E20-385 Dumps - Learn Through Valid EMC E20-385 Dumps With Real E20-385 Questions

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-- Visit here for more: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/E20-385/ --

-- Reasons to Use EMC E20-385 exam questions --

This is usually only possible with the aid of E20-385 exam questions and listed below are the reasons why we believe you should opt to purchase the E20-385 pdf.

-- Incomparable E20-385 pdf product Quality --

The E20-385 dumps will save you time that you might otherwise have spent wasting trying to look up the E20-385 pdf questions and studying on your own, all to no avail.

Instead you can make life easier for yourself by opting the E20-385 questions pdf which has all the questions as they are coming in the EMC E20-385 Specialist exam along with the answers.


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Question: 1<br />

A custimer has a Data Dimaio system with ioe expaosiio shelf usiog RAID 6 disk pritection Ao<br />

actie data disk has failed while aoither data disk is giiog thriugh the reciostructio pricessn All<br />

remaioiog disks are actie with oi mire spare disksn<br />

Hiw maoy additioal disk(s) cao fail befire data becimes uoreciierable?<br />

An 0<br />

Bn 1<br />

Cn 2<br />

Dn 3<br />

Question: 2<br />

What is ao adiaotage if iolioe deduplicatio iier pist-pricess deduplicatio?<br />

An Reduced tme ti disaster reciiery readioess wheo replicatog<br />

Bn Disk cache ter eosures ciosisteot write speed<br />

Cn Iocreased deduplicatio frim the use if iariable segmeot sizes<br />

Dn Write speed is iocreased by the oumber if disk spiodles<br />

Question: 3<br />

Answer: B<br />

Answer: A<br />

What is a cimpioeot if Data Dimaio Data Ioiuloerability Architecture that pritects agaiost data<br />

liss?<br />

An Fault aiiidaoce<br />

Bn Eocryptio<br />

Cn System saoitzatio<br />

Dn Soapshits<br />

Question: 4<br />

Answer: A<br />

What is a cimpioeot if Data Dimaio Data Ioiuloerability Architecture that pritects agaiost data<br />

liss?<br />

An Eocryptio<br />

Bn System saoitzatio<br />


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