
Study units and arrangement materials gave by us to C_S4IMP_1610 Test are approved by the experts and industry specialists. You can without much of a stretch breeze through your accreditation test with our cerebrum dumps and PDF test questions. please use 20off2018 as discount voucher to avail 20% discount. For more information please visit here: https://www.certschief.com/exam/C_S4IMP_1610/

Study units and arrangement materials gave by us to C_S4IMP_1610 Test are approved by the experts and industry specialists. You can without much of a stretch breeze through your accreditation test with our cerebrum dumps and PDF test questions. please use 20off2018 as discount voucher to avail 20% discount. For more information please visit here: https://www.certschief.com/exam/C_S4IMP_1610/


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Question: 1<br />

Below are the features of guided configuration:<br />

There are 4 correct answers to this question.<br />

Response:<br />

A.Configure your solution<br />

B.Configure using IMG<br />

C.View solution scope<br />

D.Migrate your data<br />

E.Test your processes<br />

Answer: A,C,D,E<br />

Reference:<br />

https://blogs.sap.com/2016/01/01/sap-s4hana-how-to-manage-your-solution-with-sapactivate/<br />

Question: 2<br />

Three major steps of discovery phase are:<br />

There are 3 correct answers to this question.<br />

Response:<br />

A.Evaluating<br />

B.Scoping<br />

C.Delivering<br />

D.Discovering & Exploring<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: A,B,C<br />

DVM can be used for:<br />

There are 3 correct answers to this question.<br />

Response:<br />

A.Monitor data growth<br />

B.Reduce operation cost<br />

C.Maximize system users<br />

D.Improve system performance<br />

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