2010annual report - Turun Sanomat

2010annual report - Turun Sanomat

2010annual report - Turun Sanomat


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Audit <strong>report</strong> Statement by the supervisory<br />

board of TS-Yhtymä oy<br />

To the General Meeting of TS Yhtymä Oy<br />

We have audited the accounts, financial statements, annual <strong>report</strong> and the management of TS-Yhtymä Oy in the financial<br />

year 1 January – 31 December 2010. The financial statements comprise the balance sheet of the Group and the<br />

parent company; profit and loss account; funds statement; and notes to the accounts.<br />

Responsibilities of the Management and Managing Director<br />

The board of directors and the Managing Director are responsible for issuing the financial statements and the <strong>report</strong> and<br />

for presenting truthful and adequate information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Finland.<br />

The board is responsible for setting up an appropriate control system for accounting and financial management while<br />

the Managing Director is responsible for lawful accounting and reliable financial management.<br />

Responsibilities of the Auditor<br />

It is our responsibility to express an opinion on the financial statements, consolidated financial statements and annual<br />

<strong>report</strong> based on our audit. We adhere to occupational ethics in accordance with audit laws. We conducted our audit in<br />

accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Finland. Those standards require that we plan and perform<br />

the audit to obtain a reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements or annual <strong>report</strong> are free of material<br />

misstatement, whether the board of directors in the parent company or the Managing Director committed an act or<br />

default that may incur liability for damages with regard to the company, and whether the Companies Act or articles of<br />

association were breached.<br />

An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements<br />

and the <strong>report</strong>, as well as other information presented therein. Test measures are selected at the discretion of the<br />

auditor and include assessment of risks deriving from malpractice or falsehoods. In assessing these risks, the auditor observes<br />

internal control within the company, which is significant in terms of issuing financial statements and <strong>report</strong>s that<br />

present truthful and adequate information. The auditor assesses internal control in order to plan the audit appropriately,<br />

not with the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control. An audit also includes<br />

assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating<br />

the overall financial statement and <strong>report</strong> presentation.<br />

To the best of our understanding, we have obtained sufficient and appropriate audit evidence on which to base our<br />

opinion.<br />

Opinion<br />

In our opinion, the financial statements and the <strong>report</strong> referred to above present fairly and adequately, in all material<br />

respects, the financial position of the Group and the parent company and the results of its operations in accordance with<br />

accounting principles generally accepted in Finland. The information in the <strong>report</strong> and the financial statements contains<br />

no discrepancies.<br />

Turku, 18 March 2011<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy<br />

KHT community<br />

Johan Kronberg Mika Kaarisalo<br />

KHT KHT<br />

Having examined the financial statements prepared for TS-Yhtymä Oy and the TS Group for the period 1 January to 31<br />

December 2010, and the auditors’ <strong>report</strong>, the Supervisory Board recommends that the Annual General Meeting adopt<br />

the income statement and balance sheet and consolidated income statement and balance sheet and that the profit shown<br />

in the parent company’s balance sheet be disposed of in accordance with the Board of Directors’ proposal.<br />

Turku, 11 April 2011<br />

On behalf of the Supervisory Board<br />

Keijo Virtanen<br />

Chairman<br />

TS Group Annual Report 2010 TS Group Annual Report 2010<br />

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