1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook

Jarvis Collegiate Institute - 1952 Magnet Yearbook


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•<br />

I l iTHE-<br />

<strong>1952</strong><br />

,<br />

...;.:<br />

,-...<br />

.- -<br />


-,<br />

n~<br />

We're Proud to Pre sent<br />

SHEILA McCOY and<br />


Your Simpson's Colleg iote Club Reps!<br />

They' re the pa ir wh o hove kept you a lerted on the golo doings for you r<br />

c ro wd a t Simpson's' Keep in tou c h wit h them for fut ure e ve nt s.<br />

Canada's You th Cen tre

2 T ilE " b GNET<br />


'"World', Fou rll Po, lobl. T, prw,il" H<br />

Now with thl • •d u,i. , f.oly,e;-<br />

Page Gage<br />


01 COllodo l imited<br />



Kingston. Onta rio<br />

I ncorporated b)' Royal Cha r te r 11l -& 1<br />

S itua ted ill Ih... ol d t'~t dt)' in Ontari 0--3.t bultdin z s-s- Heahh ins ura nce provided<br />

d u r ing- M's~ ion .<br />

.-\RTS - Cour ,,",s lea ding to t he de g rees of B.A . a nd R eam. Pa r t of the work<br />

may be done b)" S ummer School and corres pondence.<br />

SC It::\ C l':-Co u r>'t' ~ Jeadinl{ to t he degree of H.Sc. in Chemlstry, ~l i l1t'ralog )'<br />

and G t'OI O~T . P h)""ic!l; a nd in ) li n inlC. :'ol l'ta llurKinl, Chem ical . Civil ,<br />

:\ I ~ ha n ic a l a nd Elect r-ica l E n"inei:'r ing.<br />

GRADUATfo: course" in Arts and Science leadlnz 10 t he dt'l{'fl"t.' !1 of :'01..-\.,<br />

)1. Com.• )I,St . a nd Ph.D.<br />

) (lo:D ICI:'\E-Co u r ",, ~ leading to t he deg ree s of )I. U", C,)!. , a nd )I.Sc. O It.·d,l ;<br />

Diploma of P ubl ic Health, a nd Dip loma in )I ed ica l Ra di ololC)',<br />

~U ItS I~G S C n:~ CE-Cou r~ s leadin" to the degree of B .~ .Sc .<br />

c ( n I B I ~ f; 1> COI; HS ES in A rts a nd P h y ~ ic a l a nd Hea lt h Edu....a tion leadin "<br />

t o t he B,A.. H.r .H. E. degrees.<br />

) l a t r icula tion pa m phlet, sen t on re quest. includes cumple te list o f schola rs hi!ls<br />

and pr-izes awarde d on en tra nce and on Uni\"er.'lit)" work,<br />

E xce lle nt facilit ies are prodded for at.hletic s-c-Intercolleg-late and int ra mu ra l<br />

- incl ud inlC Jootball. t ra ck, swim ming an d d ivinlC. hockey, sk iinlC, skatiulC,<br />

tennis, hnsketball, ha dm in ton , a rch er)', hoxi ng a nd wre stfinz .<br />

11" 6 1,' lu Th,' /( " /Jisl t' " · ju,. It ("Ulill u/ " Q" t'f ,,'" l ,t I 'icl " "u "<br />

IDnibtrsilp Colltgt<br />

UniUl'r!litu of Woronto<br />

Cnhe r~it ~ · Colleee, the Provi ncial A rb Colle ge, enrols s tudents<br />

in a ll cou rses lead inK to the deg ree o f Ha ehelor of Ar ts a nd<br />

Ba ch elor of Co mme rce.<br />

There are t hi rty-nine ent rance sc hola rships.<br />

Hursa r les a re availa ble for able st udents who need as ...istanee.<br />

An illu- dra ti ve. In fo r ma ti ve hooklet ma y he ob ta ine d b~ ' writinK to<br />

T HE KE(; I~TH .\I t, t ":'\I\"EH :o' lTY C'OLl.EGE, t ::,\I\' EH:o'ITY OF TOIW:,\TO,<br />

TOHO:,\TO s. O:'\T AHIO<br />


J.4.Rn$ COllEGIATE<br />

3<br />

a\e\~t~..sclt~f]l<br />

1.... COLLEG E .<br />

S~or t~U<br />

and Surest Method<br />


Small study groups · lndiyiduol inuruction _ Combined mat riculation one! 1ec. t to' ;ol COu ' U I<br />

84 Woodlawn Ave. W. Toronto, Canada<br />

r<br />

pyren:~n.!~~~f~~t~~~T ~~mpanY<br />

9 1 E AST DON R OAD W AY<br />

'rue ) IAGSET<br />



696 Ma rkham St. KE. 0580<br />

RA. 2303<br />



413 BLOOR ST. EAST<br />

01 S/le, bow. n,"<br />




& MORGAN<br />

Memb er s<br />

Toronto Stock Exchange<br />

Montrea l Stock Exc ha nge<br />

Montreal Curb Ma rket<br />

*<br />

CARWAY<br />

SALES<br />

MOTOR<br />

38 KIN G ST. WEST<br />

PLaza 6201<br />

*<br />

Ottawa · Toronto - Montreal<br />

910 St. Clair Ave. West<br />


LODGE<br />

Art Dunsford.<br />

c/o Wye'l'Qle. Onto<br />

Sofe. Solid, Beoch 101' Ew u the S...allest<br />

Child,ell<br />

HVo(ot io"s tOf all the lo ...il, ··<br />

orva l i wyckoff<br />

optometrist<br />

311 danforth ave<br />

ge rrard 4666

.J.\R\"!:" C OLl.t:GI An:<br />

;j<br />

Phonog raph R ~ c o r d s<br />

Rod'Ot T ~ I ey i s i o n<br />

Applia ncet<br />


446 Parliament St. PRo 3388<br />



Rod ios . T~ I~yi s io.. - Cor Rodiot<br />


Tm: ~L\GNET<br />

NOW • •. BEFORE<br />


B ~fm"~ rou leave school is t he lime co "tat.­<br />

lish a bankinjt ronneccion . \1Ii'h ate,u husinns<br />

or profe...ional ca rrer r ou rna)' h.' e in mind,<br />

)·ou . ·ill find Iha l . n " tlr .....d acion . -ith<br />

The Bank of :\ou $eOlia ...i11 M '"""' c help.<br />

fu l in che ,un 10 come. Sia n . 'ith • wo \'injt•<br />

• «:ounl ... no amount i. 100 .mall . . . and<br />

it is never t OO earlr 10 open all acCOU nL<br />


MAPLE<br />

LEAF<br />


J ARn,:o: COLLEGIATE<br />

7<br />

Banking as a career<br />

\\"hl'n yo u're thlnklnu ove r you r f uture. consider<br />

bunking as a ca reer. It offers many advantages ­<br />

sta bil ity of em ployment - a posit ion of re spect<br />

in the comm unity - oppor tu niti es for adva ncement<br />

and self improvemen t - int eresting work and congenial<br />

fellow worker s. Th e manager of t he Roya l Ba nk<br />

Branch nearest you would be ha ppy to ta lk it over<br />

with you at a ny t ime .<br />



Jarvis Co l/e.l{ia te Graduates of <strong>1952</strong><br />

.-\ ca reer with Th e Dominion Bank nffer~ you ma ny<br />

adva ntaees • •• j ob securnv . . . unlim it ed o ppnrlunit~"<br />

. . . com munitj- standing . .. the basis of a fine future.<br />

lnves t la a te today : Consult the staff Superv isor of T he<br />

Unm inion Ba nk a bout opportunities open to YOLI.<br />

THE<br />


( .; ,.tahli~hM 18"'11 )<br />


Dennison School of Speech<br />

Correc tion<br />


TORONTO 5<br />

Ofte. ing the mont ad.anced a ~ d scientific:<br />

methods for th e co..e et io~ 01 stamm e, ing<br />

and othe. ne',ous dd ects of speec h.<br />


Di,ect o,<br />

585 Sherbo urne St. KI. 2131<br />



City Wide<br />

Service<br />


con be to urs b ~ qua lif, ing a, on u pe,t<br />

,tenag. ophe•• boaH ecpe,. a. secretar , .<br />

Ii Home 01 Vit"miJIc "<br />

*<br />

For Delive ry Phone<br />

HA. 2167<br />

The " Dominion" con help ~ou Ih,ou

JA RVI:' COL Lt:r.IATE<br />

"<br />



403 Bloor St. E.<br />

I N ~ o ' Sh ~,b o u, n ~ '<br />

PRo 2950<br />




Toronto (''''''I, Ii" ,, ''' '~ " I'<br />

A FR IEND<br />

I ('~1t'1t'lift(<br />

( ''''''l' l i", n,t ~ "j<br />

Yo ur H c.·a d

10 T H t: ~I ,\ G X ET<br />





Dua l<br />

Aud ito riu m<br />

317 Corlto" St. RA. 251 9<br />

1519 rONGE ST. t cb ove St. Cloir l<br />

at hom e with<br />



"45" CHANGER<br />

24-Hour Service - Phone MI. 2922<br />


MI. 2922<br />

0 .. all mokn 01<br />

RADIOS<br />



601 TONG E ST.<br />

l A' Glollcu lerl<br />

Only<br />

11995<br />

Plays through ~~~~<br />

any Radio ~<br />

~ Pig.,. up 10 8 of the new<br />

W no n·breaka ble " 4 5 "<br />

rec ords w ith trigger a ction CIII'<br />

lom eli"<br />

changing . It'. world',<br />

fine st a nd f,ul" , at ,h . low., t<br />

price ev e r for (I fully e vtemati,<br />

cho nger.<br />

F. V. JOHNSTON C:r CO.<br />

46 Yange St.<br />

Ico,ner Wellingt on I<br />

Toronto<br />


Bloor and Sherbourne Sts.<br />

RAndolph .J165<br />

*<br />

8 B'CInches in TO

JARn~ C Ol.U:G IATt:<br />

11<br />

C'''''I''j",.."h ..,<br />



Army & Ai.fofC l Clolhing • Boots & SIIOli<br />

Comping Suppli" _ Torpouli ns - PoinU<br />

157 King St. E. EM. 6·4565<br />


696 Queen St. E. RI. 6851<br />


limited<br />

ROOMS<br />

401 Bloor Street East Toronto<br />

Jusl oround Ihl co,n"<br />

Where stu dents meet to eat<br />



461 Par lia ment St. RA. 1945<br />

We<br />

D,li.er<br />

Il~<br />

rruuJuaiio#£<br />

WHAT?<br />

If it is a quest ia n of advanced<br />

technical ed uc ation a<br />

Diplom a co urse at one of th e<br />

Provinci a l Technical Insti t utes<br />

ma y be the a nswe r.<br />



50 Gould St.<br />

To,o nto 2<br />


INST ITUn<br />

100 Cumberlond SI.<br />

Part Arlhu,<br />



136 W,n, wort h SI. N.<br />

Homilion<br />


MIN ING<br />

Hoileybury<br />

~<br />

~O ...TAR 'O<br />

D' ....rt_. t of<br />

U "".t...<br />

P R O C T O R ' S<br />

£STABLl~ED 1895<br />

Z6Z YONGE ST.<br />

FIO' II" >oluei in Diamonds ' Wo lch" . Ringi<br />

. Cos'ume J,. el" • G.od uoti on Gilu .<br />

CI"no • Sil."wo" . etc .<br />

h l1 IU lld t ree in PrOClor OpliCf;,1 Co.<br />

Inu t door I<br />

II<br />

Visits a nd Enqu iries<br />

Are W elcomed<br />

For detoiled information<br />

direct enq uiries to<br />


Of T he Inst itute Conce rned<br />

_<br />

I'<br />


12<br />



4 12 Summerhill Ave. l nea r Ma cle nna n Hillt Telephone RA. 2222<br />


PHOTOG RAPHERS Oil Burne u In51a lled<br />

A. Complete Photograph ic Service<br />

O. er 3S Yeo' 5 of Exper ience<br />

f uel Oil D el i. e r ~<br />

Ser-tc c<br />

An ~wh e r e . Anytim e HARROLD'S COAL CO. LTD.<br />

312 Queen St E. Toronto 2<br />

(a t B erke le~ '<br />

Phone EMpire 4-759 3<br />

346 Ca rlow Ave. HA. 1163<br />


Barrister and Solicitor<br />

1407 Sterl ing Tower Building, 372 Boy Street, Toronto ADelaid e 6406<br />

w. H. COX<br />


412 c.P.R. BUILD ING<br />

( ~ ' JI" I , l i "" · " ' H ,,/<br />

•<br />

W holesa le Dist ributors<br />

Ant hracite . Bit uminous . Coke<br />

A fuel for every purpose.<br />


Over half a cent ury of se rvice to co rner of<br />

Onta rio Fuel Dea lers an d Consumers<br />


•<br />

PHONE : EMpire 4·3146

.J AR\'I=- C OLU,:ta An: 1:1<br />

- Coast to Cccst Service -<br />

:J)i4-0m VG-H. s g~<br />

Agent : Allied Van Lines<br />

Moving . Storage - Packing<br />


Mld.....ay 4668 -9<br />

Affiliate : Dixons, London, Onto<br />


"We Toke Pride in the Clo' hn You Wea r"<br />

C"'I!I ,'i"" ,,,t ~ ,,/<br />


LIMI TE D<br />

Feot", in

Tilt; ~ f A G r-;ET<br />

('om pli mt" t. uf<br />



77 A"enue Rd.<br />


KI. 4101<br />

Try<br />


FOR<br />


PHONE HA . 1152. 3-4<br />

660 PAPE AVE.<br />

HUDSON<br />


297 QUEEN ST. EAST EM. 4·6413<br />

Our guarant ee on all merchandise or money refunded.

J .,R\'(:" C OLLt:GIAT E<br />

15<br />

co.<br />

GIfT S fOR<br />


f iRST CLASS<br />

P. EPAIRS<br />


WATC HES<br />



CLOCKS<br />

PHONE KI . 2622<br />

Winning<br />

pause<br />


on our<br />



Sporting Goods Ltd.<br />

on Church St. 199-201 - Toronto<br />

EM. 3-7277

ur ~I A G !'\ t:T<br />


76 Shaftesbury A'fenu e Mld ....a y 2«$<br />

458 CHURCH ST.<br />


Maple l eol Go,denl<br />

Telephone EMpi. e 3·9·H 7 TO~ON TO 5, ONT.<br />

A CHANCE<br />

TO<br />

ft MAKE<br />

{ifV"\<br />

r:t':l~<br />

~A.~<br />

MUSIC " vs:,6 8.~'\.~~ ;;;<br />

WI T H OUR r ''-.:"-' Q>.<br />

~~<br />



l u, ing on inu rumcnt i, n't necu sa.,.. because<br />

'au mo, ren' one of our line inl ' ruments fa.<br />

on U 'ended period. But of aU, cu r, penn,<br />

tkot , au P


1_ A. .\....., ........ . 1.,,1.<br />

J . A . A , ,, ul!<br />

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0. .....;" 1•.,, """I.<br />

11..,,1. ,of S ., n M-o'lu.<br />

Ko~. l ltank ...t Ca....bo<br />

Il.oo r.... y·. M.....<br />

Ikll T r ...... bomr t ' " ,<br />

111010;••nd So",. La" .<br />

liloolr hlu rd S,,"-<br />

IfoK I t A•••.otI..lio....<br />

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tl u r h ~ t&r iaJ Cull•.,. ..<br />

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\" i

JARViS COl. L [(~ I ATE<br />

19<br />


<strong>Magnet</strong> Staff<br />

Pr incipal's :\Iessage<br />

Editorials<br />

Far ewell<br />

The King<br />

Commencement<br />

Va ledicto ry<br />

Scholarships<br />

Honour S tude nts<br />

Literary<br />

Life<br />

Don't Lt!t It Ha ppen<br />

E Sl"a pe<br />

Smiles<br />

~I y Trip Hack Home<br />

A Friend .uHI a Pair of Shoes<br />

Christmas Gift<br />

Hope s Fulfilled<br />

Cttv Ligh ts<br />

Reali zatio n<br />

Slightly Sanguimlry<br />

Sloths<br />

Poetry<br />

Exch ange<br />

Humour<br />

Staff Stuff<br />

~I i n t' r \" a ' s Diary<br />

Orga nizations<br />

Gir ls' S ports<br />

Bovs' Spo rts<br />

Graduating Class<br />

Form News<br />

A ut ogra phs .<br />

20<br />

22<br />

25<br />

28<br />

30<br />

33<br />

35<br />

:16·37<br />

38 -39<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

61<br />

62<br />

51<br />

55<br />

60<br />

67<br />

70<br />

73<br />

88<br />

93<br />

101<br />

111<br />


STAFF<br />

<strong>1952</strong><br />

F-:Il Br R:

.IARVI ~ ("OLUX:IATE<br />

2 1<br />


Edit ors<br />

WALL ACE Itt: SSnL<br />


ll If H i l ll ' H .~ .lJllI/ l/!fI'/"<br />


CirC/l/l/ til/1l .l/ llf/l/fli T<br />

STE n ; ~I OItIAIt T Y<br />

Literar-y<br />

Poetr-y<br />

A rt<br />

Photography<br />

Humour<br />

For m News<br />

\ ·,U' PU X ARVA I SE:\,<br />

J OllA:\' :\l CDO~ALJ)<br />

P ArL VAS LoA:\'<br />


J r DY (;LOflE<br />

FRAS C E~ FREE)lA:\'<br />

Ht:LES :\IITCHEU.<br />

DA ~ Bt:RTSICK<br />

Aspy ZAJAC<br />

H ARVEY C OWA:\'<br />

EDWAIW R t:RST Y:\,SI\ Y<br />

Or ~ l\ n i 7. l\ ti ous<br />

BAR ~ ARA<br />

lo:SK OW<br />

:\tint'r nl':-I<br />

Diar....<br />

EVELY~<br />

:\I ARK<br />

Ex ch ange<br />

Puhl icit....<br />

S ports-c-Hoys'<br />

PAT AG~EW<br />

VAPPU );AR VA I~ E:\'<br />

JOIIAS :\ l cDoSALIl<br />

G w ES P AGE<br />

\\" ALI-ACE H t: s~F.I.I .<br />

SI )Ort~ (;i l" l ll '<br />

J OY<br />

VER:\'O~<br />

Cover<br />

.11)1 K OZUBI CK

22<br />

'fm: :\IAGNt:T<br />


At the time of my retiremen t in J une. I s hal l have se r ved rather more<br />

than thirtv yearll on th e staff of what we are proud to ca ll the "Old School".<br />

Of the present staff. only :\Ir. Brokenshire. :\Ir. :\Iackt>r racher. :\Ir. Nelson<br />

and I marched up to t he " Xew Buil ding" , twenty-eight years ago.<br />

A rat her se nt imental person. 1 con fess that. on nights when I get a<br />

cha nce to res t. it is my practice to fill UJ> a battery of pipes an d in ret ros<br />

pect to see again. in a haze of smoke but wit h a clearness of memory.<br />

stude nts who have gi ven very sign ifica nt se rvice to Canada. At t he same<br />

time. I reflect th at the smiling fa ces of presen t day st ude nts. many of them<br />

newcomers to t his land of oppo r tun it y give promise of contr tbutlrur just as<br />

greatly to the na tional cu lture and developmen t.<br />

To you belongs th e fu ture and it is you rs to make or to mar. but I am<br />

confident t hat th e ins pi ration of fr-iendly relationships wit h your fellow<br />

stu dent s a nd the membe rs of a loyal and devot ed staff of teachers will help<br />

you acqu ire an understa nd ing of va lues in the sp iritual an d moral sense.<br />

Rut do not forge t that the essence of what we ca ll Democracy is that you<br />

should wor k out your problem s with a knowledge t hat th e responslbilitv<br />

of for nu nz cor rect conceptions lies with you.<br />

I shall not bid you good-bye, for 1 s hall follow your pr ogress wit h th e<br />

keenest interest a nd it must be that wherever I go. there will be wit h me<br />

always some thing of .la rvls.<br />

.J, T , ,JE N K I N ~<br />

Congratulations<br />

Th e :\ I a ~n e t ill P1"(I IICr/ to nnnovnce thut the Ullil'l'rHlt /f of Toronto has<br />

paid high tri bute to 0 " 1" prillciWd all d to th e .~ dwlal"lI h ip of th e .~ c1j( JfJ1 whkh<br />

hI' (nI d I! ill IIpledin f} him, (llollg with Th e R t. Hon, C, D, Howl', LL. D.•<br />

.Hillister of T rude (/lid Commerce an d The H(JlI. I.. 1'H1ie F 1"II ,~ f , Lls.D.. P I1'm c<br />

stinieter of Gv tori o, (llId other disting uish ed Cal/adi"ns. to receive th e<br />

LL.D. deavee (It i t» eovvocatio n this sp ,';ng. J une th p 6th. Th e .\1agllet<br />

joi llJ~ fh" l{(hoo{ ((li d lIIa# i ll ("OIlgr((t"ltlf ing .\/1'. J pn J.:ills 011 t h i,~ 1/ 1' /1' nonour,

' /f/.J,l11t3 p li O 1/0! P d,(iV<br />

If I ,I ,U P·)I 0,).IPJl! s I<br />

.YUfJf{ 1t.1I1.L /lWlf.1I fJ.L<br />

ZS61" IS6l-IOd!)U!Jcf<br />

OS6 1"ZZ61- JO) '1 ) oa.l<br />

'pooH ''V' S 'S N I ~ N 3 f '.1 r<br />

,,­<br />

".<br />

:U<br />

\, I: Y.i T IOJ ~ I . \ }I \' I·

24<br />

/. ",.,'" f),·""i,.""

J.\ Rn!:' ("OL U;m.H t:<br />

2a<br />

~Xl1ill0<br />

The Trend of the Modern<br />

Generation<br />

I t is di ffi cul t Ior a conscientious pa re nt of to-day to Ig nore wholly t he<br />

cha nges which ha ve taken place in ch ild ren d uring the la st ge ne ration,<br />

T hese changes a re due to r nan y causes. bro ug ht forward by the advent of<br />

scientific de vices for entertainment, ex pand ing socia l li fe pa r-ticularb' in<br />

school. church a nd cl ubs . and above all , t he consta nt st ruggle fo r freedom<br />

of t hought word lind deed. bv all the nations of t he wo r ld, All t hese inftuences<br />

han ' PO l'l l'l ~ ss pd voung people with a n inbor n de sire to practise t hese<br />

freed oms.<br />

In dealinz w ith the r u-st two, on e ,;ee,; t he obvious results. suc h as.<br />

late hours. neglected study in the case of students. which us ually leads to<br />

lea ving sc hool . a nd H fr-ivolo us attitude in many, One must a p preciate the<br />

a n xiety of the parents c-hen you consider the fact tha t most child ren a re<br />

seldom home, urn! that they "",e their sons and daughters ,;eeminKly throwinll<br />

as ide a ll the ideals which they as parents haw t ried for many ye

26 TUE ~IAGNET<br />

Our<br />

Heritage<br />


We are Ca nadians. We are citizens of a cou nt ry with customs and traditions<br />

all it s own. Our way of life is not a ca rbon copy of Old Countr y<br />

living. nor do we imi ta te every move made by our neighbours to the so uth.<br />

There a re so me who look upon Canad ian s all "colonials", and ot hers who<br />

regard Canadians on ly as potenti al Am erica ns. Those a re th e peo ple who<br />

have come in contact with Canadians indifferent to t hei r heritage.<br />

The lack of know ledge some Canadians show regarding th eir country<br />

and its history for-ms pa rt of t he basis for t hese attit udes . Although we<br />

crit icize man y America n customs and ideas. we mus t recognize that one<br />

th ing they do. and do well is make su re all th ei r sc hool child re n are well<br />

stee ped in American history. Ask any American school child about Patrfck<br />

Hen ry or th e elg nl ng of t he Declaration of Independence and you will<br />

receive a knowledgeable reply, In our schools Amer-ican history receives<br />

alm ost as much emphasis as our own. For example. most Canadians can<br />

give an acco unt of the work of Abraham Lincoln . which ill important. but<br />

how many can give a compara ble account of the acco mplishments of Sir<br />

J ohn A. ) t acdonald, our first Prime ) Iinister? If only man)' othe rwise<br />

intelligent Canadian s would take the troubl e to familia rize themselves<br />

with Ca nadian history. Ca nada would cease to be regarded as extension<br />

of the U,S. A,<br />

T he fogg inesl'l regarding the R.c.),I.P. ill a part icular case of this indifference,<br />

T here a re Canadians. qu it e intelligent, who think of Mount lee<br />

r es plen den t in t hei r dress sca rlet, continually ru sh ing about getti ng thei r<br />

man, As for knowing the mott o, or ot her pertinen t detail s about th e Force,<br />

only a few accom plish suc h a feat. "'1." must exe r t a n effor t to learn t he<br />

facts about ou r ow n nationa l police force, one of th e most famo us in t he<br />

world. fo r we ca nnot ex pect our neighbours to do the job for us.<br />

Some say we are tied to t he ),Ioth er Country's apron st r-ings. That we<br />

remain in th e Bri t ish Commonwealth. that we ha ve a Governor-general<br />

to rep resent t he Crown. and ot her traditio ns se rve as basis for such a<br />

statement. F rom the first agitation fo r se lf governmen t to Con fede ration.<br />

eve ry step was taken peacefully and according to th e law. Th e F athers of<br />

Confede ration deemed it best to stay within the E mpire rather than mak e a<br />

zornplete break, In spi te of accusations of sent imentality t hei r decision has<br />

sh ow n itself wise, Ca nada has profited from the yea r !'! of experience of<br />

t he Rritis h lawmakers, while being able to vote down any Br itish Leg-islation.<br />

concer ning t he Domi nio n. of which it does not approve. This arrangement<br />

convinces even outsiders . not affected by ties of t radition. of its<br />

Ines ti mable worth, Why t hen should we. Ca nadian s, belittle such a priceless<br />

treasure.<br />

We a re Canadian s. Being citizens of Canada entails more than profess.<br />

lng loyalty to the government. If we are to be good citizens, we must<br />

undertake th e responsibility of learning our count ry's background.

JAR\'I S COLU:til An:<br />

., 0 ­<br />

The Road of Life<br />

Th e roads of lift' lit, open. Some lead upward s . some st re tch stra Isht<br />

and clear into th t' distance, so me s ink deeper and dl,t'pl'r. It is like nnv<br />

o rdi na ry network of road s. but fo r one a bse nt ch a racteristi cs: no hel pfu l<br />

5iR'1I info rms the traveller of the r-ight di rection . of w ha t th e next be nt!<br />

may bring .<br />

Th eil' convict ions a nd pri nci ples a re the direct ions of th ose who<br />

traw l the roads of life successfully. T hese are his g uides and th ev cont rol<br />

his decisions. It is lm peratl ve. th erefore, th at they Iw well-founded. solid,<br />

unshakeable.<br />

To buil d such convictions and make t hem t r ue we mus t IJp l'I UI'e of<br />

severa l a bsolute funda me nt a ls, Th e mos t important function of OUl' educuti<br />

on is to inspire th ese bas k concepts in us , and make them th e verv a xioms<br />

of our lives .<br />

Two wor ld wars sa w the death of ma n,\' cberi s hed ho pes a nd ideals.<br />

.:\Ia ny ot he r .... a re .... lowly sinking into dogma. In this incn'asinJ,rI,\' cvn ica l<br />

world, ma ny For-me r vir tue.... fa ll in to disrepute with ea ch generation : new<br />

ideals are born. Ce nt ur ies-old standa rds. fo r agel' regarded unsha keable<br />

and a bso lute, are becoming rela t ive and open to discussi on . T hi com ing<br />

yo unger generation il' eve n un certai n of it .... god. Some of th e mo t intellizent<br />

boys in Jarvis call th emselves a gnostic..... Ot he rs declare thei r Reason<br />

t heir god . Today, onl v th e unthinking can stamp on e t hing as unquestlonably<br />

a ood a nd another as j ust as bad.<br />

Yet, goodness and r ight must be a bsolu te and unch a ng ea ble. and rema<br />

in RO rega rdless of world changes. They a re the sa me now as at the verv<br />

moment of Creation. But they haw dimmed and been made obscure by a<br />

my riad of lesser loya lt ies. dogmat ic j ustices. a nd t he witty sa yinR'1' of a<br />

t ho usa nd philosopher s.<br />

Who knows wh at th e fa ce of ou r times will be like in t he histo ry books<br />

of tomorrow? Caesar. to my mind. was a killer of millions for his own<br />

ruthless ends, a power-drunk dicta tor wh o o rganized a privat e a rmy. and<br />

t rained it fo r the violen t over throw of a more or less democratic. though<br />

cor r upt . govemmeut. Caesar's cause was far less noble than that of Gallic<br />

tr ibes dying in d roves for their freedom . under the professi onal swords of<br />

Caesarian so ldiery. Yet history has placed the hero's laurel wreath on<br />

Caesar's head, and made th e cause of Ga ul a ppea r j usrly defeated .<br />

It is a gargant uan task to find axioms of truth in this all-consuming<br />

sea of confusion, and to convince ou rselves (n/llplf'tf'lll of th ei r validity.<br />

It is a deeply pe rsonal matter. ::\'0 one can really convince you of anvthinz .<br />

Yo u can be shown what ot hers believe right. but yo u must ch oose and<br />

tecide yourself.<br />

One of the chief characteristics of great men . often over looked. is that<br />

ea ch lived by a code of principle... to which he clung with iron determination<br />

a nd fo r wh ich he was willing to pe rish.<br />

Ha ving made you r dec! .... ion. abide by it. Th en you will heliew in yourself.<br />

a nd be ready for a nyt hi ng t he f utu re may held in store. And no<br />

longer will yo u he, in the word... of wise Dr. H. K_ Sandwell, "thoroug hly<br />

mixed up ".<br />

)1. T.

So met ime you migh t see )11'..Jenkin:'<br />

while It geometry class is in sess<br />

lon. peering in from the f ront door.<br />

nodding hi", head in approval. or<br />

zesttculettnv violentlv at a student's<br />

attempt to solve a problem. or you<br />

mig ht "ee him in the hall with a wist­<br />

Cui look It:' he regards hi" youthful<br />

progenies who a r t' t ryin g to avoid his<br />

ga l e. :\11'. J enkins will alway" be a<br />

teacher : he can' t escape f rom t he life<br />

he has It'd ,. 0 wonderfull y t hroug ho ut<br />

the long years.<br />

\\" t' han' learned mu ch from ) [1'.<br />

J enkins. For one. we have learned<br />

t hat di scipline c ermtnates a nd r-ipens<br />

"lowly to maturity in the minds of the<br />

pupil" to a fu ll newe r - a compl ete<br />

sense of honour within on "elf. He has<br />

shown U :-I by example - the surest<br />

way of all teach ing - the way to a ct.<br />

to studv. and to lin'.<br />


I have co ncluded. liS ma ny other<br />

peo ple han', t hat the essence of ~~Teat<br />

men lies in t heir philosophy - that<br />

which directs them in evervdav life<br />

- enables them to t reat ot he r people<br />

Iair lv. A pa thway of light through<br />

the darkness. ~ I r , J enk ins mu s t haw<br />

thi s a s manifested by h is wo-k in<br />

sch ool.<br />

I have tr-ied to express our regret<br />

at ~I r . Jenkins' retirement. but let us<br />

t urn to happier thou ghts. Her e is the<br />

culm ination of yea rs of magnificent<br />

work endi ng in a great rewa rd , Xow<br />

he has t ime to pu rs ue t hose snatches<br />

of verses in the sa nct it y of hi s ow n<br />

home, a nd relish in reminiscing old<br />

sea adventures. He will no t he lon ely:<br />

fo r the memories of nll he has do ne<br />

at Jarvis will fill his hou rs wi th pleas.<br />

ure. ~ o w will hi s philosophy give to<br />

him the happillt·:"s a nd enj oyment for<br />

which he has worked so ha rd ,<br />


Tlu- y irlli ol tln- flu /d. fl.'/ 11'/ ' «v dcr­<br />

»t ond,<br />

A l 'f ' 1'i ,~ /.:i II !1 their !'ilol//ill rution,<br />

1/1 tlu-ir 0/'('0/11' [nr ,

9NIl\I) '9NlliNllIO '9NIHnU '9NllINIHl<br />

:U VI ~3 T IO .) ~ IA H V I'

30 Tllr. " IAG~ET<br />

HIS<br />

LATE<br />



On February 7 we re ce ived the startl ing new s that the<br />

King had died in his sleep . This wos announced to on Assembly<br />

of the whole school and the fol lowing prayer wc s heard by a<br />

silent a nd sor rowing stude nt body :<br />

o Lord, we thank thee tor the life of de vot ion a nd courage<br />

of ou r lote Sovere ig n. We reca ll thot h is pre sence stimulated<br />

h is subjec ts in the darkest hours. We pra y that the ideals<br />

wh ich mo tiva ted h is a ctio ns may st ill be the guide of his<br />

successors. We ask T hy guidance a nd p rotecti on for the<br />

Commonwea lth which he served so well. Amen.<br />

On February 15 th e Reve re nd Mr. Parr o f Glebe Rood<br />

Un ited Church, a distinguished soldi er before he entered the<br />

Christian M in ist ry, led us in a so lem n Memorial Se rvice , T he<br />

fa vou rite hymns of h is late Majest y were sung. The reveren-.<br />

tial bearing of the studen ts ind ica ted that their devotion to<br />

the Brit ish Crown wo s no mere formality.


