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THE<br />

www.expressimpact.com | April, 2018<br />

ME TUME - z i n e<br />

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STRONG<br />

PRICE:<br />

N1000<br />

$2.78<br />

USAIN<br />

BOLT<br />

The Man That Is Faster Than The Light.<br />

HOT &<br />

TRENDY<br />

GIST<br />


road to<br />

success<br />

Lifestyle || Business || Sports || Entertainment



STRONG<br />

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T<br />

he excitement and thrill of<br />

stepping into the new year has<br />

gradually faded away. Life is<br />

going back, settling down and resetting<br />

itself to the default it has always been. And<br />

many of us have probably made a lot of<br />

resolutions, setting goals and mapping out<br />

targets we hope to hit for the year. Right<br />

now, we seem to be energetic; on re,<br />

ring on all cyclinders, and it looks like we<br />

just might be able to pull of the stunts in all<br />

that we hope for.<br />

But along the line, during the tortuous<br />

journey for the year, there seems to be a<br />

problem that besieges us. Suddenly, we<br />

zzle out, lacking the drive to continue.<br />

We suddenly do not have the desire<br />

anymore and in fact we begin to rationlize,<br />

thinking there isn't meaning to all of it all.<br />

Other times, we become distracted,<br />

embroiled in the exigencies of life, pining<br />

and whining away or getting carried away<br />

by the next available fun of the moment.<br />

But do not worry, do not fret; there's no<br />

need to pretend that we're all super gods<br />

and goddesses without rough edges. is<br />

piece is an allay to that fear and here are<br />

the ways to keep your re burning.<br />

1. Make your life a need to<br />

e problem of a zzling momentum or a<br />

dying drive begins with a lot of us making<br />

goals and resolutions because we had to<br />

and not because we needed to.We had to<br />

because of the spur of excitement for the<br />

New Year and it is only habitual to make<br />

goals and resolutions for the year. Aer all,<br />

our friends and those around usdid and so<br />

it's the “normal” thing to do. Here in lies<br />

the problem. A “needing” is certainly<br />

pivotal than a “having”. Imagine you're<br />

suffocating or somebody is choking, you<br />

see the desperation with arms ailing for<br />

breath; you see the ght for oxygen.<br />

ere's a “need” for that individual to have<br />

oxygen otherwise death is certain. So,<br />

make everything about your life a need<br />

(something you can't do without). When<br />

all that matters, including your goals and<br />

resolution, becomes a need, there's a<br />

“drive” to get it.<br />

2. Make your life a healthy competition<br />

How? You may wonder. I do believe we're<br />

familiar with the statement, “overtaking is<br />

allowed”. is statement isn't an attempt<br />

to brew us into individuals who would use<br />

vicious and ungraceful methods to bring<br />

down those ahead of us. Rather, it is like a<br />

“chi”to see our livesas competitive and to<br />

take responsibility for it. Look around,<br />

Social Media platforms like Facebook and<br />

Twitter; Telecom giants like Globacom<br />

Telecommunications and MTN are<br />

always rivaling each other in a bid to<br />

outdo the other. What this does is to mold<br />

these brands into having the constant<br />

drive and momentum for success. And<br />

they're successful because of the<br />

competitive spirit fostered in them.<br />

Emulate this as well.<br />

3. Surround yourself with success<br />

oriented individuals<br />

You cannot y with the eagles when you're<br />

scratching with the turkeys. In order<br />

words, you cannot hope to succeed when<br />

the bulk of persons around you are<br />

opposite of what you hope to be. No, it<br />

doesn't work that way. Because eventually,<br />

you'd be dragged down, reduced back to<br />

pebbles, de ated by such persons even<br />

though you have the drive or momentum<br />

to be different. You need to realign and<br />

readjust your circle of in uence with those<br />

who have the mindset to be different.<br />

When you do, you'd surely have the re to<br />

keep burning.<br />

4. Surround your life with materials<br />

Momentum is the product of mass and<br />

velocity but there is certainly a “force”<br />

needed to produce the velocity that would<br />

