market. In fact, the American company<br />

announced early this year that they are hoping to introduce SAM100 in the UK market<br />

within the next two years.<br />

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For those who worry about how this could affect their jobs, the good news is that this type<br />

of robots still need heavily human supervision for tasks like set up, lay bricks at diff’icult<br />

angles, as well as safety and clearing up purposes, so even if automation were inevitable all<br />

these robots and machines will still need a skilled human workforce to function properly.<br />

The multinational professional services network Price Waterhouse Coopers forecasts that it<br />

won’t be until 2030s that jobs in the UK could be at risk of automation.<br />

Factory f’loors, factory-built homes<br />

The construction industry revolution is not only based on machines and drones f’lying<br />

over the building sites. The revolution also involves factory f’loors where homes are<br />

manufactured by robots.<br />

Factory-built homes are more popular in countries like Sweden and Japan – where<br />

40% and 16% of residential buildings, are built with prefabrication, but they are<br />

expected to gradually have an important presence in the UK market to help combat the<br />

housing shortage.<br />

Boosting productivity in the construction f’ield won’t be easy. But in a multi-billion industry<br />

like this one, even the slightest improvement in eff’iciency could amount to millions in<br />

savings. Some of Britain’s biggest construction f’irms are aware of it and, therefore, experts<br />

say that automation in the industry is just around the corner.<br />

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Cruden Building & Renewals are an<br />

innovative construction company that<br />

operates across Scotland. As part of the<br />

Cruden Group, They have many years<br />

experience in delivering high, quality mixed<br />

tenure housing projects for local authorities,<br />

RSLs and Co-operatives. Cruden also have<br />

particularly strong credentials in the f’ield<br />

of regeneration. Whilst this remains their<br />

core area of business, Cruden’s portfolio<br />

extends to private housing marketed under<br />

the Cruden Homes brand, along with nonresidential<br />

projects such as off’ices and<br />

primary care facilities.<br />

Elite caught up with Raymond Mcafferty<br />

Commercial Director from Cruden Building<br />

he said “At Cruden We like to think of<br />

ourselves as a forward-thinking and<br />

progressive business. We directly employ<br />

more than 300 operatives and staff, and<br />

it’s down to their hard work that means we<br />

achieve an annual turnover in the region<br />

of £70-80 million. This is derived from<br />

framework and partnering agreements,<br />

competitive tendering and negotiations.<br />

“We’re committed to pioneering<br />

construction technologies and integrated<br />

management systems, which is key to our<br />

continued growth and success. It allows<br />

us to ensure we consistently operate to<br />

the highest standard, with highly eff’icient<br />

working practices. And the results speak for<br />

themselves.”<br />

Raymond continued “Innovation is really<br />

important to us at Cruden Building. We make<br />

it our place to know about cutting edge<br />

technology and designs for the markets we<br />

operate in.”<br />

“We work closely with industry leading<br />

designers and sub-contractors to keep<br />

ahead of the game across the industry, both<br />

in terms of product and design, as well as<br />

methodology and process.”<br />

“All of our clients’ needs are different. We<br />

engage external designers on a project-byproject<br />

basis to ensure the appropriate range<br />

of experience and skills for the job, as well as<br />

to retain a design freshness and currency.”<br />

“Construction is always changing. The<br />

methodology is reviewed regularly to ensure<br />

the safest and most eff’icient construction<br />

methods are employed on each project,<br />

delivering the best possible result in quality<br />

and cost.”<br />

Raymond concluded by saying “This year<br />

has been another successful year for Cruden<br />

Building. We look to improve year on year<br />

and 2017 has been another step forward for<br />

us. We couldn’t be were we are today without<br />

the fantastic relationship we have built with<br />

our key Suppliers and Subcontractors and<br />

we look forward to working with them on<br />

many other projects next year to make 2018<br />

Cruden’s best year yet.”<br />

“Projects Delivered on Time and on Budget. As Always.”<br />

Rufus Logan of BRE<br />

and Allan Callaghan,<br />

managing director of<br />

Cruden, with deputy<br />

f’irst minister John<br />

Swinney at the launch<br />

of the Retrof’it App<br />

Cruden directors<br />

David McEvoy (centre<br />

left) and Raymond<br />

McCafferty (centre<br />

right) are presented<br />

with Most Innovative<br />

Contractor Award<br />

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Sanctuary Cumbernauld a not-forprof<br />

’it social housing organisation began<br />

demolition of the f’irst three of twelve tower<br />

blocks in Cumbernauld Glasgow back in<br />

2015 as part of a modernisation drive that<br />

has seen 111 new homes built on the land<br />

so far.<br />

Bruce House, Buchan House and Douglas<br />

House on Allanfauld Road were levelled by a<br />

high-reach crane in the f’irst phase of a £75m<br />

project to clear all tower blocks from the<br />

town skyline. Rubble from the former towers<br />

were treated and crushed before being used<br />

to level the site.<br />

Out dated High-rises in Cumbernauld demolished<br />

Councillor Sam Love, North Lanarkshire<br />

Council’s convener of housing & social work<br />

services, commented: “These Seafar towers<br />

were well known local landmarks and will<br />

hold fond memories for many who stayed<br />

in them over the years, but they were in<br />

desperate need of replacing.”<br />

“The council was delighted to be supporting<br />

Sanctuary’s plans and I’m sure the people of<br />

Cumbernauld were looking forward to the<br />

new homes being built.”<br />

Elite caught up with Peter Martin, Sanctuary<br />

Group director he said: “We are delighted to<br />

have built more affordable homes that will<br />

help secure Cumbernauld’s future.”<br />

“Thanks to Main Contractors Cruden<br />

Building - the project has created various<br />

apprenticeships and work placement<br />

opportunities for the local residents, as well<br />

as the111 new f’lats.”<br />

Nine of Cumbernauld’s 12 high-rises remain<br />

standing. By 2021, a total investment<br />

exceeding £75 million will create more<br />

than 400 new homes to replace the ageing<br />

blocks. Cruden Building have been selected<br />

principal contractors for the scheme.<br />

Demolition of Cumbernaulds High-rise<br />

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Two local teenagers were taken on as<br />

