SellingAHome-JenniferChristenot (1)

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1.) When is the best time of year to sell my home?<br />

Homeowners and real estate agents alike concern themselves<br />

with the perfect time of year to sell a home because the time<br />

of year you list your home will greatly affect how fast your<br />

home sells, and how much you get for it. So what is the best<br />

time of year to sell your home? Most times, the best time to<br />

sell your home will coincide with the time of year when the<br />

weather is best; people are more interested in going out to<br />

view homes when the weather is nice.<br />

2.) What are the most important factors I should consider<br />

when selling my home?<br />

When selling a home, it can be overwhelming to think about<br />

all the many factors that need to be taken into consideration<br />

to sell your home quickly, and for the value you want. But<br />

when you break it down into the three most important<br />

considerations: price, condition, and exposure, it becomes<br />

much easier to focus on the factors that will make the biggest<br />

difference.<br />

Price is one of the most important factors to take into<br />

consideration because if you don’t price your property properly,<br />

it will automatically turn buyers off, even often before they’ve<br />

even seen the inside of your home.<br />

The condition of your home is also of utmost importance<br />



when selling, because most buyers won’t be interested in<br />

purchasing a home that still need a lot of work put into them.<br />

Even if your home doesn’t have holes in the wall, peeling paint,<br />

water stains, and even dirty carpets can turn buyers away so<br />

it’s extremely important to make sure your home is in the very<br />

best condition before showing it to potential buyers.<br />

The third most important factor to consider when selling your<br />

home is the exposure it receives while on the market. Even<br />

with the home priced at a great value for buyers and pristine<br />

condition inside and out, if buyers don’t know about your<br />

home they’re simply not going to buy it. It’s for this reason<br />

that you need to make sure your home is getting as much<br />

exposure as possible. A lot of that will fall on your real estate<br />

agent’s shoulders, through advertising and getting your home<br />

listed in the local multiple listings service. However, to increase<br />

your exposure even more you also need to get the word out to<br />

whoever you can and even more importantly, make sure you<br />

and your home are available for open houses.<br />

3.) How do I know what price to list my home at?<br />

You know that price is one of the most important factors to<br />

consider when listing your home. If you price your home too<br />

high, it will turn buyers away because they don’t see the value;<br />

and if you price it too low, you could lose out on thousands of<br />

dollars. But how do you know what a fair price is for both you<br />

and buyers? You can be prepared to just give your real estate<br />

agent a number based on what you paid for the home and<br />

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what you think the home is worth; but that’s not the smartest<br />