31<br />

THANKS<br />

Once more the presses roll out the ~ I agn e t . We hope it will measu re up<br />

to the standard of journ alism you expec t and also to the previous sta nda rds.<br />

We have enjoyed the tas k of publishing your ~ I a gn e t and the experience<br />

of editing, writi ng and good ha rd work, will no doubt be appreciated later.<br />

Special t han ks goes to ~ I r . Coombs for giving so much of his time and<br />

valuable advice . Wit hout hill word s of wisdom and encouragement. the<br />

:\Iagnet ~ ta fr. would have, at times, given up com pletely. He has a grea t<br />

gift for finding out t he things th at aren't done.<br />

This yea r we were swamped with mater ial and unfortunately owing<br />

to the lack of space, we were forced to discard much of it. However, we<br />

would like to t hank all those who contributed articles that were not used.<br />

We would especially like to t ha nk, Gwen Page, Christine Gr ah am,<br />

Eleanor Gray , Claire :'tIcKay, Br uce Crockett and man y others who type<br />

so much and so willingly. The peck-peck of t heir typewr iters was music<br />

to our ea rs.<br />

Hate off to :\Ir. Cascallen. Dan Burnick and Andy Zajac for t heir<br />

work in the photography department. It's no fu n trying to corner camerashy<br />

people for pictures, but , they did it, as well as the numerous ot her<br />

t hings such as t racing na mes for photogra phs.<br />

Also we thank :\Ir. J ohnston and Alan Reynolds for their work in t he<br />

bus iness department. Without their sple ndid efforts for the adver -t ising, t he<br />

~t a g n e t would ha ve been doomed .<br />

To all our editors we offer since re t ha nks for t hei r much appreciated<br />

assista nce. Not many, we t hink . can visualize the amount of work done<br />

by the various depa rtments.<br />

At th is point we thank each and everv st udent for first of all supportink<br />

t he :\Iagnet ad mirably and secondly for the contrfbu tfons of mat erial an d<br />

for their magn ificen t response to the adverttslng campaign.<br />

We say good-bye to our principal this yea r but we cannot ex press our<br />

t ha nks to him adeq uat ely for the co-operat ion and advice, which he ha:'l<br />

give n th e ~ I ag n e t .<br />

MAGNET<br />



A. Annie Rudge Edward George A. Corer Wr'ghT Michae l Ca rd<br />

,. Glenna Wift9 Boo L,Ttle e. E'eano' E I ~ l e Boo fary,ard<br />

c. Pa: C'aft George i\\an,s<br />

c. Goll Green Boo Wor'(;<br />

e. Etizc betf Bamford Pt1 l11P Low\,Of"l<br />

o. Kay Mo"' >O Dovid Bern~le ,"<br />

E. Rosemary VI" non Jon W,II"ns<br />

E.. Jeane .v.eLe

,....."', U,,"' : :'Il r. Coombs, :'Il r. (;iIlH"l't. :'II r. Sh l l, h ~ . :'II r, .I "hll ~ l " ll , :'III·, Cllllll' ht'lI, ~ 1r , WlIr ren, ~ I .., N t'l ~ lIn . ~ h , ~: II·~ t' 'l Il ~ n,<br />

~ I r , Il roke nxhirc, ~ I ... All en.<br />

...."('",,d U" ,,': :'II r. Overholt . ~ I ... Da r byshire, ~ I r , Cuok, :'III', " rN', :'I1i ~ ~ :-it. .I"hn, :'II r , 1'1I 1{t', :'II r , J t' nkh ll' lI' r irw ipn ll , :'Il l'.<br />

:'Iluir, :'Il r. S he ppard. :'Il r . Ferguson, ~I l' . 1Ii1I,<br />

Tlli...1 1.'" ", : :'I l r ~ . fo:lIi"tt, :'IIi"" ~Idi:edlll i t' , :'Il r. Dunca n, :'Ih , T n 'win, :'Il i"lI :'IIt-Hul' I'rt. :'Ill". Clllr ko, ~ I i ll " 1." )1:' 11 11, :'Il i ll ~<br />

(' tl .~t · ll " , :'I 1i ~ " Irwin, :'II i"" E lliott. :'II i"" (; r illit h.<br />

"'", ,1'1 /1 U",,': ~ lr . Ihj.!;l·n, :'Il l'. G ill e ~l l i e . :'ol r. l'it'h ' l'iIlK, :'Il r. :'Il t':-llli.., :'III'. 1;" 1"

,<br />

"• ;:1.:<br />

.!<br />

~<br />

.E,<br />

'£<br />

.JARVI:; C OI.UX;U,n ;<br />

33<br />

Commencement<br />


On F riday. Octobe r the nin eteen th .<br />

J ervis Collegiate observed its annual<br />

commencement. At eight-thir ty p.m..<br />

to t he rousi ng tune of " Roll Off". a<br />

long line of solemn-faced young men<br />

and women marched int o t he bright<br />

auditorium which wall well filled wit h<br />

pro ud parents. relat ives an d f riends<br />

of t his. the graduating body of 1950­<br />

51. Just pre vious to this. th e sta ff<br />

a nd gu ests had ta ken thei r places on<br />

the fern -decked platform.<br />

T he exercises began wit h an ope n­<br />

ing pray er by the Reverend Canon<br />

Wilkinson of St. Paul's Chu rc h. who<br />

is a n "Old Roy of J arvis" . :'.Ir. J enkins<br />

gave a welcomi ng speech to all<br />

and offic iated ove r the exercises. The<br />

Chai r man of the Roard of Education.<br />

:'.I r. W. :'.Iale. th e speaker of t he eve ­<br />

ning. spoke to t he graduates. and his<br />

word!' will long be an inspi ration to<br />

them. T hen. regretfully. :'.Ir. ) [a1e<br />

exc used himself. as he had to appea r<br />

at anot her commence ment. However,<br />

before leaving he a nnounced t he<br />

names of those recelvlng t he Secondary<br />

School Graduation Diplomas.<br />

These ce rt ificates were presented by<br />

)Ir. Dvce who was assisted by )[i ss<br />

Irwin.<br />

T he Valedictory was given by :'.Iis :o;<br />

Barbara Burnett . who, "did not expect<br />

to be called upon. quite :010 ea rly<br />

in the eve ning." :'.Ii !o\!o\ Burn ett's speech<br />

remin isced back through her years at<br />

Jar vis. ex pressing ever y graduate's<br />

feelin gs for th eir old school.<br />

Among t he guests were: our former<br />

pri ncipal . )Ir. A. E. Allin. whom we<br />

are a lways pll'asl'd to see. and who<br />

said a few words to th e gradu ates ;<br />

) [ e ss r s Stracha n and Staples. two<br />

dearly beloved former teachers who<br />

we hope will return ofte n; )Ir. W.<br />

Harold )[a le ; )1 1'. r:. Roxboroug b.<br />

mem ber of the Board of Education<br />

fo r Wa rd Tw o ; )li:lS ) Iilichamp of<br />

Bish op St rachan School. We we re<br />

w ry so rv to hear that our f riend Dr.<br />

Barch ' was un able to attend because<br />

of iIliless.<br />

The Honour Graduates were then<br />

announced by :'.Ir. Sheppard. an d t he<br />

certificates were presented by :'.Ir.<br />

Roxborouz h who was asaisted by :'.Iiss<br />

Elliot. )lr. Roxborouzb th en s poke.<br />

praising t he school. stu de nts . staff<br />

and spi rit. His vivi d words will long<br />

be remembered by th e graduates .<br />

) 11'. .Jenki ns t hen introduced our<br />

new instrumental music teac her, )Ir.<br />

Dunca n. Under his able conduct ing.<br />

t he orchestra playt>d " F aro ndole" and<br />

"Gypsy Dance" . \"t' r ~' well.<br />

Unde r the direct ion of :'.Ir. Overholt<br />

t he Glee Club sall g the pla inti ve<br />

chorus of " Will Ye ~ o Come Back<br />

Aga in" . to :'.1 1'. Staples. They a lso<br />

ga ve a preview of th e " Chime" of<br />

Xormandv" uy Robert Planqu ette,<br />

a nd as us ual so unded excellent.<br />

Aft er t he exercises , refreshmen ts<br />

were served to parent" in t he girls'<br />

ca feteri a. A da nce was given by th e<br />

fourt h for -me rs in honour of the graduates.<br />

Th us ano t her memorable evenin<br />

g cam e to a ll end . but it will long<br />

be remembered by t he '50-51 zraduatilt}!<br />

class.<br />



36<br />

T ilt: :\IAGNF:T<br />


BARBARA AS K Bt:RS F.TT was awnrdedi-c-<br />

The Alumni Scholarship in E ng lish a nd F rench for t he hight':;t aggrt'­<br />

gate in Engtish and F rench.<br />

PATRICIA BERSI{"E HAR:,AST was nwarded r-c-<br />

T he Edward Blak e Scbolarship-c-Gr eek and Latin.<br />

The George R. R. Cockburn Scholarshi p-s-Greek.<br />

T he Cha rles Earl Auger Alumni ) It'mori al Scbolars hl p fo r General<br />

P roficiency.<br />

T he Rober tson Scholarshij..-c-Greek.<br />

F REDERICK GEORGE HOWLETT was awarded :-<br />

T he )lo:

.J AR \'I ~ COI.l.EGIATE<br />



37<br />

T he Garfield w eston Travel Sl·holur::. hip-- PATR lrtA HA R~ A S T .<br />

The Eastern Canada Educational Tour sponso red by the Boa rd of Ed u­<br />

ca tion and the T. Eaton Co. Ltd.- - J OHS ;\ICCU:U.A:'·W.<br />

PR l ZE-:. W IX'X'ERS 1 ~150 - 5 1<br />

T Ujl N uU": A nne ( Iold ste!n, Pa t r icia Ha rsaut. F're d He wle t t.<br />

.....(',"ul R o ll': Te r- r y Ka meoka , J t> n ni(t"r :\!c\ ·it>a l". Gt.-orl/:t> :'o l ll n~ u s .<br />

TAin/ Ro...: J t"lIllllt"ltt" S im Jl"'.. n• •:dwa r d Yit' ld inl/:. Walt er Woye h uk.

HONOUR<br />


FIRST FOR) I HO:-;Ol' R STl'IIt::\TS<br />

f.·u,-.. ' N,,,,', I.d f to 1: ;,, /" : Sandia Ke nyo n. Ann X ich ol ~o n. J u d ~' :\I UIlIW f ••And rea<br />

Ha nson. Wilhemena Va n TuITe, J ut a Laul. Inese Heitins. Kat hleen 5 ...0 •<br />

..... 'f' " .../ 1(ow: :\Iichll.el Cavana-h, )Iaril~'n W a lt e Jl~ , )la r il~' n It am ~ t' r. Pat T r lll"'-' Y. Sheila<br />

EICIC"' l" t ~ o n . Dia n", 'I' u r-ner-, J ..a n )lacLean .<br />

T hin l H" lI' o' Da \'t' Ka m in sky. Emily Koza k , Ka y ) lan ' llo, J t' IT)" W OIII!:, T om Bo schenste<br />

tn. Pa ul Coombe.<br />

U ll e'/{ 1(.. ,,": Fj-ed S hultz . Andrew S ta hins, Wendy Cox. Ken ;\!o lTi"" :\'01"1118 Ha wt hor ne.<br />

Ht'J( F ukll"'llh .• J fmmy Dol, Tak F'ureka wa. n uh ) h·Cr ackt-n. Chri", S tuia u.<br />

S ~:C O:-; D<br />

F OR )! H OX O U R STUDE:" TS<br />

IItH"1,; Hu.... I. ~ II ' ,.. Hi ght : A nt hcuy F reidma n, Eleanor G ra~· . J im Hendry, J unt' Ka meoka<br />

, J ohn T urner.<br />

.1Ijol.lI.. H..,..: Ch r i,.t int' (;l'a ha m, Claire :'I; (,' h:a)·. A ud ry P rier, J oyce Ca ir n,., Ilewrl..y<br />

A hl >t.')·. Irene J ik..nun-a, I'...t R..d ful·d , Su"an l t-iaawa. :'Ilarie T a ka ta , J ..IUI :'Ilir ka ,<br />

J ua n S ta nich.<br />

,.-...IH' /(",,.: J udit h Glol..... H ia rlllt' Cook , Sophie Lahjumaney. Carol Wa rr..n, Dia n..<br />

Ru" a rd , :'Ilaril)'n n ix, Sophie Korol .

J A R \ " I ~ C OI.I.I':GIAn: 39<br />

rnmn FOR)I noxon: STl'IH;:\TS<br />

Hfld c RI>"'. I"l' ..1 Hig"' : J u nt' Hewe, R o~ ~ :llal.'FaddE'n. Eleanor Eis ele .<br />

F.."" , R" .... 1. ~ 1' I I> fliy " ' : Ly n n H ij;! g i l1 ~ . Cal'oJ Wr ight . Shuko Ka mita kaha r a .<br />


/lark R" w. !.f.,., '"Hight : ..\ Ia n Reynolds, Da ve Yieldina. WI"a)' H a ack. wanece Ru ssell,<br />

Alvin Ha mielic .<br />

r " I>1/1 RUll", /..l' /" Ilill llf : I'aul Va n Loan, Jellll)' G r-ube . Walter Kaml-takabare, HoI,<br />

Cur ra n.

F!FTH FOR)!<br />

HO:\'OCR ST l'Dfo:~ T S<br />

lI,,€'k R" ..., l.cn I" Rig" ' : LOI"na Dennison. J ohn ~ l c C l (' lIll nd. H t>n' I" I ~" Finla nd. Re ne Zale,<br />

Da vid r'Im. Ala n Be umal , )!ani T ha le r,<br />

r ..."" Ru". : Aileen Perter, La ura vlarr, J O~' {'t> H illi N . BIll"l,a rll ) lll rt in. Rut h ~al:a i.<br />


TREYOR<br />

We stund today at an important<br />

cros sroad. T he one road leads to f urt<br />

her achievements. t he other towa rds<br />

a slowlv slll'ewl inJ.{ disinterest and<br />

trresponsibilitv. We haw expended<br />

our initial outburst of enthusiasm<br />

and now we must reb- upon our organization<br />

an d plain ha rd work to<br />

secure su ccess.<br />

Looking back on the pa st vear we<br />

feel we ha ve been s uccessf ul in our<br />

programme . True. we could haw<br />

unde r taken more but I do not think<br />

we could haw accomplished more, It<br />

is better to feel our wa v fo rward<br />

caut iously. ens uri ng success in few<br />

undertakings than to rashly commit<br />

ou rselves to man y projects. only to<br />

KrTO~<br />

discover ourselves una ble to hand le<br />

t hem,<br />

Our social actlvlties have bee n a<br />

success. we ha ve initiated sever a l new<br />

orgunizutions. We are fi na ncia lly<br />

sound. and we a re be ing endowed<br />

with a I{rowing deg ree of res ponsibility,<br />

With the ground-work of organization<br />

laid, it will be poss ible now<br />

to undertake more ambit ious projects,<br />

It is our sincere wish that you<br />

con ti nue to su pport your St uden t<br />

Coun cil as you have suppo r ted us<br />

in this firs t vear. If f uture councils<br />

receive the co-ope ration an d good-will<br />

which we haw received f ro m you,<br />

then t hei r success will be gua ranteed .

I<br />


.,<br />

LIf E<br />

.h TD Y HO ~ GAR D• -lA<br />

Life i ~ II word poorly defined in the<br />

best of di ct lonn r ies ; a t hing shrouded<br />

in mystery ; II t hin g unexplained uy<br />

medical men. scientiets and clergy.<br />

To me. life is a r-iver, II great mighty<br />

water rising up out of th e mists of<br />

th e unknown. And I - I am II swimmer<br />

:<br />

The beginn ing of my journey along<br />

t his r iver of life is quite easy. I appear<br />

out of t he mis ts and am borne<br />

along on the cu r rent. The r-iver<br />

babbles ha ppilj.. to me in II strange<br />

m usica l language : from out of a blue<br />

sky the s un shi nes down on me : gentle<br />

breezes ca ress me. and I am lulled<br />

by t he melod ies of the bi rds.<br />

But all I grow older the r iver<br />

changes. It see ms wi der a nd deeper.<br />

T he waters become rough : t he wind<br />

a lit tle colder : the sky cloudy, lind<br />

t he birds :-ling Jells freq uently. I must<br />

sw im now. with su rer, more powerful<br />

strokes, if I am to maintai n my place<br />

in this mighty r-iver.<br />

T his roughness, however. is not<br />

per ma nent. but a preparation - a<br />

preparation for the str uggtes th at lie<br />

a head around t he curves of t he r-iver.<br />

For arou nd these cur ves. a prize - a<br />

.sorrow - a disa ppo int men t - a ba r­<br />

rier - somet hing wa its ! T hese I<br />

mu st face!<br />

I round II bend. and t here in t he<br />

distance is a green. in\'it inR meadow.<br />

It shines in t he sp lendour of mor n­<br />

ing sunlight : a place of rest, like an<br />

oasis in a desert. I swi m now wit h<br />

head down, heedless of fat igue, looking<br />

up only occasionally to assure<br />

myself that it is st ill there. Then at<br />

last I reach it ! I look up! It's gone !<br />

The meadow' s gone! Ah no - not<br />

gone. but changed: Th e once green<br />

grass is withe red. brown. dead ! T he<br />

dull grey sky is swept by a cr uel<br />

mocking wind t hat ech oes the hea r t­<br />

less bitter lau ghter of Disappointment<br />

:<br />

I fall back into the grip of t he<br />

waters. ) ly body aches with fatigue ;<br />

my heart with disappointment . I am<br />

too spent to swlm. but swim I must:<br />

I will not be tossed about like a bit<br />

of wood by t hese waters! Aga in I<br />

s wim with st ro ng determined strokes<br />

toward t he next bend. prepared to<br />

meet whatever lies behind it !<br />

Yes. fo r many of us, ou r journey<br />

along the river of life is hard. pe r haps<br />

too hard. But t his I know-c. At t he<br />

end of t he r-iver is the great est prize<br />

of all ! For t here . w iled in another<br />

curta in of mist and guarded by a rainbow.<br />

is the re wa rd for a job well done<br />

- a grander. more su blime r-iver in<br />

whose sac red wa te rs . t he real I ca n<br />

continue to grnw - nrl tinit um .

Tm: ).lAGr\t:T<br />

them went into a closet a nd turned<br />

what looked lik e

JAKn :-: COLl.t:l.;( ATt:<br />


. _ - - ..::: - "=--.::::.--<br />

- ~<br />

The g rea t da y dawned. t he da y<br />

when I was leaving Canada for my<br />

hom e. As I stood at the airport bid ­<br />

ding farewell to f r-iends, and feeling<br />

rather cold from the dampness of t he<br />

morning air. I had absolutely no fear<br />

about th e flig ht .<br />

I climbed up t he landi ng stairs into<br />

the bod y of a huge silver bird that<br />

sat on t he a irfield , with its knifebladed<br />

prope llers wind milling idly.<br />

We were ready fo r t he take-off ! The<br />

g reen light Rashed from the tower .<br />

and wi th a t remendous roa r. the fo ur<br />

power f ul e ngt nes came to life : t he n<br />

w ith a surge of power. we rolled forward<br />

in to the blue of t he summer skv.<br />

Wit h ea ger eves I exa m ined t he<br />

press urized ca b in, t he comfor table<br />

seats. the passen ge r s a nd th e bea utlf<br />

ul stewardess. Then. be fo re long we<br />

ha d crossed La ke Ontario a nd we r e<br />

fly ing OWl' t he green co untryside of<br />

th e Unite d States. Dur ing tha t ti me<br />

th e wea t he r was fine. but a:o; we nea red<br />

t he Atl a nt ic OCt'Hn. we ra n in to fog<br />

and dt'n st· clo uds .<br />

15<br />

The weathe r had cha nged fo r t he<br />

worse. It bega n to r a in. a nd we SOO Il<br />

found ourselves in t he midst of a<br />

stor m of t h under and llght ning'. We<br />

climbed higher to av oid it. bu t we<br />

we re immed iately brought dow n by<br />

a huge a ir pocket and had hot coffee<br />

s pilled 0'·1'1' us. This stor m contin ued<br />

until our ocea n- voya ge wa s d rawing<br />

to a close.<br />

Then we we re in si ght of t he seacoa<br />

st of the little isla nd . Bermuda :<br />

the waters we re q uiver in g a nd boiling.<br />

the waves crowned with a crest<br />

of white foam. ca me cla shing a ga in!'!<br />

the im movable rocks around t he island.<br />

We we r e ba ck to the land of<br />

white coral r oads a nd olea nders<br />

spilli ng ove r li me st one wa lls : the sa nd<br />

wher e t he deep bl ue waters of the<br />

Grea t So un d we re fu rro wed by the<br />

wa kes of sh ips tha t leisu rel y sailed<br />

a cross t he m - t his la nd of mernorles :<br />

The plane. meanwhil e. was ci rcl ing<br />

the enormous airfield. a nd finally like<br />

a gliding gu ll. sh e g racef ully slid on<br />

to t he field. We had la nded ! I was<br />

home :<br />

C. DARREll<br />

'f ?~. , :: ~ '

16 THE :\IAG !'\ l-:T<br />


.JOH :\" ) [ CCLELLA~ D ,<br />

A g-ood friend has mu ch in common<br />

wit h a Komi pair of sho es . J ust<br />

as every bod y b us a t least one good<br />

fr iend a ll whom he can r ely, almost<br />

evervbodv ha s oue fav ourite pair of<br />

old shoes all which he call rel y. Perha<br />

ps one of their most striking similarlt<br />

ies is their las t ing quali ti es . A<br />

good fr-iend who will stand by 11 person<br />

for manv "cars is verv much like<br />

a good old ' pa lr of shoes. be they<br />

expensive 0 1' not, which seem to la st<br />

forever. Anot her remarkable resemblance<br />

bet ween the two is that each<br />

fitl( and is compati ble. On one hand<br />

the re is the f riend. sociable and<br />

friendly ; on the other the pair of<br />

sh oes comfor ta ble a nd we ll-fitting.<br />

:\Ioreover. both wit h t he friend and<br />

wi th the shoes. the length of acq uaintauce<br />

st reng t hens a p preciation. in the<br />

co mpa ny of a Fr-ie nd om' never feels<br />

5D<br />

awkward. out of place or unhappy ,<br />

In a Iike manuer when wearinz the<br />

good old shot':-I ,\ 'O U are co m plete ly<br />

at ease a nd al way l'l en j oy having<br />

t hem on, F urthermore. neither demunds<br />

attention, You may no t he<br />

in t ouch with vour friend fo r weeks,<br />

vet he will UP a" readv us eve r to<br />

help ,\'OU when ;'o'OU ("li n, Similar-ly<br />

the shoes runv lie un polished for<br />

months bu t thev will alwavs he read v<br />

for immediate use, A feature of uot h<br />

the friend and t he shoes ill t hei r so uls<br />

(sole s} . A" t he soul of the f riend is<br />

hi s foundnt lon-c-the verv essence of<br />

the man: so the 110 11.' of the shoe is<br />

its fou nda tion-the verv co re of the<br />

shoe, One importa nt q uality of a good<br />

friend Is hill g en uineness. a gain the re<br />

i:; a pa ra lle l in the good s hoes : they<br />

a r t:' mad e of genuine lea the r . Prob-<br />

(C",.tiH'''·fl OM l >(Jgt 6")

.' AU Vll' ("OLI.t:t iIAn:<br />

wtlliam sburz . What does that mean<br />

to you ? I' osslblv it is a very boring<br />

Gec arapbv lesson. or the year-book<br />

from william a nd :\fary College. or<br />

an article con cerning sixtv-flve million<br />

dollars, Sixty-five million dollars<br />

i:- t he basis of my story. for<br />

Rockefeller promoted the restor-at ion<br />

of a ti ny village into 18th century<br />

style-a trip to t hat ti ny villa ge was<br />

my Chr-istmas gif't.<br />

At fir:-t it was just another t r ip.<br />

a t r ip to somewhere in t he south of<br />

Virgin ia, Rut t he villa ge itself ma de<br />

it a different t r ip. Xot only WHS t he<br />

climate fa:-cinatingly different. but<br />

also, the people spoke with an accent :<br />

it wa s history. \rilliHmsbur i{ is a<br />

set tlement steeped in history. living<br />

it ever-y day. enjoying it and passing<br />

it on to hu ndreds of Yuleti de visitors,<br />

The Duk e of Gloucester. the main<br />

street. is lined with t he "business<br />

section". Th is con sists of : th e Cap i­<br />

tol. seat of th e first parliament in<br />

America . where st ill flies Quee n<br />

Anne's flag; the tavern. whe re t he<br />

Declarat ion of Inde pendence wa s<br />

written: th e craft shops. where cos,<br />

Christmas Gift<br />

17<br />

t urned trades men work a:- did their<br />

forefathers; th e jail. with its stocks<br />

for nagging wives ; and th e Quai nt<br />

repr oduct ions of olden-day sto res<br />

wit h mode rn names of Rexall. A. & P.<br />

and Ag new-S urpass. The Governor's<br />

residence stands apart in its acres<br />

of for ma l garden, \rithin. soft candlelight<br />

gleams on polish ed mahoga ny .<br />

si lver an d crystal. Gracious hostesses<br />

in wide fa rt hingales relive traditions<br />

of over tw o centur ies ago. The Impressive<br />

ma nsions of t he plant ation<br />

owners rise a bove the adorable cotta<br />

ges of t he villa gers. Th ese magnificent<br />

homes keep the t radition eve n<br />

to t he comfor ta ble coloured mam mies<br />

preparing spices beside t he kitchen<br />

hearth , But the intangi ble things are<br />

there too - the restored customs; for<br />

example : t he yule log ceremony. the<br />

Christmas tree Iightinl{ on t he village<br />

green. one white candle in each window.<br />

and open -house on Ch ristmas<br />

Day , These are overshado wed though .<br />

by t he ca ndle-lit midnight mass in<br />

Br ut on Parish Church. which is t he<br />

oldest Episcopal chu rch in the :\ew<br />

world. an d also the oldest P rotestant<br />

chu rch in continual use.<br />

T hat glimpse of history and t radition<br />

wa s a Chr -ist mas gift long to be<br />

remem bered.<br />

A~~ HIC.GIS :-:. 5E

'\<br />

Hope fulfilled<br />

, 'AL BELLINGER. 48<br />

THE ;\IA(; ' ET<br />

T h littl man walked ae ro's the<br />

carpet toward: the desk. H was<br />

bent. a. if discouraged, and poo rly<br />

dr ~ d. Hi ' face was sad and hi<br />

lip;'. accus om d to whis ling. were<br />

now drawn straight. How he hated<br />

h snow and slush, he bu Ie and<br />

impati nc of his . ' ew Wor ld ! If<br />

onlv h could s again, for a few<br />

mom nt • hi: s unny village on the<br />

ag Ie:: Italian slop s : .'0 only was<br />

h Ion Iy. bu wh en he did speak. i<br />

was only by , ruggling with the<br />

harsh, unmusical sounds of he E ngli:h<br />

language. om times. af er a<br />

long. iring day of looking for a job.<br />

he almost wish d he had stayed in<br />

Ita lv, H had h ard much ab u he<br />

opp' rtuniti in anada - but they<br />

had vet 0 b r a liz d. If h co uld find<br />

a posi ion h would a least have a<br />

f ling of b longing and everything<br />

would b btl'.<br />

Hi. hart sank as he approached<br />

th d sk, R m mb r ing the cou ntless<br />

ti me ' h had applied . on ly 0 be refu<br />

ed, he thought how hop less this<br />

application was. T he fac of the<br />

wo man a th desk was hard. al mo t<br />

unfriendlv. How di ff rent these un ­<br />

smiling Ca na dia n. w r f rom the<br />

ea y. gay Ita lia n. he had known.<br />

T he li tl man r ach d he desk<br />

and .0 d fumbling with his h t. until<br />

he woman had put down th eleph<br />

one. T hen mu tering his co ur a ge.<br />

he said. " cusat mi, I d no sp ak<br />

E nglish good". The woman looked<br />

up. and 0 hi. con' rna ion. smiled.<br />

Was she la ug h ing a hi p or appear ­<br />

ance ? H hop d no - :he looked<br />

much mol' fri ndlv now. T h n ' he<br />

la ug hed out r ig ht 'a nd said, "Non<br />

irnpor a . I do not 'P ak Ita lia n ,. r y<br />

well." The littl man': mouth d ropped<br />

op n in amazement. T he woman<br />

laughed and b gan to a. k him he<br />

question. in Italian. tha h had found<br />

so difficult to answe r b fo re. N ow<br />

it was easy. \Yh n t h usual quest ionna<br />

ire had b n fill lout. h a ked<br />

hi m if he hacl appli cI fo r many othe r<br />

positions. At this fi rst s ig n of sympathv<br />

t he li t l man broke into a<br />

fluent account of his trou bl : s ine h<br />

had come to .a na da . Ha nds ancl<br />

tongue moving rapidly. h pour cI out<br />

his grievances. his Ion lin SST his difficulty<br />

with English and his fa illll' to<br />

find a job. his ff'orts to ke p war m.<br />

all were r ela xed in t he h at of hi s<br />

emot ion.<br />

It seemed as if h would talk fo r­<br />

eve r but th e telephon cut s h r illy into<br />

hi s sto ry . After sh had I' placed th<br />

receiver, the woman sa id. s m ili ng , the<br />

wOI"(I: he had wanted to h ar for so<br />

long. " Ple ase I' ' port to hi s d sk for<br />

work to mo r row morning." Th little<br />

man nodded d umbly . hi s y s shining.<br />

He turn d and wa lk d away from the<br />

desk , hi: hea d he ld high and a mile<br />

on hi: face. A " he pass d t he window.<br />

the littl man sa w tha t snow w a f a lling.<br />

He didn't f I 'old now, and the<br />

snow was v r v b au iful, aft rail.