apprenticeships on the Allanfauld Road<br />

development. Nicole Barlow and Kieran<br />

Smith, were taken on as apprentice<br />

joiners by Cruden Building & Renewals.<br />

Kieran and Nicole are among the many<br />

apprentices taken on each year by Cruden<br />

Building. Cruden Building regularly take<br />

on local appretices from the area they are<br />

working in.<br />

Phase 2 of the Allanfauld Road project<br />

began in Febuary 2016 the scheme of<br />

this face was the construction of 111<br />

Flats with assoiciated access, parking and<br />

landscaping.<br />

Elite caught up with Gerry Smith the<br />

contracts manager from Cruden Building<br />

he said ”This phase of the project has<br />

gone extremely smoothly from the start.<br />

This is due to our fantastic relationship<br />

with the contractors and suppliers<br />

involved in this project.”<br />

“Even though this was phase 2 of the<br />

project we broke it down into various<br />

other phases and planned ahead together<br />

with all companies involved therefore<br />

each contractor knew there role which<br />

meant the project could run suff’icently<br />

and within the clients desired time frame<br />

“We adopt this approach on all of our<br />

sites which involve various trades.”<br />

“I always enjoy social housing projects<br />

as I love hearing how the new residents<br />

are getting on there new homes and<br />

I take great pride of being involved in<br />

such a project as the Allanfuald Road<br />

development.”<br />

Gerry f’inished stating “We are looking<br />

forward to the next phase and I would<br />

like to congratualte all involved in the<br />

Allanfauld Road development and I look<br />

forward to working with them on the next<br />

stages of the project.”<br />

High-rise homes created apprenticeships for local teens<br />

Deans Civil Engineering Limited was<br />

established in 2010 by current Director Steven<br />

Deans. They have worked alongside Cruden<br />

Building since 2014 working on many projects<br />

together since then, including the construction<br />

of a new off’ice Hillhead Housing Association in<br />

Hillhead, Kirkintilloch.<br />

At the Allanfauld Road project Deans Civil<br />

Engineering were selected by Cruden to<br />

complete all civils work such as; Foundations,<br />

Groundworks, and Landscaping.<br />

Elite caught up with Steven he said “Deans<br />

Civil Engineering is strategically based<br />

in Glasgow to facilitate work throughout<br />

Central Scotland as well as a wider national<br />

geographical spread. Health and safety is<br />

important to our team and for our clients; as<br />

such all our ground and plant operatives are<br />

CSCS/CPCS qualified. We are progressive in<br />

improving the skills of our employees through<br />

our company training and development<br />

programme.”<br />

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The Colorado Group Ltd was established in 2006 to provide a niche service in<br />

delivering a superior quality of f’inish for their clients, founded on their core<br />

specialist engineering and construction expertise. Colorado undertake residential<br />

and commercial developments and pride themselves on their attention to detail as<br />

well as being a specialist restoration company. They intend to sustain their business<br />

activities at a high level as they are committed to ensuring that they deliver a<br />

customer-focused personal service.<br />

The Colorado Groups success comes from ensuring that they gain a full<br />

understanding of what their customers want and then delivering beyond their<br />

expectations. The operational directors share in the ownership of the business and<br />

bring this ownership approach to how they run their projects.<br />

The Colorado Group have extensive experience in delivering to exacting<br />

specif’ications for clients who expect a service beyond the norm, such as Lord<br />

Dalmeny at Rosebery House and for Lord and Lady Chelsea at Snaigow House.<br />

Their people have a detailed knowledge of refurbishing grade A and B listed<br />

buildings.<br />

Through collaboration with specialist lighting and media and sound system<br />

designers, the Colorado Group is adept at programming these aspects into<br />

their building services and f’inishes packages to ensure a seamless and ‘hidden’<br />

installation into both new and refurbished properties.<br />

The Colorado Group has undertaken a range of engineering and infrastructure<br />

works for clients throughout Scotland, such as Scottish Water, working on several<br />

landmark projects.<br />

The niche that Colorado has targeted is a unique combination of engineering<br />

strength and an attention to detail in completing the f’inal touches of their projects.<br />

Colorado Group pride themselves in delivering high-end specif’ications after<br />

completing complicated engineering and alteration projects.<br />

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The Colorado Group believe in ownership of the projects that they are engaged<br />

to undertake and have a solution f’inding culture throughout their business. This<br />

positive attitude has resulted in the Colorado Group securing a number of f’itout,<br />

construction and engineering projects with a range of Heritage Trusts. Resulting in<br />

repeat customers who know the Colorado team and specialist contractor list will<br />

add value to their projects through working with them to deliver exactly what they<br />

want.<br />

The Colorado Group team take full ownership of their projects engendering a<br />

whole project team approach in looking for improvements and solutions. They<br />

focus on every project by interrogating the technical specif’ications and whereever<br />

possible they improve on the construction and sequencing.<br />

Colorado Group always ensure fast and effective on-site management and control<br />

of all safety requirements, construction interfaces and cost control.<br />

They believe in planning projects in detail, incorporating all aspects of the project<br />

including any customer direct requirements. They provide regular updates to clients<br />

and regularly look for alternative sequencing methods to speed up the project<br />

delivery or to recover any interruptions.<br />

The Colorado Group bring their construction and engineering experience to the<br />

table to see where they might improve the design and better the budget.<br />

The Colorado team will ensure scope meetings are run to allow all parties to<br />

discuss and develop a detailed understanding of each others' roles and objectives<br />

for the project. This allows Colorado Group and their supply chain to look for the<br />

key elements that are needed to deliver as the client wants.<br />

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Colorado Group Ltd were appointed by Cambo Heritage<br />

Trust to be the principle contractor on The Cambo Stables<br />

Restoration project...

