Hockey Game 2019-01-27

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Pookie & Starlight & Troubie> Mmmmh, da noms look an smell funtastik... Kan uz pleeze<br />

hab da dinna fur siks, wid for da tshickie shaekies an too mugs da beer? Yes,<br />

Dusty, uz gonna go owtsaid ta plaee wid ya - AFTA dinna!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hiya der Troubie, Dusty, Pookie & Starlight uz Boyz habs<br />

huggies fur mew tuday ans 6 full trays ob tuday's noms but cawfuls as dat<br />

Zoupie bes really hots ans we habs 4 Chickie Shakies wiff bakum straws ans 2<br />

hooge tankards ob icy colds Beer fur eberypawdys tu enjoys tuday<br />

Pookie how comes mew habs sums lipsticks on mew's furs says Shad?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Huh? Impurrsibull - me hab baff maselfie sinz me last<br />

hab see ma ladie Zoe!<br />

Pookie & Starlight , Troubie & Dusty> Dank ya ferree mutsh!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew awl bes most weliecomes Pookie & Starlight buts<br />

Pookie dat lipsticks still bes der ans eben on mew's tail, how mew due dat bes mew<br />

tryin out sums new colours fur Miss Zoe? BWAHAHAHAHA<br />

Pookie & Starlight (twists and twitches, inspecting his fur) HOO hab<br />

smeer dat pink stuff on me?????

Wormhole Bistro Mew finks dat me habs due dat tu mew, Me challenges mew!<br />

as Shad winks at Dusty ans Starlie n Troubie!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Aaah-HA! Ya ADMIT it! Me demand SATTISFAKTSHUN,<br />

Shadow Man!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew gots it Pookie, one hockey game outsides on dat Lake ans<br />

mew wills gets Sattisfaktshun cuz mew bes likie dem Rolling Stones n No Gets<br />

Sattisfaktshun!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Uz gonna see if ya still be dat optimistick owt on da<br />

aizee!<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Ans sews da challenge habs been puts down ans da kittys awl heads outsides tu da<br />

frozen parts ob da lake while puttin on dem's hockey jerseys n grabin dem's hockey<br />

sticks too!

Wormhole Bistro Hey Pooks calls out Skits wat dem bes on mew's pawsies cheeter<br />

fings?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Hey - AIZEE hockee BE plaeed wid dem skaets on da<br />


Wormhole Bistro I have to concur. Skates are a common piece of<br />

equipment in ice hockey games.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Dat maybe bes bery tru but nots wen pwayin broom ball ans who says<br />

dis bes da common hockey game Garcon?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Hey, yawr tshallendsh hab be fur da hockee gaem, not fur<br />

sum da broomin!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Skits skate rounds Garcon n knocks him's arm n da puck bes in pway<br />

now ans Skits skates tuwards Pooks net

Pookie & Starlight Oh no, ya NO gonna do DAT!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otays fur mew Pook says Shad as dem fites fur da pucks while slide<br />

down da ice tuwards da crowds

Pookie & Starlight SKWEEEEK! Ai wanna hab skaetz, too!<br />

Ah... betta not in DIS gaem, Dusty... Tshuss tsheer fur owr teem, kaee? Uz no<br />

wanna get ya konfyoozed wid da puck heer...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Hey Dusty dis one bes fur mew as Shad trys tu shots da puck in da net!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (flies into the brawl between Pookie and Shad and<br />

snatches the puck from them, while Pookie blocks Shad) Heer uz go!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mr. Buck Swishy Tail get Troubie him bes cheatin stealin da puck!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (gets in Buck's way) No, ya don't!<br />

Go, Troubie!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (jumping around like crazy, waving the pompom Mabel<br />

equipped her with) Go, fammilie, GO!

Wormhole Bistro Shad goes abters Starlie n knocks her on her butt!<br />

Pookie & Starlight OOOOH, me gonna GET ya fur dat, Shad!

Wormhole Bistro Ans da guest pwayer show up just fur funs!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal GO, Bear! - Uhm... the puck is the OTHER way... just<br />

saying...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Uz Boys thots dat bears hibernates in da wintas!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Oh, he's part grizzly, part ICE BEAR... you know, the kind<br />

that would go outside in the snow with nothing but jogging pants and t-shirt on...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Oh dat bear still bes sleepes buts skatin<br />

Wormhole Bistro MOL

Wormhole Bistro OMC now lookie who shows up tu pways, not shurs how dis<br />

gunna wurkie!<br />

The Dragon Gang Uzz no need thhe sstickzz - uzz haff owr taelzz!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Three-way hockey? Well, we'll see how Garcon wants to<br />

referee THAT...

Wormhole Bistro CHIRRRRRP! Go, teem dragon!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad whispers tu Pook, mew goes dat way ans me will goes dis way,<br />

otays?<br />

Pookie & Starlight Kaee!<br />

The Dragon Gang GOT it!<br />

with his tail)<br />

(shoots the puck halfway across the lake

The Dragon Gang Nosy, ta da rite! Nibbles - AAAAH, stop snackin, get<br />

thhat puck!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (flies over the ice, with her skates barely touching<br />

the ground) Me get it!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad flys off tu bes Starlie's guard sew dat her cans get da puck!<br />

The Dragon Gang (popping up out of nowhere) Ai HAFF it!<br />

puck with his tail, but doesn't get it half as far as Snuggles before)<br />

(Shoots the<br />

Pookie & Starlight (swings her hockey stick like a golf club and snatches<br />

the puck out of the air, shooting it over to Troubie) Ya did HAB it, ya meen!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Go Troubie GO yells Skits n Shad!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (hits the puck with his stick, sending it off in a new<br />

direction) SHAD! Gettit an skoar da goal!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad snags da pucks just as Nosy trys tu gets it ans him<br />

manages tu shoots it ats da net ans OMC SHAD SCORES!<br />

Pookie & Starlight & Troubie> YEAAAH, Shad!<br />

But dat onlee caunt gaeenst Teem Dragon!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Team Shadow Man scores one point against Team<br />

Dragon. The puck will be served right away.