.JARVI i' C OI,U:G1ATE<br />

49<br />

City Lights<br />


Here and t here across the vast.<br />

dark. lonely continent. pinpricks of<br />

light beacon forth to show wh e re<br />

huma nity has gathered together.<br />

T hese are the cities. Here may be seen<br />

a va riety and multitude of lights such<br />

as one finds ha rd to imagine. Here<br />

th e different colours. dull . bright and<br />

vivid - svm bollc of th e excitement<br />

and guiety that ill to be found in a<br />

city _ dazzle the eyes of non-city<br />

dwellers. When country folk and<br />

townsmen haw settled down for t he<br />

night. it ill then that the city lights<br />

shine brigh test.<br />

The mai n st ree t look s like a lig hted<br />

can yon with a st ream of auto lights<br />

flowi ng swiftly between its walls, Tall<br />

buildings tower up against the horizon.<br />

some lit up like torches, ot hers<br />

wit h tiny squares of yellow light<br />

p~eri n g out. A bove the crowd of<br />

merry- ma ke rs, flam boyant neons add<br />

glamour to t he scene. Theat re ma r­<br />

quees wit h thei r blinking bulbs beckon<br />

passersby to view movie stars<br />

whose nam es are all fascinating as<br />

the lig hts are bri ght. Auto headligh ts<br />

sweep the street with a blinding light<br />

as t hey whiz by, At busy inter-sections,<br />

t he red an d green of the t raffic<br />

lights alternate, in ste ady. regu lar<br />

intervals, And eve rywhere the garish<br />

colours. shrieking t heir defiance at<br />

the inky night, tea r th e shrou d of<br />

darkness into tattered fragments<br />

which scur ry a way to hide in the<br />

da rk alley ways,<br />

Along the lakeshore. huge intricate<br />

neon signs. adve rtising the prod ucts<br />

of booming indu st r-ies, st r-ive to outshine<br />

one anot her, In the less-Irequented<br />

ave nues . st reet lamps shine<br />

se renely, In the busy streets. the"<br />

fade to insign ificance and are lost i~<br />

the kaleidoscope of the eye-shatter-ing<br />

lights around them,<br />

And from high. the stars gaze down<br />

disdainfully at these ambitious upp,"'JI("',,,~~6.'"<br />

.#,(1),<br />

starts. the man-made Iight ll<br />

city.<br />

Tht Snakt<br />

of the<br />

Clt'II I'l y cllttil/ (1 t he s//'lIyill !J !J J'W IM S<br />

W h ich port flS wit h II ,'f/llulde r of [ear,<br />

A sin iete r shll do 1/', tilt' st' I'}Jt'1it }JflIISt'S:<br />

H ill sinuun« tm il ill the tlllxt lies cit'll I'.<br />

/., is,'f/ll ll e fWtl (ll"f/C't'f ul Iunre'er: Itt' /li ll y<br />

be,<br />

}' et uutC'(Ist of XCftw 'e; d r l'(l(lt'cl Clllff<br />

(/lI'flll :<br />

F ur i n his culd eye y Ullt,'f th e dil l'''<br />

light of eril :<br />

Of all Satal/'s sert'f1 l/ts he IS m us t<br />

faithful.<br />


5(1 Tilt: :\IM;:-.;t:T<br />


..<br />

the rockets ha d tom up t he ground<br />

a nd blasted the vegetutlon . T he shi p<br />

was totally al ien ill appearance : tape r ­<br />

ing to a point at o ne end. a nd open<br />

to t he rocket exhaust a t t he other,<br />

Slowl y a door in th e side of t he<br />

ship opened. a nd the fig ure of a tall.<br />

slender gir-l appeared , her Kolden hair<br />

casca di ng OWl' her shoulders a nd<br />

down her back.<br />

T he man wa tch ed , fuscinated. una<br />

ble to bel ieve his own eves. T hen,<br />

slowly he t urned to his f r-iend. " which<br />

planet did you :,ay the ship carne<br />

It-om ?"<br />

·· Ea rth."<br />

~,:= - ----~<br />

Surveying the painting in mild di s­<br />

g ust . th e ma n stepped back. He tu rned<br />

to hi:, wife. his model. a nd said di s­<br />

pl r-ited ly, " lt's finished. You can r ela x<br />

now,"<br />

His wife studied the pai nt illJt of th e<br />

~dr l 1'\ t e P I J i n K f rom t he space 1'\hip, Sh e<br />

was ta ll. slender a nd pink-skinned.<br />

und her golden hair tumbl ed over her<br />

shoulders and spilled hltlf-wa ," down<br />

her back, It Wil1'\ his best effort vet.<br />

she thoug ht. Surely it would In:in g<br />

him fume.<br />

Il l' sa t down ami thought moodily,<br />

I sup pose it will do. But I'm tired of<br />

doi ng imagina r y pict ures of life from<br />

ot her pla nets . If only I could see what<br />

t hey really look like.<br />

Th e s udden arr-ival of a friend<br />

abruptly interr upted his train of<br />

tho ug ht. " A strange :,IHH'e s hip has<br />

j ust la nded ou tside the cit y." he<br />

sho uted , "Let's co:"<br />

They stood breathlessly a t the edge<br />

of th e open field and sta red at th e<br />

bright . silve r cylin de r- which lay there.<br />

Th e a ir WK 1'\ still wa r m and beavv wit h<br />

the odo ur of sco rc hed ea rth whe re<br />

The Sky<br />


T h l" ..~ J.:!I II!! Iliu M in hiyh (Iml I'fl/lml,<br />

T he N/ y n'~ vc »t lI/ifllI tne Y J'o ll llll,<br />

T he ..

JA R V I ~ C OLLEGIATE 51<br />

Lamentation du Corsaire Pa:-o~e<br />

A II deli! tlex m fTS-<br />

T h e r,·/lel Mas, le e fleltex lIIers.<br />

I.mft tf/IHIIIg the shifting s/w ds<br />

H er Wt'tf/'Y ,ill8 Mal/rhil/g in th e<br />

t ro/lit' s Jl II;<br />

.\11' los t sh ip- I.tf J/u/lf'ttf',<br />

Duly et'huillg t he btf ,"lml'ir fJ 1'lIuh tiht;<br />

O f her fJl/t'e merry 1IIf'1l.<br />

A u-des/w I/8 d e« III f'1'X<br />

l ei-bee ,<br />

There is 1/ }}f'f/t'e<br />

[in kllown to the world of IIIt/ll<br />

A ll IIlldel'/('odd of IOl'f'lillf'8x:<br />

L ee /w issoll x aou!ftfll tx ,<br />

I .es trl/(~II/UlIf 'X d e II/er , [lenriseant;<br />

d i lic(lt es , ,-/lxit's,<br />

Et res iordlne de curail,<br />

.4. /I de lil cle s II/f'I'S-<br />

II'h f'l'e th e wild-pl/l llw ged f/ird<br />

l..cw ghs at the S U II<br />

O il I( ' ,~ ot/deR btllzclllel< d llpott'llt<br />

Sat/s t'eRxe 8//1" II'S r Ut'h es,<br />

A,ml the s //,('et islal/d b reese<br />

IR filted with IIw/trllful crie« IJf<br />

B ieet , Perrucb e fwd B ird tif Paradis e,<br />

I..ex /lU8, /)liles 0/1 orillete<br />

1. 1'8 {futres, brMtlllt des IlfllI/IIIt'8<br />

f:t'a riat('e.<br />

Et lex .'fi,.;'It'X, It'x lIiriidt's<br />

.-lrer de« ('of/ltillagn dll /Ilf leu rs cnereur<br />

,\[ot/tcwt sur leurs arand« h ippo('ellttfll/'ex,<br />

{)ui- ("el(t Iu pll ir ,<br />

..<br />

I !1nW' old , I g ru l!' oId-<br />

IA' [untrhue es t usserri per 1";lI/f' de<br />

III 11/1'''<br />

Hilt the !l0l/lIg I'o /'ill g heurt will /lilt<br />

let me lle-<br />

F(jJ' t h e f leet rhmds yo flyi/l Y<br />

He/ull' t he Mile sky,<br />

W h ile th e s wish of the Iwil.'f<br />

,ll ak ex t h e heart sigh,<br />

A ll d the u-ild s pi ri t wIlI/ tln'1(<br />

W here t he winds M ll w ,<br />

A nd ,'flee])s ill (I carr<br />

lI'llf' I"f' the .vo.J!f'tlplf' .IIo !<br />

c. O. K.<br />

: ::<br />

: ::