The scheme was to complete a ful refurbishment<br />

to the building providing a cafe, exhibition shop<br />

and educational facilities including an extension to<br />

the stables, restoration of the exisiting glasshouses<br />

and remidiel work to the existing Coach House. The<br />

Cambo Stables education and visitor hub now has the<br />

facilities to expand its activities, to provide an income<br />

to ensure its sustainable future. The project got on the<br />

way in August 2016 taking 12 months to complete.<br />

Cambo Stables was built in 1879-84 after a f’ire<br />

largely destroyed the earlier house, all the buildings<br />

within the designed landscape date from the late<br />

18th and early 19th centuries and the majority are<br />

listed Category B. Thomas Erskine, 9th Earl of Kellie,<br />

had extended the original house from 1795, and the<br />

majority of the ancillary buildings appear to date from<br />

this time and share some stylistic similarities.<br />

The Coach House was built in the late 18th / early<br />

19th century improvement cart shed and granary<br />

type building, and although now known as the Coach<br />

House, was probably used for work-a-day vehicles<br />

in conjunction with the nearby stables and carriage<br />

house proper. This building was no longer in use and<br />

was in need of restoration if it was to survive. Repair,<br />

conservation and adaptation was carried out to<br />

provide accommodation for students and volunteers.<br />

Elite caught up with Catherine Erskine Project<br />

Manager from Cambo Heritage trust she said” This<br />

phase of the Cambo Stables Project was primarily<br />

concerned with the repair and conservation of the<br />

Stables and Glasshouses within The Walled Garden<br />

to provide a visitor hub, a focus for students and<br />

volunteers and enhanced learning facilities. They lie<br />

at the very heart of the designed landscape of Cambo<br />

Estate. Cambo is a prime example of a picturesque,<br />

model estate sensitively designed. It has been in<br />

the Erskine family for 300 years and the surviving<br />

historical records add high historical and cultural value<br />

to the site.”<br />

“Our aim at Cambo is not only to enhance the<br />

visitor’s experience with arts activities but also to<br />

‘turn the clock back’ on the estate and recreate<br />

the opportunities that would have been available<br />

to local people in the community 100 years ago,<br />

providing training, apprenticeships and supported<br />

employment.”<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


We interviewed Mark Kennedy the site<br />

manager from main contractors Colorado<br />

Group he said, “Restoration projects are<br />

always challenging as the character of<br />

the buildings must still be present once<br />

the project has been completed. We<br />

accomplished this by using many original<br />

features found in the building throughout<br />

the project, and replacements were made to<br />

the same specif’ications as the originals.”<br />

“It goes without saying the best part of these<br />

type of projects is the final result of the<br />

project, if I go back to the how the building<br />

looked on f’irst day I arrived on site to how<br />

they look now the outcome is astonishing.<br />

I am delighted to have been involved in<br />

this project and hope everyone who visits<br />

Cambo Stables enjoy the new features for<br />

many years to come.”<br />

Mark f’inished by praising all contractors<br />

who worked with Colorado on site. “The<br />

contractors on site were great to work with<br />

and played a massive part in the success of<br />

the project.”<br />

Specialist Flooring Contractors<br />

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Scan Building Services Limited were selected by Colorado as the Mechanical contractor on<br />

the Cambo Stable project playing a key role in the success of the project. Services provided<br />

by Scan Building Services included; Supply, install, test and commission of Oil tank and<br />

pipework. Installation of boiler room equipment including boilers, pumps, pressurisation<br />

units, cold water storage tank, and full BEM control system. They also installed hot and<br />

cold water pipework systems and insulation including pre-insulated external underground<br />

pipework. Scan also fitted Toilets, various kitchen services sinks, and radiators.<br />

Scan Building Services operate as a Mechanical Services Contractor, specialising in the<br />

supply and installation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing systems<br />

within mainly commercial and industrial buildings. Scan Building Services also operates a<br />

service and maintenance department providing an essential backup to the main contract<br />

works, securing term maintenance contracts with government authorities and private<br />

companies.<br />

Scan Building Services worked on the Cambo Stables project from November 2016 and<br />

f’inished on site in July 2017. Elite caught up with Graham Prophet Director of Scan Building<br />

Services he said. “Colorado Group are a key client of ours we have worked closely together<br />

for the last 5 years, in this time we have had great success working on projects such as<br />

Kingsbarns Distillery and visitors centre, and Raasay Distillery and visitors centre”<br />

“At Scan Building Services Limited we employ a highly skilled workforce of dedicated and<br />

loyal craftsmen backed up by modern technology and a design team capable of designing<br />

virtually any system within the Company’s f’ield of activity. Due to these factors our services<br />

can be tailored to meet the needs of<br />

clients and indeed we have carried out<br />

many design, manufacture and installation<br />

contracts for numerous demanding projects<br />

including fully computerised AutoCAD<br />

facilities.”<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />



Neilcott Construction were selected<br />

by German School Association to<br />

construct a new two storey building<br />

at the German School in Rischmond<br />

Surrey. The new building is in two parts<br />

– a simple banded sports hall ‘box’ set<br />

against an articulated two-storey block<br />

containing changing rooms, storage,<br />

reception/off’ice, meeting room and<br />

wcs/kitchen.<br />

The exisiting sports hall was<br />

demolished with a temporary sports<br />

hall quickly built as to not disturb<br />

the day to day running of the school<br />

while the new sports hall was being<br />

constructed.<br />

The warm red brickwork, stained larch<br />

cladding and glazing help to def’ine the<br />

forms of the sports hall and create an<br />

architecture that is both expressive and<br />

controlled. Carefully planned around<br />

the existing school and its mature<br />

landscape, the new building improves<br />

circulation and orientation as well as<br />

def’ining and creating better external<br />

spaces and views in and out of the<br />

school.<br />

"This was a golden chance to<br />

procure a state of the art sports<br />

hall, with a design of particular<br />

merit by Rivington Street Studio<br />

Architects, for use by over 800<br />

pupils as well as some local<br />

groups."<br />

The sports hall roof was f’itted with<br />

a Photovoltaic system (solar panels)<br />

which will generate around 40 MWh<br />

per year and cover 5% of the schools<br />

electricity consumption saving the<br />

school thousands of pounds over the<br />

next few years. A new sprung f’loor<br />

was installed part of the way through<br />

the ply works so a large quantity of<br />

the ply was installed from spider lifts<br />

and plastered from large bridged<br />

aluminium towers. West Drylining<br />

and Facades worked with complex<br />

bulkhead designs around some new<br />

steel members which were added in<br />

to take the weight and support the<br />

mechanism of the large horeman<br />

doors.<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Proud to be Associated with Neilcott Construction<br />

