Lent Devotions 2018 FINAL

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Acts 7:30-40 (CEB)<br />

30 “Forty years later, an angel appeared to Moses in the flame of a burning bush in the wilderness near<br />

Mount Sinai. 31 Enthralled by the sight, Moses approached to get a closer look and he heard the<br />

Lord’s voice: 32 ‘I am the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’[a] Trembling<br />

with fear, Moses didn’t dare to investigate any further. 33 The Lord continued, ‘Remove the sandals<br />

from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy ground. 34 I have clearly seen the oppression<br />

my people have experienced in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning. I have come down to rescue<br />

them. Come! I am sending you to Egypt.’[b]<br />

35 “This is the same Moses whom they rejected when they asked, ‘Who appointed you as our leader<br />

and judge?’ This is the Moses whom God sent as leader and deliverer. God did this with the help of the<br />

angel who appeared before him in the bush. 36 This man led them out after he performed wonders<br />

and signs in Egypt at the Red Sea and for forty years in the wilderness. 37 This is the Moses who told<br />

the Israelites, ‘God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your own people.’[c] 38 This is the one<br />

who was in the assembly in the wilderness with our ancestors and with the angel who spoke to him on<br />

Mount Sinai. He is the one who received life-giving words to give to us. 39 He’s also the one whom our<br />

ancestors refused to obey. Instead, they pushed him aside and, in their thoughts and desires, returned<br />

to Egypt. 40 They told Aaron, ‘Make us gods that will lead us. As for this Moses who led us out of<br />

Egypt, we don’t know what’s happened to him!’[d]<br />

I was drawn to two verses. The first was verse 34. God<br />

tells us that he has seen our oppression and heard the groans of his people. God tells<br />

us that he has come to rescue us from the evil or the world. The second verse that I<br />

was drawn to was verse 39. The people push Moses aside and instead of listening to<br />

God and following his plan for their lives, they return to Egypt out of their own desires<br />

and thoughts. Instead of the people of Israel listening to the someone that God put in<br />

their path to lead them, they throw him out and return to the bondage. What I draw<br />

from this passage is that man does not obey God's plan for our lives. We are instead<br />

caught up in the pleasures of the world. God calls us to follow him and to take heed to<br />

the people he puts in our path to remind us of his plan for our lives.<br />

Dear God, help me to remember that I am merely your servant and that all the blessings in my life<br />

come from your grace. Help me to see those that you put in my path to remind me of your plan, and<br />

how to show others your grace and love.<br />

- Nicholas Shumate

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