T HE :\t AGN ET<br />

TO TH E WI .\"1J<br />


T he Wlll'f'~ roll i ll f n ml th l' u-inds<br />

wept 8f'(I ,<br />

A nd the ctoud« (I/"f' towering th ings;<br />

The wind m mlllx low thrtll'!lh the tall<br />

Il i ll t' tree.<br />

A nd I uho the ,'(1111[1<br />

it " ill fl lt.<br />

J/y h eM" '"f'III'/JIHI .'( t o it i'f w hisjJtTi ll {l<br />

.'fig h.<br />

A mi erolt« ill ill! tll/I ml f'nJ/ix btaet ,<br />

F o r<br />

C I'Y<br />

n f'(" (l fl.~<br />

I"(I('h d f' t' ]J 1I0t l' fll t ht' Xf'fI-wiiHl','f<br />

II dll y frlllll th,' jl/!lIt.<br />

Uo n ' (lo !!N w lll'lI till' 1

•JAR\'I ~ C Ol.LEGI ATE<br />

... a·,<br />

tJJ}~?:!/<br />

l~<br />

--~~.<br />

Legend of the Sleeping Bnuly<br />

Hlock ..~ /l(/( I (jll' .~ /nl.ll t ll ,'I/ 'IIm l ll I I/(,<br />

1~ /el'1!! 11/001/:<br />

Th e gail' , tighl-fJflI'l"f'fI , i" fll'lll/d elll'<br />

oldf'("(1 11<br />

R eei«t« tne tumd: jO/l1 j O!IX swil'l (II/<br />

a round,<br />

A ss llm e weird xha pe,Of, rejol'lll (//1(1<br />

lade away,<br />

He meditates : why ~ hould hr Iil/flfT<br />

he re<br />

I II d esola tion : an d il legends tell<br />

A story t r il l'. a place 01 cursed d read­<br />

Bef ore him lies a /loble lamily's bier,<br />

Th rQugh the qri m ba rs alld th rol/gh<br />

tne thorlly hedge<br />

He lw ei's Ih,.,l/I gh glool11 fiX jOlll II,~<br />

pits 01 h e11-<br />

B ut look! «here gleam a/ld alow, like<br />

neriect pend.<br />

To lillun' ,wd deJa!! th e nriuce CfllII ­<br />

pel ;<br />

To shake th e ga le u-itli torn «nil<br />

Meedin g h(wds<br />

Until betore his ll'eJlzlI it gives IlIl'tl !! :<br />

To rill//' th rough thorn aud tnucken,<br />

s/t"f't/ t, Mood baud<br />

A nd millg/e IJII his [ evered connten­<br />

«nee<br />

Ulltil 111/ ancient [ovtre es 1011 1/111 {II<br />

hal/d.<br />

How he diecore ved lore I need not<br />

' l'll-<br />

A lo re thot sllllllbered [o r (I ("(,/ltl/ry­<br />

Th e tale is old : you willl...,,,,w it w ell,<br />

I me rely ,d ate that grellt audllcit!!,<br />

Great l olly and YI'ea t ("IJIII'n u e 1I1111/etimes<br />

lead<br />

T o H ea ven'« Miss , a nd s f/ fisly (Ill<br />

nee d,<br />

H .<br />

B ARe LA Y, .,Ie<br />

T HIS ~ I YS TE R Y<br />

lie (I,~kt 'd 111 1' , II'ho!<br />

I had //0 clif f ',<br />

He 1/lllTin l, 1I" 1I ('II !<br />

I t-u flfl(l iu.<br />

H e I/OII/n/ II ld/ow<br />

To 111 (' 0 Ht /'f/llgIT ­<br />

A nd I CO llld ,~ ( ' f '<br />

Jl ysell ill rial/un '.<br />

1I"1Int /I'(I,Of thi« pliUht!<br />

- thi« myxt rru !<br />

Oh , j l's t my d ORS<br />

11/ H ietorst,<br />

t " " '<br />

~<br />

.~<br />

~~l~<br />

%; . ""~ '<br />

1J! ,.,;;~.",+ , .<br />

.... ~ . ~ . .... !<br />

Ist -<br />

GWE:\"<br />

PAGE, 2C<br />

Humour CIa""<br />

~~~<br />

~<br />

)q J<br />

IJ a


" W hn t is th is life. if fil II of rare,<br />

Ire ha t'{' 1/0 t ime to sttH/ d (HId 8tOl"C ?"<br />

S o time to glide 11/101/ 01/1" d .'ii.'f.­<br />

" A ll E:lI gIish f>I~S(/ y-Jlrllld(l y .pl e(ls e : '<br />

X o time to see th e W estern S holl':<br />

E:tam .~ are coming lip. !I,m kIlOw.'<br />

.votime to eren read tn e ne/l'8.<br />

The comice-s-firet, if we mll.~ t choose.<br />

W e thO/lght, " Here's time to hear<br />

Ring croon,"<br />

A L ofi ll t est? We IIllo kf' tOf! o'if/lJII .<br />

W e' J'e a{wa Y8 dW-Ihi il!l h en ' ond there,<br />

IV e ha r t' 110 tim e t o Mo ml (11/(1 stare.<br />

There's f' l'nl fm l/hle !ind ing time<br />

To teove 01/1' wO/'/,: to write this<br />

rhyme.<br />

J . C. I . is lot« of fill!<br />

R Id we (I r e always 011 the " /I II .<br />

" A poo r life this. if [rdl 0/ care.<br />

Ir e ha ve lUI time to slrllld (lIId store."<br />

PAT CROrT. 3C<br />

...<br />


I ('oll {d ,, ' / bY-W'SH 1/011 ,<br />

S" I t ra mped (I trait ;-<br />

Cold W(f .~ the pay ment fill' Illy t roroil '<br />

I t'!! heell t w o days sin ce th at thin<br />

t rock<br />

M o rked a ru t ohm!! yfllll' huck,<br />

01 di,'t y .~ 1I 0 I(' ,<br />

Wh ere t he CitY'R f loll'<br />

SII I'Yeil a lld ,~ h/llj lf' .~ t o fi nd [ rn:<br />

T he vi rq in enosr bes id e the wa y<br />

W as quickly m elted fl y t he da y.<br />

.\fU little p(lth , III/N ' fiJI l'//f/l"fll'ill y ,<br />

A " ic y /"id yl' is , 111' 0 /1 t h e lm l'iJl9,<br />

H oI/' long YOIn' stay<br />

Th e S IHI ma y lIay,<br />

A '' Ha"d tl/ld brillf'­<br />

t're a me tin<br />

CI(lsS ill Latin,<br />

Th e d ecision ill mit mille.<br />

R OflERT<br />

F ORW ARD, 3 R<br />

l :olt -<br />



Pla yl lil lit tle 'mU 0; f ll/V,<br />

Don't YOI/ th in k YO l/'re tired r ,w'/fl h!<br />

Ta' /f/UIIO up m y ba ll ot w ool<br />

A nd !IIm 't'e made if blaC'k as ( f/(/ I.'<br />

C ha sing SIX"TOII'S 01/ t he 10 11' 1/ ,<br />

T ill !/0I1 1'<br />

playmates all a re g OllC,<br />

D r i ll k i Jl!J mit 01 Ro re r'« dish ,<br />

D oi l/f! anyt hillg you lI'is h<br />

PlaY! 1I1 little oall ot tluff,<br />

n li l/' t y OIl t hi nk YOII're tired enoll!Jh !<br />

1Jt'llla /ldillg m ilk with plaintire 111f 'II' ,<br />

Chl'wiJl f/ lllippe,'s, old lind lie II',<br />

T NI/'i l/g hol e!! in d ra pe aJld I'll f/ ,<br />

T ippin!! (11' a Oil " nen- iv«.<br />

Shlll'p' l/ i ll g cla w s 0 11 010' heet chnir,<br />

.lJisch iel'o /fs 'Jeyrllld COII/JU'I'e,<br />

Pla y f lll li ttle hall of f lllff ,<br />

DIIlI' t !/fJ/1 think !/fm' I'e tired l'IIIIllg h !<br />

J L':\"E H EWES, 3 D<br />

T H£' "FORTI' .F/ I"E<br />

Sal' 11II/9 Iltallds slora'ret 01 / tnc<br />

st m l/d<br />

Sal' lallg ,~ hf" f1 stall d and muir,<br />

H er Laird i» !Ja lle t o I rela nd<br />

A nd !lhf' i,~ weepin ' sair,<br />

H e'd ta' en t he W hite Cockad e, ", 'd"fll',<br />

Wi' (Ill t he w lflt/ll t chiefs :<br />

A nd 1IO II" S be en f orced to fl ee ill [car<br />

F I'fH' S cotl(/ j/(l a nd he r eriei«.<br />

Hilt 10 1/ ,11 1I'i' COUl'U f!f! hrore he IOIlI/h t,<br />

O! t 1I'i' t he l oe en gaged;<br />

A nd his tu rae was ill th e ollllia //ght<br />

W ha e f ierce th e bo ttle raged,<br />

Hilt SflfIJ/ li t d rea r Culloden,<br />

P ri nc e Charli e /l/ad e tl stu tlll :<br />

The d(ly rome 11'''' fo r efJOd i,,',<br />

Det ent C(I II/(' to h i,~ bond.<br />

.4.IId 110 her lc ird'« to I rela nd g al/ f' ,<br />

Fa i r J/ tll 'g ' r e t' ,~ weepi ll' sair;<br />

,-tIns.' t heir k i llg will li tT er r eigll ,<br />

A " d th ey'lI l1e'er ngaill III""t mair,<br />


,J,\ KYI:' C OI.LEI;(ATt:<br />

r):J<br />

A few in novation han' been in troduced<br />

in t he Jarvi Exchan ge t his<br />

veal'<br />

, The book.... we received from other<br />

school.... have been put Oil d i....pht ;-.· in<br />

t he library, fr-o m t ime to t ime,<br />

T he idea of au Inter na t ional Exchunze<br />

i.... now bei ng discussed and<br />

nex t year we hope to d i:,pla r books<br />

from oth er coun n-ie ...., So fa r, we have<br />

magazine.... repre....en tinl! ....chool.. from<br />

all pa rts of Canada and a chool paper<br />

from the United State ,<br />

The book.... lis ted below a re only a<br />

few of the one .... received, but we<br />

would like to extend our tha nks an d<br />

we n re so r r-y t hat owi ng to lack of<br />

....pace. we are not able to ac knowledge<br />

them all.<br />

COX XIXG TOWER: Western Collegiate<br />

& voca ticnal School.<br />

THE REFLEX : College of Optomet<br />

rv<br />

THE . KOXA H : :\lis:'ioula County<br />

High School, U.S.A.<br />

EXDEAVOr R : Da uphin Ccllesdate<br />

& Technical<br />

T HE VOLT ; l ugersoll Distr -i ct<br />

High School<br />

T HE P ELH A) l PX YX : Pelha m District<br />

High School<br />

LeX GLE BAXA : Glebe Collegiate<br />

YE<br />

in Ottawa<br />

FLA:\IE : Cent ral Collegiate in<br />

Regina<br />

O.A.C. REVIEW : Ontario Agrlcult<br />

ur al College in Guelph.<br />

THE EL EVATOR : Bt!'llevill e Colicgi<br />

at e In....t itute & Vocationa l<br />

School<br />

~ o(DU<br />

. ~ . " .U k "oTD ,~~<br />

....... .. ~~'....,<br />

r~ .<br />

\~~<br />

~~[.if~<br />

lo ~ ~ "'.~ "' .....,. " " "<br />

.. ~....... ~...,"<br />

'<br />

BEWARE - THE<br />

XKK DUII TR V ~,<br />

.,<br />

fOUNTAIN<br />

While walk in g dow li t he hull (Jill' dtr!f.<br />

( In Line, 0; ronrse. t h,' proper wa y )<br />

J s pied a !lOld h (Iiret ;01'11I) m /I f riend,<br />

Wh o took th e IJllic1.' way to his end,<br />

He stOIJ/H·d beside th e ImHdfli" bright<br />

.-l nd said, " T hf"r e' }f //ot I I so" ' ill<br />

.~ight :'<br />

Th f"1I xtooped he 111/1' to tak e n }fiJI ,<br />

Hut 'ere the wa tn' r f'(l(h ,'d hill lill<br />

.-l rvler struck, //ot t f ll dt,,.Iy .<br />

T he Jlllillerim' 01 hi}f al/atoIllY!<br />

Tha t'll why I 1111'1'811 to 01/1' lind ,,11,<br />

B en-ore ' . , Th e F oul/ta i" in thi' hull.<br />



57<br />

THE<br />

Jarvis has again presented a suecess<br />

ful operetta. For the past fin"<br />

yea rs we ha w perfor med Gilbert<br />

and Sullivan ope rettas. but this year<br />

) Ir. Overholt decided to do somethin g<br />

di fferent; 1'0 he chose a da ring novelty,<br />

"The Chimes of Xormandv".<br />

by Robert Planquette. Everyone sa id<br />

it would not be a success. but wit h<br />

two of the best men-e- Mr . Overholt<br />

an d ) Ir. Campbell-in charge. a nd<br />

a n enth usiastic cast, serious re hearsing<br />

began after the Christmas holida<br />

yl'.<br />

Th en ca me the Snturdu v rehearsail',<br />

which were th e most enj oyable.<br />

We'll take a peek at one. "Alr tght<br />

everybody, beginners Act 1" T he<br />

chor us all lined up , eve ryone talk ing<br />

a nd waiting fo r t he music. Th e orchestra<br />

started to play and rehearsal<br />

began. Time after time :\[r .<br />

Ca mpbell stopped it to explain posl ­<br />

ti ons and lines and to yell at the<br />

chorus to keep quiet. T hen, )[r. Overholt<br />

stopped procedure to bawl out<br />

someo ne in the cas t for not knowing<br />

his cues and to explain parts of<br />

t he music to the orchestra. At last<br />

after tw o hour" Act I was over and<br />

eve ryone rushed off to a rest a urant.<br />

As the week" progressed songs and<br />

lines were beginning to iron ou t. but<br />

still cues were missed. and still the<br />

~::. \0­<br />

k<br />


l.'- . r ';,<br />

.1 1<br />

it'<br />

- "<br />

~.-J<br />

,.,. "<br />

.',..<br />

.....:-- -,<br />

cast ke pt talkin g: ;\1r, Campbell and<br />

) [1'. Overholt were st ill yelling, hut<br />

patien t as well.<br />

w ith th e d rell:-; rehea rsal druwing<br />

near, :\Ir. Overholt's hopes were not<br />

too high. n ut. after it was ove r. he<br />

was proud of us. It W3:, the best dress<br />

rehearsal ever. Each perfor mance bl;"­<br />

came better and Saturday night's was<br />

almost perfect.<br />

Our thank" go to Wally Pet r vka n<br />

and Tom Stephens. who came axatn<br />

this year to help us out. Wally W31'\<br />

in good voice . and wry muc h at<br />

home in his portrayal of C renicheux.<br />

Tom was up to hi" old tr-icks and<br />

funnier than eve r as th e Baillie. T his<br />

pa rt was also played by Wall y Rus­<br />

"ell , who did a grand job. Br uce<br />

Crockett deserves special congratulat<br />

ions for the w a ~ ' in which he portrayed<br />

the difficult part of Ga spard. t he<br />

old miser. Again , as before, Bettv<br />

Rober tson's sweet voice rang through<br />

the audito r ium. Unfortunately, th is<br />

is her last vear at Jarvis. bu t I am<br />

sure she ha's a brillian t ca ree r as a<br />

singe r. Vera Stacey. who also pla y­<br />

ed Ger maine, dese rves credit fo r her<br />

performance. For t unately for us. she<br />

will be here again next year. Better<br />

tha n ever was Li llian Boain otl. who<br />

played the pa rt of t he scamp. Se rpelet<br />

te. In some spot:' Lillian stole the<br />

show with he r exhilarati ng voice. but<br />

I am afraid this is also he r last ope r­<br />

etta at Jarvis. RUT . if she doesn't get<br />

he r FRF.='CH (which I hope sludoes<br />

n't for OUI' sake) :o;he will bt'

THE :\IAG=,ET<br />

back ~ A fellow wh o returned to get<br />

four subjects and also to be in the<br />

operetta. is Henry :\li cek, wh o g a ve<br />

a great lif t to th e show as the )Ia r ­<br />

quis. J ohn :\lcClelland also played this<br />

part. Andy Zajac who played the part<br />

of GoOO, wa s the sh ow's funnv man.<br />

His humour was so natural tilat the<br />

audience cou ld not hel p laughing.<br />

:\ti nor leads were, Kayo Roy as Christophe,<br />

Doroth y Hudson a:- Cathe rine,<br />

J oyce Russell as S uza nne, Joyce<br />

Cairns as :\Ia nette a nd our grea t a c­<br />

to r , Ted "see how thick the du st lies"<br />

Ste ph ens. Last of all , but no t least is<br />

our ch orus, whose pitc h. ha rmony<br />

and blend were almost perfect everv<br />

nig ht. Special trib ute got'S to the tenors<br />

who had the most d ifficult pa r t.<br />

I a m sure if it was no t for the<br />

patien t efforts of ) 11'. Campbell and<br />

t he musical di rect ion of ) [1'. Overholt<br />

(whom we thi nk is the bes t cond uctor<br />

in the d ty) the o pe ret ta wou ld not<br />

have been a SUlTeS,.. \\'e seem to ha n'<br />

been lucky this ye a r. for we also had<br />

the best group of musicians ever assembled<br />

in J arvis to form ou r sch ool<br />

orc hes t ra. Spe cial thanks to the stagl"<br />

crew un de r Roy Lofts. T hese are th e<br />

people behind t he sce nes who we re<br />

in cha rge of lighting, changing the<br />

sce ne ry . and numerous ot he r j oh».<br />

Our tic ket sales this vear we re taken<br />

over by t he Student Cou ncil who<br />

ma naged it w ry well. Our make-up<br />

crew under the dir ecti on of :\li ss<br />

Elliott, al so did a great job, as did<br />

our us hers and us he rettes . I II s hort.<br />

wit h th e co-operation and hurd work<br />

of t he en tire school. OUI' operetta wa s<br />

a success.<br />

. w N

VALE Ill CTOKY·<br />

'Conti"ued ; ,.,..." IJ" II~ JS )<br />

and :\1 1'. warren usuallv ha d to resort<br />

to u ~ i n ~ a whistle. .<br />

All of th ese thing:" we will fondly<br />

remember and will fed a tinge of<br />

rezret at leaving behi nd.<br />

Xu,," we approa ch the thir-d and<br />

dec isive step in our lives. But here<br />

t he stairwav breaks off in several<br />

di rections a'nd each of tis is fared<br />

OIH'1:' again with a problem - which<br />

t1ight of stuirs to ta ke. So me of the<br />

«tuirs a re shuI' ! in length with the<br />

landing at the to p cll'arly discernible<br />

- clear cut a nd unint eresting. There<br />

is. ho wever . on e stairway which seems<br />

unending. Thi... is the flight which<br />

most of us will choose for it is the<br />

stairway of knowledge - unpredictable.<br />

exciting step" to climb. T he fa ct<br />

that We lea ve school doe s not mea n<br />

that we cease to lea rn. The search<br />

for knowledge is a ne ver-endi ng one.<br />

We all haw a goal to ac hieve wh et her<br />

it be truth, honour, su ccess or merely<br />

material wealth. Knc wledz e breeds<br />

ha ppiness. hel ps U~ to realize ou r<br />

hopes and atta in our ambit ion s. ,\'t.<br />

must make the most of it.<br />

Rega rdl ess of the stairway you follow,<br />

remember that in your small wa~'<br />

you ca n do mu ch to improve the<br />

standards of soci ety by being worthy<br />

citizens. :'l[a y you be successful in<br />

wha tever vou set out to do. Do not<br />

become discouraged. for as Edga r A.<br />

Guest :00 aptly phrased it in his poem:<br />

"Somebod y sai d it could n't be done<br />

But he with a ch uckle replied<br />

Tha t "maybe it could n' t ". but he<br />

would be one<br />

Who would n't ~ay so 'till he 'd t r ied.<br />

5 0 he buckled r-i g ht in wit h the t race<br />

of a i!,'l'in<br />

On hi~ tuce. If he worried he hid it.<br />

He «ta r-ted to ~inK 1\" he tac kled t he<br />

th i l1~<br />

That cou ldn 't he clone, and he di d it ,"<br />

A ~ we . th e graduates of 1950.51.<br />

stand on th e threshold of a du lt life<br />

with t he doer of the future open wide<br />

in invitation. WI:' ~ay good-bee to J arvis.<br />

:'llany t imes during ou r climb up<br />

the ..tairwa v of kn owled ge we will<br />

pause. take out our hook of memories,<br />

tu rn to the .I.CI. chapte r and relive<br />

ajrai n the cl:ty~ we spent at Jarvis.

60<br />

Dear Reader •••<br />

Are you wor ried ? Your editors are ! Every year. printing costs continue<br />

to r ise. Still. your editors are able to produce a book of the high est<br />

quality. Rut. eventually. they will be forced to take drastic measures.<br />

With this in mind. let us look at .<br />

THE :\IAG:-;ET 2000 A.D.<br />

DEDICATIO:-\: The Slagnet. 2000 A.D. is dedi cated to t he true spirit of<br />

journalism.c-Canada Dry Gin ger Ale.<br />

EDITORI ALS : We are w ry fo rtunate this yea r in having an editorial<br />

from a seventh year student.<br />

"To F irst Formersv-c-Good Luck !-H. C.<br />

IN~ O\"ATIO:O-; S: In order to relieve the heavily burdened fifth formers.<br />

t he editorial .staff is entirely composed of sixth year students.<br />

CO:\D IE:-;CE) IE:-;T : There was no commencement held t his yea r, si nce<br />

all the fift h form students failed.<br />

LITERARY: T here will be no literary section th is year. After last year 's<br />

) Iagnet. t he litera ry ed itor was last seen enlisting in th e foreign<br />

legion.<br />

POETRY: One poem wa s su bmitted by a former st udent . who is now a<br />

Professor of F ish at the Universltv of Toronto.<br />

" E PLURI BUS Fur"<br />

T here was a dl vlutv studen t na med F iddle.<br />

Who fl atly refused his degree.<br />

" It'll bad enough being called F idd le.<br />

Without being Fiddle, D.D."<br />

g XCH ANGE: We are very pleased to carryon an extensive exc hange.<br />

this year...with ma ny new books and papers. includin g Plash, Hush<br />

and the Hobo News.<br />

GIR LS' S PORTS : J oan Herself won first prize in t he 300 pound lig ht ­<br />

weight wr estling divteicn.<br />

BOYS' S rORTS : Th is yea r, boys' sports were mainly confined to girill.<br />

\ RT : Th e art editor disappeared after leaving a short th esis on "art" on<br />

th e editor's desk .<br />

- "Do you know Art ?"<br />

-"Art who ?"<br />

- " Artesi an"<br />

- "Yes, I know Ar tesian well."<br />

HU)IOUR : It wall decided t hat the humour section will be kept in ta ct.<br />

{That's a joke. )<br />

Pete: I bet I ('(Ill make a worse faa thew you ((III !<br />

Repete: r Oil should! Look at the faa you'I'e g nt to stm·t with,

J AR\'IS COLLEGIAn: 6 1<br />



F RAr-;CES FREE!oIAr-;. -IC<br />

After one hour. a broken mirror<br />

a nd a little blood, I saw a man sew<br />

one tiny butt on on a white shirt.<br />

The incident had its origin when<br />

my brother, Arthur, argued that a<br />

man could do anything tha t a woman<br />

could do. Then Fate stepped in-the<br />

third button of my brother's shirt<br />

dramatically popped off.<br />

In a few mome nts Arthur was, wit h<br />

needle and thread, comforta bly seated<br />

in a chai r - or so he th ought.<br />

"O h, # @x !!", he mumbled as the<br />

spool of t hread rolled fr om his lap<br />

and along the floor , unravelling as<br />

it went. Some ten minutes were spe nt<br />

in r-ewinding the thread properly.<br />

" OK ". he exclai med whil e ben ding<br />

over hill cha ir. "where did you put the<br />

'"<br />

needle? " He sat down . He jumped<br />

up. He had found the needle ! Arthur<br />

limped to the washroom. intendin g<br />

to investigate his wound. However<br />

he slammed t he door and a wa ll mlr ­<br />

ror fell. shatt ering in th e bath tub.<br />

Cleaning up the mess took his mind<br />

from certain sanguinary thought s.<br />

After leaving th e was hroom as<br />

orderly as a ma n possibly could, he<br />

ret urned to his post wit h anot her<br />

needle. I supposed by the gleam in<br />

his eyes, many minu tes later, that he<br />

had fi nally sewn on t he button. Strutting<br />

over to the sofa. he shoved the<br />

shirt into my ha nds for a pproval.<br />

" Fine." I tittered. "now take off<br />

t he button an d try sewing it on the<br />

outside of t he shirt:'<br />

'"<br />

CARS<br />

Hl"GH )' I ACL EA ~ ,<br />

3C<br />

Th ere ere a lot 01 different cars.<br />

S om e uld and others lIew .<br />

.-hl d ere ll ('Urts ond huggin.<br />

B ut th ey are ('erN lew.<br />

Theil ("olli es the fil'st saat("hed tender,<br />

l t:s but a tillY dent;<br />

He can't afford to fir it•<br />

He has to pay the rent,<br />

W hel/ lather bllYs a bl'O"d IIf' 1I'<br />

It is his pride fwd joy;<br />

Th f' fil'st IeII' mOll ths he hus it ,<br />

H e t reats it like a toy.<br />

("10'<br />

A.ll d as the Yf'fl " S go 1"01ling by<br />

Th e ("fll'looks f ay sloppy:<br />

H e IISIWUlI retere to it<br />

A s ".\l y fait hl ul oM j ll loPlI".<br />

-<br />

,:T. .<br />

O"'''ING S=T.<br />


, '" .-<br />

T m : )IA G~t:T<br />

SLOTHS<br />

J A:-;'ET H ASK IW , 3 D<br />

:'Ilany people han" heard of slot hs .<br />

but onlv few have ever ,;een one.<br />

Those who go to school a ft' acq ua inted<br />

wit h one kno wn a" the school "loth.<br />

It possesses a lmost the same physical<br />

cha racteristics a" human" but it has<br />

certain peculiarities (of the mind).<br />

Th e sloth seems immune to most<br />

sound. particularly when a homewor<br />

k assignment is given, and it is<br />

noted for ext reme slown ess in moving<br />

f rom class to class. In fact. when inhebitinz<br />

a classroom all of it:' ...enses<br />

are qu ite dull . However there are<br />

times when it is surprtslrurlv quick.<br />

witted : for Instance. it" hearing<br />

improves a t the sound of a bell.<br />

and when this ill ac companied by a<br />

strong smell of food fr om the cafeter<br />

ia. it ill galvani zed in to immediate<br />

action. In this state the slot h mon s<br />

so qui ckly t ha t it is liable to be<br />

da ngerou s.<br />

This interesting anima l has rema<br />

rka ble powers of resista nce. It is<br />

\[ 7~]<br />

~<br />

T"",,~ H W:.WILL" I {l Et OGN LLE<br />

\\1!. l


Something About Being the Youngest in<br />

the family<br />

YF.l.1.O SOOTS. 2D<br />

protes t or demand that my brother<br />

do somet hing rather than just loaf<br />

arou nd . The res ults are disastrous.<br />

Rut there is more t ragedy to it than<br />

t hat. Here are some examples : once<br />

when my brot her practised boxing,<br />

he wanted to zet some practice at<br />

home. Whom do you think he practised<br />

on :' You guessed it! He practised<br />

O!l me! When I ha ve taken horne<br />

a good book from the library and want<br />

to spend a pleasant evening reading.<br />

what do vou think happened '? That's<br />

right: :'I Iy brother takes it. When<br />

I happen to come home a littl e late<br />

some eveninz a nd disturb his slee p.<br />

he is fu rious. Rut when he sneaks in<br />

at two o'clock in the morning and<br />

wa kes me up. I know better than to<br />

:\Iany peo ple think that being the tell him t ha t I am a wa ke .<br />

voun z est membe r of a family gives All this is just a little of the hardships<br />

t hat the younges t member of a<br />

you several pr-ivi leges. Unfort unately<br />

th at il'l not true, especially when yo u fam ily - at least 1 - m us t suffer,<br />

haw an older brother as I have. Everv and I hope t ha t it will help to cor rect<br />

ti me that something has to be done the opinion about t he you ngest being<br />

a ro und horne I haw to do it. I should the family's pet.<br />

.l .l<br />


He rurlles back his sandv hair .<br />

«lo uches even lower in his desk lind<br />

sinks once again in to obli vion. Wha t<br />

does a lesso n ma tte r when ill dreams<br />

he cUI1 be sea ling the loftiest a nd most<br />

inaccessible peaks of the Andes. evadinl{ga<br />

pinl{ crevices. treacherous drops<br />

and thun der-ing avalanches with equal<br />

ease and skill: a nd re t urning. a he ro .<br />

to his fe llow men ~ Pe r-haps he dreams<br />

of last s um mer's I{ay. wild rampages<br />

at Camp wannecome. the t ime that<br />

he put a lizard in Cook's bed. or. pessibly<br />

of some esca pade to come. I<br />

do not kn ow . He sc r a tc hes the ti p of<br />

his s nub nose pe nsively. ga zes va ,<br />

cantf.. at the hoa rd a nd evidently decldes<br />

that these notes will not he on<br />

the exam for he r ecedes slowly int o<br />

the dream setting that he has created<br />


for himself. His rever-ie is in ter.<br />

rupted. A sudden question tla sh es<br />

like a n adde r 's to ngue. angry a nd<br />

G" ·' G''''<br />

\3 ~" ,,, ,,,. ''4.~.<br />

j!'l -<br />

-G)l.h0\<br />

~.~ ~J a,'<br />

I ~ .'!ot , ~<br />

- V' ~ Jij"1<br />

-'"'<br />

p-Mi?l-.' 1<br />

~ " .,.. '<br />

Q " • • , ~., '<br />

~; ';;~~~<br />

. !.I I ""<br />

MO'" ", ,,~I<br />

~. W. ! . _ • • \<br />

~' '' ' ' -- .-.

64<br />

s wift. A com passiona te fr iend prod s<br />

hi m into consc tous ness : he fu mbles<br />

for th e r-ig ht pa ge in t he jum ble before<br />

him. makes a hasty g ut':':"1 a nd plunges<br />

into a long explanat ion of Darwin's<br />

theory - incorrect of course ~ He is<br />

politely req uested to remain after<br />

class so tha t he may co ns ider h is mul ­<br />

titude of si ns. He mumbles some,<br />

thing q uit e incomp reh ens ible in r ep ly<br />

T HE ) I AGNET<br />

- a nd d reams again. Classes change ;<br />

he cha nges with them. and st ill he<br />

is wrapped in a roval ma nt le of ind ifference.<br />

Li fe rlows steadily past h im ; he<br />

heeds it not. nor ca res greatly for<br />

anything except th e dream. Perhaps,<br />

as people say. he i:; just lazy. a goodfo<br />

r-nothing and a ne'er..do-well. Pe r­<br />

hap... he i:"l a poet in d isguise.<br />

.1fr. Xl uir: W h a t' clo lJII Y .~ yo ill tll f' «intrvt<br />

l l m ll f" ' : l"1I . . . srurch 1IIf'?<br />

-Am/ t lln/ tJW I'f' "" M OU" t tlgiiU f"I' w hll tl1l1 k h is I/UlU" a/H.,,.t tn ,~ t' e WJlll t<br />

/lwdl' i t r i/i/ .<br />

I heard " praillti" f" ditty<br />

HO If'n t ll the s ilr f' 1" IJ/m!ll.<br />

It was" "w idell prf'tty<br />

Spi nll i ll g (I C(Jflll'f,b till/ e.<br />

A ll d (1.'1 I ti/donl clos er,<br />

Her ,'lillyill!! ('(1st (/ spf'll :<br />

I S(l1I' " O /ll Il I/III /(1 [uirie«<br />

H i " y i llY II y illll t [)(,I1.<br />

C 10 Sf ' I' oml clos tT I t i ptun /.<br />

A " t/ t hr ll llflll th l' cilol Iliyht air<br />

Th e .'11111!! if "chon l Iwftly.<br />

T hen (!i.'1(1IJ }Jf'w " 'll : - t o /I'h ('ret<br />

E" ch /lifl h t I 1/'(111 (/0' bo ck OUT/'.<br />

T hut lII (l i d f'1/ f"i" t il find:<br />

F ill" ,'Ifill II('/' «ad, III/'N,t air<br />

l.ill!!(" ','1 ill III!! niind,<br />

[) IA:\E T l 'R:\ER, I E<br />

ably the most sig ni fica nt sim ila r ity<br />

between the friend and th e shoes ill<br />

their he lpfulness in r ough unpleasant<br />

going. How many times have you<br />

been down in th e dept hs of despair<br />

and the com fo r ting voice of a friend<br />

has cheered you ? Li kewise the good<br />

old shoe s ma ke thing s easy when t he<br />

going is rough in the lit er a l se nse .<br />

T h us we see that II f riend is indeed<br />

simila r to a good old pa ir of shoes :<br />

they both possess com pat ibility, cornfort,<br />

genui neness. and helpful ness ­<br />

qua lit ies wh ich I' m sure you will<br />

agree are necesearv for bot h friends<br />

and shoes.<br />

.lI r. .\'1'1.'1 l1 n : E l mer, f or /f'huf dol','1<br />

!-.,'IIII f' 1"<br />

(!I(!ln';IIY) : I !l l/itf'd .\',l t i O/ I II. Sir,<br />

U..\'. IItfl l/d!<br />

, ,. , .<br />

r , ,<br />

v, ,I<br />

, r-~ )<br />

--. ' ,<br />

~ ~ ..<br />

e, I '.-'> \ " } ~<br />

\<br />

c.:'<br />

....~<br />


---.-.,<br />

(' " .~ ~ . ~ . '.<br />

A '1:1 '",<br />

\ ." ~ _ :."l .<br />

~.,,- ;<br />

.. ..<br />

--<br />

~l'<br />

5 5

fir,<br />

DI1..0PP I t-Jej TI-JE. PI LOT


ti7<br />

STAff STUff<br />

ST.\ F F IH:\':\' E U 195 1<br />

The gues ts of honour at the ~taff<br />

dinner held in J une 1951 were Slr.<br />

and ~Ir~ . Staples and their t wo<br />

dau ghters. Th e excellent food served<br />

by Prince Art h ur House. the hap py<br />

convers ation. a deligh tf ul piano solo,<br />

all these were enj oyable features of<br />

the occaa ion ; but t he brillian t highlight<br />

was :\Ir. St aples' speech. After<br />

:\Ir. Allin, his former prin cipal, had<br />

paid h im a wa rm tribute and Mr s.<br />

Jenki ns had read some of his own<br />

poet ry to illust rate )OI r. Staples' qualities.<br />

the chief guest thanked his<br />

colleagues for a nest of walnut tables,<br />

an expression of their affectio n and<br />

good-will. Then he began. For half<br />

an hour his wit and eloquence de.<br />

lighted the mi nds and swayed the<br />

emot ions of hi s hearers.<br />

Xaming his thirty-six associat es in<br />

turn. he recounted am us ing inciden t s<br />

in their lives. exposed t he ir obsessions<br />

and revealed their eccentricit ies in<br />

such a dramat ica lly humorous manner<br />

that all were convulsed with<br />

laughter and many enjoyed t hat rare.<br />

enriching experience : laughing with<br />

others at oneself.<br />

Becom ing serio us for a moment. he<br />

