2018 Pesach Guide

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by Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Morah Horaah Midwest Bais Horaah<br />

One of the central mitzvos of leil seder is the<br />

drinking of Daled Kosos; the four cups of<br />

wine. Although it is a rabbinical obligation,<br />

Rambam (Hil. Chometz Umatzah 7:7) implies<br />

that it is fundamental to our demonstration of<br />

the Cheirus we acquired on this night. We will<br />

highlight some of the key halachos pertaining<br />

to this mitzvah.<br />

Who is obligated?<br />

Although women are generally exempt from<br />

time bound Mitzvos, the Gemara in <strong>Pesach</strong>im<br />

(108a) states that women were part of the<br />

miracle of leaving Mitzrayim, therefore they<br />

are obligated in mitzvos associated with it,<br />

namely the drinking of Daled Kosos.<br />

Children who have reached the age of chinuch<br />

are also given kosos (Shulchan Aruch 472 1 .15).<br />

This applies to both boys and girls. Aruch<br />

Hashulchan (15) points out that while the<br />

halachic obligation of chinuch to boys is different<br />

than that of girls, the night of <strong>Pesach</strong> is<br />

when the fundamentals of Yahadus are being<br />

transmitted, and girls must be part of that as<br />

well.<br />

Color of the Wine<br />

Shulchan Aruch (11) writes that one should try<br />

to fulfill the mitzvah with red wine as opposed<br />

to white wine. One reason given is that red<br />

wine is a better quality wine. Another is that<br />

the red wine reminds us of the Jewish blood<br />

spilled in Mitzrayim (Mishnah Berurah 38).<br />

Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l ruled that the wine<br />

need not be a deep red, even a Tokay wine is<br />

sufficient (Rav Eider chap. 20). Rema (ibid.)<br />

adds that if the white wine is better quality, one<br />

should in fact use white before the red one.<br />

If the two wines are of the same quality, or the<br />

difference is insignificant to the drinker, only<br />

red wine should be used.<br />

There are those who use white wine but add<br />

some red wine to give it a red color. While this<br />

would not give it better quality, it would be<br />

some form of reminder of the blood. (Putting<br />

in a red food coloring would not have any<br />

halachic advantage (Halichos Shlomo 9:10)).<br />

Generally speaking, there is no concern of<br />

Tzoveiah (dying) on Shabbos and Yom Tov,<br />

as dying does not apply to foods (SA 320:19) 2 .<br />

However, if the food is added for the specific<br />

purpose of coloring, some Poskim (Nishmas<br />

Adam Hil. Shabbos 24:3) are concerned for<br />

Tzovei’ah (see Mishnah Berurah 320:56). To<br />

avoid any shaylos, one would have to mix the<br />

wine before Yom Tov. However, this is only a<br />

stringency, and one may be lenient if needed.<br />

According to all opinions, one would be allowed<br />

to first put in the red wine, followed by<br />

the white wine (Shaar Hatziun ibid).<br />

Wine or Grape Juice<br />

The Gemara (Yerushalmi <strong>Pesach</strong>im 10:1,<br />

Shekalim 3:2, see Bavli Nedarim 49b) tells us<br />

of Chachamim who would get headaches from<br />

the wine that they drank at the Seder. Shulchan<br />

Aruch (10) derives from this that one should<br />

push themselves to fulfill the mitzvah of Daled<br />

Kosos properly, even they might have a physical<br />

aversion to wine.<br />

Grape juice, although not alcoholic like wine,<br />

is a halachically viable substitute for wine<br />

in many situations, such as Kiddush and<br />

Havdalah. Even so, Magen Avraham (272:3,<br />

cited in MB 5 and AH) writes that it is always<br />

better to use genuine wine. Moreover, Rav<br />

Moshe Feinstein (Kol Dodi 3:4, Mesores<br />

Moshe 1 OC 315-316) points out that the<br />

Daled Kosos have an added component of<br />

Cheirus; expressing our leaving slavery into<br />

nobility. That sense of freedom is expressed<br />

by drinking wine, not grape juice (see Pri<br />

Chadash 483, Mikrai Kodesh 2:35). Therefore,<br />

if one has both options it is best to drink wine.<br />

Rav Moshe zt”l added that is it preferable to<br />

use a smaller kos and drink wine than to use a<br />

larger one and have to use grape juice (Dayan<br />

Fuerst). Today there are many low alcoholic<br />

wines that one can choose from to fulfill this<br />

part of the mitzvah. Moreover, one may mix<br />

grape juice with wine if he can still taste the<br />

alcohol content of the wine. (Shevus Yitzchok<br />

pg. 117 in the name of Rav Eliyashiv zt”l)<br />

This concept of cheirus is only l’chatchilah.<br />

If one is unable to drink any wine, he may<br />

use grape juice to fulfill his obligation. Many<br />

Gedolei Yisroel were themselves lenient and<br />

used grape juice (Teshuvos V’Hanhagos<br />

2:243). If one will get ill from drinking wine,<br />

he certainly may use grape juice l’chatchila, as<br />

the wine does not express any cheirus to him<br />

(Shaar Hatziun 52). There is a halachic discussion<br />

if grape juice produced from concentrate<br />

has a status of wine. Although many Poskim<br />

are lenient (Dayan Fuerst in the name of Rav<br />

Moshe Feinstein zt”l, Minchas Yitzchok), if<br />

one has other options, he should try to use<br />

genuine wine (see Minchas Shlomo Vol 1: 4).<br />

Non-Mevushal Wine<br />

There is discussion among the Rishonim if<br />

wine that has been cooked or has additional<br />

sweeteners in it (honey, sugar etc) retains its<br />

status as wine. In Hilchos Berachos, Shulchan<br />

Aruch (202:1) rules that its beracha remains<br />

“Borei Pri Hagafen”. However in regards to<br />

Kiddush, he cites both opinions (272:8). The<br />

Mishnah Berurah (ibid 23) writes that if the<br />

options are equal, it is advantageous to use<br />

wine that is not cooked, or non-mevushal.<br />

There is a halachic discussion if the process of<br />

pasteurization is considered cooking the wine<br />

or not. Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l (Igros Moshe<br />

YD 2:52) ruled that if the process is done at a<br />

temperature of at least 175 degrees, it becomes<br />

mevushal wine. Other Poskim maintain that<br />

only if the cooking will change the quality or<br />

taste of the wine, then it will have the status<br />

of mevushal (Minchas Shlomo 1:25, Koveitz<br />

Teshuvos 1:76). This is most relevant in the<br />

halachos of wine dealt with by non-Jews. It will<br />

also determine whether pasteurized wine is<br />

considered mevushal for Kiddush and Daled<br />

Kosos (See Igros Moshe YD 3:31).<br />



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