hicss-46 presentation schedule - Hawaii International Conference ...

hicss-46 presentation schedule - Hawaii International Conference ...

hicss-46 presentation schedule - Hawaii International Conference ...


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DM4 PIKAKE 2 TUESDAY 4-5:30pm<br />

A Multimethod Approach to Evaluating Social Media Campaign Effectiveness<br />

Hye-Jin Paek, Thomas Hove, and Richard Cole<br />

* Mining Points-of-Interest Association Rules from Geo-tagged Photos<br />

Ickjai Lee, Guochen Cai, and Kyungmi Lee<br />

Discussion<br />

Socio-materiality of Information: Documents and Work—Co-Chairs: Kevin Crowston<br />

and Carsten Østerlund<br />

DM5 ILIMA 2 WEDNESDAY 8-9:30am<br />

An Airline Checklist Use as a Sociomaterial Practice<br />

Petra Auvinen and Ilkka Arminen<br />

Boundary-Spanning Documents in Online FLOSS Communities: Does One Size Fit All?<br />

Carsten Østerlund and Kevin Crowston<br />

Numbers, Governance, Health: A Norwegian Case of Statistics Production<br />

Gunhild Tøndel and Ann R. Saetnan<br />

DM6 ILIMA 2 WEDNESDAY 10-11:30am<br />

The Leyline: A Comparative Approach to Designing a Graphical Provenance-Based Search UI<br />

SeyedSoroush Ghorashi and Carlos Jensen<br />

Does SEO Matter? Increasing Classroom Blog Visibility Through Search Engine Optimization<br />

Sonya Zhang and Neal Cabage<br />

E-Government Track<br />

Chair: Hans (Jochen) Scholl<br />

Cloud Services and Interoperability<br />

Co-Chairs: Marijn Janssen, Yannis Charalabidis, and Helmut Krcmar<br />

EG1 MAILE 1 ____ TUESDAY 10-11:30am<br />

* Organizational Requirements for Building up National e-Government Infrastructures in Federal Settings<br />

Marianne Fraefel, Thomas Selzam, and Reinhard Riedl<br />

Role of Standards in Cloud-Computing Interoperability<br />

Grace Lewis<br />

Discussion<br />

E-Government Education<br />

Co-Chairs: Tomasz Janowski, Wojciech Cellary, and Jim Davies<br />

EG2 MAILE 1 ____TUESDAY 8-9:30am<br />

* Landscaping Government Chief Information Officer Education<br />

Elsa Estevez and Tomasz Janowski<br />

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