pa id tr ibutes to a few, spoke of the<br />

spirit of Jarv is (to wh ich. as eve ry ­<br />

one knows he contribut ed mightil y )<br />

asked not to be forgotten. and then<br />

with a tear in his eye-bless his<br />

heart- he sat dow n.<br />

The dinner was an occasion to remember.<br />

His ha lf-hour was a feat to<br />

remember. He is a man to remember,<br />

)OIr. ST HAC HA:\<br />

~ --~- ~ K_<br />

...<br />

:\Ir. Campbell Strachan was recent­<br />

Iy ap pointed head of t he Ph ysics Depa<br />

rtment at Harbord Collegiate after<br />

eight years in t he Sla th s and Phys ics<br />

Department of J . C. I.<br />

"C am " an old Riverdale boy. attended<br />

\ -arsity and graduated in<br />

Slat hemat ics and Physics as a medalist<br />

in his fourth yea r, follo wed<br />

b )'<br />

College of Education and seven yea rs<br />

at Li ndsay Collegiate.<br />

He is an excellent tea che r. a genial<br />

companion. a competent Swim Tea m<br />

Coach. and will be greatly missed by<br />

both sta ff and school.<br />

Our best wishes follow him in hill<br />

new appointment.<br />

:\Iarch 18-<br />

A ripple of excitement spre ad ove r<br />

the whole school the day t he news<br />

broke : " Miss :\lcKech nie and Mr.<br />

Hazen a re engnzed."<br />

Staff a nd studen ts wish for t hem<br />

all t he best of eve ry good thing'.<br />

T he Editorial sta ff is especially in-<br />

~ debted to Sl r. Hagan and )Oli!!!! ~ I c ~<br />

~ ) Kechnie for their assistance in t he<br />

j " •. publication of t he )Olagnet.<br />

.\ j~~~~<br />

. '/- '. \\.....<br />


GK<br />

) IR. ST URBS<br />

T his vea r. <strong>1952</strong> ha ~ brought seve ra l<br />

change; to Jarvis. One of these is<br />

the promotion of .Mr. E . ) 1. Stubbs to<br />

the headship of the English Departmen<br />

t at Cen t ral Tech nical School.<br />

The pu pils . t he staff and the :'ola gnet<br />

cong rat ulate )Olr. Stubbs on this welldeserved<br />

honour and wis h him success<br />

in his new appointment.<br />

We also congratulate Central Tech.<br />

:\Ir. S t ubbs is a splendid teache r. a<br />

man of high ideals and a leader in his<br />

profession. Th e school of course. r e­<br />

gret s to set" him go . for he has given<br />

much to till here at J arvis. with his<br />

efficient work. his wa r m f riendship<br />

a nd his high standard!' .<br />

)Olr. St ubbs grew up in Caledonia.<br />

wh ere he attended t he public and t he<br />

hig h schools. There he entered the<br />

Unive rsitv of Western Ontari o. and<br />

late r t he'Ontario College of Educat<br />

ion. where he obt ained specialist<br />

standing in E nglish . in French an d<br />

in Ph ysical Education. T hen ca me<br />

postgraduate work in F ran ce. and at<br />

Columbia Unt versitv in Xew York.<br />

Ex tensi ve t ravel in Europe also contri<br />

buted to the preparation fo r hi:'<br />

chosen profession. He first taug ht at<br />

r.riml'by High School and then at<br />

Western Technical School here in<br />

Toronto.<br />

Then came World War II. ) [ 1'.<br />

St ubbs joined th e R.C.A.F. an d. fo r<br />

four vva rs. W3:1 Inst r uct or in inst r-u ­<br />

ment flying in the Link T rainer<br />

hranch where he became a flight.<br />

lieu tenant an d O.C. of various Lin k­<br />

Trai ner flights.<br />

At th e close of the war. :\11'. Stubbs<br />

joined the staff of J arvis Collegiate<br />

in 19-1 5. For seven busy yea rs he<br />

has contri buted much. bot h in th e<br />

class-room and with ext ra-cur ricular<br />

activities. to the work here at J arvis.<br />

For five years. he t rained and conducted<br />

t he orches t ra which adds so<br />

much to th e e njoyment of our assemblies<br />

: furthermore. he conducted<br />

five very successfu l Gilbert and Sulliva<br />

n operettas. He hall ser ved on man y<br />

committees and helped with va rious<br />

proj ects. At nil t imes, he ha s ser-ved<br />

J arvis Collezi ate faithfully.<br />

J ust recent ly. :\1 1'. St ubbs was sent<br />

bv th e Board of Educa tion to Temple<br />

University in Philadelphia 011 a course<br />

for Remedial Reading a nd he has ha d<br />

charge of that work here at Jarvis.<br />

Xo wonder. we are sor ry to hav e him<br />

lea ve. But we art' proud indeed to<br />

watch hi m assume new respons lb ili ­<br />

ties. He will bear them well.<br />

Teaching in a collegiate is a busy<br />

life. Yet :\11'. Stubbs found time to<br />

serve the community too. on committees<br />

of teaching and unlversltv activities.<br />

F urt her more he is Su nda y School<br />

superintendent and also an elder of<br />

Rosedale United Church.<br />

In all this activity and busy life.<br />

he hall been abl y helped by :\Irs.<br />

Stubbs. She. too. has assisted at various<br />

staff activit ies. Xo doubt. his<br />

daughter J anet may come to Jarvis<br />

Colleziate. later on. We are sorry to<br />

see them leave our hapl)Y circle at<br />

J arvi s but rejoice wit h them in his<br />

new honou r. \\'e wish them luck.<br />

success a nd happiness. Don' t fur-get<br />

to come bac k and see liS often!<br />


On F rid ay. Feb ruarv 11'\1. J a r \" iJ'<br />

had its fi rs t pa ren ts' night in many<br />

vea rs.<br />

. For al most two hours. the parents<br />

were able to vi sit t he classrooms an d<br />

mee t t he teachers. All th e va r-ious<br />

subjects were discussed. a;; well a s the<br />

stude nts. Poor tis!<br />

Th en eve ryone assembled in the<br />

auditor-ium to hellI' an interesting<br />

musica l program me. T he first fo rm<br />

music class opened with t heir renditi<br />

on of " :\Ia I'Y Ha d a Little Lamb".<br />

T hey we re followed by the secon d<br />

form ba nd class wh ich placed more<br />

advanced music. Th e third form band<br />

produ ced th e "high note" (If the evening<br />

from their wood wind secti on.<br />

Som e lovely dances were th en<br />

staged in th e original native cost umes.<br />

Th e programme ended with a di s­<br />

play of costumes. by the pupils. from<br />

their native lands. Seven ty per cent<br />

of Jarvis st udents have th eir heritage<br />

from so me co untry ot her than<br />

Canada .<br />

Next. t he pa rents were invited to

.JAR\'I:' ("OLU:GIATE<br />

the cafeteria for re freshments . se r ved<br />

hy the st udents .<br />

Th e evening concluded with a delig<br />

htfu l dance in th e auditorium.<br />

Th e pa re nt s. teach ers and st udents<br />

all e njoyed t he even ing very muc h.<br />

and everyone i~ looking forwar d to<br />

allother parents' night in t he future.<br />

P AT T RACY. IF<br />

:\11'. Pick..!'inj{. :'>1 1'. Du nca n<br />

Inst r umenta l music a t J arvis th is<br />

ye a r received an exhilarating sh ot in<br />

the a r m t hrough t he ad di tion to the<br />

staff of :'Il r. Bruce Du nca n. :'Ilr. Overholt<br />

recalls a ve ry capable sa ndyhaired<br />

viol inist, wh o was the bac k­<br />

hon e of th e st ring section in the Kenora<br />

Hig h School Orchestra. At that<br />

time Bruce Dunca n. violinist. accom ­<br />

panied by J ack Overholt. pianist.<br />

we re a familiar team about t he tow n.<br />

Since thos e days. :'Ilr. Dunca n has<br />

been awarded the Yiolln Gold :'Ileda l<br />

fo r A.T .C.:'IJ. indicating the highes t<br />

ma r ks in Ca nada that year. Th en fol ­<br />

lowed t he three yea r Ba chelor of<br />

:'Il usic course at C. of T.. and practice<br />

teaching a t J arvis. whe n our t wo m u­<br />

sic men met a ga in as crit ic a nd st u­<br />

dent.<br />

:'IIi nen'a kn ows that the futu re of<br />

instrumental music at J arvis lies in<br />

capable hands-a-ha nd s not afraid of<br />

work elt he r ' If vou ca ll "Ca b" in<br />

the dow nto wn dis trict sometime during<br />

the summe r months. do not be too<br />

su rprised if you recognize the "ca b­<br />

hie."<br />

T he :'Ilagnet extends its welcom e to<br />

:'I1t·s. Duncan uls o. T he nuptia ls were<br />

celebrated only a verv few weeks be-<br />

69<br />

fore our " He ifetz " a r r ived at J a r vis<br />

in the fa ll.<br />

...<br />

The new tea cher in Room 35 ill Slr.<br />

Lou P icker ing. He was born in )'Ia l·<br />

ton and was educated formall y in<br />

Barr ie. Ha nover a nd the Unive rs ity<br />

of Toronto. During the sum me r<br />

mont hs Lou worked for the Defence<br />

Resea rch Board. in the Yuk on ami<br />

Hudson Ba y terri tories. lea rn ing t he<br />

ha bita t and he nce control of those<br />

a tomic-propel led mosquitoes. Xow t he<br />

army call work effect ively withou t<br />

the pests. Wit h a B.A. in Sc ience<br />

he entered O.C.E. and came to J a rvis<br />

to tea ch Science a nd ).I a t h ema t i c ~ .<br />

As J un ior Rugby a nd Sw im ming<br />

Coach he has ea rn ed the friendship<br />

of ma ny. Characterized as qu iet.<br />

serious. congen ial and single he<br />

makes a fine addit ion to :'I l ill en'a ' ~<br />

Staff.<br />

... ...<br />

J.e.l. ALUMNUS<br />

Dr. J . E. (Ted ) Whit ing attended<br />

Jarvis Collegi ate during the yenrs<br />

HI25 ·2fl. After high sc hool graduatio<br />

n. he entered med icine a t V. of T.<br />

r('.",ti",...d .... 1"'1/" I fill )<br />

Dr . Wh it iu Jo: " t Wur k

70 T HE )lAGSJ-;T<br />

He-hu m ! Another Easter is about<br />

to go by and that means an ot her yea r<br />

of school is gone beca use the Summer<br />

holidays come so Quickly once S pring<br />

sets in .<br />

• • •<br />

Th e summer holidays ca me ... and<br />

went. By Sept ember. the re we re so<br />

many in ches added to you J a rvis ltes<br />

that I could sca rce ly belie ve my eyes.<br />

J up it er was gl ad t hat so many st u­<br />

dents returned to this hall of fa me<br />

and didn't linger on the ways ide or<br />

drop off. )I y. but it w all good to see<br />

you aU back ! When you left fo r your<br />

va cations. the halls were :\0 d ull a nd<br />

dark and cold that I had t he urge to<br />

scamper off to some holiday resor t too<br />

.. . then. the nooks an d cranni es rang<br />

out with sweet voices and boomed<br />

bass note s at me and I was glad I<br />

didn 't go. J udgi ng from the brawn<br />

and beauty around. Venus must be<br />

having a busy time, which reminds<br />

me, I must ask her if the arrival of<br />

our two new an d ha ndsome teachers<br />

:\11', Pickering and :\11', Duncan had<br />

anyt hing to do with the increased<br />

en rolment of fem mes this year,<br />

• • •<br />

Hot-dogs and cokes ! When I thi nk<br />

of initiation now, it was more f un<br />

than a circus ! Those poor first form ­<br />

ers ! I remember the dread ed hours of<br />

my own ini tiation and. tha nk good.<br />

ness, t hey a re memories. As yet Initiation<br />

involves only t he gi rls. I wonder<br />

if the boys will ever IJt> ca ug ht up<br />

in its vices. (. , . then t here would be<br />

bedla m I) or if this "torture" will be<br />

confined to the weaker sex.<br />

• • •<br />

I have to smile when 1 think how<br />

ridiculous Juno was at t he beginnin g<br />

of the vear. She ca me to me, you<br />

know, wor- ried , . . that :your school<br />

spirit wall dy ing out. 1 wish she<br />

hadn't had to go a way so soon. It<br />

would have been sheer pleas ure to<br />

han seen her face, lit up wit h surprise<br />

at t he row t he impending st u­<br />

den t council elections brou ght up.<br />

You couldn 't get away from it ~<br />

Eve rvone talked about it everywhere.


71<br />

It even got to the point when ' I almost<br />

got ind igestion at lunch hour .. .<br />

trying to gobble up my lunch so I<br />

could get my two cen ts worth in th e<br />

con versation. It was ~a ti .dyi n g to<br />

see the students exercising sound<br />

j udgment. (The result ? Trevor Evton<br />

and Dodle Sperry are proxy and viceproxy<br />

) .<br />

• • •<br />

Even t hin king about it makes me<br />

Iurlcus ! :'oIars forgot to bring my corsage<br />

to commencement. I felt so dowdy<br />

in a plain wh ite toga when the<br />

ot her Kh'ls we re in beautiful dresses<br />

adorned by a breath of :-lpri ng' in<br />

ro se and sweet-pea nosegays . T he<br />

least he could have done was to send<br />

:'olercury out to scour t he hillsides of<br />

) [ount Olympus for some wild flowers.<br />

At the time. I would have given<br />

all th e IO\'e of Ven us for one dandelion<br />

, He even forgot to change to a<br />

white s hir-tl I was t horough ly ashamed<br />

of him. However Barba ra Burnett<br />

made s uch an interest ing valedictory<br />

a ddress and I was so proud to see the<br />

Jarvtsttes. eyes sparkling , carry their<br />

di ploma s aw ay with the grace and<br />

confidence of adults. that my anger<br />

subsided. ( Lucky for him !)<br />

• • •<br />

Say. remember the Studen t's Counell's<br />

first da nce ? Imagine, a n orc hes ­<br />

t ra and no admissio n cha rge! I must<br />

t hank Diana for finding me a blind<br />

date. I didn't relish missinlol' t he fu n<br />

an d f rolic. Did I tell you tha t :'ttercurv<br />

was put in t he "dog-house" for<br />

ac ting up that nigh t ? You know how<br />

he'll a lways on the go, well . . . he<br />

chased after Cupid's date. Cu pid. na ­<br />

turally got angry and let loose one of<br />

his a r rows-which hit head on.<br />

(bull's-eve l} . .. I always knew those<br />

fiying feet of his would get him into<br />

t rouble.<br />

• • •<br />

. . . and speaking of Cupid and his<br />

a r row~ he shou ld ha ve been at the<br />

)tagnet Round-Up on S O\'. Suth. The<br />

old auditori um was a galaxy of colo<br />

u r~-s il\"e r horseshoes . red streamers,<br />

ha ndsom e cowboys with twink ­<br />

ling gun -butts and s pu rs , fiallhing<br />

s miles a nd excited eyes. While J immy<br />

) Iagill and his Nor ther n Ramblers<br />

pr ovided the music. my Jarvlsttes<br />

whooped it up until I wondered how<br />

the floor ever stood the strain ! At<br />

interm ission we chose :'oIiss ) Iagnet"<br />

and I lau ghed so ha rd at He r vey 's<br />

skit that I choked on my Coca -Cola.<br />

I was really sor ry when the music<br />

ended. for it had been a swell eve ni ng.<br />

enjoyed by all !<br />

• • •<br />

. .. and then ca me Christmas ! I<br />

can still feel a ti ngle go down my<br />

back when I think of t he Christ mas<br />

Dan ce. T he Christmas t ree in t he<br />

auditor ium put me in a holiday mood,<br />

pronto, and I was rea dy to cut capers<br />

... j ust like that! Hercules di sappro<br />

ved. He t hought I shou ld hi:' mort'<br />

" la dy-like" and not like an excited<br />

puppy ; but. Christmas comes only<br />

once a yea r and we're not young fo r­<br />

eve r. (By t he wa y, th ose Xmas baskets<br />

with all the goodies made even<br />

Xeptune's mouth water !)<br />

• • •<br />

Golly, four months of t he leap yea r<br />

gone. I wonder how Bacchus fa re s.<br />

The las t I remember was that he was<br />

dashing a way fro m clamou ri ng gals<br />

as king him to the "Snowtlur rv" , . .<br />

that was three mont hs ago . I must

...- . .-...:~--:--;:: ;-- =, = -~-;=find<br />

out wh ich fair damsel won out<br />

or whether the man is still "foot-loose<br />

and fa ncy-free." J ust out of curtosltv<br />

mind you ... not hing persona l ~<br />

• • •<br />

Come to t hink of it. now th at my<br />

mind is off the social whirl, th e basketball<br />

te a m did well this year. 1<br />

must t ry to discover how those players<br />

ca n pop the ba ll in to the basket<br />

:010 easily. T alk about sk ill and coordina<br />

t ion ! I ca n on ly be sorrv tha t<br />

th e J uniors didn 't get into t he finals.<br />

T hen it might haw been double hon­<br />

OU I":oI for Jarvis. T hey mer-it " AA"<br />

for effort a nyh ow.<br />

• • •<br />

A pollo is still brnKginJl about t he<br />

ope retta. T r ue, "The Chi me s of :\'0 1"­<br />

mandv" was a success bu t he needn't<br />

claim a ll the la urels. ( He proba bly<br />

didn't even go to a ll th e rehear...als.}<br />

J udginl( f rom hi :ol story. you would<br />

t hink he did all the work, but I ha ve<br />

my sus picions that the cast s hould be<br />

g iven a little more credi t than he is<br />

gh'inK the m.<br />

• • •<br />

Isn't it wonderful to han' a vivid<br />

imagination? 1 didn't know where<br />

or ho w or w ho dreamed it, but the<br />

A t-horne Committee sure ca me up<br />

with a dandy when th ey thought of<br />

a "Sout h Sea Island" theme. )oJ\"<br />

guess is, t hat it was probably one o'f<br />

the nig htma res ( ?) t ha t t he bcvs had<br />

while visiting drea mland. ;\loons,<br />

grass skirts. rlc wers, pa lm tree:" the<br />

...oft m us ic of Gui ta rs ... and mon-<br />

.<br />

,<br />

keys ( How d id they get in there "}<br />

can only mean one thing. WhM a<br />

d r ea m I<br />

• • •<br />

Th is mou nta in air is so invlgora t­<br />

ing that my imagina t ion is beginning<br />

to wander again. I wo nder if the )ola g­<br />

net is still ac cepting poetry contrtbut<br />

tons . because. I've just hit upon<br />

a brai n-... term. T hey can edit a colum n<br />

of nu rsery rhyme va riations which<br />

can go something lik e . ..<br />

T hirt y (lil Y." h(lth S I:'/;ff'III IIfT,<br />

,4.pril. J UII I:' a nd<br />

.\"O I' (' lII b l ' l",<br />

A ll t hl:' rest liare thirty-11m',<br />

X fl l/" i .., Owt f ail"?<br />

. .. All r igh t! All r ight ! so I' m 110<br />

poet . . . I 'll hurry to th e Delhi 01'­<br />

ac le a nd come back with a ll Pyt'­<br />

ope ner. You ju...t wa it . . .<br />

... ...<br />

Donald Duck Vislls Jarvis<br />

On Thur.. :'Ilarrh 20t h, a large<br />

num ber of J urvisltes ga thered in the<br />

Ar t Room to .see a dis-play put on by<br />

a ca r toonist from the Dis ney Studio:'<br />

in California,<br />

:'II I'. A . E . Brown of Fa mous Pl a y­<br />

ers introduced )O[is s. Ad r ia na Casek-ttl,<br />

better known to us as the " Voice<br />

of Snow White" . :'Ilis-s Caselcttl ...anz<br />

"whis tle While You Work" and the<br />

whistles were supplied by the males<br />

ill th e audience !<br />

:'1[1', Roy \\' iIlia ms, the cartoo nist<br />

ex plained t he techn ique of drawing<br />

used in the Disn ey S tu dios . a nd ill ustrnte<br />

d it by sketching. Grumpy, Happy.<br />

T he Old Witr h. Pl ut o, Dona ld<br />

Duck a nd ot he r suc h characters. :'III',<br />

\\"illiams also guve words of encc uragement<br />

to the young nrtists present,<br />

an d a nswered qu es- tions conce r-ning<br />

the production of s uch pictures as,<br />

Sn ow Wh ite a nd Fantasia.<br />

... ...<br />

The school a nd t he Libra ry wis h<br />

to express. in this issue of t he " :'lIn g.<br />

net", their tha nks to )lisl'l Bessie<br />

:'Il a c)o! u r r h ~" for the very va lua ble<br />

edition of Tha cker ay from her<br />

father's libra r-y. ) li s-.s :'II adlurl'hy is<br />

th e daughter of the late reve red Recto<br />

r, Archiba ld )oIa d lurchy. whose<br />

work as a teache r a nd Pr inci pa l did<br />

:;0 m uch to establish t he tradition (If<br />

sc holarship in th e Old School.

JARV I ~ COLl. troIAn : 7a<br />

THE<br />


J:(l(' k Hor...: :'ol k ha l.'l Globe. Pe l!'lo! )" Endicott, J udy Russe-ll. Wallac.. Russell, Ro)" I. o ft ~ .<br />

Paul Va n Loa n. Ant s h:utt . Edward Burstvnskv.<br />

Sf't'l) ,.d Ho..·: (;eor!:1.' Ta k a ha ~ h i . Heve j-ley Sher ma n. Pat Croft . J ohn T urn..r, , '..11"<br />

500t5. :'oli chal'l Ca \·anau!ot'h. G ne ~ Endicott .<br />

F roN' H" Il' ; I'aul ,-\lCne\\'. Cla ir\' :'old;: a ~· . Elea nor t:i"t'le. 11,,1> t' " r\\'a rd. .-\ 11 11 lI a n '..)"•<br />

..: It'allo r Lennox,<br />

Aft er much discussion. t he club<br />

mem bers finally succeeded in holdin g<br />

an election at which Robert Forward<br />

was elected president , and Clare Endicott<br />

vice-p resident. In hi~ postelection<br />

speech Bob promised more<br />

and bet te r chess sets, and a tournament<br />

designed to select th e best players<br />

in the school. Since t hen t welve<br />

brand new chess sets and boa rds haw<br />

been purchase d. and a tourna ment<br />

is underway. At the present time<br />

Pau l Van Loan i", leading, very closely<br />

followed bv Roy Lofts and Bob Forward,<br />

president.<br />

The membership at the present<br />

time i:- approximately twenty-five<br />

who may usually be foun d mak lna<br />

full use of th e chess sets and boa rds.<br />

An innovat ion this year i:; the chess<br />

locker which sta nds in the hall opposite<br />

the chess room. The equipment<br />

is kept in here ready for use at an y<br />

time by the membe rs.<br />

All those wi:lhing to become membel'S<br />

of the J arvis chess club need only<br />

par twe nty-five cents to Clare En dlcott<br />

to obtain full membership r iJ{htli<br />

and opportunit ies,<br />

)Ianr t ha nks are due to )11', Can__<br />

cullen for his kind loan of Room 27<br />

in t he afte r noons. Wit hout hi:" cooperation<br />

the chess club would I.K:'<br />

una ble to cont inue.


J:ud .: R U II'; :\Ia" Rosen thal. :\l r. Hagan, T revor E ~· I O l1 .<br />

F ...."t H"", : A nd y Za jac. J u ne Hewe s, Br ia n Hoc ker,<br />

In t he :o;pri ng of 1951, a group of<br />

Iour-th , formers. Lorna Dennison.<br />

S heila :'IlcCoy, Rober t Hill, Beve r ley<br />

Finland . J oy Verno n, Harvey Cowan<br />

a nd Aileen Porter decided to take<br />

:-ltCPll to establis h it Student Council<br />

at J urvi«. )1an :o:, man y meetings wer e<br />

held and teac he rs were consul ted.<br />

After th ese st uden ts had obtained<br />

permission to have a St udent Council.<br />

t he constitution had to be wri tten.<br />

Thi s constitu tio n had to meet the approval<br />

of bot h teachers and students.<br />

Finally after more meeti ngs an d consultations.<br />

the ta sk was completed and<br />

Jarvis W8!\ ready fo r its first election.<br />

Candidates were nominated. poste<br />

rs were placed in prominent position<br />

s, ha nd-bills were dis t ri buted. and<br />

speeches were mad e. Then the elections<br />

were held. Trevor Eyton was<br />

elect ed presid ent and Dodie Sperry<br />

vice-presid ent.<br />

At the first meet lnx. Andy Zajac<br />

was elected treasu re r. Hi-ian Hocker<br />

social-convener. )tax Rosent hal publicity<br />

director and June Hewes secreta<br />

ry . Xow we had ou r Student Council.<br />

Rut whe re were we to begin our<br />

work ?<br />

We had our fi rst dance, the " F ree­<br />

For -All". Everyone came. Who will<br />

ever forget Harvey Cowan as the<br />

penniless widow in her t wen ty- room<br />

shack. Svd Sho om as the villain, :\turray<br />

Ber man as the beauti fu l heroine.<br />

t he clock. or Sauerkraut Sam?<br />

As we held more dances. some independently<br />

and some in conj unctio n<br />

with clubs. we contin ued to be successful.<br />

At the " ) Iagnet Roundu p", a<br />

wester-n affair, we chose a ) Ii:-ll'l )[ ag.<br />

net, Kat hy George, and had squa reda<br />

nci ng, Xear Chr ist mas we had the<br />

"J ingle Bell J ump" wit h San ta Cla w"<br />

a Christmas t ree and all the t rimmings..<br />

The Studen t Council in vited<br />

t he basketbal l teams of St. Cathar-

J AR \' I~<br />

COI.U ;c.;IATE<br />

75<br />

ines Colleaiute Insti t ute and Vocationul<br />

School to be its gUt':-t:- at the<br />

"Basket Ball Bounce". We helped the<br />

Gir l:-' Club with t he " Snowrl urr v<br />

Strut", th e dance where th e ~d r l:- got<br />

their chance. At presen t plan s are<br />

being made for the blggest an d best<br />

At-Horne yet.<br />

But d a nces were n't the whole story<br />

ur eve n t he must important pa rt of it ,<br />

We chose t he editors of the " Slugnet",<br />

and elected Xeil )'h'Ca ul as our Telegram<br />

re porter. Under our sponsor­<br />

«hip, a club was started tu teach new<br />

Ca nadi ans En z lis h. J urvls Christmas<br />

Curds were sold for the first ti me,<br />

T he St ude nt Cou ncil executive made a<br />

radio appearance. Plans for a dance<br />

club were laid out and noon-hour<br />

dancing was in t roduced in the senior<br />

lunc h per-iod .<br />

The St udent Cou ncil handl ed :\Iag.<br />

ne t advertising, Operetta tic ket sales.<br />

and us be r lng this year, Th e first t wo<br />

jobs especially took hou rs of hard<br />

work by the com mittees. Posters had<br />

to be pu t up, a booth had to !It' bu ilt,<br />

sales recorded. ti ckets num bered.<br />

signs pr inted, and orders filled.<br />

A few amendments wer t.' ma de in<br />

t he constitut ion, t he moat impor tan t<br />

of wh ich allo wed tlrst-Iormers to<br />

serve thei r IIPpl't'lIth't':-Ih i pl'l ill t he<br />

council without a vote.<br />


/I" r k HUll" l .r f l ,.. H igh t : Urian Hoc ker , Syd ney S hoo m. Ron RW l'rlI", J inl R u ~ ~dl , Huh<br />

Hill .<br />

Th i n f H..... Larr y ROM'n, Georee P hill i!,s. Ca rl I-! ud ~u n , J uh n Ka ravos, .-\ I"t S la Ug'htl' r,<br />

J im west.<br />

S ec"",/ HUll": S tell a Kuayk, J\I ~' \'..rnen, Ail.....n Por t..r, J ua u !{ullt'r ts, Uoru t hy lI u d ~UII ,<br />

T revor Eyton.<br />

"',"..", «""'; June K o hll. Y ll. ~h i. Jeanet t.. .'\llI.cD ona ld . S usan h-iea we , I' a t ~ ~· H u ' , i ll ~"n ,<br />

Ka t hl ee n Seo, Gr..ta Bla ck.

76<br />

Thull t he Studen t Council fur 1 ~ 51 ·<br />

52 hall nearly finished its task. Yet<br />

tha nks a rt' due to many : the ambitious<br />

students who were willinK to<br />

work for a council. ) Ir..Jen kins for<br />

his kindly supervision. :\Ir. Hagen and<br />

:\Ir. St ubbs for helpin g us ove r the<br />

rough spots. and the many teachers<br />

who gave up their time to preside at<br />

our dances. Thanks are due also to<br />

th e st udents who did the thousand<br />

and one " lit tle jobs" : th e one" wh o<br />

d rew pos te rs, typed minutes, sold<br />

tickets. put up decoration s. order ed<br />

refreshments. and acted in ski ts.<br />

Wit hout th e m our efforts would ha n "<br />

been pa ralyzed.<br />

In s pi te of many e r rors. progres s<br />

has bee n made and the foundation<br />

laid. :\Ia)' t he fu ture Studen t Council s<br />

e- nj oy uuwaverhur success ,<br />

'I' m: :\I AG:'\ET<br />

TlH : l"O U~I H; HS or<br />

T HI': ST U DE~T CO U ~ C I I.<br />

J:"ri.{ N....-: Ha r vey Cowan. I.orna De nn i......n,<br />

Roh Hill.<br />

F ,·....r N" ••': Beverley F'inland. S heila ) !l:'­<br />

Co~·. Aileen Porte r. J oy Ve r-non.<br />


/l a (' ~' Ru ; ..\ n d ~' Zajac. Gob Cu rran,<br />

F ......, N : Toni Cox . Chas-lotte :'I1l.'Caul. Rita Leone , Ita r" a r. Sam IJ ·~ o n ,


n",./,; If" ,,'. 1,"1' /" /(i"I,' C" li" :-;ll ith, I',-h'" C ,, ~ r" n l . 1''''11 S"" tt, 1h.'lli,. Ill ' ll in~t' I ' , Halph lI a r t , n olo Ped he rney, ~u r m Hl'KU munl.<br />

S lc\'" :Io1" l'ia r l y. lla n lilll·l llil'k. Antly ZlIjll." n ,,1o "'''''10('. (;""1"1::" (;"" l" lo('i,' IT, Dan ' H ug he s, H a rv e)· Cowa n, (; '" 'f K''' Zull.·iI.<br />

J oh n T urner, Val :ll alotT H" h lI ill.<br />

r",,, ," It" ". . n uh ClinKII, (lon Ha miltuu, W rll )' lI'Ul{'k. J Ull W ilk ins, I'ete r lt obinson , J oh n :l1('Cll' lland . Cha r les Ca rr, Tt'd SI"\','n,.•<br />

.101." S t,·r ul...-!"!:". )l a ve lI a r n ' Y, It r u,"" C...-ckett, J im llun n iltKn, W a lla ('.· R u ssell, :\Ia r ily n S pruule.<br />

T h in { ll.. ,,·: !lnrnt h)' W illi a m,.. Om. I,"Ki.,. Itl" w J ik" llIu ra . J " )'I',, Ca irn s, Sydney Harne s. E il....·n Bual, Sa ndra 1)" 118 111"" 11 , Ih·lt"<br />

:lll':llutren, I'.-a rl :l l u r "" , \ ' Kle ri e 1IelIinlCl'l",<br />

HOl"ul hy Hu dson .<br />

f'r",,' U..".. I'Kt J u nl'lI, J)ur ill H umeu, IIt·t t )" T lw mKs, Ht·l t)· ! lltvitlj("t', :\l a l ily n l lix. )' a t Cuultun, Ba r hKr a Kirk ha m, Stl'l'han il.'<br />

SKwt" h)"n, I' ut Li ttlt" .I,,"n ROU"t" "' r I h ..rhclt,

78<br />

THE<br />

BAND<br />

fI ..r k R o,,' ; ~li k t' Robe r-ts. Da vid Rolfe, E r ic Yu o r-i nen. Coli n Smith , Bill J ohn st on ,<br />

J im He nd ry Da vid Y i1,'ldi n,ll. Gordon Hut-lt on . :\I icht\e] GJohe, Yitz Pe ncille r ,<br />

Da vid Ze idm a n.<br />

r ",,,·/ h Uo", . .lo n wttkfns. Bolo Pryma. .John Scott, .Joh n W r il' ht. )I a rk Andre ws , Hil l<br />

A r but hnot. W ra y )I o rr i ~ o n , Ka y R ussell. 1' (>t (' 1' Hohinsou. (; corj{(' T a ka h a sh i.<br />

Pa u l Agne w. Boh Forward.<br />

T /I !1"O U ()It' : .Jur i ~ l r be , Jack Yip. Doreen Pomeroy. GraN' Rod well, Cor-inne Cro mwell,<br />

T ('IT it, J\ itlllllura , Rvoko T a ke uchi.<br />

S("", ,, I Ro/l' Rill Clark. Fred Stevenson. .J,ntl' K utt, T a .~ l\ {1 Cbrtstte. :\llth alia Sh t'I'.<br />

chuck, B

,J.\ RVI::> C OI.Ltl;IATE 7 \1<br />



Oot:/( Nfl"·, L f'j l ,,, /(i/l ht : Pa tti P hilip, )l i55 Logan. J ulia Kir kw ood, Dia ne S incla ir,<br />

r .·"", R..... La ura )la r r, Ailee n Porte r, Dorot hy H udson, Sop hie Za h umt'n)"<br />

Pres ident-c-Atleen Porter<br />

v ice-P resldent-c-J ulla Kirkwood<br />

Secreta ry Treas ur er-s-Laura ::\Iarr<br />

Social Ccnvener-c-Dorotbv Hudson<br />

2nd F or m Represen ta tives - Patt i<br />

Philip. Sophie Zah umeny<br />

t st F or m Represent at lve-c-Dlane Sinclair<br />

~o soo ner was t he fturry of th e<br />

firs t few week s of school and the<br />