way to go about it. For better or worse, the market has most<br />

likely changed since you purchased your home, making a fair<br />

comparison very difficult. Also, sentimental value can come<br />

into play, placing a bias on any price you determine is fair for<br />

your home. A much better way to price your home is to get an<br />

appraisal, or have a comparative market analysis performed,<br />

which will tell you how much your home is worth based on<br />

location, condition, and market conditions.<br />

Appraisals can be costly, ranging from $450 for a single-family<br />

home and even more for multi-family dwellings. They are<br />

performed by a professional appraiser who knows to look at<br />

things such as location, square footage, water front possibilities,<br />

and amenities including garages, number of rooms,<br />

bathrooms, etc. Appraisals can give you a precise number to<br />

value your property at, and they’re even defendable in court.<br />

A comparative market analysis is similar to an appraisal, but<br />

it’s less formal and not admissible in court. Because they are<br />

not official, real estate agents will often provide clients with a<br />

free comparative market analysis in hopes to gain that client<br />

and eventually, earn them a commission. Even though these<br />

analyses are informal, agents still need to evaluate your home<br />

based on accepted appraisal practices, meaning that they too<br />

will take into consideration the size and style of the home,<br />

location, condition, and what other similar homes are being<br />

sold for on the market. While these analyses don’t provide<br />



a precise number the way appraisals do, they can provide a<br />

broad price range from which a number can be agreed upon.<br />

Both appraisals and comparative market analyses should be<br />

submitted to the homeowner in writing.<br />

4.) Do I need to hire a real estate agent?<br />

The answer to this question depends largely on your situation.<br />

If you are looking to purchase a home, it is very possible you<br />

can do so without hiring a real estate agent. There are tons of<br />

resources available for people looking to purchase real estate.<br />

Often, for a buyer, the only job for a real estate agent is to<br />

unlock the doors to allow you to look inside.<br />

It is completely possible for you to perform research, negotiate<br />

prices and buy a house without an agent – but for most people<br />

this is not recommended. Real estate agents often help in<br />

the closing and escrow process. You can also use a property<br />

attorney for those procedures as well. The answer to whether<br />

or not you need to hire a real estate agent gets trickier if you<br />

are looking to sell your home. It is possible to sell your home<br />

by yourself using local marketing, the internet and advertising.<br />

But using a real estate agent all that work is done for you.<br />

In short, choosing whether or not to use a real estate agent is<br />

like anything else. You can choose to do it yourself but most of<br />

the time it just makes sense to use a professional.<br />

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5.) Should I make repairs that are necessary on the home?<br />

Truthfully, whether you decide to take on the task of making<br />

repairs on your home is up to you, but there are several things<br />

you should take into consideration before making the decision.<br />

The first is that if your home requires any major repairs, such<br />

as fixing a foundation problem, you probably are better off just<br />

making the repairs before selling the home. While these types<br />

of repairs might not get you a huge increase in price, because<br />

buyers simply won’t purchase a home that’s dangerous or<br />

inhabitable, you’ll ultimately sell the home much more quickly<br />

and won’t have to worry about the problem causing any<br />

problems later, such as lawsuits.<br />

If there are minor problems such as a leaky faucet, a laundry<br />

hook-up that doesn’t work, or a half-finished basement, you’ll<br />

have to carefully weigh your options before deciding whether<br />

or not you want to make the repairs yourself. If you do make<br />

the repairs, it can greatly add value to your home (depending<br />

on what the repair was), and you can usually also ask for<br />

more in the price than the project cost you to complete. Also<br />

consider that if you don’t make the repairs, buyers could try to<br />

use those small issues to try and negotiate a lower price for the<br />

home.<br />

6.) What do I have to disclose when selling my home?<br />

While you might not want to tell potential buyers everything<br />

there is to know about your home (including the fact that a<br />



few shingles are loose on the roof or that a post in the fence<br />

continuously breaks), there are some things you legally must<br />

tell buyers, no matter how unpleasant they might be. These<br />

items that you must include in a written disclosure vary from<br />

state to state so it’s very important that you ask your real estate<br />

agent about any forms or guidelines that might be provided<br />

by the Association of Realtors in your state. Some of the most<br />

common things you’ll have to disclose are:<br />

Deaths in the home. Different states have very different laws<br />

about this with some making it illegal to not tell potential<br />

buyers about any death in the home, while in other states you<br />

don’t have to disclose any death in the home. In Texas, if the<br />

death didn’t have anything to do with the property itself, the<br />

information does not have to be disclosed.<br />

Nuisances. These are classified as annoying noises, smells, or<br />

sights around the property that irritate the property owners,<br />

but aren’t on the actual property itself. These nuisances<br />

could include things like train tracks, airports, industrial<br />

manufacturing plants, bad odors, smoke, landfills, and shooting<br />

ranges, to name just a few possibilities. While some states, like<br />

North Carolina and Michigan, do require that sellers disclose<br />

these nuisances, other states – such as Pennsylvania – leave<br />

the burden with the buyers to determine these nuisances for<br />

themselves.<br />

Environmental and natural hazards. Hawaii has a law that<br />

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sellers must disclose when homes are in a tsunami zone,<br />

