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as she told stories of domestic abuse by Sheen,<br />

including battery, false imprisonment and<br />

that he knowingly exposed her to HIV (all of<br />

which she alleged in a December 2013 lawsuit).<br />

Rossi told Dykstra and confirmed to THR<br />

that Sheen, concerned over how his crack use<br />

would affect the fetus, pressured her to get<br />

an abortion. “Right now,” says Rossi, “I would<br />

have a 3-year-old running around.”<br />

Dykstra shakes his head in repudiation. He<br />

is bothered less by the possibility of Sheen’s<br />

involvement in Calamaro’s death than what<br />

allegedly happened to Rossi. “Killing the guy<br />

that fucking tried to extort him: That’s his<br />

business,” he says. But what Rossi alleges happened<br />

to her is too much for him. “Men, they<br />

get in rages. But no pummeling.”<br />

Dykstra’s evident frustration with how things<br />

always seemed to go for him when it came<br />

to Sheen — sideways, to his mind, with him<br />

playing the good guy but getting no recognition<br />

to show for it — reaches a crescendo as he<br />

recalls another grim episode involving Rossi<br />

in November 2014. As he has it, she dialed him<br />

in tears, having overdosed on Valium in her<br />

Encino home, which she’d moved into after her<br />

breakup with Sheen.<br />

“Scottine says, ‘I’m dying.’ I say, ‘<strong>The</strong>re’s a<br />

number for that: 9-1-1.’ ‘No, Charlie won’t like<br />

that.’ I go over there, she says she needs to go<br />

to the bathroom. It hits me. I run in and she’s<br />

swallowing a handful of pills. I tackle her<br />

and they go all over, but she gets a lot down.”<br />

Dykstra is an often-demonstrative raconteur,<br />

acting out the maneuver. “It was out of Pulp<br />

Fiction. Soon I have her in my car, driving to<br />

Cedars, flying down the 405, shaking her:<br />

‘Don’t fucking die on me, bitch!’ ” He pauses,<br />

shakes his head. “I was on probation, dude!”<br />

He’s still irritated that “no one knows I<br />

saved her life.” Worse, he adds, getting worked<br />

up, Rossi never acknowledged his heroism.<br />

“<strong>The</strong> amount of times she thanked me is zero.<br />

Can you believe it?”<br />

Rossi confirms the pill incident but says<br />

that Dykstra — whose ditching of her at the<br />

hospital was so abrupt, she was forced to submit<br />

to a rape kit (“That’s what happens when<br />

some guy just drops you off and goes, ‘Bye!’ ”)<br />

— should be gallant enough not to ask to be<br />

recognized as her “knight in shining armor.”<br />

She laughs. “He’s still talking about that?”<br />

D<br />

ykstra began to lose favor in the court of<br />

King Charles — all of those gone-nowhere<br />

deals, all of that advice not taken. And<br />

what he considered his one, momentarily<br />

satisfying victory was, in hindsight, the thing<br />

he’s sure will be Sheen’s ultimate demise.<br />

Dykstra long suspected that another mansion<br />

nemesis, Sheen’s head of security, was<br />

ripping off the boss — charging personal<br />

expenses, including getaways and real estate<br />

taxes, back to Sheen. And he believes he has<br />

the AmEx bills (shared with THR) to back it up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> military veteran insists zero embezzlement<br />

took place and that any and all charges<br />

“were made with Charlie’s permission.”<br />

In any case, it wasn’t any purported theft<br />

that led to the employee’s firing. “What did it<br />

is that Charlie went to check his guns,” recalls<br />

Dykstra. “He calls me drunk, freaking out:<br />

‘He took the fucking pins outta my guns! He<br />

put my family in danger!’ He went the most<br />

nuclear I’ve ever seen him.” Dykstra laughs,<br />

observing that in spite of his feelings about<br />

the security chief, “I would’ve taken those pins<br />

out too, the way Charlie was [behaving].”<br />

Still, Dykstra worried that the terminated<br />

employee would seek retribution and sought<br />

to neutralize him. Given Dykstra’s probationary<br />

status, he figured his best bet would<br />

be to pass on documents that he believed<br />

incriminated the man to the IRS. On Oct. 8,<br />

Dykstra got an email from an IRS agent, asking<br />

for a follow-up call. But the investigator<br />

wasn’t interested in talking more about the<br />

security chief. He had turned his attention<br />

to Sheen. “[<strong>The</strong> IRS agent] says, ‘What do you<br />

know about these $20,000 cash payments<br />

for “women of the night”?’ That’s when I<br />

knew they’re going to come at him with tax<br />

fraud, wire fraud — everything.” (<strong>The</strong> IRS<br />

will not comment on particular tax cases.)<br />

Dykstra knows from experience what it’s like<br />

when the government, patient and powerful,<br />

zeroes in on you. “It was a felony if you didn’t<br />

tell a woman you have HIV when you know<br />

it. Nothing has happened to him since all of<br />

those women went public. Think about it,” he<br />

says, proffering his own legal analysis. “This<br />

is how he is going to go down.”<br />

Dykstra and Sheen haven’t spoken since<br />

Dec. 21, 2014 — a final two-hour call<br />

initiated by the actor, whom Dykstra characterizes<br />

as downbeat. “He kept on saying<br />

how sorry he was,” he recalls. “Charlie said,<br />

‘Everything you told me was right, they all lied<br />

to me.’ ”<br />

Dykstra believes that although they reconciled<br />

during the conversation, Sheen couldn’t<br />

bring himself to ever hang out with his old<br />

buddy again, since during a heated argument<br />

weeks earlier, Dykstra had revealed he had<br />

seen Sheen’s allegedly compromising sex tapes.<br />

“He couldn’t face me. He knows what I saw.<br />

He’s humiliated.”<br />

Yet livid texts sent by Sheen to Dykstra<br />

on Sept. 9 and obtained by THR from another<br />

source point to betrayal, not shame, as the<br />

actor’s reason for cutting off his friend. Sheen<br />

discovered that Dykstra planned to pocket<br />

5 percent of that Warner Bros. payout deal — a<br />

cut the star felt had been arranged behind his<br />

back. Sheen typed: “bro – I repeatedly asked<br />


‘Hey Len, what’s in this for you?’ and you<br />

always said; QUOTE: ‘Oh hey man, we’ll figure<br />

out something fair later on …’ well now I have<br />

to re invent what later on means between us.<br />

Newsflash GasLighter; You FUCKING KNEW<br />


came in here to clean house and also clean my<br />


More than anything, Dykstra wants to present<br />

himself as the ultimate cleanup hitter, an<br />

unsung hero (OK, antihero) who in selfless<br />

service of a buddy went up against <strong>Hollywood</strong>’s<br />

most sordid retinue. He can’t countenance<br />

the prospect that he might not have been trustworthy,<br />

that maybe he was just out to extract<br />

his piece like all the rest of them.<br />

Or perhaps his initial motive for joining<br />

Sheen’s team truly was as simple as friendship.<br />

This just wasn’t his sport.<br />

Following that final call on Dec. 21, 2014,<br />

Dykstra texted Sheen once more. “It makes<br />

me feel so good that you know ‘I AM WHO<br />

I AM’ and the fact that you know I am your<br />

REAL FRIEND!” And continued, “FYI — I<br />

deleted everything on this phone and nobody<br />

knows we spoke tonight.”<br />

His signoff: “NAILS OUT!”<br />


69<br />

FEBRUARY 7, <strong>2018</strong>

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