propel the mass forward. And so,<br />

materials in form of written, audio and<br />

visuals are one of such forces. Invest your<br />

time into poring books that would<br />

increase your mental capacity. Watch and<br />

listen to men and women who are masters<br />

of success for they can teach you in<br />

minutes and hours what took them<br />

aarduous life time to learn. When you<br />

study materials, there's an unconscious<br />

transfer of knowledge and what was<br />

difficult and herculean to do, would<br />

suddenly become a stroll in the park.<br />

With these four nuggets at your nger<br />

tips, I'm assured you're going to have a<br />

momentous experience this year. And<br />

what's more, a successful individual in the<br />

end. If not, then something is wrong<br />

somewhere. Sort it out.<br />

/////////////////////////////////<br />



road to<br />

success<br />

As Youths the struggle in between our Visions and their<br />

Actualizations is in the distinguishing between;<br />

a. Relevance to Self<br />

b. Relevance to Humanity.<br />

Now, if these two are realized and dealt with accordingly and in<br />

time, REALIZATION OF VISION will be but common ground for<br />

Youths in this generation. So now let us demystify the subjects we<br />

faced with.<br />


Feeding, Clothing and other personal welfare cannot be excused in<br />

the daily lives of humans speci cally youths and must in fact be<br />

acquired. But then there is a thin line between working to survive<br />

and working to impact. Over time Youths have worked to survive in<br />

the acquisition of Cloths, Feeds and other welfare materials but have<br />

failed in recognizing that this ought to be but a short moment in our<br />

lives while we anticipate our call to Primarily Impact, hence we<br />

work to survive till we age and die.<br />

You might want to ask the question; But how can one impact<br />

without survival, I will tell you the truth, 'Survival is but an offshoot<br />

of Impact, when the latter is prioritized in the mind'.<br />

A Banker who is looking at Impacting his generation will not barely<br />

wake up and run to work with just his scheme of work in that<br />

particular bank in mind to achieve but will start to dig deep into<br />

possible systems by which the Bank Industry as a whole, can be<br />

reformed to t current demands from customers thereby setting<br />

himself up for an innovative recognition, which is key to promotion<br />

in that particular bank and even recognition at the State and<br />

National level, depending on how far he is looking and what he is<br />

looking to see.<br />

A youth who is 'relevant to self ', whether he aspires to be such or<br />

not, is one who barely wants to be rich without de ning the source<br />

to that riches. It is in this generation you nd children and<br />

Teenagers who are more conversant with What they want to HAVE<br />

other than What they want to DO, basically misplacing, and<br />

mistaking both for each other. Now a society with a yesterday of<br />

such Children and Teenagers, have inevitably produced a today,<br />

with a bunch of youths, myopic and sel sh in vision'.<br />

'Relevance to self ' as we have therefore understood above, is a trap of<br />

poverty and smallness clothe in the fake attire of 'e Products Of<br />

Relevance To Humanity', hence many is a victim of the disguise,<br />

rendering them almost useless to the 'SELF' they were trying to<br />

protect and cater for, a forehand'.<br />

e matter however, is not out of hand yet, as reading this now, is a<br />

proof of your desire to be great. To Impact is an inevitable route to<br />

greatness, so follow me.<br />


Reading from top, I believe you must have made a choice between<br />

'Relevance To Self ' and 'Relevance To Humanity', so let us go on a<br />

journey through the latter.<br />

To make Impact is to be relevant to Humanity, but at a glance, this<br />

may seem really ambiguous. You must be thinking by now, ' But how<br />

can I handle the idea to be relevant to Humanity as a whole, when as<br />

a matter of fact, I have only been exposed to but a small part of the<br />

world, thereby in uenced by just a particular Race and Tribe?'<br />

Well, I got an answer to your question;<br />

God, did not design man to be relevant to the whole world, and even<br />

God himself as Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth designed a<br />