The Dragon Gang (manages to shoot the puck out of the brawl) NOSY! Get it!<br />

Pookie & Starlight (intercepts) No, her won't!<br />

free fur me!<br />

Guys, maek da road<br />

Pookie & Starlight (tackle Shad and Skits) Heer ya go,<br />

sisfur!<br />

Pookie & Starlight Me hab TELL ya me gonna get ya fur pushin me,<br />

Shad! (shoots the puck straight into Shad's goal, too fast for Buck to get in the<br />

way)<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad n Skits reaches out frums da intercepts ans grabs sums ob<br />

da Dragons tails.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Team Pookie scores one point against Team Shadow<br />

Man. The puck is in the game again!<br />

Wormhole Bistro YAY STARLIE SCORES!<br />

The Dragon Gang Komm on! Taim ffur UZZZ ta sskoar!<br />

PUCK, NOSY!<br />


The Dragon Gang (picking up speed, swinging her magical wand like a<br />

baseball club) On thhe waee!<br />

Wormhole Bistro NOSY NOOOO!!! Not wiff dat wand! NOOOO!

The Dragon Gang (hits the puck with her wand) HAFF it! - SIZZZLE-WHAM! -<br />

Ooopsie...<br />

Wormhole Bistro (without missing a beat) As the puck just turned into<br />

a bird and flew off, the game ends with one point for Team Shadow Man, one point for<br />

Team Pookie and a serious reprimand for Team Dragon to NOT use magic on the hockey<br />

field.<br />

Wormhole Bistro Shad n Buck n Skits goes n shakie da paws wiff Troubie n Pookie &<br />

Starlight<br />

Come on let's go insides n habs da Hot Chocolate><br />

Pookie & Starlight & Troubie> Good gaem - an da good idea!<br />

An me still wanna neao hoo hab smudsh me wid dat pink stuff...<br />

(prefers to "lose" the pink lipstick she "borrowed" from Marie's stocks for<br />

stage performances in the snow)

The Dragon Gang Nosy - NEKSST taim, thhat wand sstaee OFFF thhe hockee<br />

ffeeld!<br />

The Dragon Gang An iff ai put it in thhe bag?<br />

The Dragon Gang No wand, an no bag - or no plaeein! Thhat izz<br />

ffainul!<br />

The Dragon Gang (wanders off in the direction of the Bistro, grumbling<br />

and kicking the snow, hitting the lipstick Dusty just "lost", picks it up, inspects it and<br />

puts it in her bag.) Wun neffa neao wenn wun kann yoozze thhat...<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal<br />

Well, that sure was an INTERESTING game again...<br />

Wormhole Bistro<br />

Awls da hockey players; kitties, dragons n furrendly bear sits down tu enjoys dem's<br />

Hot Chocolate dat Shad n Skits brins out on da trolley fur eberypawdys!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal & Big Bear> Oh, thank you very much! HUGS!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bes most weliecomes Auntie Johanna ans Unkie Bear

Pookie & Starlight & Troubie> Dank ya, guys!<br />

HUGS!<br />

Dank ya! X X X An ai wanna plaee hockee, too - dat be FUN!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sure, Dusty... but first, I think it's nap time for you, when<br />

you have finished your hot chocolate!<br />

I did SEE you yawn!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Mew bes most weliecomes Troubie, Pookie & Starlight<br />

huggies<br />

Pookie & Starlight But ai no be - yaawwwwn! - taeerd at all!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal I think I'll better carry our little girl to her beddie, so she<br />

can nap without waking up every time somebody moves...<br />

Audra Gednalske

Audra Gednalske<br />

Audra Gednalske<br />

Susan Siefers This is really good! Did you add some of Shad & Quincy's special brew to<br />

help keep the cold away?<br />

Wormhole Bistro Yes Auntie Susan we dids tu helpie eberypawdys warms up frums<br />

pwayin da game<br />

Liz Reeve Oh we want some too!!!!! Please!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Here bes 2 mugs ob da Peppermints Hot Chocolate fur mew<br />

Auntie Liz ans Miss Rosie tu enjoys

Liz Reeve Thank you so muchies!<br />

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Liz ans Miss Rosie mew boff bes most weliecomes<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal (takes a look at her W-Pad, connected with the baby-cam)<br />

WAS sound asleep when I put her into that crib, I'm sure!<br />

She<br />

Wormhole Bistro Auntie Johanna it lookie likes Dusty wanna pways sums hockey<br />

wiff us, we will get her intu da sponge ball game sew dat nopawdys can gets<br />

hurt!<br />

Johanna Duffek-Kowal Sponge ball sure sounds more safe than an all-out hockey<br />

rumble Bistro style... But be careful when Hurricane Dusty gets any form of<br />

stick, bat or club into her pawsies! Remember, she just LOVES practicing troll<br />

bashing...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Guess uz furgets tu shows Dusty da penalty box wen uz bes bad<br />

Auntie Johanna

Johanna Duffek-Kowal We did threaten her with it at home - she was not overly<br />

impressed...<br />

Wormhole Bistro Otay but not wen we waz pwayin our hockey game tho<br />

Auntie Johanna ans dat makie da differences<br />

Vic Emerson And the skaters too? Teehee... Kayla<br />

sip sip~<br />

Wormhole Bistro WooHoo mew skates grate Miss Kayla

Vic Emerson Tankiez~ I love to skate! Want to join me? Kayla

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