Hydrolife Magazine December 2017/January 2018 [CANADIAN EDITION]

Without trailblazers and change-makers, people who put a cause for the greater well-being ahead of their own interests, change can’t happen. The cannabis landscape is what it is today because of people who, long before marijuana gained mainstream acceptance, risked it all so people could benefit from a plant that so many others, especially lawmakers, hated. These trailblazers could see the benefits of marijuana long before most.

Without trailblazers and change-makers, people who put a cause for the greater well-being ahead of their own interests, change can’t happen. The cannabis landscape is what it is today because of people who, long before marijuana gained mainstream acceptance, risked it all so people could benefit from a plant that so many others, especially lawmakers, hated. These trailblazers could see the benefits of marijuana long before most.


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