manual (the Bible), for man but never trampled on man's Self Will,<br />

hence just a fraction of humanity accords the Bible, a worthy<br />

manual for life. Relating this to You also, your vision for relevance<br />

cannot be useful to every human on earth but when you succeed in<br />

that vision you can be recognized by all of Humanity, marked by an<br />

achievement. For example, Michael Jackson is a musician whose<br />

music is not relevant to some pastors and Christians, yet the same<br />

pastors and Christians even without patronizing him, recognize<br />

him because he has succeeded in his vision and hence is marked by a<br />

musical achievement. is takes us to what I term; MARKING<br />


For you to have yourself the ful lment of a year well spent and gain<br />

momentum, You must begin to draw structures that renders you<br />

relevant to a class of humans, directly/indirectly in need of your<br />

acquired Skill and Talent, by this you have marked and mastered a<br />

territory of in uence, which in the long run, you will be recognized<br />

by.<br />

Begin Today...Have A Great Year!<br />




Optimal<br />


A<br />

dvancement is a necessary virtue and pre-requisite for<br />

an excellent lifestyle. Advancement means making<br />

progress; forging ahead; making headway; scaling<br />

higher altitudes. Every person has the right to make advancement<br />

but only few do advance to their full potentials.<br />

Most oen, we advance to a certain level and mediocrity sets in.<br />

We begin to settle for the available. is, because, the available at<br />

every stage of growth is usually better than the previous, hence the<br />

distraction. But that would mean we're being sub-optimal in the<br />

realization of our potentials.<br />

Sub-optimality can never be at par with excellence.<br />

For you to attain optimality in your advancement, your approach<br />

must be Aligned, Balanced, Commensurate, Deliberate and<br />

Evolutionary. is is the A – E strategy of optimal advancement.<br />


Alignment in its simplest form means a position of agreement.<br />

is simply means all your actions and inactions must be geared<br />

towards achieving some desired feat.<br />

Every of your decisions must be in consonance with your journey.<br />

e months or years spent on engagements not in sync with your<br />

journey is a waste of a part of one's life. at's expensive!<br />

ere's no greater waste of time than to do with zealousness, what<br />

needs not be done at all. Let go of distractions and let your efforts<br />

be coherent with your desired destination.<br />


e principle of balancing the need to meet today's demands with<br />

the need to invest in the prospects of tomorrow is unavoidable.<br />

It should not be automatic to give sole priority to the prospects of<br />

tomorrow and neglect the needs of today. Advancement must be<br />

balanced. Excessive focus on the prospects of tomorrow will result<br />

in ruined health, broken relationships, et al.<br />

It is worthy of note that the needs of today drive our economic<br />

engine and that of tomorrow has the capacity to de ne our<br />

economics in the future. Both are important and priorities should<br />

be set aright. We cannot afford to burn the candle upside down.<br />

ere is no automatic priority; situation ethics apply and balance<br />

must be maintained. Advancement is Balanced!<br />


Commensurate refers to proportionality of efforts with desired<br />

results. Your input must be corresponding in magnitude, in<br />

degree, in proportion with your desired level of advancement.<br />

Efficiency is comparing your output to your input. While it is<br />

possible to be sub-optimal in your output (due to other factors),<br />

you cannot afford to be sub-optimal in your input.<br />

Your results (output) is a variable dependent on your input. You<br />

must put in an effort that can produce the desired result. Input<br />

must be corresponding with desired output.<br />


ere is the story of a man who lost his job and lamented to his<br />

clergy saying: “I just lost my job and my wife gave birth suddenly!”<br />

How impossible? Can one give birth suddenly? Isn't it a process? It<br />

takes up to 9 months. So also, is advancement.<br />

Advancement must be well thought out. It must be consciously<br />

and intentionally pursued. ere will be unpleasant setbacks and<br />

attractive distractions but they are what they are – distractions. It<br />

is the conscious and intentional will-power that will keep you<br />

going.<br />

And advancement obeys the law of time. erefore, if I need maize<br />

today, I must have planted it about three months ago. If I needed it<br />