while New York requires sellers to tell buyers if the home is in<br />

a flood plain or wetland. Again, different states have different<br />

requirements but if the home is at an increased risk of damage<br />

from a natural disaster, most states require that the seller<br />

disclose this information to any and all potential buyers.<br />

Any information pertaining to the Homeowners’ Association.<br />

If the home is a unit in a condo building or part of another<br />

multi-unit building, there’s a good chance that there’s a<br />

Homeowners’ Association. It’s imperative to tell all buyers<br />

any and all information regarding the association, including<br />

past meeting notes and information regarding membership<br />

dues. These can often be quite costly and add greatly to the<br />

purchase price. Even when this information is not required by<br />

law to be disclosed by the sellers, it should be.<br />

History of all repairs. While you’ll definitely want to tell<br />

potential buyers about recent repairs in order to increase the<br />

property price, you’ll also want to tell them about any repairs<br />

that have been done in the past, what exactly was done, and<br />

why. These repairs could become issues once again after the<br />

buyers have moved into the home and they need to know<br />

what to be watching out for.<br />

Water damage. Water damage can be one of the most<br />

disastrous, and most expensive, problems with a home so most<br />

states have a law in place that sellers must disclose all areas<br />



of water damage, repairs that have been done to repair it, and<br />

anything that puts certain areas at risk (like heavily watering<br />

the grass along the foundation).<br />

Missing large items. While buyers do try to take a good look at<br />

the house and take note of everything that is or isn’t included,<br />

sometimes there are still some things that are missing and<br />

that buyers simply don’t notice during their many viewings.<br />

Things like missing water heaters, exhaust fans, and rain gutters<br />

can make it very difficult to live in a home but aren’t at the<br />

top of one’s list when they’re looking at homes. Only after they<br />

move in do they realize these essential items are missing and<br />

by then, they’re put in a very bad position. Some states, such as<br />

Michigan and Texas, have laws in place that requires sellers to<br />

provide a list of all the items that are included with the sale of<br />

the home so that buyers can read over it and determine what<br />

they will need to purchase before moving in.<br />

Specialty disclosures. Some states have very specific conditions<br />

due to their location and the special issues or problems<br />

pertaining to that geographical area. Because termites are<br />

extremely common in Texas, the state has a law that requires<br />

sellers disclose that information, while other areas have<br />

special historical districts that place restrictions on what<br />

homeowners can and cannot do to their home in the manner<br />

of improvements. Sellers are usually required by law to disclose<br />

that information so that buyers are aware of what will be<br />

required of them upon purchasing the home.<br />

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7.) Do I have to tell all buyers about other offers I’ve received<br />