West Drylining & Facades Ltd have worked alongside Neilcott Construction since<br />

2014 working on various projects such as West Herts College, Broadbridge Leisure<br />

centre and Hampton School.<br />

West Drylining & Facades Limited were selected by Neilcott Construction to carry<br />

out the External façade work, internal drylining, Birch faced ply wall lining, acoustic<br />

wall baff’les, grid ceilings and plastering works on The German Schools new Sports<br />

Hall. West Drylining & Facades worked on the project from December 2016 and<br />

f’inished on site in August 2017.<br />

Elite caught up with Director Spencer West from West Drylining & Facades Ltd he<br />

said “West Drylining & Facades are a specialist facade and drylining company with<br />

the experience of many trades. Neilcott have commented that they like the fact that<br />

they can let several packages where trades overlap to one subcontractor. We offer a<br />

complete through wall system from plasterboard drylining through to rainscreen or<br />

decorative external cladding.”<br />

“We particularly enjoy working on larger integrated façade systems and niche<br />

complex refurbishments. At West Drylining & Facades Ltd we have built long<br />

standing relationships with many Main contractors and clients and most of our work<br />

is through recommendation and repeat referral.”<br />

“We focus our attention on quality and completing our<br />

projects on time and to budget.”<br />

Spencer added “We’re a family run company and have our staff and tradesmen’s<br />

best interests in mind, we take on trainees and work closely with local colleges to<br />

help young enthusiastic tradespeople become certified and help them gain the<br />

right experience with the correct tuition. All our operatives are CSCS trained and all<br />

our site supervisors hold SMSTS and are PASMA/ IPAF trained, asbestos aware and<br />

regularly attend training courses specifically tailored to current projects to ensure<br />

that works are carried out in a safe and professional manner. At West Drylining &<br />

Facades Ltd we know and believe this is key to a successful future growth within our<br />

fantastic industry.”<br />

Spencer f’inished by stating “West Drylining & Facades Ltd always work closely with<br />

our clients and build strong bonds with them, Neilcott have shown themselves to be<br />

a fantastic client of ours and we look forward to a long and healthy relationship with<br />

them.”<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Elite caught up with Tom Latham from<br />

Neilcott Construction he said “The<br />

German School sports hall has been a<br />

tricky project for all involved due to the<br />

nature of the evolving design and some<br />

of the f’inishes and changes made to the<br />

materials and details but in the end all<br />

contractors involved in the project worked<br />

eff’icently to have the project delivered on<br />

time, and in budget.”<br />

“Congratulations to all<br />

contractors who worked with<br />

Neilcott Construction on the<br />

succesful German School<br />

sports hall project”<br />

Tom continued “I was the QS for this<br />

project so I’d like to congratulate<br />

Rivington Street Studio who designed<br />

the new sports hall. They initally won the<br />

project to design the new sports hall by<br />

taking part in an invited competition”<br />

The £5M project started in October 2016<br />

and was completed in October this year.<br />

AD Mechanical Services Ltd Strive for<br />

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Email: info@hhali.co.uk<br />

Web: www.hhali.co.uk<br />

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Looking for a Forward-Thinking<br />

Contractor with a People F’irst<br />

Approach?<br />

Speller Metcalfe is a national building<br />

contractor and family-owned business,<br />

founded in 1995 by Steve Speller and Andy<br />

Metcalfe - both experienced surveyors<br />

who aspired to be at the cutting edge of<br />

construction.<br />

Under their leadership, the Company has<br />

grown to an annual turnover of £130 million,<br />

working on projects across the public and<br />

private sectors with values from £250,000 up<br />

to £40 million.<br />

Speller Metcalfe continues to be a market<br />

leader due to their passion for innovation<br />

and excellence in all that they do, delivered<br />

by a skilled and experienced team of over<br />

200 staff and trade operatives.<br />

While Spellar Metcalfe continue to build<br />

an enviable portfolio of works, it is without<br />

doubt their teamwork ethos and family<br />

values that mark their ability to develop longterm<br />

relationships, with a substantial part<br />

of their business procured through direct<br />

negotiation.<br />

Central to the Speller Metcalfe Group is<br />

their Construction division, providing New<br />

Build, Design & Build, Extension Works<br />

and Refurbishment services to the private<br />

and public sectors from their Malvern,<br />

Wolverhampton, Gloucester and London<br />

off ’ices with project values ranging up to and<br />

in excess of £40m.<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Built over 17 years around a team of experienced, dedicated long-serving construction<br />

managers and supply chain partners, the division has established a reputation for<br />

delivering exemplary construction standards and a consistent ability for meeting cost<br />

targets and programme deadlines across all of their sectors:<br />

• Education<br />

• Healthcare<br />

• Sports & Leisure<br />

• Retail<br />

• Commercial<br />

• Emergency Services<br />

• Sustainable Construction<br />

• Heritage<br />

• Residential<br />

• Automotive<br />

Collaboration and project ownership are core to Spellars success; forming the foundation<br />

for long-term sustainable relationships with professional building consultants, their client<br />

base sees a high proportion of works undertaken through repeat business.<br />

At Speller Metcalfe their construction supply chain partners are an integral part of their<br />

success. The close relationships they have enables Spellar Metcalfe to raise standards in<br />

health and safety, quality and cost certainty while harnessing innovation and best value<br />

across the whole supply chain.<br />

Spellar’s Supply Chain Charter sets out their commitments to delivering best value to their<br />

clients and supplier expectations. This evaluation process allows them to identify their<br />