in three months' time, there's no better time to plant it than now.<br />


In an era where the surge for immediate grati cation and quick<br />

xes is everywhere, it becomes hard work to be patient with the<br />

natural order of things. Still, growth is evolutionary.<br />

We've allowed the way success looks from the outside direct our<br />

thinking of how it should exactly be internally. We believe it is<br />

more revolutionary than evolutionary. e truth is, the reverse is<br />

the case.<br />

Just like the transition from childhood to adulthood. We advance<br />

from learning how to sit, to crawling, to standing, to walking, to<br />

jumping, to running, et al. e transition isn't revolutionary! It is<br />

an evolution. It is a process. And so is advancement. We must be<br />

patient with the natural order of things.<br />

is is a call to a journey of an excellent lifestyle. A lifestyle that<br />

negates mediocrity; that seeks no revolutionary quick x; that<br />

exhibits willpower to be optimal and is patient with natural order.<br />

Welcome to the optimal lifestyle. You're on earth to be optimal, do<br />

so!<br />

Samuel BADA.<br />



regulating<br />

momentum your<br />

o matter how old you are, where<br />

N you're from or what you do for a<br />

living, we all share something in<br />

common—a desire to be successful. Each<br />

person's de nition of success is different,<br />

however, as some may de ne success as<br />

being a loving and faithful spouse or a<br />

caring and responsible parent, while most<br />

people would equate success with wealth,<br />

fame, and power. We all want to achieve<br />

success so we could live a comfortable<br />

life—have nancial freedom, drive a nice<br />

car, and live in a beautiful house. However,<br />

although success can be achieved, it does<br />

not come easy. e road to success<br />

requires skill while driving through that<br />

road and it is only those that are ready and<br />

equipped that will pass safely.<br />

e success we desire so badly would not<br />

just come overnight. What we do hourly,<br />

daily, weekly, monthly and yearly is what<br />

determines how far we would go in our<br />

quest to achieving our highly desired<br />

goals, dreams and aspirations. It is our<br />

dealings and achievements yearly which is<br />

gotten by what we do hourly, daily and<br />

monthly that accumulate and determine<br />

how magni cent or terrible the year<br />

would be which in turn lays down the<br />

foundation for how our life will be; either<br />

successful or a total disaster.<br />

Year in and year out, we write down goals<br />

and plans we want to achieve and at the<br />

end of the year and we discover that we are<br />

able to achieve less than ten percent of our<br />

entire plans for the year. For many people,<br />

they lose the drive, re, motivation and<br />

momentum that were there at the<br />

beginning of the year and by March, they<br />

are living a new year like the previous year.<br />

e reason for this is simple. ey could<br />

not keep the momentum that was once<br />

there. S o how do you keep your<br />

momentum that will propel you to<br />

greatness for the remaining part of the<br />

year? Follow me.<br />

I don't know what it is that you want to<br />

achieve. It might be that you want to lose<br />

some weight this year, or you want to write<br />

a book this year or probably you want to<br />

graduate as the best this year or maybe you<br />

want to be a millionaire this year.<br />

Whatever it is you want to achieve, you<br />

know best and I've come to tell you plainly<br />

that if you put in the required and<br />

necessary ingredients in a pot, you will get<br />

the necessary soup. If you put in the right<br />

and required recipe, you will get the<br />

necessary meal. Your year will be fabulous<br />

if you can keep the required momentum.<br />

Now you must have these at the back of<br />

your mind;<br />


How committed are you or are you willing<br />

to be?<br />

Here is what I believe is the number one<br />

key to success for you this year. Are you<br />

committed? What I am trying to say is that<br />

in all of my observations, and from my<br />

own experience, I nd that the journey is<br />

always the same. It's a long road of self<br />

examination and improvement, skill<br />

examination and education.<br />

It's making judgment calls about people,<br />

things and situations. You continually<br />

correct the "course" until you are headed<br />

in the right direction. To trust your gut, to<br />

keep the faith, to make it through tough<br />

