issue 5

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EDITOR<br />

It appears that the veil of secrecy is drawn more tightly around our PC every time<br />

they have a meeting.<br />

The extract from the PC minutes of 23rd January of the closed session seems on<br />

the surface to be straightforward and decisive.<br />

On closer examination, a veil is apparent:<br />

20.3 “after detailed discussion it was resolved to overturn the appointment of<br />

the existing internal auditor”<br />

Straightforward? Not at all. The internal auditor has served the PC for many<br />

years for minimal reward to support the community, and without criticism or<br />

censure. He is a fully qualified accountant.<br />

Was he ever informed of this decision or the reasoning behind it, or even been<br />

involved in any council discussions on it?<br />

” Following legal advice…”All very well, and the PC should seek such support<br />

when it is needed. What is patently missing here is that the councillors who were<br />

asked to support this resolution have NEVER actually been given the details of<br />

what that “legal advice” was.<br />

Now this is totally contrary to councillors being FULLY informed on all<br />

resolutions they are asked to vote on, whether in open or closed sessions.<br />

The questions that the PC should and must answer b are:<br />

1) Were all councillors given full details and reasons for the legal<br />

recommendations before they voted?<br />

2) How can HALC be appointed as a new auditor on behalf of the PC?<br />

HALC are a subscription -based advisory body not accountants. How can they<br />

replace a qualified long serving accountant with an unblemished record? HALC<br />

may be operating a “jobs for the boys” policy but our PC should NOT be involved<br />


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