Tier 1 partners – the best performing sub-contractors within their supply chain. Any poor<br />

performance can then be identif’ied, and action taken to communicate improvements or -<br />

in the worst case scenario - removal from our approved supply chain. Sub-contractors are<br />

also asked to evaluate Speller Metcalfe’s performance.<br />

If you feel you would like to be included in Spellar Metcalfe’s supply chain and share in<br />

their continued success, please send an email expressing your interest to<br />

tom.smith@spellermetcalfe.com.<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />



PROJECT 2017<br />

Speller Metcalfe was selected from an<br />

initial shortlist of nine companies for the<br />

contract to build a new £10.5 million, pool<br />

complex as an extension to Perdiswell<br />

Leisure Centre in Worcester (contract<br />

value £9m). The focal point being a new<br />

eight-lane competition standard pool,<br />

designed to attract everyone from casual<br />

swimmers to Olympic and Paralympic<br />

champions.<br />

The main 25 x 17m eight-lane pool boasts<br />

poolside seating for 284 spectators with<br />

a further 118 seats around the poolside<br />

for swimmers. The pool hall also hosts<br />

a new 18x10 metre teaching pool with<br />

a movable f’loor – creating f’lexibility for<br />

swimmers of all ages and abilities with<br />

direct wheelchair access into each pool.<br />

As well as local authority funding,<br />

Worcester City Council’s eligibility for<br />

National Lottery funding from Sport<br />

England has proved fundamental to the<br />

success of the scheme, attracting the<br />

maximum funding of £2m for the project.<br />

The new facility provides a massive<br />

boost to the city of Worcester’s sporting<br />

credentials, guaranteeing it will become<br />

an important new destination for regional<br />

competition-level swimming.<br />

The new centre also supports healthy and<br />

active lifestyles across the county, with the<br />

opening weekend seeing 6000 visitors through<br />

the door and over 750 new members signing<br />

up.<br />

Speller Metcalfe began work on the new pool<br />

in November 2015, starting with the demolition<br />

of a large section of the existing building that<br />

was replaced with a two-storey extension which<br />

incorporates a range of new facilities. To meet<br />

Sport England’s requirements for the centre,<br />

project architect NORR Consultants invested<br />

in the principles of Sport England’s Design<br />

Guidance Notes (DGNs). Great emphasis was<br />

placed by both Sport England and the client<br />

on disabled access and inclusivity with facilities<br />

for both spectators and pool users, including<br />

level access into the building, disabled lifts and<br />

parking within close proximity of the entrance.<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Variopool is a market leading company<br />