elections over. than th e new execu tive<br />

begun to plan for the initiation, It<br />

was held early in t he fa ll and began<br />

with an obstacle race. T hen, under<br />

t he capable lead ershi p of :'olarie<br />

Dowie. the girls enjoyed a :-ling-song<br />

followed by a movie. The real in itiat<br />

ion took t he for m of an Im press ive<br />

Candlelight Initi ation Cere mony In<br />

this ser vice the executi ve f ro m t heir<br />

ligh ted ca ndles. pa...sed t he light f rom<br />

th e Lamp of Learning to can dle... held<br />

in the ha nds of reprc...eutat lves of t he<br />

first forms, Thus the init iates realized<br />

t hat they had become a part of one<br />

of t he most hon oured and oldest secondary<br />

schools in th e provin ce of Ontario.<br />

Prior to delicious refres hments.<br />

eve ryone en joyed a sh or-t but lively<br />

session of sq uare dancing.<br />

P robablv t he most worth-while<br />

proj ect of the Girls' Club, is that<br />

of packing t he Ch ristmas baskets.<br />

Some twenty-four bask ets, conta ining<br />

eve rything necessary fo r a merry<br />

Christmas dinner. were sent to nee dy<br />

fa milies of the cit y T his entailed<br />

a great deal of wor k. orderi ng an d<br />

dis t ributing the groceries. an d arranging<br />

for delivery Here W I.' would<br />

like to express our ...incere appreclati<br />

on of t he work of our sponso r. ::'ili...s<br />

Logan. who was un t ir-ing in her efforts<br />

and most generous in ~h' i n g her time,<br />

But the a ile ga y event of t he yea r<br />

was yet to come. the an nua l da l\('(',

""<br />

Th is vear it WH:- ca lled "The Snow<br />

F'lurrj-" a nd t he decorations exempli ­<br />

fied this nomenclatu re . Th e m usic of<br />

.Jimmy Da les' orchest r a was gay and<br />

generous . The highlights of t he evening<br />

were the novelty dances-a spot<br />

dance. an e limina ti on dance, and a<br />

sta tu e dance. The fun reached its climax<br />

wh en a cloud of balloons were<br />

th rown from th e balcony All too<br />

I. S. C. F.<br />

soon t he h app ~' evening ended a nd a<br />

ti red crowd of .larvisites trudged<br />

home.<br />

We feel t hat this year has been suecessf<br />

ul and ha ll ca rried out t he best<br />

traditions of the J a r vis Gir ls' Club.<br />

\\'e wish next rear's executive SUCl'eSl'<br />

and happiness in everr.. project they<br />

undert ake .<br />

/I"r k U,,'" :\Ial'jt'a l'l't E ddr .Joyce T h o m r .~o n . Doreen Cheesman, E I{'8 IlUl" (;1" 11)'<br />

,..,",,", How : (; 'H'1\ I'lIlr l', Dru sila Ca rtes. Laura Wilson, R. .. T'rewin.<br />

About t wen ty-two rNll'S a go. a<br />

uroup of Christian students in Oxford<br />

and Cambrld ze Uni versities se nt<br />

a vounz mall to the Uni versit.... of<br />

Tor onto to start a group now known<br />

as the In ter-va rsitv Chris tian Fellowship.<br />

From th is movement am ong the<br />

unive rsi ty students. came the idea<br />

for a similar movement among high<br />

schol st udents and t he Inter-School<br />

Chr-istian Fellowship was fo rmed.<br />

The beginni ng of the I.S.C.F was<br />

...mall. but th e work has grown so<br />

steadil.... that today the I.S.C.F is<br />

established right across Canada in<br />

some tw o hundr-ed high schools.<br />

The aims of the Fellowship are<br />

1 To enccuruze pers ona l allegiance<br />

to Chr ist.<br />

2. To for m a hab it of reg ula r. private<br />

«tud.... of t he Bible,<br />

3, To lead a practical Ch r -ist ia n life.<br />

Th e l.S,C.F g'ives the mem bers a<br />

cha nce to put their Christian fa ith<br />

to work an d also to grow in the fait h<br />

of J esus Christ. The fel lowship is<br />

open to all denomin ations an d is for<br />

the whole school. not for just a few<br />

grades. The activities of the I.S.C.F<br />

include meeti ngs for Rible studv. discussion<br />

and pra....er The leadership<br />

of t he group iii in t he hands of an<br />

executive chosen from among t he student!'<br />

themselves so t hat t hey mar<br />

ga in experience in Ch rlstfan 1t'81Iershtp.

.JARVI:' COI.l.t:GIATt:<br />

CAMERA<br />

This venr hus lx-en 11 verv successf ul<br />

one for the Camera Club. In fact<br />

Interest has been so high that there<br />

have been few days on which the<br />

dar k-room has not been occ up ied by<br />

some e nthus iastic photog raphe r T he<br />

black book in ) 11' Curscullen's r oom<br />

has usually been signed UJl fo r t wo<br />

weeks a head.<br />

T hroug h :\11' Curscul len's efforts<br />

CLUB<br />

" 1<br />

the Board of Educa tion hU:I ki nd ly<br />

p rovided more lockers fo r t he use of<br />

the members. A ventilating :lr:ltem.<br />

a d ire necessitv in the d a r k- room, ha s<br />

also been Installed.<br />

T he wo rk of some of the membe rs<br />

has been di spla....ed f rom t ime to ti me<br />

in the sho w-c ases.<br />

W e owe ma ny thanks to ) 11' Cu rsculle<br />

n fo r dona tiuz so m uch ti me.<br />

effort and a dvice to the club.<br />

n " d .: H o I

Tm: :\IAI;:-;t:T<br />

) 11' Dunca n, II ne wcomer to the staff'.<br />

wux a very competent conductor, a nd<br />

we hat! muny good ti mes rehearsing<br />

together :\[1' Overholt directed the<br />

actual performa nces from the piano<br />

and. as usual. did excellent work.<br />

For the past three years little :\li ss<br />

Andrea Ha nse n has played in our<br />

orches t ra. a nd last fall she finally<br />

attained t he pro w l rank Ill' a tirst<br />

formeI'<br />

We feel t hat m usk is lmpcrtunt<br />

fo r en~I'\ 'OIU' , ei ther as 1I listen er 01 '<br />

performer Through the o rc hest ra<br />

we meet together with a common inte<br />

rest to create m usic, which gin' s<br />

us a great dea l of pleasure. and, we<br />

hope, en joy ment to those wh o hear us,<br />

/l u (' ~' g " lI', [.''i' t» N il/h t Carol Purvis, Harvey Cowa n, Don Ha milton, Boh nm.<br />

lh-ve r-le y Schurmanu, Claire :\lc K a~', Bob :'>Iaki. :\1 1', Dunca n,<br />

.I/ id

Upprr and Lowrr School Advrrtising Agrnls<br />

1:,, ("1; R" w. h ;t to riglll Pa ul ..l,jlll t'W , S teve ) Ior illrty. Ala n Reyn old s. S ydney S boom.<br />

1' 1"(1/11 H,, ,. J UII'" Ht'we, . Bla nche Golds tein , Paula white, J oa nne Graha m, T uva<br />

Rocklttfe. Grece Rod well,<br />

Fr..", R" .... /...;, ' .. I(; g /,t : J ud y Monner, F rance s :\Iid wood , :'lI a r)' W i1l i a m ~ . J u nto<br />

l>ay a,hi. A ud re y Prea r, Carol", Wa rren, E vel y n Woo, ) Ia r ~' Ea rle)'<br />

Koy­<br />

....,....,,11 1l,m" Diane T u r ne r, Sand ra K "' II ) ' OIl , :'ola r y Pe t r -ie. Tom Hoesehe nste tn, J t'rr ~'<br />

WonK', Paul Coombe, Gordoll Ha r pe r, J imm)" Doi.<br />

Thi,.d How : J ohn W r i ~ h t . Ka thleen 5'.,.0. Ethel T a teisbi. Hoh ) !l-Cra('}.a·n, Le u Coa tes,<br />

Bill Ra ve nsrrof't.<br />

1:,,('1; H" ,.. )lar il)' n Ra mse y. A n n X ichol "on . Jean :'\la C"Lea n. Pa t Hob in son, Ell'anul'<br />

Le nnox , ) Ia r y Hued , J ohn :\!(-:\Ieek"," . Dore n Du nsford . A nd r-ew S t a " i n ~ . :\Iichll...l<br />

(ilolft'. [law· Ka m i n ~ k ~' J oh n Henderson.

x,<br />

STAGE<br />

CREW<br />

T ilt: ~ I At i ~ t;T<br />

1:" f"J..- j{"... ; Le n Coate s. 8m Carjts le. Dave Crorher».<br />

r ....." HUll" Pa t Ag new, Boh F or wa r d. Roy Loft s. Pel{2'Y E ndic ot t.<br />

...<br />


CA I' TA IX- Alan Reyn old s<br />

Des pite a d isap poin ting ex per ience<br />

la st yea r. when the a r my d id not send<br />

a n examiner to test applicants fo r t he<br />

) [ 0 1'''';1.' I certificate. the Cor ps has<br />

aga in t rained s ig na llers in :\101':'1.'<br />

Code this y l'II I' An e xa m ine r is soon<br />

to test them, and upon passing. each<br />

will receive t he $10.00 bonus off ered<br />

hy t he Dep't of Xa t lcn ul Defense.<br />

j lt'mbt'l':: of the Corps attended t he<br />

SERGEA XT-Syd Sh oorn<br />

Sigunlling Course g iven ut Camp l p­<br />

pe r -wash du r ing th e summer month.....<br />

and they completed thei r t ra ining as<br />

Radio-Telephony Operutcrs.<br />

The whole Cor ps wi shes to thank<br />

:\11' :\IcXa il' ( 0 1' hi :-l uncea sing efforts<br />

in it" beha lf. The Corps is a lso indebted<br />

to :\11' Ge rald Allen for his<br />

per m ission to use Room 2 1 for its<br />

morning cla sses.<br />

.\11· Sd"w ll. }'/JII' I'(, (I :~ l l ' l ' / J,1 E n ".!!/JJl I' II f' Hl.~ fit !nlJlt duM h ll /11'11 of ,~1 f'f 'J1.<br />

E I I/fl'/' /l fft 11/1 /1' ('(III I? 11'1' (J ill!! ll1f l' f' »ir 1/11 111'11 of u lw rd ('!'('/'yday,

Nuck N" ".<br />

Alvin He unetec, William Hovn ton. Ala n Revuolds.<br />

S'T"'''/ N o". Ta nh. G u n t i ~ , Tom B { >e ~ ~ h e n ~ te i n , :'-like · Ca vanaugh, Boh Xl cCruckeu,<br />

xtttton :'-ll"Kt'tlzi....<br />

1-',.,.", H O ll" Daiuis lkkers, Ph ilip Locke. J u l"i ~ Sa lmins, Ra ymond F indla y Waltl' l"<br />

Kumit aka hara, :'-l lIl"vin Lipton.<br />

' T w lJ /l1t/nll/.Of IJwl"lI/Jl/ f! d ill the botto,1I of Oil (,II/pty well)<br />

tst .l[0 /'(J 1I [ k ilo //, h il I/' til !II'! ouf .' I' ll till'/l 'HI th e jlfl,'f hlif/ltt IIml !filII xhil/II!!<br />

Illl t b e b ('f/IIf,<br />

1 0d ,llu /"II II Oil /l o.'-IWPJII',"'f' !} IJII ...,h"t /J.T! t /if! ffa.Ofllfir,ht!<br />

Non-commissioned Oflicm<br />

I:nrk H.,,,', I, cf t to Night Hob S blc aaki. Gordon Gibson , Hill Boyes, ll a...e Curr>' Dona ld<br />

Richa rd s. Terence Sarg-ent, Tom R O

86 T HE ) I AG~ .;T<br />


0 Ff 1Cf RS 0 F O. T.C.<br />

J:,, (' ~'<br />

Row. T.t f t tv R ight ; Will ia m Boyn ton. Geol l!'t' T a ttle. Bill Grant. Ha r vey Oreou.<br />

Bill Sherman. Robe r-t Wrefrod.<br />

." irlrU.. RoH'. J~ l S u.·rnl""nr. Bob J ohr.;

commission in the act ive a rmy an d<br />

will soon be ~ oi ng ove rseas.<br />

Th e Officers of Th e Corp" Organization<br />

Lt. Colonel '" ::\IcI""'l"<br />

)I ajor C. Crosier<br />

Adjutant H. :\Iarti n<br />

R.S.)I. ) 1. llarnes<br />

Captai ns J Pilling . H. Rehkopf. R.<br />

w atada. H. Cheesman.<br />

Lieuten ants A. E vls. T Eva ns. J<br />

Russell. )1. Sherma n. D. Reid. J<br />

Crcutch. H. Brandes. S. Touzel. R.<br />

Hill. H. )[cElroy. w Cox. \\" \\"al·<br />

lace. R. Lorimer. J And r u.<br />

Platoon Cup Xo. '; platoon (3B and<br />

3C) (Lt. F Davi s. SJ(t. Tom Scott)<br />

Smartest Cadets<br />

1.) Cpl. Ralph P r uitt<br />

2.) Lt. Walter wovch uk<br />

3.) Drum Sgt. Alan BiJ(g:;<br />

.,I.) HUJ(h ) Ial'!ean<br />

5.) J im Burt<br />

Best Marks man Roy Lofts.

Girls' Athletic Council<br />

fill !' /'- If ...... 1.«'/ t t.. Hig h t La ura :'Ilarr. Betty F'orete. J O) ' vernon. Sheila )I c('o)"<br />

,......" t UtI,,· Lorna Denni son. Louis e Oka wa ra. J enifer Gru be, Evelyn :'Il ark.<br />

On ce mo re his torv is made

.J A R " J~ C OLU :G!..\TE<br />

ette Si mpson who proved herself<br />

faith ful in all spor ts bot h by partlclpat<br />

inl( and in helping ot he rs to partici<br />

pate, A wry heartv cheer for<br />

J eanette !<br />

TRACK<br />

Last spr-ing great enthusiasm wa ll<br />

shown among the J a r vis ~dr l:- and<br />

hen com petition existed in all t he<br />

rac es and different bull throwing T he<br />

winners and losers all enjoyed the<br />

afternoon.<br />


Each T huradav finds th e same aspir<br />

inJ,:' Willia m. Tells out for practice.<br />

Some of the :-t'~~ i() n:- art' a little<br />

wild with ar-rows flying eve rywhere<br />

except toward the ta r get. Of late.<br />

t hi ngs a re looking a little mort> promi<br />

~ i n J,:' . By the time th e tournament<br />

opens t he re will be stiff competit ion<br />

from bot h fourths and fifths,<br />

Congratulations a re due to Bettv<br />

Bradshaw, Ann H i g~i n :, and J an<br />

Simpson-c-last veer's winners.<br />

P IXG- PO:'\G<br />

Alt hough ping-pong i:- seconda ry<br />

to all ot her after-school sports. it wa s<br />

received with en thusias tic response.<br />

Eve ry T uesday and T hursday. many<br />

beginners and sea soned players as ­<br />

se mbled in the cafeteria to play The<br />

Lower School to urnaments are coml'~<br />

l<br />

pleted and J Ulie Kameoka and ,It''1Il<br />

) Ii r ku successtullv de fen de d their<br />

dou bles t itl e. In a closely ma tched<br />

game. J ea n )Iirka ed g-ed ou t ) Iary<br />

Ea r ley to win th e singles ch ampionship.<br />

T he results of th e C PI>er Sch ool<br />

tournam ents a re not availabl e a:' yet.<br />

but t he re a rt' some spec ulations a:' to<br />

who will be the winner Since manv<br />

good plavers will compete for t h~<br />

titles the tournam ent:' shou ld be inte<br />

restinz<br />

Last Yt.'a r' s School Doubles Champion<br />

s we re J ean )Iirka. a nd J une<br />

Kameoka . and La ura )Ian wa lked<br />

off with th e School Single", Championship<br />

with her flashv. confident<br />


DE:\IO:\'STHATIO:\'S<br />

At the time of the Ca nadian l'hvsteal<br />

Ed uca tion Associa tion and the<br />

Ontario Educati on Associat ion's<br />

Phvslcal Ed ucati on Sectio ns had<br />

th~i r convent ions :\Jjll-l'I Stinson took<br />

some J arvis )Cirlll- to Casa Lorna to<br />

demonstrate Rhyt hmics for Secondar<br />

~' Schools. X Gaston. S. Barnes. P<br />

Litt le. D. ='icoloff. :\1. Stephenson. xt,<br />

Zelchvk . made up th e seni or group<br />

and :\1. Earley, \" Fenwick, A. Hansen.<br />

S. Ke nyon . F Lord. F )lidwod.<br />

A. Xavlor, A. Xlcbolson. I.<br />

Phillip. D. Pomeroy, ) 1. Reid. )1.<br />

Williams made up the junior group.<br />

The dem onstrati on proved most suecessful<br />

after th e lu ncheon for all the<br />

Canadian Women Physical Educati on<br />

Directors. It wall- a great honour for<br />

J a r vis.<br />

The Boa rd of Educat ion sponsored<br />

a demonst ration for these conventtons.<br />

of all the Toront o Schools und er<br />

the direction of )tr ~ R. Speirs. The<br />

secondary scbocls had a part in the<br />

program and sixteen gi rll'l represen t­<br />

ed J arvis. T hev are as follows C.<br />

Arthur. L. Bar'ne:;, )1. Berenson, v<br />

Burstynskv. L. Higgi nll-. J Honey, S.<br />

Kamltakahara. R. :\lcK illop. :\1. Peroff,<br />

A. Pindar, K. Russell. B. Segsworth,<br />

W Shick. H. Steele, D. \·(."('nstra.<br />

R. Vernon.<br />


T his yea r in volleyball. history did<br />

not repeat itsel f, an d, for a cha nge.<br />

a fifth fo rm team ca r ried off the<br />

sch ool champions hip.<br />

T he U pper School Tournaments<br />

were played everv T uesday and<br />

T hursday fro m t he midd le of September<br />

until Chrt st rnas exa ms. A<br />

round robin was scheduled bu t ewin g<br />

to the ea rly arr-ival of Christ ma ll- ex -<br />

LOWER SC HOOL \' O L L ~ Y B A L L CH.U IP IO XS (51·52,<br />

nfl(~ k Hm". L..[ t t.. R ighi Hele n Xaumovieh , Coralie Ra nsom. Hele n Steinke, :\Ial')'<br />

Hellll it', .June Ba rke r, :\Ia url"t'n Couvea rr.<br />

"" 'u" t R"", : .: I ~ ; e Gu ~ ta f;oo n . Dorot hy Young, Irene Ta il'a. Ca roline Grt"t'll. Doreen<br />

Ha milton. Terry Kita mura. Carolvn :\lacPhaii.<br />

.1/'"" i" g .Jose phine La wlor. Collf"en For-shee.

t:' PI' E R SCHOOl.<br />


C H A ~ I I' IO :\' S<br />

(51-52 )- ·,w<br />

r:ad~ H" ...<br />

Jean F inlap on<br />

Lyn J' hilifl<br />

Barhara Inwa rd<br />

Xo rma Scott<br />

Helen ) 1itchell<br />

rn",' R " w ,<br />

Fj-e nces F'r ee ma n<br />

Rita Leong<br />

Diane ~l oOl 'eh o ll ~ e<br />

:'Il ll r jta n~ t<br />

:'Ilad "a rhllle<br />

t lra t'e Rodwefl<br />

SCHO Ol.<br />

VOL L E Y BA L l.<br />

U PP ~;H<br />

C H A :'I I I' IO~ S<br />

(51-52)<br />

SCHO OL<br />

\'OLU'; Y B,-\L L<br />

C H A :'I I P IO ~ S<br />

(5 1-521<br />


1I11t l'l off to Anne lind Blanche Goldstein<br />

. who won t he doubles tournament<br />

last sp r-ing. There should be<br />

close competition in the tou rname nts<br />

this yea r, j udging by the number of<br />

muscular girls in the upper school ~<br />

Here's hoping they don't become f ra il<br />

weaklings over the Easter exams.<br />

If you ca n gral'lp a tennis racket,<br />

and can cou nt, you are expected to<br />

come out to play in t he spr-ing We<br />

shal l have lively tou rnaments and our<br />

players overflow to one of the nearby<br />

pa rks, We ha w hopes of mixed ten ­<br />

nis and Inter-school tournaments in<br />

the near future. If enough interest is<br />

shown . this should be possible.<br />

So here's calling all tenni s enthuslasts.<br />

:\Iaybe ten nis il'l t he hidd en talent<br />

you have been searchi ng for<br />

Don't miss coming out an d t ry ing it.<br />


After Christmas. Upper School<br />

swun x into a w ry enthusiastic season<br />

of basketball, We started with two or<br />

three referee classes and many eager<br />

players apreclated :\[ i ~ :l St inson's instruct<br />

lon along those lines. Th en t he<br />

tournament sta rted and th e f r-iendly.<br />

fast-moving ga mes ended with -.l D<br />

as Upper School Cha mpions. and 5B<br />

verv close runners-up. Lower School<br />

WlIl'I anx ious by this time to start<br />

their tournament lind we have eleven<br />

teams now competi ng for th e Lower<br />

School Championship. The senior<br />

Jdrl l'l have done a wonderful job of<br />

refereeing lind coaching the J unior<br />

g ir-ls in their gllnJl'l'I. The gi l'ls all<br />

t ha nk :\li l'l l'l :\leKeehnie for fa ith fully<br />

looking aft er ou r Basketbal l nig hts.<br />

The school finals will be played when<br />

the Lower School Championship is<br />

decided and .ID as the Upper School<br />

represen tatives will compet e wit h the<br />

winners. It is the hope of all tha t the<br />

best team may win .<br />

SWD D II XG<br />

Eve ry :\Ionday and wednesday will<br />

find th e J arv is pool crowded with<br />

girls splashing and swimmin g about<br />

having a wonderful time.<br />

Th e plunge period on :\Ionday il'l<br />

held mainly to encourage non-swimmers<br />

to come down where there are<br />

Instructors to help t hem master some<br />

st roke before t he year is over Those<br />

who a re able to swim have a chance<br />

to pract ise ornamental swi mming or<br />

life-saving.<br />

In t he fall. wednesdavs are reserved<br />

for g i r l~ who want their Life-Saving<br />

Certificates. There are also a few<br />

girls interest ed in getting their Instr<br />

uctor's Certi ficates thi s vear Last<br />

yea r, owing to the wonderf ul work<br />

of Joan Plerdon. our swimming instr<br />

uctor. there were more than thirty<br />

girl~ who received Life Saving Certificates.<br />

which. I thi nk. is a record.<br />

On Wednesday in the winter and<br />

spr-ing. t he Ornamental Club is held.<br />

Th ere have been quite a few gt rls<br />

turn out for it t his yea r and I think<br />

it will be Quite successf ul.<br />

To finish t he swimming year. there<br />

will be the annual swim -meet t his<br />

spr-ing<br />

SC HOOl. BAS E BALl. C H,-\ ) l P I O ~S 450·511-21' ;<br />


SE X IOR Rl:GBY<br />

Th e J arvis Rugby squad. having<br />

hum iliated :\lah'ern of th e " A " group<br />

in an ex hibition game 12-7 opened the<br />

seaso n wit h a tough st r uggle a ga inst<br />

our a rc h enemies. Ha r bord. This t ime<br />

Harbord wen t dow n to defeat 11-5.<br />

Nor -th Toronto fell the next week<br />

in our advancing pa t h a nd b.... th is<br />

t ime we felt read.... to challenge Bloor<br />

T his was a see-sa w contest that<br />

sa w fir st J a r vi s and then Rloor<br />

ma r ch dow n the field for touchd ow ns.<br />

hut Bloor tinal l.... outfought Us for our<br />

ttrs t defeat.<br />

Shortl.... aft er western Tech W HJoi<br />

s ubj ected to our re vengeful tempers<br />

hut fa iled to measure up to our dete r­<br />

mination and lost.<br />

~ O\\' th at put J arvis in a t ie for<br />

seco nd place wit h Bloor. behind Xort<br />

hern Vocational.<br />

Therefore it wa s do or die in th e<br />

fina l game. It tu rned ou t to be a<br />

heart-bre ak ing s am e. and despite our<br />

most des pera te a t te mpts t he game<br />

ended in a tie 7·7<br />

Ron :\lcB r ide. Ian :\lcPher:-on. and<br />

George P hillips. spa r ked the backfield.<br />

playing well all se ason. Terry<br />

Kameo ka . Bill Cox an d Laurie Lit h­<br />

gow held up t he J arvis line against<br />

all corne rs an d were an inspiration to<br />

th e ot hers.<br />

Our only regret. after a season in<br />

whic h I think everyone on the team<br />

had a grand t ime playing iii that we<br />

couldn't get that B group cha mpion.<br />

sh ip for )lr Warren and cla im the<br />

socks he pro mised us.<br />


This year. under a ne w coac h. :\Ir<br />

P ickering, th e J un iors ambit iou sly<br />

bit into their sc hedule by defeating<br />

Harbord 12-0 and in the second game<br />

put Nor -t h Toronto down to defeat.<br />

to gi ve th em a tie for first place.<br />

Bloor, however, proved to be too<br />

st ro ng in th e next Ka me and held<br />

our tea m to a t ie 7·7 But at this<br />

point. the J uniors started to sk id and<br />

were beaten by w estern Tech.<br />

In the final xame of t he season<br />

Xorvoc ran up a 7·0 score against a<br />

depleted Janis squad , for t wo of the<br />

top men were helpilll! t he seniors in<br />

their bid for a champio ns hip. St ill,<br />

two wins and a ti e are not tou bad.<br />

J ones played well all season in t he<br />

backfield and should make good rna ­<br />

te r ial for next year's senior team.<br />

St eve :\Ior ia r ity. Alvin lI a mielic,<br />

an d ) [ike :\litchelJ at ce nt re fought to<br />

t he death on the line, and ma ny times<br />

we saw ) Iike limp ing . battered . f r-om<br />

the field . onI.... to lea p UJl an d r ush<br />

bac k into t he game if t he opposition<br />

made any adva nce. Il l" really gave<br />

his best!<br />


Th e Senior tea m ha d a very successf<br />

ul season t his veur The team<br />

wa s a well. balallced ·one. wit h pructicallv<br />

ever-y pla ye r having the snme<br />

a bility<br />

On t he oppos ft ion' s door:- t he.... defeated<br />

Central Tech 60. 15. Ha rbord<br />

40-39 and eked out a 50-46 win over<br />

Cen t ral Com merce's high ly rated<br />

team .<br />

On th eir home floor t hey routed<br />

Central Tech GO· 15, Harbord 52-28<br />

and were defeated by Central Commerce<br />

51--18. T his left J a rvis a nd<br />

Com merce tie d for l st place. A sudde<br />

n-death play-off was victo r-ious for<br />

Commerce by a 31--12 score. But wit h<br />

th eir fighting sp irit t hey went into<br />

the quarter-finals defeati ng Western<br />

Tech. in a total points ser ies 93-90.<br />

T hey then met Da nfort h Tech. in the<br />

semi-finals defeating them 93·92 in<br />

t he total-poi nt se rtes. In one of the<br />

most exciting high school city-finals<br />

ever seen. the J arvis crew lost ou t<br />

again to Central Com merce by a 36­<br />

33 score.<br />

Alt hough t hey lost, thee we re cbose<br />

n to represent Toronto in t he AlI­<br />

Ontario High Sc hool Cha mpionshi p<br />

Series.<br />

SYllopsis of t hf' T eeu«,<br />

Howard Dick-A red -haired guard<br />

with a strong unyielding team spiri t.<br />

) Iur ray Ber man-And t hey say<br />

little sout h-p aw boys s hould n't. pla y<br />

basketball . )Iurray is w ry aggressive.<br />

Jim Russell-s-A "harp-s hoote r- he<br />

t r-ies to tackle th e ba ll, sometimes.<br />

Svd S hoom-cl!e oft e n forgets the<br />

door is unde r nea t h him nnd looks

lATE<br />

(:},<br />

T il t: BOYS'<br />

AT HL ETI C<br />

,\ SSOCIATlO :-':<br />

/lIIr k Hu...<br />

A l't l r-izawa<br />

Ron ~ I o ri<br />

J on Wilkins<br />

Sam Reed<br />

J ohn Forsyth<br />

.11ill.l1.. RUl

J l 'N lOk roor uat .t. n :.Ul<br />

I~ ,d, H" ,,·. I~fl ' 0 HOUAr' :>I r. I' k koo rinll, S a ... It ........ J oh n C ..·" . ~li k ~ :>I i t ~ h , · 1 1. St ¥,·,· :>I " rh, rt l". c;,,,,"¥<br />

(; ...,rlli¥!'/. AI,'I" H. ... I..I,,,,,. It" " St,...I,·. A1f..· ~ Ch ink, II• •·,· H... ~ _<br />

.I' ;,MI~ No ,," Uri"" " 1", ,,,- I ~ , h S "n,I~••• II. , .. 0 " ,1.·'1. T " ,,)' I ; r ~ l' , J " h n T.ttl¥. P"" Kirk " I', P H'" C",w.,.<br />

liill S I ~ ",ut .<br />

r"m' II"..... Hu v.·), J "n... . C" lvin Ki ....h. T ook K" " 'n, ki. A r'¥)'.<br />

ll n " '" Cn n,.. .. 'n. nO',.".. S I' " n ~h.<br />

SE~[()1t t·OOTlHI.L TF: ,' ~1<br />

'... . k N " 1•• ,1' to N ,,, AI: :>Ir. War,." n. T ....,-o r E )-, o" . I.." .... Li , h" u"', t 'rn! Lu ~ k. It " n :II. U. i... ,<br />

(; ¥ Wr rllr k. D"" lok A" " hu ; ... ",ot> J ohn _In". G...' tIl r T a n ir. J "to n K" T~ r T)· K. .....,ka ,<br />

Trd :'1...." •.<br />

_W;tltllr No... , UUI S.m_n. h ,lI CO". H illi" rd lol ~E l ro )· . G.......¥ I' h ill i l>" . Hoot> " ~ n..... w .n.... 1t.. . ...11.<br />

."-ok il ....p w " rth. it"...... :II ,.. n.'-r ""r Oo...Id.<br />

# '"' ~t Ho... .. UilJ C. rd . I." "" .~ I' h

llO C KEY<br />

n :,U I<br />

flur/.; H

sxxron<br />

B.-\SKF:TBALr.<br />

C II A ~I P S<br />

Ad ian Wiley<br />

J im ~ Ieek<br />

Ron ROll'erl'<br />

G eor~ Phillip"<br />

Don Reid<br />

Dennis Belrll'l'<br />

F un ,' R ow :<br />

Ian Ba ird<br />

Ron ~f c K i n n o n<br />

Ken :'ola r ino<br />

Syd Baumel<br />

J ohn :'oleClt>lla nd<br />

Hillia rd :'oleElro)'<br />

J .C.1. T ItA CK<br />

n;A~f<br />

n llf.' /': U" U' :<br />

~I ur ra y Sh ill<br />

Gt> o r~ Phillill~<br />

Bob Curran<br />

Don Rt>id<br />

J ohn Ure n<br />

F ro'" /( ,,"':<br />

Roy Loft s<br />

Bob Youn (/:<br />

Boh J ehn sron<br />

Don Kir kup<br />

Yit l'. Pencine r<br />

U PPER SC HOOl.<br />


down for it, on ly to be checked.<br />

Ad rian wiley-c-Bv his own admission<br />

t he best player in J arvia?"<br />

Ron Rogers-A very smoot h player<br />

who i:-; easy to watch. We hope his<br />

ankle is all right again.<br />

T revor Eyton - A hard-battling.<br />

cen t re who played steadil y all season.<br />

Geza Tobias-He is new to J a rvis,<br />

but we soon ca me to kn ow him as he<br />

proved hi mself to be a verv good<br />

player<br />

Stan Leibel-Wonder why Stan<br />

doesn' t play in the las t two minutes of<br />

each game ? Stan looks as if he will be<br />

a top. notch plaver next year<br />

Ia n Mcl'herson-c-H as a smooth set<br />

shot. With a lit t le more practice th is<br />

gua rd will be a perfecti onist.<br />


This veer's Junior Squad ha d a<br />

comparatively s uccess f ul season as it<br />

won eight out of its ten com petitive<br />

league games. A rou sing team spirit<br />

and good attendan ce at the ga mes<br />

enabled the J un iors to reach the quarter-finals.<br />

F ive points, however. .'\epa<br />

rated t he team f rom t he semi-finals.<br />

when they succumbed to H umber side<br />

in a three-game, total-point ser ies.<br />

In regular season play, the tea m<br />

fi nish ed on top in t he Central Divislon<br />

as it won six out of seven games.<br />

Th eir only loss was to Ha r bord - by<br />

two points. In th e other games. ou r<br />

J un ior team beat Cent ral Comme rce<br />

and Central Tech two games eac h by<br />

over eight points in each game.<br />

The team owes much of it s consistent<br />

s uccess to :\lr .:\lcNair whose<br />

able assistance did as much for th e<br />

tea m as any player<br />


The Inter-form sports have been<br />

very well handled this rear bv Ron<br />

)Iori and :\Ir Hill , and everyone ha s<br />

had a good oppor tunity to enjoy th e<br />

sports in which he was interested.<br />

There has been a lot of keen competiti<br />

on among' cer tai n form s which has<br />

made the whole schedule verv interesting.<br />

In the fall it was might.\· cold<br />

at times, but 2F managed to win the<br />

Lever Sc.'hoo\ rugby \\'ni\ e ~'E. too\\.<br />

the Upper School. There was no interfor<br />

m ice hockey this year owing to the<br />

fact t hat there was no ice in the ya rd<br />

and th e plan of going down to Alexandel'<br />

Park's artificial rink seemed to be<br />

doomed from the start bv the wea ther<br />

AJo! usual, th ere was an Inter- form<br />

baske t ball league with 4C taki ng t he<br />

senior group an d 2B th e j unior Th ese<br />

are t he games :'tI r Wa rren and .Mr<br />

MeNair haunt looking for material.<br />

In the spring of las t year, J arvis<br />

declared a half holid ay for t he purpose<br />

of hold ing the t ra ck meet. It<br />

was a good meet, the feat ure bei ng<br />

t he sen ior open mile which was won<br />

by .Jack Segsworth. Th e 880 was won<br />

by Ron Lofts who, we t hink, should<br />

have won the city sem i-fina ls except<br />

that he developed a st itch du ring the<br />

race. All t he events-high-jump ing,<br />

bro ad-j umping. pole vau lting, an d<br />

shot put-ran off like clock work and<br />

eve rvbodv went home happy even<br />

th ough well cove red with dust fro m<br />

our backvard du st bowl.<br />

Down in the pool last February,<br />

scarcely less tha n a ri ot was in pro ­<br />

gress, what with the beautiful acousties<br />

of th e pool room and t he shouts<br />

01 some fifty boy" . However 3C finallv<br />

wo n t he Upper School Swimming<br />

Championship wh ile 2A topped<br />

the Lower School.<br />

This yea r has featured a Bad minton<br />

tourn a ment and ma ny boys may<br />

be see n battering the little birdie<br />

around after school. but no winn ers<br />

