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<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 1<br />

Property Care Plus<br />


Since 1991<br />







Mijas Costa - Marbella

<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 2<br />

Introduction<br />

Based in offices at the centre of the western Costa del Sol, we offer the full range<br />

of property management services for overseas property owners.<br />

For almost 30 years we have been providing professional services to both non-rental<br />

and rental owners, guaranteeing them peace of mind and satisfaction and helping<br />

them to enjoy their holiday homes to the full.<br />

Buying and owning a property overseas is for many a dream they have worked<br />

towards for much of their life - a reward for all the hard work they have put in<br />

over the years and an opportunity to reap the lifestyle benefits for themselves<br />

and for their family and friends.<br />

Having bought, their own holiday home overseas can for many be a source of new<br />

experiences and potential stress as they grapple with requirements and systems<br />

foreign to them.<br />

Our goal is to provide all they may need in order to make their ownership a<br />

stress-free and rewarding experience. Having an experienced, friendly company on<br />

hand to keep an eye on the property’s security and condition, to handle all the<br />

cleaning and laundry requirements, to carry out maintenance and repairs when<br />

necessary and to assist/advise whenever required, can really enhance enjoyment<br />

during those much looked forward to holiday visits.<br />

And – for those owners who may wish to generate an extra income from their<br />

overseas investment by offering their home for holiday rentals, we provide the full<br />

package of marketing and support services.<br />

For Non-Rental Owners<br />

Our most popular service packs are:<br />

Key Management<br />

Our basic starter<br />

pack from around<br />

1€ per day<br />

Property HomeCare<br />

Our most popular<br />

service for non-rental<br />

owners from around<br />

2€ per day<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 3<br />

HomeCare Services & Packs<br />

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HomeCare 12 – includes monthly property inspections<br />

HomeCare 24 – includes fortnightly property inspections<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 4<br />

For Rental Owners<br />









Join our Rental Portfolio<br />

For owners wishing to offer their property for holiday rentals we offer full<br />

Rental Management Services.<br />

From initial set-up, professional marketing, handling all enquiries and<br />

reservations control through to providing full housekeeping and client<br />

support services – we will be working for you all the way.<br />

We are trained to take the strain while you sit back confident that your<br />

property investment is in good hands and that we are able to handle<br />

everything for you.<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 5<br />

RentalCare Services & Packs<br />

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RentalCare 12 – includes monthly property inspections<br />

RentalCare 24 – includes fortnightly property inspections<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 6<br />

Rental Owners Guide<br />

Introduction<br />

Andalucian Tourist Authority Compliance<br />

Since February 2016 owners wanting to offer their property for holiday<br />

rentals must comply with the Rental Law – Decree 28/2016.<br />

This requires minimum standards of equipment, facilities and support<br />

infrastructure and also pre-registration of the property with the Junta de<br />

Andalucia Tourist Authority.<br />

We are fully registered and assist our client owners in all aspects of the<br />

rental legislation and registration to ensure their property fulfils all compliance<br />

requirements.<br />

We have compiled a concise Rental Owners Guide to help potential renters<br />

understand the most important aspects of offering their property on the<br />

Holiday Rental Market.<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 7<br />

5 Key Guidelines to Maximise Bookings<br />

1. Forward Bookings Plan<br />

Plan and reserve your own usage requirements well in advance to allow<br />

maximum availability and ensure minimum response time in answering<br />

booking enquiries.<br />

2. Condition/Equipment/Furnishings<br />

The holiday rental market is highly competitive and clients will look for<br />

the best presented and equipped properties. So you will need to ensure<br />

that yours is presented and maintained in excellent condition and has<br />

everything they would expect.<br />

3. Marketing – Visual Presentation and<br />

Information<br />

Stand out from the competition – with professional photographs,<br />

detailed property description and lots of helpful, relevant local tourist<br />

information.<br />

4. Lead Generation, Enquiries Response and<br />

Bookings Conversion<br />

It is essential to generate a sufficient and ongoing flow of incoming<br />

booking enquiries and to respond to all of them promptly and with all<br />

the requested information.<br />

Conversion from enquiry to booking is a numbers game – most enquiries<br />

do not end up as bookings – so be prepared for that!<br />

5. Reliable Support Services<br />

A good local resource to service your bookings is essential – to clean and<br />

prepare the property before and after each rental, to attend to any<br />

housekeeping/maintenance issues that will invariably crop up and to<br />

welcome your guests on arrival and be on hand should they need<br />

assistance during their stay.<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 8<br />