which specialises in the design,<br />

production, installation and maintenance<br />

of movable f’loors and bulkheads<br />

in public, private or hydrotherapy<br />

swimming pools. Based in The<br />

Netherlands, Variopool has for almost<br />

50 years maintained quality, safety and<br />

sustainability as the central pillars of all<br />

our custom designed projects.<br />

Variopool was chosen by Speller Metcalfe<br />

and Buckingham Pools to install a<br />

movable f’loor in the new multipurpose<br />

swimming pool of the Perdiswell Leisure<br />

Centre in Worcester. They invested in<br />

a movable f’loor because it increases<br />

the f’lexibility and functionality of the<br />

pool. The adjustable f’loor can be set<br />

to different depths all during the day<br />

allowing a greater number of activities to<br />

take place.<br />

Variopool received the order in December<br />

2015 and f’inished the installation of the<br />

18 x 10m movable f’loor in December<br />

2016.<br />

Elite Construction caught up with Lanny<br />

Wallart, International Account Manager<br />

for Variopool in the United Kingdom.<br />

“Variopool has already installed 147<br />

movable f’loors and 46 bulkheads in<br />

swimming pools throughout the United<br />

Kingdom. We installed more than 950<br />

movable f’loors and bulkheads all over the<br />

world, such as the London Aquatic Centre<br />

for the 2012 Olympic Games (London),<br />

the Tollcross International Swimming<br />

Centre 2014 for the Commonwealth<br />

Games (Glasgow), the Bukit Jalil Aquatic<br />

Centre for the Southeast Asian Games<br />

in 2017 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) and in<br />

the Danube Arena for the FINA World<br />

Championships in 2017 (Budapest,<br />


Variopool BV thanks their growth to the continuous<br />

focus on innovation and high product standards. We<br />

have almost 50 years of experience in the swimming<br />

pool industry and are still growing. Variopool is a<br />

“one-stop shop” for the swimming pool industry,<br />

from movable f’loors and bulkheads (Variopool), pool<br />

equipment (Varioplay), pool covers (Variodeck) and<br />

acrylic under water windows (Holland Aqua Sight). The<br />

feature of our “one stop shop” concept is not only to<br />

save time and money, but the benef’it for clients is that<br />

they are guaranteed of doing business with a partner<br />

who understand the end client’s needs” Check our<br />

website www.variopool.nl for additional information.<br />

Lanny proceeds: “Our dedicated project manager<br />

for the Perdiswell project, Mr. Cees Vliegenthart, had<br />

a good relationship and great communication with<br />

Metcalfe as well as the other contractors on site.<br />

Variopool is looking forward to cooperating and<br />

working with Metcalfe on many more projects in the<br />

future, just as successful as the Perdiswell Leisure<br />

Centre”.<br />

Moveable Floor in Action

As well as a wet changing village to support<br />

the pool area, the new extension houses<br />

a large f’itness gym with 110-120 stations,<br />

fully refurbished eight-court sports hall,<br />

three separate f’itness studios and 2 teaching<br />

rooms. a fully refurbished eight-court sports<br />

hall, and an air conditioned f’itness studio.<br />

As part of the refurbishment of the existing<br />

sports hall, Speller Metcalfe installed new LED<br />

lighting, acoustic wall panels and new tiered<br />

seating for up to 100 spectators. The f’irst<br />

phase works also included the installation<br />

of a new mezzanine f’loor within the existing<br />

f’itness studio to create a f’irst f’loor spin<br />

studio, off’ice and meeting room.<br />

Externally, Perdiswell Leisure Centre has<br />

been transformed with a new, larger car park<br />

with the capacity for nearly 400 vehicles<br />

that includes coach bays, parent and child<br />

parking, disabled spaces and designated<br />

parking for motorcycles as well as a covered<br />

cycle store. The car park also includes a<br />

landscaped swale area designed to manage<br />

surface water from the building and car<br />

parks during periods of heavy and persistent<br />

rainfall.<br />

The second phase, the refurbishment of the<br />

original centre, was completed in March<br />

2017. The project took 70 weeks to complete.<br />

Elite caught up with Dan Lowe from Spellar<br />

Metcalfe he said “The project has not been<br />

without its challenges with the design brief<br />

evolving as the project unfolded whilst<br />

ensuring the project remained on time and<br />

to budget. It was also important that the<br />

interfaces between the existing and new<br />

structures were co-ordinated and integrated<br />

appropriately to create a feeling of seamless<br />

transition.”<br />

“The main challenge was keeping<br />

the existing centre functioning while<br />

undertaking major construction works<br />

in and around the centre. The team were<br />

considerate of the impact that construction<br />

work would have on existing members and<br />

the logistical challenges that came with<br />

extending and refurbishing a live building.<br />

“In all projects we undertake at Spellar<br />

Metcalfe we co-operate and collaborate<br />

successfully with the design team and all<br />

contractors we carefully select for each site.<br />

I would like to congranulate all involved<br />

in the Perdiswell Leisure Centre project in<br />

delivering the project within budget, on<br />

time, and to a high standard.”<br />

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“Our mission is to provide the highest<br />

quality of service and attention to<br />

all our customers, to value our good<br />

people and to be recognised as one<br />

of the best companies in the interior<br />

building industry.”<br />

The Perdiswell Leisure Centre was shortlisted<br />

in the 'community benef’it' category at the<br />

2017 West Midlands RICS (Royal Institution<br />

of Chartered Surveyors) Awards. This<br />

award recognises excellent achievement in<br />

providing a facility, which directly benef’its<br />

the local community. In particular, the<br />

project must illustrate its success through<br />

locla community feedback. It was shortlisted<br />

alongside 10 other projects for the prestige<br />

award.<br />

01564 795544<br />

info@fairwayinteriors.co.uk<br />

www.fairwayinteriors.co.uk<br />



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innovate@malvernscaffolding.co.uk<br />

www.malvernscaffolding.co.uk<br />

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Telford Homes Plc is an AIM listed developer<br />

of residential-led, mixed use sites in London,<br />

where the need for homes far exceeds supply.<br />

Their customers include individual investors<br />

from the UK and overseas, owner-occupiers<br />

and housing associations. Telford Homes<br />

are working with institutional investors in<br />

the build to rent sector, a growing market in<br />

London.<br />

“There is a chronic shortage of new<br />

homes in London. Our goal is to grow<br />

Telford Homes over the next f’ive years<br />

to help address this shortage. This will<br />

involve doubling our output of homes<br />

in one of the world’s greatest cities.”<br />

Founded in 2000, Telford Homes directly<br />

employ 248 people and have a development<br />

pipeline of over 4,000 homes. They are a<br />

respected partner to landowners, housing<br />

associations, local authorities, build to rent<br />

investors and their supply chain. Telford<br />

Homes are investing in the communities they<br />

create via their new sustainability strategy.<br />

The business has traditionally focused on<br />

East London, but the need for new homes is<br />

so great that they have recently expanded<br />

horizons across a wider area. Telford Homes is<br />

skilled in all aspects of London development<br />

and they can apply their knowledge and<br />

expertise to a wider range of opportunities in<br />

new boroughs.<br />

Telford Homes develop in non-prime locations<br />

to maintain an affordable price point for their<br />

individual customers and their strategic move<br />

into build to rent provides scope to work with<br />

investment partners across London.<br />

Telford Homes has successfully fuelled its<br />

recent growth with a number of high prof’ile<br />

build to rent sales. The Group has positioned<br />

itself at the forefront of this rapidly expanding<br />

market through its transactions with blue-chip<br />

investors such as M&G Real Estate, L&Q and<br />

most recently, Greystar.<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Telford Homes has successfully fuelled<br />

its recent growth with a number of high<br />

prof ’ile build to rent sales. The Group<br />

has positioned itself at the forefront of<br />

this rapidly expanding market through<br />

its transactions with blue-chip investors<br />

such as M&G Real Estate, L&Q and most<br />

recently, Greystar.<br />

A pre-construction contract was signed<br />

with Greystar in June 2017 with the Group<br />

expecting to develop just under 900 rental<br />

homes in Nine Elms alongside one of the<br />

sector’s most active investors. Detailed<br />

planning consent is expected in early 2018.<br />

The Group continues to progress<br />

discussions with a number of large-scale<br />

investors regarding individual deals and<br />

longer term partnerships. This level of<br />

engagement demonstrates Telford Homes’<br />

reputation as a highly skilled partner<br />

which is able to acquire land, achieve<br />

planning consents and build quality homes<br />

under the brand of a respected London<br />

developer. The strength of demand in<br />

this sector and the number of institutions<br />

looking to employ signif’icant long term<br />

capital reinforces the Group’s strategy to<br />

increase its build to rent activity.<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Jon Di-Stefano, Chief Executive of<br />