on my home?<br />

States don’t usually place laws on whether you tell potential<br />

buyers about other offers you’ve received on your home, but<br />

it can often be advantageous for you to do so. Telling other<br />

buyers that you’ve received offers on your home can place a<br />

bit of pressure on them to make an offer or not, and it can also<br />

make your home seem more desirable when people know that<br />

it’s already garnered interest.<br />

However, never think that you have to disclose the terms of<br />

any other offers you’ve received, because you don’t. If you<br />

want to disclose the amount you’ve been offered in order to<br />

increase the bid you can, but in order to respect the privacy of<br />

all parties, never disclose anything like the name of the other<br />

buyer or any information pertaining to that person. You also<br />

don’t need to disclose other terms of the offer, including any<br />

clauses, inclusions, or exclusions that are included.<br />

8.) What are contingency clauses and what are the most<br />

common clauses included in offers?<br />

Contingency clauses are clauses that buyers will include in<br />

their offers to protect them from unforeseen circumstances<br />

that may crop up during the process of the sale. By including<br />

contingency clauses, the buyer can express their sincere<br />

interest in buying the home simply based on one or two quick<br />

viewings. From the time the offer is submitted to the closing<br />

date, a number of things can occur, problems can be found<br />



with the home, and those problems can make it impossible for<br />

the buyer to purchase the home. For this reason, contingency<br />

clauses are put into place that provide the buyer with an “out”<br />

should they need it later on.<br />

The two contingency clauses that are more common than any<br />

others are the appraisal contingency (17 days), and the loan<br />

contingency (21 days).<br />

The appraisal and inspection contingency is included in the<br />

offer to purchase because the inspection will not yet have been<br />

performed upon time of submitting the offer. If it’s found after<br />

the inspection is completed that there are major issues with<br />

the home or a lot of repairs that are needed, the buyers can<br />

point to the inspection clause and retract their offer.<br />

Loan contingencies are written into offers to purchase with<br />

nearly every single contract that’s drawn for the purchase of<br />

any home. This is because once again, while buyers might<br />

have an idea of how much they can afford and may even have<br />

pre-approvals, they won’t actually have the financing firmed<br />

up and in place. There are also many things that can happen<br />

during the financing process that can cause the financing to<br />

fall through for the buyer and make purchasing the home<br />

impossible. The loan contingency keeps the buyer from being<br />

legally and contractually bound to buy the home when there’s<br />

simply no way they can do so.<br />

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9.) What should I do if my house has been on the market for<br />

a while and it’s simply not getting any interest?<br />

It can be extremely discouraging when you’ve had your home<br />

listed for sale for several weeks, or even months, and the buyers<br />

simply don’t seem interested. Fortunately, it’s not a hopeless<br />

situation and there are some things you can do to make<br />

your home more attractive. If buyers simply aren’t expressing<br />

interest in your home, it’s typically for two reasons: the home is<br />

simply not in good condition, or it’s priced too high.<br />

If you feel that your home should be getting more attention,<br />

and more offers, than it currently is, first take a walk around<br />

both the inside and outside of your home looking for cosmetic<br />

defects that might be turning buyers away. Maybe it’s<br />

something you missed the first time you made repairs to these<br />

small issues, or maybe it’s something you thought wouldn’t<br />

be a big deal. Either way, take care of all these issues and it<br />

could make the difference between not having any offers, and<br />

choosing the best one of a bunch.<br />

If your home is simply priced too high however, it won’t matter<br />

if you’ve taken care of all the repairs and cosmetic defects;<br />

buyers simply won’t find the price equivalent to the value of<br />

the home. Speak to your real estate agent about lowering the<br />

price. They’ll have the knowledge about how much you should<br />

reduce the price, as well as when you should.<br />

If you’ve taken care of all issues big and small around the<br />



home, and you’re sure that the asking price is fair, and you’re<br />

still not getting any interest in the home, you might want to<br />

consider taking your home off the market for at least a few<br />

weeks. When you relist it, it will appear as a new listing and<br />

when that happens, it often garners new interest.<br />

10.) What if I want to sell my home but the value is less than<br />

the mortgage balance?<br />

Sometimes homeowners get into the unfortunate position<br />

of having a mortgage balance which is greater than the total<br />

value of their home. When this happens, and they want to sell<br />

their home, they can do a short sale. Short sales are usually<br />

very complicated because they include speaking to mortgage<br />

insurers if the home had mortgage insurance placed upon it<br />

during the time of purchase, and because it’s often dependent<br />

on the bank’s agreement to split the difference between the<br />

value of the home and the remaining mortgage payments that<br />

are due. Once all of these issues are resolved the sale of the<br />

home can be completed but short sales are often the benefit<br />

of the buyer and not the seller.<br />

The most common reasons sellers find themselves in the<br />

position of negotiating a short sale is because they can’t afford<br />

the home and need to downsize, or relocation has forced them<br />

to sell their home at a time when the market conditions may<br />

not be favorable for them to do so.<br />

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11.) How can I get my home ready to sell?<br />