What Bookings / Income can<br />

you Expect?<br />

Mi CAPRiCHO,<br />

2 bedroom Penthouse apartment<br />

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51% booked 26 weeks booked 13.500€ NET TO OWNER<br />


2 bedroom 1 st floor apartment<br />

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57% booked 30 weeks booked 9.550€ NET TO OWNER<br />

ANTARES,<br />

2 bedroom 1 st floor apartment<br />

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75% booked 39 weeks booked 8.200€ NET TO OWNER

<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 9<br />

These are Some of Last Year’s<br />

Bookings Results<br />

ANTARES,<br />

2 bedroom ground floor apartment<br />

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53% booked 27 weeks booked 8.900€ NET TO OWNER<br />

LA SiESTA,<br />

2 bedroom 3 rd floor apartment<br />

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# # #<br />

B # # # # #<br />

!<br />

50% booked 26 weeks booked 9.550€ NET TO OWNER<br />

JARDiNES FASE 1,<br />

3 bedroom duplex apartment<br />

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! ! ! ! ! ! !<br />

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54% booked 28 weeks booked 11.000€ NET TO OWNER<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 10<br />

Property Management Services<br />

Inspection Visits<br />

Regular checks to ensure you home is secure and<br />

remains in good condition. Properties left<br />

unattended for prolonged periods can be at risk<br />

from various unexpected causes. As an example,<br />

water damage from leaks from adjoining properties<br />

or after heavy rains can cause major problems if<br />

not detected and dealt with promptly<br />

Maintenance and Repairs<br />

Almost all properties will have some problem<br />

issues from time to time. Having professional<br />

tradesmaen on hand to identify and repair<br />

problems will minimise disruption and costs and<br />

enable you to maximise your enjoyment of your<br />

holiday home.<br />

Garden & Pool Care<br />

Periodic and seasonal tasks carried out when<br />

necessary will ensure your garden and pool are<br />

always kept in their best possible condition for<br />

you to enjoy during your holiday visits.<br />

Administration Services<br />

Paperwork and bills can be confusing in a foreign<br />

country. Our experienced staff are always on<br />

hand to help and advise on issues such as<br />

insurance claims, local authority/service providers’<br />

communications and requirements.<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 11<br />

<strong>PROPERTY</strong> UPGRADES AND<br />


Just after you have bought your new home, or perhaps after many years of<br />

ownership and enjoyment, you may wish to upgrade or reform to modern<br />

standards.<br />

Our experienced team of craftsmen can deliver all your requirements and<br />

our property management team can advise and assist in the planning<br />

stage and then liaise with you in supervising the works right through to<br />

completion.<br />

As one of our property management clients you would have access to<br />

all our many years’ experience and our team of trusted and recommended<br />

tradesmen.<br />

We specialise in painting and decorating, tiling, air-conditioning<br />

installations, replacement windows and doors and total reformations<br />

of bathrooms and kitchens.<br />

Our service includes sourcing “no obligation” quotations on your behalf<br />

and assisting you in the design and final selection process. Thereafter,<br />

we would be on hand to keep a close eye on all the works right through<br />

to completion and final approval.<br />


<strong>PROPERTY</strong> <strong>CARE</strong> <strong>PLUS</strong>.qxp_Maquetación 1 7/3/19 1:07 Página 12<br />


If you would like to know more about our range of services, please<br />

complete the attached Enquiry Form together with your introducers to<br />

authorise them to pass on your contact details to us.<br />

We will then make direct contact with you within 48 hours of receiving<br />

the enquiry from your introducer.<br />

We can then discuss with you directly your particular requirements and<br />

answer all your questions.<br />

Property Care Plus<br />


Since 1991<br />

Mijas Costa - Marbella

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