have been declared yet.<br />

Th e floor hockey season is well<br />

under wa .... now, but no champion.<br />

sh ips hav e been decided. T he volley<br />

ball is in progre ss too, but 4D looks<br />

like t he winner to us !<br />

HOCKEY<br />

J a rvls. without eve n one J unior H<br />

pla....er managed to win th ree games<br />

out of nine t his year and finish ed in<br />

seventh place in a te n team league.<br />

Our victories were against Central<br />

Tech 2·1, Norvoc 4-2, and 2·1 up set<br />

vlctorv over Lawrence Pa r k.<br />

Top scorers for th e tea m were<br />

Cosma-c-S goals, Stua rt-2 goals.<br />

Cox, Lead and Young scored one<br />

goal each. Cox was a pill a r on defense<br />

and was also ably assisted by Curry,<br />

Haggard and Hocker<br />

If th e league bans the use of J unior<br />

B players nex t yea r, J ar vis should<br />

be up am ong the leade rs.<br />

'inc A.t'h\etic Coun6\ uas uone a<br />

grand job this year in pro moting in·<br />

te rform spor ts. Congrat ulations ! Th e<br />

st ude nts owe a deep debt of appreclatio<br />

n to :Mr Hill, .:\1 1' Warren, .:\11'<br />

Jfc Nair, .\lr Pi ckering and .:\11' Ha·<br />

gen. for the management of t he ac tl ­<br />

vlt les after school.

sxxrs n :.u l<br />

J ohn Tattle<br />

Georg e Ta tt le<br />

J ohn Uee n<br />

Ca rmen Bolton<br />

r.owzu SCHOO L<br />

BA S K ~:TB A I. 1.<br />

CHA)-fl'S<br />

n flck H" lI' .<br />

Ron Wallin<br />

Er!c Yuor inen<br />

David Rolfe<br />

J on W il k i l1 ~<br />

Ken Louden<br />

Ale x Va nl('el<br />

J ohn U re n<br />

IXTER-)-ItJ RAI.<br />


2A<br />

Geor ge Zuhek<br />

Bob Pedhe r ney<br />

St eve :'il o r i a r t ~­<br />

J erf}' Be b:<br />



CHA) IPS<br />

f:"ck H"'t·:<br />

warren Ost rem<br />

Alf red Chi nk<br />

Fro nt Hnlt' .<br />

Paul Polex<br />

Ant hony Friedma n<br />

Dave Ogden<br />

F ra nk Pea rsal!<br />

:'il ike H o sr a r ~ k }'

.1.(:.1. A L U .'l I~ U S<br />

("""'i,,,,·,1 j .."", I'fty,- ';!I )<br />

graduated with honours and interned<br />

at th e head of th e lak es. Th en he volunteered<br />

for medical work among the<br />

Indians, first at Hazelton, B.C.• th en<br />

Fort Simpson a nd now at Bella C001a,<br />

far up the B.C, coast. Here in t his<br />

narrow, beaut iful moun tain valley of<br />

Bella Coola. among t he Indian fisherfolk<br />

and Xorwegian farmer!'. wit h his<br />

wife. formerly )I arjorie Pearce, and<br />

fa mily, he lives a full and happy life .<br />

He i1'l held in high esteem by the whole<br />

community for his dev ot ion to his<br />

work and for his deep interest in the<br />

welfare of eve ryone in t he valley<br />

Duri ng the cur rent yea r a total of<br />

$250 W3" contributed by t he ...taff<br />

a nd st udents of Jar vis. to assist Dr<br />

\\·hitil1j.(' in th is verv worthwhile<br />

cause. Il r. W h i t i n ~ rela xinz<br />

Lo WE n SCHOOl.<br />

r OOTB.-\LI.<br />

CHA :\I I' S<br />

Und,' H.....<br />

Bill Oree n<br />

Alfred Locke<br />

Pred Wood<br />

.\f idd/r Ho"' :<br />

Richa rd Corbe t t<br />

Gordon Henry<br />

:\Iur r)' Shill<br />

John T hom pson<br />

J im :\facDonald<br />

:\Ior ri . Kra ndel<br />

Fr....' R",,":<br />

J ohn Fe r-syt h<br />

Boh Fox<br />

John Coulton<br />

Joh n Hyrne<br />

Xiek l' et Q"kan)"n<br />

fo' I' R n(' i ~ Sharon<br />

U1' I' ~: R SCHOOL<br />

SW I:\I CILU f PS<br />

Bad.: H....·•<br />

Ewen F!..her<br />

J im Ridde ll<br />

Ron Co~ma<br />

"' ro" t R....·:<br />

J im W !' ~ t<br />

J im :\fad ,,("m:ic<br />

O R\'!' :\lacDonald

'~J"'"<br />

' [11'( 1''''' "-' "1''' d'''''1 .. 4' !-"<br />

q"r • 'd " " ' " .~ '''''''''1' " ! 01....1"<br />

'd', "" 'I" >

DrUl ilo Co.let<br />

··T hi. litll.· 1~ . ly "~" •., "lu ll'm•.<br />

,,·h ~.. it ." m,·' t" .11......'1.... Iolw<br />

r., ..."' m...· t: "n-"' lu~ntl y .... ,<br />

r.v"u .l t. 1"'.; •..:1 I. l.o ",~.y . Il ru<br />

... m .........' ..f It..- I . ~ . (".•• !l1>o<br />

I. i ..t.n.tin.. t" If " t" :.:" .......1<br />

....u )'_'.<br />

Cli vt<br />

Cla rk<br />

H ~ . ""n.j" hi. I"nd. h.... ...;...<br />

v,, ' ...l ly li.t i"lf 10 II. . .. P i",<br />

I>IaY , I>a," rlball<br />

H... lu'u......ill .... in .......-.<br />

' ''''' ..i. h CI> • • I..,p i.......iI.<br />

Joh n Lee<br />

A .,i v ~1 f", H " nlf Ii" n.. I.·,<br />

J u ly. J o h n ' 0 . ,......<br />

Enor li . h . t hi ..h •• hoo-I in H..n.<br />

,",,,n•. H . p lan. t .. , ....<br />

I n :IIr

.", '" ,.., ,,,, ..•""'."" ......<br />

PI' " .-.rl l'" ..1I ..... ..... N••<br />

' ~ I! ", ,,,, , U il ,. ' '"'1<br />

pUll m" l .. .'1 ' 1I " ' ~ 1l , II• • " 1<br />

·1I" , ~ .. , "'11 n ,n j _ , ~ _,J""1" 1l "1 ~..<br />

......y. I I·· ' .. '"'I<br />

' (110 I .'" n,n!' "1-Iod' JI) 1.. .<br />

r". ' '' ' '' ' 1I "121..1 "J' " ,<br />

"'OI'" lf

Wend y Da y<br />

A ~ II v ~ in n' K " ~ ~ 1 " ' rt .-v"I1 ~ ~ ­<br />

b.. JJ •...,m. lo I... h . f av " o. il ~ .<br />

W. nd y i. l h• • Ii m.• i l~nl. ~a l ,<br />

• M ll ....to f •., m cI ~ In . 1•••<br />

. it h l ho- 1...1 f n... Sh.<br />

" ~ I.. ( :.......1 A ....<br />

al lho- U f T .<br />

Be"..I" Fi. lond<br />

It-r. . .. n 1>r i• ..x1..·.....ll· mmil.<br />

,.1 . ho,..1 h• • 1,,, ' 1. p h1 . n d<br />

(uto..... A ll W.. h.¥. , 0,

James KOIUb ik<br />

I, '" m "u....d t h.., J im " n~.<br />

. " ..nl 10,,1.- y in . ~ h , ,,, l l A<br />

l UI " '" )1 _ n. h~ I''''n- "n<br />

k"'l'ln " ' ho- d • •• In "_ Il . ~ h....:·<br />

Fred Lomock<br />

. '•• d. .. f u' u ~l l n l n.. ~;n"ln _<br />

...•• h..

...... M(Kel, ey<br />

A .. n , . k.. n pan i n .........<br />

....., . f _huuI _",,". . ..f<br />

* ";"h M ' f • ...,.,ril...... . _i •<br />

... In l( . n d bad lnton. T hi . I· .<br />

•M .. IC'. n-p<br />

nl.ti. .. on d w<br />

u"" p"a ..., 11 "'lUl l<br />

~ "OOI n . "''''1 .., nl ' "'1"" ..,<br />

......~ t " S !--'.nd<br />

.... 10 nnq n I·. ·... \ .<br />

'II~M 1'3<br />

.,....,...."<br />

' ''11- ...n lnJ: ......... -poJ'."<br />

. 1!JnoAWJ: •....I'.nou J ' . 11 11."....<br />

.("4'" 1'''. rr·q·t.nOA_ ....,..,. · 11"<br />

" J 1. · p_<br />

'" 1'''. ·• ..-.uJ d .. , M 'I:>oI(<br />

I'". tteq "''1. eq 0.In s _, -I 'll I p .. n...)<br />

. , ~1" '"'I' " " 1'''' ~ ~~ 1<br />

'''J qnU . ""J~' '"'II JU • "'·K<br />

IU fl .O~ O ~.no ,<br />

. ' OCl *'I.taw .,"" W _ I'J".' "<br />

1'''''11 • _, .~• •nq ·,..pJ....p.. n "J<br />

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."'.... '" ..q n , nq •• • d _ '''J<br />

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11""4 t>Xl(]<br />

·.oq.(ww<br />

•.~ J" 'n I . . ..n,,;) ' \.1 ", U",<br />

','"" ""'J• "' ... nlnJ ".,,,. u<br />

....n.. \' ..."'1. ' ''J ..~" ""H..<br />

•• ~ t>N lIlI'.. .. ....<br />

· u ... ·. n"" '1' '' ''1 tllun , . ....." .,<br />

."l ' ...... '1 , 'U" " .'A " "f '" .,Ull<br />

I.: " ' " .( w ,. 11 I H. .<br />

·1......... " " Ju n ", ,.. n ln.i ·tt··...<br />

II''''' '''.Id p". ·1I. q.·'1'·" 1'''.<br />

tt. q.(. I1" " " '111 :J." p""'" "<br />

" 014 0>3<br />

'n.J .41 "I .L J" '; 1 ."<br />

J '. , ~ ~ !l l.w' ''N . .. ~I' :~ ·~J ·4~"<br />

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' • • '1 "",. "l"1I '''J!''''I ...<br />

. ~~ •• .,(p.J "un"" IU. Jm'q "<br />

!O&ON ~Inll

Don Reid<br />

\l,,,, "' 11 "" b~ ek wl ,h u. nut<br />

~~ar , hu t · .~ 3 will ftnd him in<br />

F o ,.... tr ~ a t U. "f T, lffl n i. a<br />

~l a j " , in .h ~ n .T .C.<br />

Jim Russell<br />

A fill.. "I .. ) ' n on the Srnio.<br />

H... ke,ha ll tra m. J im . Col"n.l " I<br />

our , ..d.t C"rI". pi..", tu ..I _<br />

t.nd Il,,),..l MIII' BT)' Coil""•.<br />

Bla ine Rehkoph<br />

P la n. '0"" in t " Bu. in ... . anrl<br />

flnan"" t ·<br />

bal l.<br />

Tots Sakamoto<br />

51!". h um .. n fi.h, If h" . .. n<br />

_'''e" k thr"o"h r n" in.....in" " .<br />

h~ ca n , h ro u" h .. poo l. he _"" o ld<br />

d" " -r ll in la' .. r li f~.<br />

Betty Robell SOn<br />

H ~ r ~ l ~ ) hreau'r ,hr r a n<br />

. in,, 1 T hr ""Ilular ,lid on whi m<br />

,Ilr ' u...., "I "u, .. nnual oll'-'·<br />

r tt.. ,Ir lwn.k Ii,-'n in'rnd. , ,,<br />

t .. kr .. :-;, •• ", ..1 S. h•• ,1 '''u''''.<br />

nut ~rar .<br />

Borba,o<br />

Sampson<br />

T hl , hra ul Y hKiI. f. " m E",t<br />

Yo .k. lIah, I. " n" " f "ur li "~ I)'<br />

ch" HI"a"r"" , hi. )'r.... Nr ••<br />

)'ea. "h" w lJl , a h .. n ,"fl. ('''ur. ..<br />

~ , U. " I T.<br />

Ron Rogers<br />

/(" n I > "n ,' m" jor ta.t", In<br />

J .....i, S . nl " , '. 1>1"(" " ''''. "n ' hr<br />

"". k~tba ll ,"u'" , hi. y....r. ~· u ·<br />

t ur. : . I . h ~ r b..krl_....e~ vln" at<br />

Tu ",,,n "r S utm,, 1 Soh oo l. He i.<br />

"", voir. un .h.. St ud ent '.<br />

,,,undl.<br />

Jim Shonto'o<br />

J im i. lall. hlo n,1 ~ I "I ol.~ r •.<br />

,,' I, h .. n ;mm..a,urahl< ea padl)'<br />

for work. He ha. mor

' ''' ~ II! W '''' \1 "" J" "UU ' '"<br />

·J.d I ~ . " ...."l.n" ,,,, .... '"<br />

' ''-Jd ~ ·l·!'J.,d ....' '' , • ".,.<br />

1'''. ....., 1 1.'U'~ '.11 " " " dll ~ I<br />

JO J.>qw.", (PJ'-"d. V ·. ...'1' ..J<br />

..'II " , J" I'." J~ IO<br />

~ D 'qD l O U~<br />

.J. J"<br />

'11 ,..S 1."'!I" d '" p.o,'"<br />

• 1 • Il ·.... . Ind ... ..... , ......<br />

,.nr ·..."I.J JI"" .n... 1""" V<br />

O ~O 'S "'D' II'M<br />

J. J" ' :1 ,. a" 'a<br />

- ":~ Iu'''''''..... '" p.o' ·I'"<br />

'!.H ''''N, ll",,).>~."t l """dl'<br />

~ I ' ''1 Jln ""...." ......." ....<br />

.,lJ>U...... "l"W!d ·,· ' }.IV<br />

- " ~ l1 ' ''' .H wuol "''"'11<br />

·"n"J 1""I,nl ll " . V ~ " ""'I<br />

• "I pAS j , .'" ' ''''' ...,.. " , , •. ,,,<br />

. ..."n. ....... "'1\ I" " 11"11<br />

", OOIfS ,( ~"P,(S<br />

.:' " ''<br />

" ' 1 II ' " , ",nw..<br />

.. n ln l , , " .JI", pU'O'<br />

JI"!! ~ ' .., ....,.......,,,, "'I V<br />

P " DI ~)" ' S II I(0r<br />

•. ...1 I..... 'J. I " 'll ,. ""I<br />

........' au:t " ,.., "a "1 . , ...<br />

'''l''''''' . n" !1......." .... ·,.,nt> ...<br />

! ~ g IO' If S ,a qo\j

Cho,ln T", ..is<br />

A not bashf ul 17 1"". E ..i·<br />

Mnl!)' had dMn 10<br />

not to t ca_l ~ lit d<br />

bKa", "'boo. of i A I.. .,I .<br />

....7 . W . hop0"". •rt<br />

- nd m u.ic. P l. n n i n.. l'l . n t. ,<br />

W...I. rn H,o-l,It. 1 S ur. in", ~ , h ' M , 1<br />

nu t fall ,<br />

O'ha Zelenri<br />

He. f.'-o u n ' ....b; i. M.l h • .<br />

Wil h Ihi. Olh. ", Ix ba.krlba l1 .<br />

Yollo-)-b.11 .nd p in ~. I"''''' ' Sh.<br />

1,10.., ,n ..... in "'IIl...,u r... . ,<br />

I;. "r T . I" ' h,> f.ll. I'UI ;. n,~<br />

' ut

.JARVI:' C()J .l.t::GIATt: 11 1<br />

, -'<br />

1' 11 1'1""" -; To de te rmine content s o f ,1:\ .<br />

A I'I''' /''' ' '''' ; ~!l-. S heppard tend in g t he 4.:\<br />

flock.<br />

Cha rlo tte ~ l c Ca u l- t hl' jtid who blushes .<br />

also a cheerlea der a nd our Gir l,,'<br />

Cluh rep .<br />

Prances Smith-was elected our elass<br />

beautr<br />

He r-nice Brow n- ca n never remember the<br />

a tte nd ance pa d. h ut she's a w hizz<br />

at s po rts.<br />

Tanya Kramer- a j(' iltjtle t' in te re st ed in<br />

sports.<br />

Ste lla Kuz>'k-loH' s s pcrts, a lso our S t ude nt<br />

Council rep.<br />

.I udy Bonaard-c-ou r ha rd workinjt :\Iaj('nl't<br />

Editor a nd ela "s secrl'tary<br />

Hele n Hr own-c-"l don't quite jtet thai, :\11'.<br />

Da rbyshire."<br />

Be rnice Hla ck- nt'\'l' r stops talkinJ{ .."en<br />

tboueh sbe sits in the front seat,<br />

Genevieve ~ l a cCa u l a>'- l ot !' of pep bu t ne ve r<br />

arr ive" on time.<br />

:\Ia ria Tbompson.c-vXot ~I a r i a "i r but<br />

~Iaria."<br />

Bri a n Do w-s-smal! eco nomy size.<br />

Ke n Henry-c-mak es Chemisrry<br />

for :\11'. :\Iuir.<br />

inter...stinj('<br />

Roh W ilkinl'on-:\Ir. Fe r j("uson's "cult u red<br />

Lon g J ohn:'<br />

Ha rvey J one!',,'<br />

inter-form sports.<br />

Ga ry Grant-our blond a viat or f rom S udbUQ'<br />

E r-ie Fra nt i-Oh, that dee p mell ow voice.<br />

Bruc e Hieks-c-bu ys old La t in books so t hat<br />

the translationl' a re alreadv written<br />

in.<br />

Xorm R o ,~ n he rg - G la d >'ou d idn't t rans fer .<br />

:'la r \'in Lipt on-s- kee ps tbe E ng lish class<br />

movtne.<br />

Rill Se m pson-e-we s our am has'M dor on t he<br />

Se nior RUlrhy t..a m.<br />

:'ll ib l.e pllt',r-Thl' walk with t he boun ce<br />

I n It.<br />

Don :'llcClutchy-f-: \'e r>'one was elad to welcom..<br />

Don hac k to J arvis thi... ye ar,<br />

Rill Clark-Stop lauj("hi nlr Hill, and j('l't to<br />

work on you r Ch ..mistry<br />

,11dh"fI : li a rd work hut lots of f un ,<br />

Ob".'IT flt i" ,,,. : .ath furm RUj("h>' champs,<br />

('""rI""i"" ,,; We likt' us! Du >'ou!<br />

'"<br />

./(ffr iH C"II.'yiu l,· i" p ro ud to prese nt the<br />

initia l performance of the ,!,I II "' 11"'1,/"''' 11 in<br />

F: .1' " ';"1- by J r S f'l,,,,,,,<br />

I HI .11""(' 1/0 (,11 1 nl/ ,-y,·" mul ,..,<br />

the orches t ra ht' ~ i n s to I'Jlt'llk in quiet<br />

under-tones t he qui et und e rtones helou!:<br />

to :<br />

Stan Hurak -c-mcre often t here t hnn he re,<br />

:'>I a ry Camhell-:'lla l'r. i ~ you r m in d rea lly<br />

Ill' confu se d a" your notet.cck t<br />

.loan Rouse-c-vA n Odeon Service" a t the<br />

Ddeon T oro nto, of cou rse.<br />

An ne Big Jl:l'- strictly f or t he bird ie!',<br />

( bad m in ton h ird il' ~ that il'. '<br />

Bill Stewar-t-c-aB's a ce puck handle r.<br />

Col in Sm it h- Whe n Colin la ulrhs it is a t<br />

lea st eocd for t wo detent ions,<br />

! lId .I1." 'e,,,ell f 1II1d"II'~ ",u/t..,<br />

beeinnina lnnoeentty enoueh. the U:'·<br />

chestra enters into a ..",Ill'll I",,,tlll pa"sa l/:e<br />

which sounds qu ite d i"orJ'aniu,d. T he ca use:<br />

Boh :\la ki- b iR' win d in the orchestra, mierated<br />

from Ha rbo rd la"t year,<br />

'"e ra Stacey-c-our little "Germ" in the<br />

ope retta.<br />

Pe te ;' Rohi nson-c-Pet.. smil.." mono th a n a n>'.<br />

on e in t he cla"s wonder wh>' !<br />

Dot Hudson- a n all-round !tir l, stood secon d<br />

in the clas,.. St uden t Council rep.,<br />

a nd part of th e operetta chorus.<br />

Don H a m i lton _-1 B ' ~ anl'WIH to Ha r-ry<br />

J ames. He pia>'!' t he t r-umpet in<br />

the orchestra.<br />

Eileen Boa l-ou r "eider-serverv-e-in t he<br />

,tnf .11",'"''''''''<br />

ope retta. not<br />

in cia"",<br />

".."",-:.. 'N"lt...<br />

be fore man>' pas....jte" ha ve passed t he<br />

or chest ra j('0t'" co m ple tely wil d. Why doe s<br />

it 110 wild! It has Just met :<br />

Dave Crowe-c- Dev e il' -tWs re presentative<br />

on the J u nior Ba l'ke t ba ll tea m,<br />

Xorma Scott- Xorma pla>'!1 a pag'oda in a<br />

hallet. X iee work if yo u ca n J/:et it.<br />

valerie Helli njte r- Yalerie sim ply loves<br />

opera a poten tial rrit!r!<br />

Da n Burtnick-c-Phctog-ra phy Editor of th il'<br />

:'lal/:nel a nd a membe r o f t he epeeetta<br />

chorus.<br />

Lillian .\ l a ~ sl"-o u r tran",ient f rom T horold.<br />

.$111 J/" n ·"." " t ('''tI('"I" "",/I ..,<br />

this move ment d ilfe r!l f rom t be eonve n­<br />

t ion al sy m phon y in th at the volu me ,'a ries<br />

and is f ull of "UI'prise". Some of Ihe !

112<br />

J oyce Russell-c-a nother who e ot wise a nd<br />

ca m e to J a n· i ~ . Sht' hail" f rom<br />

Bishop St rachan.<br />

A nd)' Zajac- He stood llr ~ t . Extr-a-eurricula<br />

r acrivi t tes include operetta ,<br />

chee rle a din g. ~ Ia.l:: nt' t work, Stude<br />

nt Cou ncil , a nd O.T ,C.<br />

~t a r i l )' n Sp r o u l e-~ Ia r il )' n stood third. a nd<br />

ill quite a badminton pla ye r.<br />

Ron S tft"l e- ha ~ )'l't to be on time tbi" r ear.<br />

in fa ct for (ou r year-s, He<br />

lives on the Isla nd.<br />

, C<br />

Int e re sting- expeeirnen ts are alway" takin!:<br />

place in .II chemiatry lab. I n Room 38 one<br />

of tbe most i ntl'rl'"ti n /(" ye t takes place. for<br />

he re Wl' ha ve th e most unique collection of<br />

student found anp'..he re. T he (01l0\101n.l::<br />

re action s are p roduced with .th , ,\f.. i.. add,<br />

inlt a few re actions of hi... ow n !<br />

f loyd Da v-is, :\Iitch Sherman and E rvi n<br />

C r01l_4C'~ mifitar'y me n.<br />

Bria n Hce ke r-s-Sceial Convenor for the St u­<br />

de nt Council.<br />

Rita Leong- a nd Dia ne :\Ioo t"f!'hou>'l'--ht'l ped<br />

4C become Upper School Ba sket ba ll<br />

Ch a mps !<br />

J oh n Tattle a nd :\likt" :\l itc ht"lI- fhr Junior<br />

8a...ketbal! tee m.<br />

J ean Ftnle vson and :\Iafli:' :\Icfa rla nt"<br />

Badminton Cha mp s,<br />

Hector Wr iltht- whit a t Geo met ry ~ ~ ~<br />

Lynne Philips a nd Grace Kitam ura tea<br />

pa rtie",<br />

Eric Co peland-c-Athlet.ic rep,<br />

Hea ther Barclay- top s in Art. Winner- of<br />

th e \i~trv con test.<br />

Hele n :\litche I-an imp atient A rt Ed itor<br />

Tom Kostotf_ " ho-h um, a nother E nltli"h<br />

pe r-iod "ho t."<br />

Ca meron Reid-c-s peci alty-c-plaid shi rt",<br />

Geor!:e T attle-la dies' ma n,<br />

Blu ha fll In wa rd-quite a 0 rl in "port",<br />

Boh Spence-s-vlron :\Ia n of H ockev'<br />

.lnhn TlIt.tle-athlelkally minded w'it h ~ 11';<br />

III P T<br />

4(; hOyll took t he title of Upper Sc hool<br />

lIa "kt't ha ll Champs ! ~<br />

Pre.e -e-sent.iug h)' '" po pular- demand<br />

A st lrrinK Dra ma of lift' a t ,LC, 1.<br />

- " 40 F ro l k ~ "_<br />

directed h)' ,II I'. .1/ o C'!\"'/"I"(II."!l f'l"<br />

Fumed in t he lto r l(" l' O U ~ ,,('enel')' of l'O (Iue ~tio ns. a nd t hat<br />

is e noUllh:' D l r. :\Iu ir sai d l<br />

" Uon't .l::h"e )"ourllel\"e" air", Do<br />

)'ou think I ca n listen all da )' to<br />

suc h stu tf~ Be q uit"t. or I'll kick<br />

)'ou downsta in !"<br />

Tm: ~1A G l\:ET<br />

E lin Re ima n -" Qu ·e ~t ·ce qu e c'e"t que fa it<br />

ce b r uit ~ "<br />

Dave Yit>ldinl("-ela nKs (')'mhalll in t he J ar·<br />

vi" Ba nd w hile Y itt Pencin e r hUb<br />

the bi /(" brass d r um ,<br />

Xorm wolfish a nd J im Burt 4D '" inseparable<br />

comedi a ns.<br />

F Iorence Ha n"e n- " :\Iusic ha th cha rms !"<br />

Daines Ikke r'" a nd Helje Pon e-f rom po in ts<br />

eest, Welcome to J a n ·is.<br />

Bill Boynton-c-doodler de luxe,<br />

Ha n na h XaKai-Ho..... d" you ge t t hose<br />

m ark~~<br />

S id P osner-a-censored .<br />

Barb E sk o .....-(lur on l)' Kirl in the ope re t t a<br />

this yee r<br />

Bob Curran-mode rn la nlt ua~ ace.<br />

Don Richa rdll_ "P "t ! Wha t ·... the a n wer<br />

to the third que ation ?"<br />

Dor-is Ag u r- What happe ned to all that<br />

lovely lon li:' ha ir Doril' ~<br />

;E<br />

Le t us now ente r the inne r sanet um of<br />

a:. He re rei li:'nin l(" sup reme is n -. L , B.<br />

l ' it:k" ,'i H(l . A lt houe-h th i" is his fiu t )·ear<br />

a t Jan·ill. he he gained the con fide nce of<br />

the student bo dy .....it h his successf ul coachinl/:<br />

of th e J unior Rug-b)' tea m.<br />

Beca use of ou r lima II number. t he clas"<br />

partakes in fe..... inte r- fo r m sports, Wt"<br />

can. however- c redit ourselves wit h t he eontribution<br />

of mem ber s to t ht' Ru,roy, Hockey.<br />

a nd Ba sket ball turns.<br />

xte bet Dun n- " 8 i11 Cox is nothing but a<br />

pest," E nter Bill ; Ex it :\Ia bel.<br />

Xor ma Ga l'ton-hmorance i~ Bliss.<br />

:\Iarg" P itl- S ilen('e ill Golden, A ne wcome r<br />

to Jan'is from Ha nla n's Poin t.<br />

Ro"t'ma rr Qu irk_"Sam. quick . Kh"e me<br />

your Cht' mistrr "<br />

Bill Cox_"He)' Rube. I pia)' Hockey Rugby,<br />

, t'te" etc. :\Iabt"l. w here a rt' rou?"<br />

Atan f) u;on- !l::JO A,:\1. "Gues s I'll get a<br />

new dol' le arn,<br />

n ick H urlbu rt c--H i Gold iloch . ~: \" e r try<br />

T" '1 i!<br />

Steve J a mt's- " Ca lli nK Ur. Klldare ?"<br />

John :\[arshall-thl> P ride of Old Er-in.<br />

Don :\lcA u¥,ht t"ie " ~: lI t. dj-Ink, an d ht'<br />

mer-rv (or tomorro w we d ie "<br />

Gt'Ol·.Io!e We r li ck - p l - o t ~ lC e o f Bud X athan l


,, : "~.11<br />

~ ' : ' 'i~,~ ' \~ .f<br />

~ . '"I<br />

.; . t . •<br />

J04<br />

.A •<br />

, .-<br />

. ,. 0 ':' · ..1";, ~<br />

, ~ _ . • .-ol ~a ' .""'"""'t<br />

·1<br />

"- ". ~ .~-:'''- .<br />

:lA C I IlS ~<br />

Pa rty<br />

T he lc-own-e ved chestnut LY XX HI G­<br />

GIXS i~ tak ini a com mandine lead in t he<br />

n r ~ t furlollK with 8 3 ' ~ " LaKjZ:injZ: far behin d<br />

the pack a re PET ..: R .-\:'\" D J.: RSO :'\" a nd<br />

BRY A:'\" LeSK , while J U DY WH IS KIX<br />

Is runninK su perbly, hut in th e wrong di rectien-c-I<br />

jZ: u e ~ ~ sh e foncot her gla ~ ~u ! A ~<br />

they rou nd the n r~t turn PA BL O AGXEW<br />

breaks t h l'oujZ:h with J O E HOD GET TS<br />

poundin g a t hi ~ heels, " alia nt YIC KY B.<br />

a nd cla mmering CL AR..: :\1.. penc-il. paper,<br />

a nd ru le hook!' ill mouth are t Q'inK to crowd<br />

llARY PERO"'''' into t he rail, but she<br />

~impl ~' giv e~ th em he r h)·~ter i cal horselaug<br />

h, Fo mi ng into the back stretch C L.-\ R­<br />

EX CE YOU:'\"G an d R08 LOU DO :'\" compa<br />

re phone nu mt>t' r ~ a nd ft"t'd-ba j(l', a ~<br />

XOR:\IA LE WIS, the Greek pure-bred<br />

eauriously and l'i1ently j( lide ~ b)'<br />

Rounding- the second turn we find AX<br />

T HOX Y G RE Y an d XO R:\l.-\X WILCOX<br />

takin j( li me ou t to d i ~ c u , ~ the mer-its of<br />

their latest volu me on E nalish Literature.<br />

a~ VIC LOTTO jumps the rail to de monstrate<br />

h i ~ art i~t ic values to a will insr new,<br />

comer, JOH:'\" ROBE RTS OX Wait a minute<br />

folks!! ! A late entry , CH IC.-\ JO:'\"ES.<br />

admit ~ lip in her mout h. has ju"t entered<br />

the rac e. Ur. ahead we see T AK AllOTO<br />

K.-\W.-\S A K • his fa l>'E' teeth K na ~ h i nK a nd<br />

a long- mane ~ tr li.'am ing out beh ind him a~<br />

he ch a~s .-\:\"XI E of me famo u ~ PI:\"DAR<br />

strein.<br />

Bookie :\IAC, BE LL ha ~ j Ul't info rmed us<br />

th at he can lZE't od ds of two to onto th at<br />

S A:'>I :'>lcKELVEY will blush a ll' he pas ses<br />

the srra ndl'tand bu t hark to the race- ! !!<br />

A s the" approach the wire it 's J UA X<br />

h RDISTt:\" a nd bil[ LO T HA RIO :\IAT.<br />

T Hl': WS figh ting for each other's sa ddle,<br />

A nd no w th e win ner! Due to prevailing<br />

eireumstanees which would en dan Jtt'r the<br />

lives of t he writer", we rest ra in f rom na min g­<br />

a n)' one person as th e 3.-\ t ro phy winner,<br />

We un de rsta nd . ho wever, t hat t he da rk<br />

horse R.-\LPH J ST E RX BE RG, with hi"<br />

us ua ! modewty. inl'il'tl' that it wa ll' his "a ll<br />

t he wa y "<br />

And 1'0 to conclude: t hese a re )"our ~ IIO l' b _<br />

caste rs CAROL WR IGHT a nd :,>II CI AE I.<br />

C.-\ RO l'ijZ:n inll off.<br />

113<br />

3B<br />

-Forethcu ehrs" a nd " .-\ftt' rthoull htl''' of aB<br />

:'>Iar ie Pea ke r-c-be jc re :'>Ill''' :\laKnet judges.<br />

We predict a hrilliant mu"ical<br />

f uture .<br />

ROl'5 :'ilacFa ddt>n- a ft t>r I'leepinlC in !' h )' ~ i c "<br />

- lost !<br />

Denis Helli nKe r- a ft t>r choir an d basketball<br />

he reeds. ( not hinll el "e ~ l<br />

J udy Russell-c-befure "uhrnm m," a ft t'I'<br />

" uh !"<br />

Ed wa rd B ur s t v n l' k ~·-c h a . e . a ft e r La t in.<br />

Gl'l'ek : Ger ma n, F rench, a nd Spunish<br />

. (E n jr li s h ~ ~ )<br />

J ohn P a n erson-c-e f te r t he l"ul{by Ka me<br />

Sat urd a y hero.<br />

Da vid Curr ie- "\\' ha t 'l' II"ronll with our<br />

Hockey teum-c-en?"<br />

J ohn Haruuruk-c-goes a fte r tou ch downs -cthen<br />

mor e to uchdowns. (one track<br />

m i n d ~ )<br />

Ca rol Purvis befo r-e It'IlI'hl'rl'' ev es be,<br />

loved. chat"ming lind d u t j( u l ~ ? ~<br />

Ca rl Hudsc n-c-a fter- St ude nt Council suppor<br />

t.<br />

Vic tor- Koda ma c--a f ter yellrs of the world.­<br />

hac k to school.<br />

Wilma Schiek-s-before rumhinll her hair<br />

a nd after -ero-o-an.'<br />

Ron La ngne r afte t- Taka hashi with<br />

cle nched fistl'.<br />

R oy Lofts-c-a fte r school-Tec hnoloKY and<br />

II ~<br />

W ht' n he sees ) I A R I L Y ~. nt" " in a rh llps OO)',<br />

iii" na me i ~ LEO:\" HO PPEl. (.O;';:G CASsmv:<br />

LI LY 1\\,.\)1.\ is ou r Lat in "lar.<br />

S he e xeel ls a ll of Us b)' far.<br />

HERBIE LOWE is a quiet boy ,<br />

III-'ll be somebody's pride a nd jO)"<br />

KA Y OIYE'" a nothe r quiet one.<br />

But ,.he is rea lty B lot of fu n.<br />

BLAXCHE GOLDSTEIX is libd a lot,<br />

A whizz a t .~I K ebr a is she not!!<br />

E W E X' Jo' IS Hl':R is one of th e ha ndsomes,<br />

11 (" " sO ta ll he peeks th rouzh t ransom".<br />

.-\ new bov this vea r is tall TO)I 1:\'(;.<br />

1',-\T CROFT'" the Kirl who's Wl'it inl:" t his<br />

t hing.<br />

1I0 :\' KI RK UI' is another J(ood hea d.<br />

There'" j uwt one th inl(. it '" f ull of lead.<br />

JDI RID DEL L is 1I ba rrel of fun :<br />

Wh,m t he 12 :30 bell 1(.....". he's on t he r un.<br />

lIVGH )lacLEAX' j" our Scotch lad.<br />

T h.. pr ice of haircut s makes him mad .<br />

S H IRLEY PO GUJo: j" lot!' of f un.<br />

Sh",'s God 's !li f t to Phn iu , h~ r ' ~ i ~ dun....<br />

BOR J OXES a nd BOB LA W are somet imes<br />

mixed.<br />

So in ycur mind p l~ a.... lI"t't them fixed.<br />

ALl.A:\" R.-\E i ~ u.o}' with b ra in~.<br />

In us ing- t he m he rak...s llr",at pa ins.<br />

J D I CUOXG p rovides u ~ with plenty of<br />

laug-hs,<br />

A nd SA )I HAY.-\SH l's th e life of th... class.<br />

.-\lt houjl"h JDI WE ST i .o; at the end of the<br />

list,<br />

Ii... is a fellow th... kids ca n't r ... ~i~t .<br />

THE )IAGXt:T<br />

3D<br />

Of f"n..'" rh" r" ,,,.,, f" N",<br />

A . /10 " plai ../It ..·ill "'....,<br />

T ltar O, ,,iH to r"'''I''' I'''<br />

W itlt ... 01 J D!<br />

.-\ i.o; for Anderson of basketbal ! reme.<br />

B is for B",u }' Ba rlo..... who tri t'~ for t h...<br />

ll"amt'.<br />

C is for C a r lil'l~ w ho joined th e crowd.<br />

D il' for D u nnigan of "'hom w ~ are proud .<br />

E il' for pifort we a l.....a}·s pu~ fort h !<br />

F is for fun, we pla y our worth ,<br />

G is for ICr t'a tn t' s ~ ; Wt' ha ve it were su re,<br />

H is for hope in all we endure,<br />

I is for inte re st in which we excel},<br />

J is for [oking : we don't do thi s well.<br />

K is fO I' Keller, in P h }' s i c ~ he's br iJ(ht,<br />

I. is for Pet Little, and most find her- I'ij(ht.<br />

)1 ill fOI" :'Ioria rt}· whom eve ryone knows,<br />

:\' i~ for Daphiny Xicololf. she' s l'ill:ht O il<br />

he r toes.<br />

o il' for operetta, we most held sma ll I,artll,<br />

l' is for Peniarew. who ill. brok ... ou r<br />

h...a rts.<br />

Q is for questions : on few a re we stepped,<br />

R is for Rowan who's hard to be topped,<br />

S is for Ste phens, a -btg" ma n h e' 1l11t' ~<br />

T is for touchdowns; next year- wait an d<br />

- ~<br />

t:" is for unique, you see it is t r ue.<br />

\ . is for verse, of this I fee l blue.<br />

W i .o; for WonK. a student is she<br />

X is for Xera ph}"te, which dpspi!'t's t he :;t'a.<br />

Y is for >' ~lIin ll to ehee r our t...ams on.<br />

Z is for Zubek by no me a n s a moron<br />

A lid IIU 110" ,~" iN all u-e do,<br />

I H ,, ·O"/',. " r ''/011 "'itlt 1lII, H.·itlt lI,m,<br />

1I't' ore II ""ONI' .-is/ht thro ",,1t and rlt,.o" VIt .'<br />

3E<br />

As the Gove r n me nt Iboys ) and the Onposttle<br />

n (l' irlsl file in at 8 :59 the S pt.'aku<br />

of t he House, ,it t.inJ{ on th e throne. surveys<br />

the se rious fact's. As t he Ca rrier of th...<br />

) Ia ce, ) IAR GAR ET OGDEX, place s it ( su s­<br />

picicusly resem bltnz an atten da nce pad I on<br />

t he de sk , the House beg-ins it s sess ion. T he<br />

Speaker, )IR. DYCE, a sks the Clerk of the<br />

House, J O:\' WI LKI XS, to read the notice" .<br />

A member of the Government sta nd" lind<br />

t he Speaker eck nowle daes hi m,<br />

The )Iin i"tl" r of Srorts, ER IC \'L'"ORIX.<br />

EX : " ) Ir. Speaker, wish to anno unce t ha t<br />

some di"t inll"uished membe rs of t he Government<br />

have ...on a victory 0 \ ·e 1' scene<br />

comm oners, (58) , in Se nior House League<br />

Football , All the capta in of t he tea m I wish<br />

to t han k ellpt.'dall}' Hen. ) f em ~r ll R O ~<br />

WOLLI X (Ath let ic rep.j, GE ORGE S H IO­<br />

ZAK I a nd JOHX (...('£'p ) U REX for pIa)',<br />

in g- in J unior Footba ll a nd Ba sketball, a nd<br />

BIL l. CARD (or pla }' inll Senior Footba ll<br />

a nd Hockey."<br />

ROSE)fARY \' ERXOX of thl' Opposit ion<br />

r-iees and ....Kin" to s peak : " In le a "u ~ ...it h<br />

seme commoners , (3.-\) , t he Oppo1\it ion ha ll<br />

been able to ...in three out of three lI:amt'. in<br />

Ba llk~t ba ll , a nd one out of t wo "amt'.o; in<br />

\ 'olle}'ball, We "'~r~ a ble to loeat the Ama J:,on<br />

form ac in Ba sketball, but lost to lIup..-rlor

.J A R \' J ~ C OLLEGIATE<br />

heiKht la 5th fo nnl la ter on. Tw o of our<br />

d i ~ t i n jl"u b, h l'd m..mbers. HJo:LJo:~ l'Ol:CHER<br />

a nd ROSE)!ARY \'Jo:R~OX rose to th e<br />

q ua r ter final s in the Bad m inton doubles."<br />

This ,,-tateme nt ,i!' approved ~im~li! a.nt."Ous l)·<br />

bv TO\A ROC KLl F F f. . J O .-\ ~ ~I-, GRAfl<br />

A :'ol a nd K,-\Y RT.:SSELI•.<br />

T he H onora ble member from China<br />

Al.EX U : :'ol is IZlad to find that he is not<br />

t he onl~' one from fa r distances, for t he<br />

Op positIon has I XGR ID I-:~{;L.-\~ D , the<br />

Hono ra ble me mber from Germany<br />