Telford Homes, commented:<br />

“Telford Homes is operating in<br />

affordable locations across London<br />

and has an excellent reputation as<br />

a trusted partner delivering high<br />

quality homes.”<br />

We are focused on reducing risk<br />

through forward sales, limiting our<br />

need for external debt f’inance and<br />

delivering higher capital returns<br />

and this f’its perfectly with our<br />

strategic move into the build to<br />

rent sector. I expect more build to<br />

rent transactions as institutional<br />

demand continues to grow alongside<br />

continuing open market sales at<br />

our well located developments.<br />

Our ultimate belief in what we do<br />

is underpinned by a chronic lack of<br />

supply and we expect to deliver more<br />

of the homes that London needs in<br />

the coming years.”<br />

Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Westridge are a privately owned construction<br />

company formed in 1990 with off’ices based in<br />

Kent and Sussex. Westridge operate throughout<br />

the South East and employ 150 staff including<br />

over 60 site technicians. The whole Company<br />

adopts a f’lexible approach on construction<br />

projects which typically range between £1,000,000<br />

– £12,000,000. Having a depth of knowledge<br />

across the full range of contract types and<br />

procurement routes. This, reinforced by their<br />

strong core values, enables Westridge to work<br />

with their Clients and Supply Chain to produce<br />

affordable, quality buildings to a reliable time<br />

frame.<br />




Westridge Construction believe it’s possible to<br />

make every job a success for everyone and to<br />

make the journey enjoyable and rewarding for<br />

all involved so that everyone gets from it what’s<br />

important to them.<br />

So what sets Westridge apart? The answer is<br />

simple, They deliver success… and at the heart<br />

of this is the expertise and enthusiasm of the<br />

Westridge team. People who are great at what<br />

they do, are easy to get on with, understand what<br />

is important to you and are pleased to help in any<br />

way they can.<br />

Every project has its own challenges and<br />

Westridge have a long record of working with<br />

clients and designers to f’ind solutions that reduce<br />

risk and maximise opportunities. This allows<br />

Westridge to be extremely f’lexible in how they<br />

approach a scheme whilst reliably delivering in<br />

terms of quality, cost and speed.<br />





Westridge Construction employ a team of<br />

professionals, specialists and craftsmen which has<br />

been built over many years by recruiting the best<br />

people. They then provide the necessary training,<br />

mentoring and support to enable them to develop<br />

the right values and to reach their potential.<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Nationwide Roof’ing Contractors<br />

install and repair roofs on homes,<br />

commercial and industrial buildings<br />

across Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire.<br />

No matter the size of your roof’ing<br />

project, they have probably roofed<br />

something similar recently.<br />

Services include:<br />

• Flat Roofs<br />

• Green Roofs<br />

• Pitched Roofs<br />

• New Roofs<br />

• Roof Replacements<br />

• Roof Repairs<br />

Why choose NRS as your roofer?<br />

• Approved roof’ing contractors for<br />

many roof’ing systems<br />

• Insurance-backed roof guarantees<br />

• Public liability and employers<br />

liability insurance of £10 million<br />

• Roofers with more than 40 years’<br />

experience<br />

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Design & Build<br />

Westridge Construction offer a complete<br />

design and build service for your next<br />

construction project. Utilising either our own<br />

in-house Design Department or working<br />

with one of our external partners.<br />

Feasability Advice<br />

Working with their Clients and professional<br />

teams Westridge are happy to provide an<br />

initial overview of schemes, providing input<br />

on programme times, buildability issues,<br />

cost plans and best value design.<br />

Sustainable Projects<br />

Committed to excellence in highperformance<br />

building design, advanced<br />

clean-technology integration and low<br />

carbon strategies for the building<br />

construction sector.<br />

BIM<br />

Westridge are able to offer their client team<br />

a virtual information model of their scheme<br />

from design to onward operation<br />

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Elite caught up with Briton Fabricators<br />

”<br />

”<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Watkin Jones is highly experienced in<br />

delivering new developments, ranging from<br />

homes to commercial, industrial and mixed<br />

use schemes and has successfully delivered<br />

more than 28,000 student units throughout<br />

the UK since 1999.<br />

Founded in 1791 by a carpenter, Huw<br />

Jones, the company prospered as he turned<br />

from carpentry to construction and set the<br />

business on a new path. Today Watkin Jones<br />

Group is one of the UK’s most successful<br />

construction and development companies.<br />

As many Watkin Jones construction sites<br />

are located at the centre of communities<br />

Watkin Jones take their corporate social<br />

responsibilities very seriously. They aim to<br />

play a real part in local life and build strong<br />

links with community groups. Just a few of<br />

their activities include visiting schools to<br />

raise awareness of health and safety and<br />

issuing quarterly newsletters to ensure the<br />

local neighbourhood are kept up to date<br />

with progress of the developments in their<br />

area.<br />

They also recognise the importance of<br />

encouraging young people to consider a<br />

career within the construction industry,<br />

Regulary visiting local schools and colleges<br />

to discuss careers available and invite<br />

students to tour their developments to gain<br />

an insight into their work.<br />

Watkin Jones also able to offer f’inancial<br />

support to projects which benef’it the<br />

community. The Watkin Jones Community<br />

Fund awards grants of up to £1,000 to<br />

help ideas become reality. The Fund aims<br />

to support a wide range of projects with<br />

a particular emphasis on enhancing the<br />

physical environment and improving quality<br />

of life for local people.<br />

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Watkin Jones recognise that it is crucial<br />

to the success of the Group to have an<br />

effective and eff’icient supply chain.<br />

Their vision is for their entire supply chain<br />

to embrace and share their commitment<br />

to sustainable development and ethical<br />

business practices.<br />

It is Watkin Jones objective to create and<br />

develop opportunities to work closely<br />

with their Supply Chain Partners to mutual<br />

advantage so that together they can deliver<br />

the best value solutions for the benef’it of<br />

their clients.<br />

Their suppliers and subcontractors are<br />

involved at a very early stage of design<br />

development in order for them to advise<br />

on how their product and service can<br />

contribute added value to the client and the<br />

end product.<br />

The Watkin Jones Group is guided by a set<br />

of principals which form the basis of their<br />

client focused approach to the development<br />

process. Watkin Jones strive to achieve<br />

maximum value to clients by adopting a<br />

policy of continuous collaboration and<br />

partnership with their Supply Chain Partners.<br />

The well managed supply chain offers<br />

simplif ’ication and risk reduction, value<br />

engineering, cost savings, reduction in<br />

maintenance and ethical and environmental<br />

benef’its for their Supply Chain Partners,<br />

their Clients and Watkin Jones.<br />

By adopting a thorough and intensive preselection<br />

process, Watkin Jones ensure that<br />

each and every supplier or subcontractor<br />

is fully aware of the requirements to<br />

achieve Supply Chain Partner status. A<br />

detailed database of approved suppliers<br />

and subcontractors is maintained and new<br />

f’irms can only be added once quality, safety,<br />

environmental and f’inancial checks have<br />

been carried out.<br />

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Established in 2003, STP Construction<br />