It’s important for homeowners to remember that the way<br />

they live in their home and the way they sell their home are<br />

two different things. It’s well known that in order for buyers<br />

to be able to imagine their own belongings in the home,<br />

there needs to be fewer of your things around; this is why<br />

decluttering is so important, and why it should be the first<br />

thing you do. Organize your closets, take down excessive<br />

artwork or pictures from the walls, and clear counters and<br />

other surfaces of most items. This is the time to throw things<br />

out or donate them if you can, as it will be difficult to hide your<br />

excess “stuff” when potential buyers are going through cabinets<br />

and closets looking at the space.<br />

While going for this “clean” look, make sure that you actually<br />

clean every inch of your home. Dust everything, clean furniture,<br />

scrub the floors, and clean all other surfaces and appliances.<br />

When doing this cleaning you need to make sure that the<br />

kitchen and bathrooms especially are spotless. These are the<br />

two rooms that will really sell buyers or turn them off of the<br />

home so put in some extra time and effort when cleaning<br />

these two rooms.<br />

And when cleaning, don’t forget the outdoors! Curb appeal, or<br />

rather, how nice your home looks from the outside, is a huge<br />

factor as to when your home will sell and how many interested<br />

buyers will set up a viewing appointment. Make sure that<br />

sweep the sidewalk regularly, clean up any garbage, debris, or<br />



clutter from your yard and driveway, keep lawns and gardens<br />

nicely maintained, and clean both the inside and outside of<br />

windows.<br />

It’s important to also remember that while you need to get rid<br />

of clutter, you also need to maintain a balance of still keeping<br />

a home that looks lived-in and comfortable. Otherwise, buyers<br />

will get the impression that the home is cold and stark.<br />

Once you do have potential buyers inside the home, there are a<br />

few more things you can do to make it more pleasant. Cooking<br />

and baking things like cookies, apple pies, or even spaghetti<br />

sauce can add an enticing aroma to the air, and flowers<br />

throughout the home can also bring a burst of freshness.<br />

Many homeowners like to have nice, soft music playing in the<br />

background to make buyers feel more comfortable and have<br />

them look and linger a little longer.<br />

12.) What is your strategy to get my house on the market?<br />

This answer will also let you know about how the agent intends<br />

to complete the job for you. Their answer should include their<br />

marketing strategy, how the agents handles multiple offers,<br />

how often they’re going to hold open houses, where they will<br />

be advertising, and the link to the home on the local multiple<br />

listings service. Even before going into too much detail on<br />

your specific property an agent should have some specific<br />

ideas about how they intend to sell the property because this<br />

is their profession and what they do every single day. They will<br />

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also have ideas about when the best time to list your home<br />

is, strategies specific to your neighborhood and location, and<br />

more. Above all what you want to hear is that your real estate<br />

agent has a clear-cut strategy that they’re going to follow and<br />

that has proven to be successful for them in the past.<br />

13.) Can the agent provide all documents to be reviewed by<br />

me before I am asked to sign them?<br />

This seems like a no brainer, but you have to be sure that you<br />

are given the opportunity to review any documents before you<br />

sign them. Professional real estate agents should be willing to<br />

give you all documents to look over before you sign and many<br />

will give them to you up front. Ideally, you want to be given the<br />

opportunity to take any and all documents home to look them<br />

over before signing, and not just have them tossed at you with<br />

five minutes left to sign. Any agent who is not willing to show<br />

you documents is not worth hiring.<br />

You can also ask, before any work has even begun, if the agent<br />

will show you a sample purchase agreement. Check if these<br />

agreements are exclusive or non-exclusive. Also ask to see any<br />

agency disclosures, including seller or buyer disclosures. If you<br />

are looking to sell your home, check the listing agreement to<br />

see if it has a part about your right to sell your home yourself<br />

if you choose. Also, have the agent go over all of the fees<br />

listed on the documents. If you find any fees that you do not<br />

understand, ask the agent to explain it to you. You don’t want<br />

to get stuck signing an agreement with odd or unnecessary<br />



fees.<br />

14.) Will my real estate agent be able to help me locate other<br />

professionals I might need to use while selling my home?<br />

Real estate agents often work with lots of other professionals<br />

in the housing market and should be able to refer you to these<br />

people. Having this kind of access to the best professionals<br />

in the business and in your area is advice that can prove to<br />

be invaluable, so this is something you should always you’re<br />

your real estate agent about upfront. They will be able to refer<br />

you to mortgage brokers, title companies, home appraisers,<br />

inspectors, escrow agents and contractors that they may have<br />

worked with in the past. When selling your home you could<br />

need to make multiple repairs and so, require many different<br />

contractors in many different areas of expertise so making sure<br />

that your real estate agent also knows these professionals can<br />

save you a lot of time in the long run.<br />

In addition to getting the names of these professional, also<br />

ask about how the agent works with these other professionals.<br />

If they are ‘affiliated’ they will be receiving compensation for<br />

directing you to them, so be sure to ask. That compensation<br />

will be tacked onto your charge and that’s a fee you don’t want<br />

to have to pay.<br />

15.) How are an agent’s fees determined? What if I end up<br />

with less than the asking price?<br />

A real estate agent’s fees will be determined one of two ways: a<br />

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commission on the asking price, or a commission on the total<br />

