QYResearch: The global gas spring machine revenue would keep increasing with annual growth rate with 2~6%

More Detail: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/goods-1297559.html Gas spring industry is a large market; the total revenue of the manufacturing enterprises in this industry is about 2027 Million USD in 2016. Asia-Pacific occupied 37.2% of the sales market in 2016. It is followed by Europe and North America, which respectively have around 26.09% and 24.94% of the global total industry. Other countries have a small amount of production.

More Detail: http://www.qyresearchglobal.com/goods-1297559.html Gas spring industry is a large market; the total revenue of the manufacturing enterprises in this industry is about 2027 Million USD in 2016. Asia-Pacific occupied 37.2% of the sales market in 2016. It is followed by Europe and North America, which respectively have around 26.09% and 24.94% of the global total industry. Other countries have a small amount of production.


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