Ltd has quickly gained its reputation<br />

as one of the regions most respected<br />

Building and Civil Engineering<br />

contractors. Our ever expanding<br />

Customer base includes a number<br />

of Blue Chip companies. STP<br />

Construction Ltd can offer a fully<br />

comprehensive service in all Sectors of<br />

the Construction Industry.<br />

The company has a vast experience<br />

in all sectors of the Industry under a<br />

variety of different forms of contract<br />

and they can also offer expertise in<br />

value engineering, inception budget<br />

costing advice and procurement<br />

procedures.<br />

STP’s ‘Customers for Life’ philosophy<br />

ensures a comprehensive service<br />

is available to the Customer from<br />

project inception through to the<br />

end of the defects period – and to<br />

secure repeat business beyond. The<br />

Directors daily ‘hands on’ approach<br />

ensures that Customer satisfaction,<br />

quality, safety and delivery can be<br />

achieved on each and every project<br />

through a f’lexible and non adversarial<br />

approach.<br />

2017 has been another succesful<br />

year for STP Construction working<br />

on more projects than any other<br />

previous year. Projects included new<br />

Aldi stores accross the North East<br />

various refurbishments for key client<br />

Newcastle Building Society plus many<br />

more.<br />

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Elmwood Projects are specialist Fit-Out Contractor<br />

operating predominantly in the Museum and<br />

Heritage and Commercial Sector. Elmwood create<br />

bespoke joinery manufacturing Products and<br />

Setworks.<br />

Their work Scope extends to full project<br />

management, manufacture & installation of<br />

Permanent & Temporary Museum Exhibition &<br />

Gallery f’it-out, Visitor Experiences, Heritage Projects,<br />

Commercial Fit-out and Specialist Joinery Packages<br />

Elmwood began life as a family business and it<br />

remains a family business today. Elmwood Projects<br />

has grown from a local shop f’itting and bespoke<br />

manufactured joinery f’irm to a multi-service business<br />

operating the length and breadth of the UK.<br />

Elmwood’s story began back in 1972 when the<br />

current Managing Director Alan Strachan’s father,<br />

a time-served joiner, decided to take the plunge<br />

and Establish Elmwood as a Joinery Manufacturing<br />

Company, with a focus and commitment to personal<br />

service and a superior snag-free f’inish.<br />

Elmwood’s customer-focused approach remains at<br />

the centre of their culture today and as the order<br />

book grew, so too did the size of the team where<br />

today they employ in excess of 70 dedicated and<br />

committed individuals.<br />

A move to a bespoke 20,000 sq ft manufacturing<br />

facility in 2003 which is kitted out with modern CNC<br />

machinery and the addition of a dedicated Museum<br />

& Heritage division, the result is a combination of<br />

complementary services that can be commissioned<br />

individually or together for a full turnkey service.<br />

Underpinning each and every service however are<br />

the same family values that the company was built<br />

upon.<br />

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Elite Publishing Limited | www.elitepublishing.co.uk<br />


Barnf’ield Construction Limited established in<br />

1976 is a North West based leader in providing<br />

best value construction services.<br />

“Integrating safety into day-to-day<br />

work, throughout the Company”<br />

Barnf’ield do this by creating successful<br />

partnerships throughout the construction<br />

process. Their vision is to establish lasting<br />

relationships with their customers by exceeding<br />

their expectations and gaining trust through<br />

exceptional performance by every member of<br />

our team.<br />

Their reputation has ensured that they are<br />

successful in securing work from repeat business<br />

and recommendations from many long-standing<br />

clients.<br />

Based in the North West of England, Barnf’ield<br />

Construction offer honest, thought through<br />

and practical solutions to a diverse array of new<br />

and refurbishment building contracts ranging<br />

from industrial, commercial, retail, leisure &<br />

hospitality and residential schemes.<br />

Barnf’ield Construction are passionate about<br />

construction and are committed to providing a<br />

high quality product, an excellent understanding<br />

of client’s requirements and the best possible<br />

service.<br />

Barnf’ield Construction has established a<br />

reputation for eff’iciency, expertise and attention<br />

to detail. With a total workforce in excess of 250,<br />

almost every aspect of construction and civil<br />

engineering work can be undertaken from within<br />

their own professional multi-disciplinary team.<br />

“Barnf’ield Construction has always<br />

embraced the principals of sustainability<br />

and has utilised many of its facets both<br />

at the design stage and on site.“<br />

Offering a wealth of experience<br />

as part of joint venture companies<br />

Barnf’ield have a range of ongoing<br />

developments, which are either carried out alone<br />

or through the several joint venture companies<br />

that have been created with Public and Private<br />

sector partners.<br />

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Barnf’ield Construction Employ over 250<br />

people and have a well respected close<br />

strict supply chain they have used for many<br />

years<br />

Barnf’ield Construction has always<br />

embraced the principals of sustainability<br />

and has utilised many of its facets both at<br />

design stage and on site. The large number<br />

of projects we have used Sustainable Urban<br />

Drainage Systems on can demonstrate<br />

this. We have implemented many differing<br />

principals of SUDS including Grey Water<br />

Harvesting, Swales, Porous Paving and<br />

Geo-Cellular Systems working closely with<br />

the Environment Agencies.<br />

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