price paid for the home. You want to work with a real estate<br />

agent that will only charge a commission based on the total<br />

price paid for the home. This way the commission remains<br />

completely fair and completely in line with the total price you<br />

receive, not the price you were hoping to receive. By choosing<br />

to work with a real estate agent that will charge commission<br />

only against the total price paid for the home, you won’t end<br />

up paying much more for the commission than you received in<br />

the sale.<br />

In addition to just their commission, make sure that you’re also<br />

aware of any fees attached to purchase agreements and listing<br />

the home. Some agents charge extra for these while others<br />

don’t. An agent asking for these fees isn’t necessarily a bad<br />

agent, but you do want to make sure you know about it so that<br />

you’re not surprised with more fees than you thought at the<br />

end of the selling process.<br />

16.) What is a current certificate of occupancy (CO), and why<br />

is it important?<br />

A CO is a certificate showing that any construction that’s<br />

been done on the property has been approved by the town<br />

or city and that it’s safe and habitable by the standards set<br />

out by that town or city. Mortgage lenders are extremely<br />

reluctant to lend to any property that has a history of any type<br />

of construction that didn’t also carry a CO. This is important<br />

for buyers to know because they might not be able to obtain<br />



financing, but it’s also important for sellers to know before any<br />

construction or major projects are completed because after<br />

the fact there’s little that can be done about it, and it could<br />

greatly impact whether or not your home will sell.<br />

17.) If I decide at any point that I don’t want to sell my<br />

house after all, do I still need to pay my real estate agent<br />

commission?<br />

This depends on where you are in the selling process when you<br />

decide you don’t want to sell. If the real estate agent hasn’t<br />

properly advertised your property, hasn’t had any offers or even<br />

a lot of interest in the property, and hasn’t advised you on why<br />

this is happening or what can be done to change it, sometimes<br />

you can back out of the deal without too many repercussions.<br />

However, if the agent has done all of the work and has even<br />

found a ready, willing, and able buyer and then you decide<br />

you don’t want to sell, you will most likely still have to pay the<br />

agent their commission.<br />

If you get even further into the deal, such as the buyer has<br />

sold their previous home and has nowhere to go after a<br />

certain date, backing out of the deal at the last minute might<br />

make you responsible for expenses they incurred due to your<br />

decision such as hotel fees, storage fees, etc. When you decide<br />

you want to sell your home, you want to be very sure that you<br />

do in fact, want to sell your home.<br />

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18.) Is it okay to let a buyer move in before the closing date?<br />

The closing date is the date that all documents officially<br />

become binding, the deal is closed, and the house goes from<br />

being yours to being someone else’s. In many cases, the seller<br />

of the home also lives in the home and the closing date is<br />

also the date that they, as well as all of their belongings, need<br />

to be out of the home so that the new owner can move in.<br />

However, in some cases the seller of the home doesn’t live in<br />

the property and so, they don’t necessarily see a problem with<br />

allowing the buyer to move in a few days or even a week or two<br />

before the closing date. This can be a bad idea and can turn<br />

into a terrible situation for the seller.<br />

There are a number of things that can go wrong between the<br />

acceptance of the offer and the closing date, and these issues<br />

can make the deal fall through. Should that happen and there<br />

be someone living in the home, you will now be the landlord<br />

of a tenant that has certain rights. Instead of cashing in on the<br />

sale of your home and excitedly moving into the next phase<br />

of your life, you might instead be deep in an eviction process<br />

that’s not only lengthy, but can also be very expensive.<br />

I hope you found this information helpful and I would love to help you<br />

sell your house!<br />

Jennifer Christenot<br />

Realtor<br />

DRE#01974700<br />

760.272.0101<br />



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