T he S pea ke r acknowleda..s the :'olini!'te r<br />

uf :'olatht'mat ic" KA LI-:\"I P f: HA L.-\ : " I<br />

wb,h to report tha t I beca me so interested<br />

in my cour.... last year that I just ha d to<br />

ta ke it a/(a in a s an extra subject, wit h tha t<br />

clever commone r- :'oI R. W ARRE X<br />

,-\ (ter two H onorable member-s put forwa<br />

rd ujnotion to abolish exa ms, :'01R, Il YCE<br />

ru les un In-half of t he Board of Ed uca tion<br />

/ul d decla re" t ha t t h(' mot ion i" ou t of ord e r,<br />

We view sai d exam" w ith "relish.' Sec<br />

you ne xt yeat- for the results !<br />

:!A<br />

Thi s i" S ta t ion x)'z bMn&,in &, ) ·OU a pia)'<br />

h)' pia)' de script ion of the " Sadit' Ha wkins<br />

Da y" race in S k un k Hollow, Your comm..ntators<br />

will be Ca thy Ol i ~ " :'olal(nt'll<br />

115<br />

Georl(e a nd Da ve ( La nza ) Ha r-vey T h",}'<br />

wll l a ive you a re port on ea ch of the pa rflcipa<br />

nts , who a rt' all membe rs of the ma rvelous<br />

institution. form 2.-\. We turn you ove r to<br />

Cath)' to desc r-ibe "The Da is)' :'olae' t< of 2.-' : '<br />

We ha d t wo teams in the \ 'olll/'y ba ll<br />

tournam ent a nd tAB ma de t he Sl'mi·fi na ls.<br />

On m}' r i&,h t "id., a rt' Beve rley Abbe)' a nd<br />

Ire ne J lckt'm ura (the brain" of 2A 1 Xext<br />

art' Ba r ba ra Kirkha m a nd :'ola rly n Pierce .<br />

Re ad y for t he ~i l!n a l a re<br />

(luck)' no, 71. IA'a Bell (O h<br />

J oa n Robert"<br />

Bob ! t , Patti<br />

P hilip ( O U I' Girl ,,' Cl uh rep. a nd a te r r ific<br />

pe r son ali tyL a nd J une Foster- {lo ve t hat<br />

acc ent)<br />

On t he le ft w'" "ft' Lorna Speare ( a ll t he se<br />

looks a nd II voice too ), Stephanie Sa wchyn<br />

(Steve to u sl, Dot Will ia ms (ful{it ive f rom<br />

:'o!alvern ) , Betty Da vidJ(t' an d Una Logie<br />

( Inse pa rable t wos ome )<br />

Bett y T homa s lind J oa n (;rant whisperto<br />

E vel yn W OO ((OU I' s hy Httle m iss f rom<br />

Va ncou ver 1 Pea rl xtuece r. ctutchine ou r<br />

attenda nce 11Ild, point" out Dore en Gam ble<br />

(better late t han ne\' el' l to J O)'('t' Ca irn".<br />

x cw Da n' re pol''hI on th e a cti vities a nd<br />

persona lit ies of the LiI ' Ah ner" who will be<br />

r un ning for th ei r lin ' !'.<br />

We we re unbeat..n, u ntied and unseored<br />

u pon in R ugby, but we lost by default, Wto<br />

have e a ined the ti tle of I..oWN School S wimmin<br />

I! Cham p".<br />

F i r ~ t we see Sa m {S t reteb r Reed . Te x<br />

Wickha m. Pa ul Ortiz an d Ra lph Re mesc h<br />

[ do Io!erm~ lh around in a \'acuum!l<br />

We would 'Iikt' to bet t ha t Pete r Cosfo r d<br />

(one finjl"er me lodyj, Col in S t ubbs (piano<br />

&,eniu s and jZift to the operettat. Duul! Robinson<br />

(do&, "h ot expert r. a nd :'olike T he m<br />

will a ll be r unnin J,:: their slowest,<br />

JU "1 be fore the)' "tart W l' wonde r :<br />

Wh)' Ste pha nie h a~ su ddenly t aken a<br />

Ii kin ~ for Ba skt't ba ll!<br />

But :'oIl'. Gve r-holt is pulling th e tri&,lZt'I'<br />

a nd " Th ey're OtT~..<br />

2"<br />

/'/uc,,; ,J C. I., Form 2 B.<br />

Tim.': H a.I11, on auy sehoul day<br />

.-ie/ jou : We n-a vel meekly from room to<br />

room to he J,::l.'lIt ly I.'XI)()s..d to ln-illiant l'hll(t "<br />

of knowledge fired in uu r direct ion b)' h0 l''' '<br />

ful Ins tr uctors.<br />

F ir "t :'oil,. Cla rk.. a"k s if there are a ny<br />

a nnouncement s.<br />

Susa n I ria a wa sa)'s, " The S t ud en t Council<br />

will hold a da nce 011 F'riday nigh t. etc,'<br />

E ve rvone : " What's she "a )'in l{ ~ "<br />

Whe n A lf Ch ink al'k" :'oI l'. Clark", about<br />

a )Iath proble m, Don Bell always "ap:<br />

"U h that's stm ple :"<br />

)1 1'. Clarke o

11G 'ru e :\I A G ~1':T<br />

d uel. :'ol r. Clarke h saved h~' the bell an d a,<br />

we -e u nt e r down to G t'O~ rap hy we wonder<br />

wh~' the tall and shor-t al wa~' ~ stiek toeetber.<br />

For example: Jane I...eppt'r a nd<br />

:'ol a rie T a ka ta , a lso S a m Pen and John<br />

Turner. :'ol r. Bowma n a~k t< Da ve Olrden if<br />

he knows an~·th in 2" t hit< mor nin2"-He<br />

doesn 't,<br />

Who was our f;n Ht' 1I ,\'umi""I'!<br />

:'oli l.''' Ba r ba ra Burchell-s-t he 2"irl who mav<br />

"orne day l tve de nzerously .<br />

t;;,·I,,· -"I""""" Soon we find ourselves in<br />

P T whe re Sop hy Korol. S usa n I riaa wa .<br />

J ulia Demb oryn ski a nd Ryo ko Takeuch i Ir 0<br />

throuah th ei r pa ces with the ~reat e ~t "f<br />

..a se . If all thes e I(" i rl ~ ha d he..n together<br />

on one tea m, we mil("ht ha ve mad.. the \ ' 01·<br />

l..vball se mi- fina ls at least.<br />

Oh well. we ca me d o",-' a nywllr :<br />

n"IJ'" SI",rf,.: I n inter-for-m RU,I!"bl" we<br />

lorot in to the finals, but we re be aten to t he<br />

tltle br 2F In Ba sket ba ll we we re spect ac u.,<br />

lar, win ning- a ll of ou r I("llnw" end the cha m­<br />

pionship. _~ few da n a l("0 we decid ed to take<br />

\' 0Ile)' 1>8 11, F loor ' Hockey, Ha "eha Jl a nd<br />

T j-eek.<br />

2C<br />

Callin l!" alt ce rs ! Callinl(" all ears !<br />

Be on the lookou t for "",n'ral hands of notor<br />

iou~ individ ua!s in For m 2C a t "Th e Old<br />

School" Some of the better k now n of these<br />

l!"an lCt< are recoeniaed a " Iollo ws :<br />

7'1,,, /lm i" i/ Gfll't/ : EI.E,\ XOR GRA Y<br />

alia!.' "Genius". w ithout h..r their da,.,.<br />

a\'rral:e would be ecneiderablv lower.<br />

CH RIS GR .\H.\:'oI-T!le Greek Bra in wit h<br />

100 ' ; at Ehristrnas. Jl'DY G I.O BE_alia"<br />

" ) !il

·JAK\ ' I:O; C OLLEGIATE<br />

Gil'" 1111 fI 1"'1..·.. f o r 1t.....•.." · 11 ..,,1.....:<br />

.~,,("ifll f.' l·.." tll ,<br />

We ha ve ha d only one ~ Q('i a l event so<br />

fa r t hi . )·..a r a nd it was. a 1'Iei llh ride. All<br />

who a ttende d e nj oye d it ve rv mu c-h.<br />

Gi ,'/'" -""Or/II:<br />

T he 2F. a nd :!F l/: i rl ~ combined to ma ke<br />

t he "Lo wer Sch ool \ 'olle)'ha ll Cham p s," Too<br />

ha d t hat we were fina ll)' de fea ted by fif t h<br />

formers.<br />

[; 1' 11 11' S I" ...III :<br />

B . ~ k e t h. II-l< h- ~ h- n o t so loud. \'olle)"<br />

ha ll -.I ~o un mention able. Well . Ih er", '~ . 1­<br />

wa ys Basket ba ll a nd F loor H ock ey<br />

:\ow :- " /.." h" bil unr..."<br />

.-\I't SIIIUKht!:'r- :Ur. Clarke is a lwlI.\·s j[1\'inj!<br />

him a dvice.<br />

Lorraine Ha rt-s-he re todav; z one tomorrow.<br />

I re ne Tulrn-c--j ust loves t he Un ite d States.<br />

Ed I.vck inK-lea m illl( to dr uw<br />

CIII'VI \'1l :'> l a c P h a i l-S h e ' ~ compleinina about<br />

. t he I sla nd b re a k- water. S he i" also<br />

lea rn ing- to "pea k Ha waiian.<br />

Da n F ern a nd-c-here physicatly, hu t h",'l< a l­<br />

ways t....infZ a sked. "How ma ny m inutes<br />

d id you spe nd on you r homework<br />

la st nil/:ht!"<br />

Juri Kinf{ i"sepp--Kee p up the j(ood wor k !<br />

Sand ra Wa t"on-If a ll t he boys, live d a er oscthe<br />

se a .<br />

Wha t a j{ood swi mmer Saudv would he :<br />

BlisH CHelf- will do a n)·thlnl/: for :'>Iiss<br />

Gr ilfith---e"",n d raw!!!<br />

Ted Bennett-c-another mar iner from the<br />

Island.<br />

T er rie Kita mu ra - " All ril;rht Lo uie. d rop<br />

th at eun : "<br />

He le n Ste inke---a wonderful athlelt' .<br />

:'>I ichael Dignard -c-a wh iz . t C.nasta.<br />

Georee Ccx-c-Iollcwine in hi!' b: j{ brothers<br />

footsteps.<br />

J oh n :'>lillh t- a lias " :'>Iijrh t)· :,>Iou"e ,' ·<br />

I' a ul Covea rt-c-vl r. Cla r ke's time-keeper.<br />

:!F<br />

T he se a re )'OU t· :'>l aKlwt reporters Helen<br />

Xa umovieh a nd :'>l u lTa y Shill l'ellOt"tinj!<br />

from s.tation J .C. I. on the act ivities of :.! F<br />

Your sJlonsor : w.o.n.x.<br />

(; ;,./",' SI"" ""' :<br />

II \" ddelit ing :!C ' w e we r-e able to become<br />

Lo":t' ], School volleyball Champs. hut in<br />

t he schoo l ch ampionship g-a me 5' p ro ved to<br />

he t he better te a m.<br />

I ;" JI'" SI "'I"I~:<br />

.-\f te l· a te rj-ific ~ tI"U K Kle wit h 28 ou r<br />

ho)'~ be came Low er School RUll:hy Cham p".<br />

('11' " 11 ( ·ltun/d ..a . :<br />

E b' ie Gustafson-c-wa s on t he \'olh.·)·ha ll<br />

team an d al so in t he opt'retta.<br />

Caroli ne Gr ee n- " What would we do wit h­<br />

out ht'r!" .-\ star vclleybal! player.<br />

:'>Iar)' H e lr~ it'- a<br />

Otta wa.<br />

neweomt'r f rom Glel .....<br />

\'t'ra Papik---o ur :\I i ,, ~ :'>I ajrnet rep.<br />

('oralit' Ra nsom----ou r Girl ,,' Club r t'p.<br />

Pa t Coulton-a little hundlt' of e n e r lt" ~'<br />

J oh n Cou lt on-a brai n (! ) in :\la t b.<br />

Ri t"ha rd Co rbe tt-Grand Inq u isitor of th e<br />

Jl i"tory da"".<br />

Hill G I"t't' n----our S tudt-nt Cou nc il rell.<br />

:\' ick I' e t r ~' k a n -" :'>I u m bl e ~ . "<br />

r r t'd Wood-AI'e ~'ou a wa k.... F rt'd!<br />

Ia n Ca meron_ wa s on t he J un ior RUlrhy<br />

II j<br />

te a m.<br />

Kra ndell. Polny and Cd i t ~k ~'-T he T h ree<br />

:'>1 usket eers.<br />

.-l,..ri,·itin:<br />

I n Octobe r we ha d a wiener- ro ast in the<br />

wilds of Lea s ide. T ha nk" to COI'alit' fol'<br />

our wender f ul pa r t)· a t her ho use .<br />

R f' ma ..J..- II :<br />

:'>I r. ' \'a rre n- " I..ar j{e st da lIa t h.<br />

Da v id Ccwan-c-cur At hle tic rep.<br />

J oh n :'>l c :'>leeken- lLit tle J ohm -c-a lways on<br />

a clou d.<br />

Jaml''' Bt' l

·"<br />

Ou r Touch Huz by team fouKht all t he wa ~'<br />

into the semi-finals and t hen wa ~ beaten b}"<br />

U: . \\' 1' wou ld prefer to make no com ment<br />

on t he Ba sket ba ll scene.<br />

t;id -. Sl'...·ts<br />

lA, B. E ma de the >'t"mi.!inall' in vouer­<br />

Ioa ll hu t wert' squeezed out hy ~ E F<br />

...."'If" n ( 11·0 ...·("·" 1r;; " ...I,,:<br />

Bl.'tt r Pezze a nd Be ll )' A r m"tl"onJ(- "!{",a l<br />

jU7:\" !"<br />

Ita y Sharpe':""'l'harf't'"t jokt'l' this "idt' of<br />

town.<br />

We nna Wong- in 10\'1' with J im (G ym l<br />

Tom Gree n- t he SOU I"Ce of bl"i j('ht ideas.<br />

~ h i l'la E,Il"j,!,'e rt "oll- '·;'; OW. where d id I put<br />

t hose J(h\ " "e ,, ~"<br />

Bill Copeland-e-J'ose lturtii, th e second.<br />

Il ia n... Slnclairc--our pretty Girl ,.' Club rep .<br />

..\ in"lie S mith-s-T ha t's a ~ i r l?<br />

Ton y Ga l. ""o--lrot our only ha_sket thi" se a­<br />

) Ia l"ily n<br />

"on.<br />

Helsou-c- Wh e re di d )'OU zu t those<br />

dimples f<br />

Boh Lit tte-c-Wow!<br />

WI' 11""'1(1.·.. Jrh // :<br />

Sandra Donaldson a.•k s to he ex cused<br />

••..t"r r pej-iod.<br />

J im Brown r a tses hi. h an d whe n he ha .•<br />

no a nswer.<br />

we're always lo!"I' tt i n~ " Crien d l)·" lecture s<br />

[rem :'tl e . ~ r•. war r en, Bowma n. a nd Coom bs.<br />

n".. T I", ,,J,,,":<br />

To :'Il r. Wa r rell for p u tt i n~ u p wit h u"<br />

Cor tim months.<br />

Ie<br />

•-\1 la st t he thin film oC th e o:-rysta l ha ll<br />

,....·I11 S to be d t"arinll-a h-thl'<br />

",wg(/t< Ql U ·.:'<br />

Jeanette Hu r e e ••-"Quick ! Gin' me th e<br />

a nswer please."<br />

W.'nd i Cox-"Thl' Whis pere r."<br />

Xllt llli.· Geilich-c-comes [rom Ru•• Ia.<br />

Ca,'ol.. Goodwin- "Will I !to to<br />

pla y ha.ketha ll? ??"<br />

school or<br />

:'tlaie .laanusson-c-S he doesn 't beli eve that<br />

"the ea r ly bird ge ts the worm."<br />

An na .lohnstcue-c-Wonde r w hy she is alway.<br />

he injt pajted h)' :'Il l', I' ltge ?<br />

Pa t I7.7.o-Girl . ' Cluh re p. ( :'tli ss Gum .<br />

chewer)<br />

Ka t hlee n Seo topped th e cla•• w it h 8 ..1" .<br />

~: t h l' l T a tesh i-:'tl l". Bowman'. rh:ht han d.<br />

AU Bre/i:"l ia-"'Smiley Joe."<br />

Bill Campbe ll-think. th.· :-;O ile i. in the<br />

Pa cifi c an d the PaciCic i. a Broad.<br />

way .how<br />

J ohn Hend e rson-ll'ft his brain" in hi"<br />

1000ke r. Too ha d he COI"I.:'ot t he ...otuhinat.ion.<br />

Dinl! Le m-a-H e never . a)·s a word but .10('.'<br />

all r iltht.<br />

J im Smirties-c-H e had hidden tal ent. a nd 1...­<br />

Iieve s in kee pin g- them hidden,<br />

Barr il' \\"ehl_":'tl uscll''' a 1a mode."<br />

Bob W O Il~-Q u r only con tribution t(l ti ll'<br />

opl',-etta .<br />

Ga Q· Green-:'Il a g net<br />

r. idt< · :-,,,,,.,,, :<br />

rep.<br />

We 'l"l' too a sh a med to me ntio n \ 'ul1,·)·ha ll .<br />

hu t we have hOIW. COl"<br />

hall.<br />

fI,,!!,,' :-,,,,,./"'­<br />

Lmuenticnable ! ~!<br />

Ba ske t ha ll a nd lIa ••••<br />

II><br />

Ca ll illj.:' a ll cars ! Callirur all "'>1. 1'. ~<br />

Be on the lookout for ID of .I.e.!.<br />

T hcr are d>l.llj("'rously a r med with :<br />

:'tl i•• Gr iffit h-the hea d of t he j.:' 1I 11g an ,l<br />

very dangerous.<br />

.John T u t te n-c-not a J ch n nv Weissmuller lo ut<br />

a j(ood swimme r -Their uud erwater<br />

agen t ,<br />

(; I"II'ta Black- t he ir St ud en t Coun ...il re p.<br />

Bob Buj-ns-s-t he handsome Scot sman of 1Il.<br />

h: 1I\" :'Il orino and David Be rn.tein-:'Ilaj("lll·t<br />

. re ps. a nd a".btant Ka nl! I..aders.<br />

.\\·is Ha wk ins-G irls ' At hlerie rep. S he<br />

charms he r victims .<br />

Roy Owe n- t hl' 00)· wit h a ll th e a nswer -s.<br />

Ted G u r n i k -T h i~ he-mall took le sson s from<br />

C h ar le~ :'t latt res~ a nd just ri p. off<br />

the vaul t doors.<br />

Ke n :'tl cEachern-their looko ut .<br />

:'Ilal"~a r t' t Wa lkt r-Sht" could sell a n icebo x<br />

to an Eskimo.<br />

Gord on Da\'i",-know n a ", " White)'" Ca n',<br />

he mls sed and hea v-ily a rmed.<br />

Haw Le ckie-s-t heir Boys Athletic rep. a nd<br />

t he IHl)' who o r l!an izl'~ all t he gl\llg<br />

wa r s.<br />

Hehr a Hra .•Ill< a nd Lilita S ima nouskis : .-\1­<br />

t houzh they are .\Il % Cosens' pr ill,'<br />

an d jor. their cookina coul d kill anyh.,

_J A K \" J~ C m ,U:G IAn :<br />

lW<br />

n:<br />

T ITI.E : I f: A lm"N"".<br />

P REFACE :<br />

I Jo: Is th e ex peri menta! (i rad", IX form<br />

t a k in ~ La tin and Greek. We hope w",<br />

haven't. jZiven :\lr. Pa 2"{' too many headaches.<br />

CII APn:R I :<br />

(; i r/ II' SI",r/II- We ma naged to re ach the<br />

se mi-fi nal s for t he lowe r-school championshi<br />

p, hut we were defeated bv seco nd for m­<br />

er-s, the score he lng- 13-1t. .<br />

r:" YII' S I",rlll- Touch Ruu by wa s ter-r -ible.<br />

Basketba ll was Hkewise .<br />

CHAPT E R II :<br />

An drea lI an, en- 1 Jo:'s cuntl'ihutivn to th e<br />

orc bestra.<br />

Len Coates- Our Bc vs ' Athletic r ep.<br />

~I ary Ea .·ley- Ou r Gh ls' Club re p. and the<br />

CIIUS!.' of ~ I r . Gordon's Io('rer hairs.<br />

Huhert F're nc h-s-A neweomer from Eng-land.<br />

Gl'ral d Wonj.:'_Lat in fiend.<br />

F ra nces ) l idwoud- 1E' s mat hemat ica l whiz!<br />

Hob ~ l c Cl" a c k t.'ll -"G l a m o ur boy" of l E.<br />

Sa ndra Ken yon-a-T he hrai n of U: , with ! l ~ ' ;'<br />

And rew Stabim - Has th e k nowled ge of five<br />

la nlrUa l{'l'S,<br />

:'>Iar)' Williams and Sa nd ra Kenyon- The<br />

ln se parable pair . " Smooch" a nd<br />

" :'>l ooch"<br />

Tom Itoesehenste tn-c-J ust call him "Bushy"<br />

CHAPT ER III :<br />

In Octobe r we held a successful e1ass<br />

pa rty at the hor ne of Ted Wilkes.<br />

A PI'E:\'DlX :<br />

Un der the ~upel"\' is ion of :'>I r. Ca mpbell .<br />

we are one ha pp}' famil}'<br />

I F<br />

' -a r i..t j/ Sho ll'<br />

A mid orchestral sque..ks and ~qu awk"<br />

IF's \"a riE't}' Show ea rrie~ on, with :'>IR .<br />

COO :'>IB5 as ou r jZenial producer,<br />

T he brain of our Compan)' ill :,>I A RILY:\,<br />

W.\ LT ERS, and We lZot prompted b}' the<br />

enerjZE't ic form reps. :,>IARJ ORIE Bl: R:-;S<br />

and JOH:\' WR IGHT Corporal" )lePHE<br />

DRA :-;, SCO TT a nd :\IOR RI SOX pi n The<br />

T'hr ee :\Iu"keli'er s, chasinlZ Post u re Quee n<br />

IXA R.\ BRODERS , while PAT TRACY<br />

look" for dut'" on the "tajZe tr}' inlZ to solve<br />

the case of the myst er-iou s )IA RK A:\'<br />

DR EWS. F RE D step-on-it ST E\ ' E XSO :-;,<br />

t rumpet comedia n, livens up the orchestra<br />

for IIEU,: :-;'S sweet and LO WE number.<br />

IRf-::-;E p reseeibes P H ILI P'S milk of ma jZnesla<br />

for settlinjil' stomachs before a n act ,<br />

E.r' NJ Spo-eial I'n l ormdncn :<br />

:-;OR :'afA :'>lcGILL'S lect ure on " How to be<br />

a n Abse ntee.'<br />

~fARY A:-;:-; :'aII T Jo: F f-" " coun-t' on " How to<br />

beco me Sa nta Clau§."<br />

JE RRY )II RKA'S exhihiti on of "Juj(j(linJ(<br />

xumbers"<br />

O " tMa" di"" r'I/'IJf'rll :<br />

' -iolins-swt"et a nd "our : ' "ERA FE:-;<br />

WI CK, xxx :-;AYI.OR , an d ) IAR I·<br />

LY:-; A :\':\' REID.<br />

Yiola _ "ooth inlZ ! '! CAROL AR T HC R and<br />

SA:-; DRA ROSS.<br />

Cl'lIo solita ry : CIIA RI.Jo:S ROBJo: RT SO:-;<br />

-'<br />

.<br />

, ,<br />

::- c t}.,vC?<br />

, ~ ~. ""<br />

" I~ ' It" " r_ U l' ~<br />

, . ,. J.... ' . ,, ~ ..<br />

... -(.. l· ... 1.'<br />

. ".. . ..,<br />

'/ .<br />

~ ..."<br />

Double B a s ~ grand pa : RAY:,>I OX II I.A-<br />

ROCQUE<br />

I:f'H f A d :<br />

The Red Feat her, We sold th e 1lI0" t tic kets,<br />

G ir lll S''''''' II:<br />

We won three out of ave J!"ame" in volley,<br />

ball.<br />

Belter per fomances ah..ad in Itll"kethall'!<br />

n " YH'S/"" r ' lI :<br />

Football- poor number ; WOII one out of<br />

three aernes.<br />

Basketba ll-s- Dim lil{'ht s; t ied one g-ame,<br />

IG<br />

Thf' rhir fj/-.nl'f' J"'I,illl 0; F or m I G<br />

.-I. "f' fh f' br ig h t f'II' of uh"l(u'lI '/ ill plni.. I "<br />

tof f' ;<br />

.-1. ",a My "II all " or m It" dj,,~ wi t<br />

T " ",Q/'rj/ a If'af'hf' r Ihf' IIlightf'llt bi f,<br />

In su pport of the preeeedin e "pcme" w("<br />

point with p r-ide to Ine-e Beit ins. a\'t'fa2"{' of<br />

81 l urrt"n-our "little son g- bir d"<br />

ta kin j( part in this )"l'ar'" ope retta.<br />

:'>Ior ris Rockliffe-It i" r umoured that he<br />

ca rries a lot of weight a ro und J a rvis.<br />

) 18I"t)' (a fter 3,20 ) Ferd u-We ho[>t" word<br />

doesn't reach th e labour union th at<br />

he is pu tt inj.:' in 8 Iurt y-flve hour w.'t' k~<br />


I:!O<br />

LO H:"\A<br />

D f. :"\:"\ISO:"\<br />

United Xa tio ns T ri p wfnne r<br />

.i.<br />


I W ~ _ ._~.'d I" i l~ • _mfo r Ih ~ )' . " n ~ l .<br />

S 1 ' uo 10"". Dr " t uo . ho.l --..• •r-j"., .i"hl.<br />

T o> k...p , I>. ," p l ~ ~h.....ith ..,.noct " nmma '<br />

W.. I I>. u .d.-. th., 'h", Iuo"...... "' ~ ,."....i"h,.<br />

··R........"'''''' . not 10 u".." d . " 1 Po'''''''''.<br />

S .. juIr.... aboul ,1M- 1....."'"... , ha l " a ruJ.. :<br />

.. ...1 du n' , f " .....t il 1>&_"" urnp t...n ....n......<br />

Su do,,', .....nllon a ..)' PIIpi! in , "" K'bnol:'<br />

W..II. I U.."",hI a nd , ho." , ht .boul .n lnt l'"d"""~,n<br />

T luot ......Id "" ~oid or ..,...ry . in,,~ ..ri......<br />

"h.. , h~ on l~ in. piral;"" , h. , .""roa.._ ",.<br />

w•• • ",n n..t 1 , n B"I...n . n


I:!I<br />

()O H I ~ Ii . AU HH<br />

fro m R",J..,I CUIIlI1ll"fciIlJ<br />

,j<br />

L~ \ " , T~ Y LO R<br />

frum II '-M"'" Loch,<br />

L...<br />

',./<br />

Sllt:1 U Fu ' \(;"<br />

frul1I f ,/.l l ,.,. /I COII/1I/ a ce<br />

What would you like<br />

most in a job?<br />

" ·ould you look for fusemut ing work? Good<br />

F:L U 'F. Le -se<br />

Jrom S t. JO' ''I,h's<br />

pay·! .-\ short work-w eek" :" 1" 'lwojlle In work<br />

with? Pleasant. t·ulIlfort'lhle working coudil<br />

i on,; ~ Off-hour social al" l i \ i ll l' ~?<br />

If yOIl ..aid ··yt",,·· In all tl1I-,.l" qu e-tion-. the<br />

[onner Toront o student - pictured here wllulJ<br />

~ ay "Then come 10 the Bell! "<br />

C Ultl!'TI'E Co'..n ....mvou<br />

Jr..." .,"ort h..rn r O"m ;tlnn!<br />

These girl" and many others han' fo trntl<br />

all the ngh t an- were in their jol» a l the Itt-II.<br />

:3-0 If you plan 10 en te r the IIII~if1('" '' wn r!tl<br />

soon. how about di-eu-ving YO/lr joh with II,. ?<br />

Our employment office it ell'sy to reach of 76 Adelaide St,. Wed _<br />



I --<br />

,)·)<br />

Wnte your<br />


,rUh EVERSHARP!<br />

Th ill ' >Q IJ ~ j""....t"d fo r I/OWI" plrollurr by E " f',.sI!a r p. J»tH.u! a rturf'rfI " / /0"''''''' f: vr n ,lto r l '<br />

W ritinlJ Ju /rll,n,," ' . (llld E I,,.,.lI/tarp-S rh it'k ! ",j ..,, !Q,. Rozo,.. and Rladrfl.

·JA R \' I~ C OLLa il An; 123<br />

..~<br />

-<br />

­~<br />

.--<br />

.....1 'OM'S<br />

- ~ \.<br />

- ~ c.. ..<br />

Tre ver Ey ton Lo rna Dennison<br />

Representing You and Your<br />

School for 1951-<strong>1952</strong><br />

Lorna an d Trevor, o rong with their fello w Junio r hecs end<br />

Councillors. te ll us ex cctly what yau like, in the way o f<br />

clothes, fa ds, ideas we ta ke ca reful note and cater<br />

to your preferences! And we plan with the m the many<br />

interesting and e )(citing events, far yau and all the Hi Crowd,<br />

at EATON'S.<br />

EATON'S . '-. The Store for Young Canada.

12-t T il t: :\IAGlI:t:T<br />

in t he H ig-hla nd s nf Haliburton<br />

For prus pectus please a pply :<br />

:lIn . W E. Coc krum.<br />

:\1; Hrae side RORd.<br />

Toronto 12<br />

Tel ep hone :lIA. 11>:10<br />

Bovs 6-1 1 Girls 6·1 7<br />

All camp activities<br />

Twenty-four buildi nzs<br />

A m ile of la keshore<br />

S ta ff of fift y<br />

Counsellor Tra inin g- Cou rse<br />

for zl r ls 16 and 17 years<br />

('amp Il irl'ct ",,,<br />

:llr. John Hoyle. R. Paed.. :11..-\ .<br />

:l f i ~ ~ :lTar}' Dennys, 11..-\.<br />

.. r---­<br />

~..<br />

Ṇ.<br />

...<br />

..<br />

-<br />

STUDIO<br />

P i:iQ O GRAP Ry<br />

-<br />



A. Gilbert St udio MI 8363<br />

­<br />


.I A R \ · I ~ C OI.LF.GIATF. 125<br />

"A Churt,,1 Place fa Shop"<br />

D I C K ' S C I GAR S TOR E<br />


654 YONG E STREET Midway 05 28<br />

Radio-Vision Service Lob. e""'I,lj"" ,,,,,, ,,/<br />

4280 St Clorens Aye. IE<br />

G"Clfo nte ed Se...iu on yo"r Radios, T V Sets<br />

and EleClricol Applioncel<br />

Phone KEnwood 9554<br />


*<br />

"You've heard of us, t'is no lie<br />

For th is is the best form in J.C.I."<br />

WM. GOLDSTEI N £7 CO.<br />


." Lolesl Styles ;n<br />

D;sc",";nol;"9 Smokers<br />


AND BOYS<br />

=<br />



115 King St. W 52 Spa rks St.<br />

Toronto<br />

Otta wa<br />

597 College St. LA. 9485<br />

WA. 21N 155 Sumach St. WE CARlY EVERYTH ING IN<br />




WOR KS A1 ~<br />


~ n e ' o l Concrete Work and O,nomentol<br />

SIOfIe<br />




SHOPPE<br />

PETRIC 6 SHULTZ TORONTO, ONT 224 Wellesley St ree t<br />


Commercial Art and Phol09roph Reto"ch;ng<br />


~<br />

~AAt::6$1<br />

If , vou arc between 17 and 25, the Roval , Canad ian<br />

N avy offers YO U a life of advenrurc-sforcign travel<br />

- opportunItIes for advancement - good rates of<br />

pay - 30 days annual leave wi th pay - a pension<br />

to be earned! For details, write or sec in persoll<br />

the Recruiting O fficer at<br />

57<br />

H.M.C.S. YORK<br />

Lakeshore Blvd. Toronto, Onto<br />

Phone EM, 6-5281<br />

Royal Canadian Navy

,TARn :, COI.I.EGIAn:<br />

1 ,, -,<br />

­<br />

9<br />

STOR ES<br />

lACK<br />

FRASER<br />


Clothing and Furnishings<br />


9<br />

STOR ES<br />



Pape and Danforth<br />

Danforth an d Main<br />

St. Cla ir just West of Dufferin<br />

£glinton just West of Dufferin<br />

Dundas W at High Pork<br />



- 0-0-<br />



Weston<br />

Oa kville<br />

Ne....ma rket<br />

lansing<br />

tJictoria ({allege<br />

III (he<br />


Founded by fl 'J) al Ch ar /o i ll 1.'136 " for ,ht' gt'II'III/ r d ucut inn uf )'OIa h<br />

i ll tilt' l 'tIfW IIS branches iJf Literature //Il d .\ c;I"1/("(' ,m Cllr is /il/Il /,,.i ll c;p ft' s."<br />

.h o m' uf th e Feder.u ect College, in the Fa r uhv uf .\ r h of rhe l 'niH,,,ity of<br />

T o rnillo, \ 'iHnria Co ll~e e urol-, st udem -, in all cou r..e, leadillll; w the<br />

dt'gftt'\ uf BMhe1ur ul .\ rh an d Bachelor or Cununerre and \)It'paralOry 10<br />

;ulmi" iull tu (he \lhl)()h III Gr;lIll1a le Swdie, . D i\ in it\ , b ur ation, l. a .....<br />

and Socia l \rOlL. .<br />

III th e .\ rult_', Ie\ Hall \\'olllell\ Re..idenre -, acrommodarion h ;I\-;,ib ble<br />

for women ' llulellt'. of Victoria College. In the Vir toria ColJt'ltt' Revide uces<br />

;UUJllllll(xb liull i.. ;I\;tilable fur men ~ t ll d e ll t\ or the College .<br />

Fo r full information, Includi ng ca lenda rs a nd bulletins.<br />

a pply to t he lteels t ra r. victoria ColleKe, Turunte.

128<br />

'rue :\lAG!\'ET<br />


GRILL<br />



~ P ECI A l ~T U O ENT<br />



FOUNTAI N ~ UV I C E<br />


I :? ~ I<br />

Howe lunch or Dinner ot<br />

SuoWs Reshllll'itnl.<br />

Good Food<br />

Quick Service<br />

Mode ra te Prices<br />

Plea san t<br />

Surroundings<br />

*<br />

Suol t's nlls/auranl<br />

11 Bloor Street West<br />

Toronto, On t<br />

MAHER<br />


---<br />



e_~~<br />

to Jorvis Colleg iate Students on<br />

a not her wonderful edit ion of th e<br />

"MAGNET"<br />



Makers of Fine Bisc uits ond Ca ndy

1:\0 Tm: :\IA(j!\' ET<br />

Compfi"H' ''ts of<br />

TII4' Torrlnll'on «:omllllll;>" ••hlll....1<br />

137 Well ingt on St. W Toronto<br />

\<br />

, 7<br />

C0 ~. \~s ,<br />

T EXT BOO KS<br />

0 :::5- IUSED and NEWI<br />

'Ioe S-'.I<br />

, .,.,."" 1o~ "'11<br />

S CH O OL<br />


Look lor the<br />

seal 01 per/eel bak ing<br />

on every box 01<br />

•<br />

biscuits you buy.<br />

It's your guarantee 01 COLE'S<br />

the best in biscu its.•• 726 YONGE STR EET<br />

Christies<br />

Biscuits<br />

c n·. o<br />



"<br />

11oc. Soulh of 1100. 1<br />

•<br />

Branch 370 BLOOR ST W EST<br />

I I Block W. ,t of Spodino l<br />



409 Dan forth Ave nue GLadstone 0237<br />


S CHOO L<br />

I X SI G NI A<br />

is a s lH'cia lt}· w ith<br />

475 Dan forth Ave. n r n Ii S<br />

Or illinal D t' ~ illn " (;Iafl1r<br />

Submitted Wit hout OhlilZat ion<br />

W. Deli...<br />

B IRKS<br />

GE. ssss<br />

I Htlig " io n ' IHl"" H' " '<br />

YOXGE al Tt:m 't:RAxn:

J A R \' I ~ C OLLEGIATE<br />

1:\1<br />

I.. Out<br />

MODERN<br />


and<br />

PLANT<br />

..<br />

1400 O'CONNOl OliVE<br />

au. Soles, E n g i n ~ ~.in g and '.oc!uClian Siaff,<br />

arc g ~ a, ~ c1 10 s ~ ,uel C" n"e1i"n l" e1uot "<br />

with 0 complet e line 01-<br />






CJl CULATlNG PUM ' S<br />




MEDALS<br />

nOPHIES<br />



Pl IZE CUPS<br />

PllZE I IliONS<br />

l lliON STU AMUS<br />





*<br />


102 Lombard St.<br />


Toronto<br />

Cmplimf>H I. of<br />


310 Dupont Street<br />



*<br />

C","plimf>Hh of<br />

.OX 12<br />



*<br />

C"",pli"'f>" h<br />

..f<br />

,IA~IES<br />

' ., ARNOTT q.l'.




Ja nis and Wellesley<br />

RAndolph 5059 Midway 0059<br />


LO Y'S TEA<br />

235 Carlton<br />

"<br />

ROOM<br />

Parlia ment<br />

ens PAINTS We specia lize in Chop Suey, Ita lion<br />


Spag hetti a nd Meal Solll<br />

O,op In '0' a S

J AR \' I ~ C OI.LEGIATE 133<br />

LEN<br />

" 1. L 1 1I 1 ~ Nott h But W ~ II Wo,th u-<br />


F i,, ~ Foot...~ o t for All th ~ Family<br />

3342 Yong e St reet HUdson 09H<br />

COllll,li",,,,,I,. of<br />

R. G. HENDERSON (;, SON<br />

Sa nitaty and Heating Enginee's<br />

" h ~ , y Pupil a Succeu N<br />



Speciol Indi. iduol Coutses in<br />


45 Scolla rd St. Toronto 31 W ellesley St. E, KI. 5850<br />


I DE A L<br />


All Out Poult ry S h i p p~d D i r ~ c t 1,_ O"to';o', TAILO RS - FURRIERS<br />

Fi" tsl Fotms<br />

5098 Church St MI 3334<br />

Bette, Quality M ~ o h<br />

For Leu Money<br />

Some Doy C l ~a" ift g Set. ice<br />

Me"·s. Ladies' Stude"'s' Sloch "'ode to<br />

515 Danforth A. e. "" OSUt'<br />




OU' ti",e is dedicoted to selecti" l1 a li"e'<br />

Used Co, fa, you.<br />

H5 Danf ort h AYe,<br />

666 St. Cla ir A.e. West GE. 1125-6<br />

KEnwood 3439<br />

*<br />

C"mpl""f>lIt" of<br />

I R V I N G N S H 0 0 M<br />


454 King St. W WA. 2373 Toront o

13'<br />

TH E :M AGN ET<br />


Good prl1i tiollS o,",oil<br />

Underwood. troined t,pisls.<br />

meons t , pew,ilr fl. Tllere o'e more Underwoods<br />

ill schools heliull the, e o' e more Unde ......oods<br />

in o//ien.<br />





BILL<br />

DAVIS<br />


Danforth u Ellerbeck<br />

Danforth Ave.<br />

Phone Gl. 0919<br />

et Broadview<br />

Toronto. Ont.<br />


HOCKEY<br />

RUGBY<br />



GYM WORK<br />

TRACK and FIELD<br />


TENNIS<br />

*<br />

plus<br />

A complete line of Leather Jack ets. Windbreakers. Cardigans, Swea ters, and<br />

Uniforms in new stylings for all types of sports or ca sual wea r<br />

*<br />

Drop in or write for Catalogues and Price Lists.<br />

Special Prices to Schools and Students<br />


*<br />

SPORTS<br />

241 YONGE STREET WA. 4501<br />

('umpf i",ellls uj<br />


.1ARn ~ C OLLEGI ATE 135<br />

C"lIIp lilll('1I111 ,,{<br />



" £Weryt hing in Tu tiles"<br />

and Dra peries<br />


185 Sumach St. W A. 1571<br />

816 Bathurst St.<br />

(j ust ebeve Bloo, 1<br />

KE. 5752<br />

Toron to<br />


;<br />

0"o"G ~<br />

G~p~~ ;?~<br />

•<br />

~rWo~<br />

1'11:<br />

,$1 , p "'010 (, ~ ,. Pt' lQ $ P!'1 0 TO·1!'OC>RjI,'o/<br />

PRINCE 1 S S \ 4 6 \ 'Z 465 C I-\U R C<br />


"Clothes You Need<br />

for the l ife You l ead"<br />





1130 BAY STREET Klngsdole 3165<br />

TORONTO 5, ONTAit 10<br />


Ther' s a Show School Con. enit nt to YOll<br />


13G<br />

T ilE )lAGNET<br />

ill<br />


~lUlTa,· 8308<br />


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Curity A¥e., Toronto 13<br />


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