times, takes commitment. e question is<br />

can you stick it out? Do you quit because<br />

the results are low? Do you quit because<br />

you can't nd the right people? When do<br />

you say it's over?<br />

Commitment to the journey is the key to<br />

success. Because you will always see<br />

things that make you want to run. But you<br />

have to put your faith on the table. You<br />

really have to stand against all odds. It<br />

takes courage. And when you do this, you<br />

will succeed. Until one is committed,<br />

there is hesitancy, the chance to draw<br />

back, always ineffectiveness concerning<br />

all acts of initiative (and creation).<br />

ere is one elemental truth, the<br />

ignorance of which kills countless ideas<br />

and splendid plans--- that the moment<br />

one de nitely commits oneself, then<br />

Providence moves all. All sorts of things<br />

occur to help one that would never<br />

otherwise have occurred. A whole stream<br />

of events issue from the decision, Raising<br />

in one's favor all manner of incidents and<br />

meetings and material assistance which<br />

no one could have dreamed would come<br />

his or her way.<br />

Whatever you can do or dream, you can<br />

begin it. Boldness has genius, power and<br />

magic in it. Begin it now and stay true to it.<br />




Here is a simple analogy. When you board<br />

a plane, you are treated to a demonstration<br />

of what to do in case the oxygen masks<br />

drop from above. e rst instruction is to<br />

put your mask on rst. is is especially<br />

important because if you don't take care of<br />

your need rst, you will not be able to help<br />

others and that includes your children,<br />

your spouse or anyone else.<br />

How does this relate to your year? Create<br />

the situation that best helps you rst. Put<br />

yourself in a position of power or at least<br />

close to the ear of power. Do a great job,<br />

rst for you. Excel for you. en assist<br />

others, speak up for others, do for others.<br />



I am not talking about college degrees<br />

here. ough they are a great start, you<br />

must continue to educate yourself. Take<br />

part in seminars, read everything, surf the<br />

net. Even when you think you've got it,<br />

press on. Education is inspiring the mind<br />

to reach the limits of excellence.<br />

Learn things in and out of your eld, read<br />

books, magazines and watch inspirational<br />

clips. Remember that the principal womb<br />

of a man is the mind!! It can give birth to<br />

anything depending on what is stored.<br />



How many times have we seen people,<br />

throughout history, hold on to what they<br />

believe is the ONLY way to think, to nd<br />

the world moving on without them? It was<br />

generally thought the automobile would<br />

never catch on; aer all, weren't bicycles<br />

and trains more than enough? It doesn't<br />

mean you have to change your way of<br />

thinking or embrace it, just examine it,<br />

educate yourself about it and recognize<br />

that it may be here to stay.<br />


TION<br />

I cannot stress this enough. We are a work<br />

in progress. You will make mistakes, your<br />

attitude will change and you will grow. But<br />

if you don't take the time to examine<br />

yourself and your attitudes along the way,<br />

you run the risk of becoming stagnant and<br />

brittle. And brittle is a good candidate for<br />

crumbling dust.<br />

Examine your relationships with people,<br />

your business practices, not just your<br />

nances. In the end, it is your relationship<br />

with people that makes you successful in<br />

both life and business. If you nd yourself<br />

having the same issues arise, it's time for<br />

some self-examination. What are you<br />

doing to contribute to this issue? What<br />

can you do to create a change?<br />



Don't give up. Let me not lie to you, times<br />

will come when you will begin to consider<br />

adjusting your dreams and goals to suit<br />

your present challenges. When that time<br />

comes, know that you are on track. Don't<br />

settle for less, keep pushing, and keep<br />

grinding. It is either an 'A' or an 'A'. Be<br />

tough on the inside, and work towards<br />

your goal like your life is on the line.<br />

Be wise. You are not getting any younger.<br />

All you need is a decision to make every<br />

goal come to pass. Stay committed to it,<br />

love yourself, educate yourself, examine<br />

yourself and maintain the energy that will<br />

propel you to the top.<br />

My name is Samuel Okeh and I approve<br />

this message.<br />


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