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he believed that would be ‘counterproductive to her case at: this<br />

time.†Then, even more unbelievably (to my mind, at least) he<br />

asked in a grotesquely solicitous voice how I was doing.<br />

I'm in the pink,†I said. I was sitting at my desk with my head down<br />

and my left hand curled around my forehead. My eyes were shut so<br />

I wouldnâ€t have to look into the bright gray socket of my computer<br />

screen. Iâ€d been crying a lot, and my eyes felt like they were full of<br />

sand. ‘Mr Humboldt ... it is mister, I take it, and -not doctor?â€<br />

‘I use mister, although I have degrees-‘<br />

‘Mr Humboldt, if Diane doesnâ€t want to come home and doesnâ€t<br />

want to talk to me, what does she want? Why did you call me?â€<br />

‘Diane would like access to the safe deposit box,†he said in his<br />

mooch, purry little voice. ‘Your joint safe deposit box.â€<br />

I suddenly understood the punched, rumpled look of the bedroom<br />

and felt the first bright stirrings of anger. She had been looking for<br />

the key to the box, of course. She hadnâ€t been interested in my<br />

little collection of pre-World War II silver dollars or the onyx<br />

pinkie ring sheâ€d bought me for our first anniversary (weâ€d only<br />

had two in all) . . . but in the safe deposit box was the diamond<br />

necklace Iâ€d given her, and about thirty thousand dollars†worth of<br />

negotiable securities. The key was at our little summer cabin in the<br />

Adirondacks, I realized. Not on purpose, but out of simple<br />

forgetfulness. Iâ€d left it on top of the bureau, pushed way back<br />

amid the dust and the mouse turds.<br />

Pain in my left hand. I looked down and my hand rolled into a<br />

right fist, and rolled it open. The nails had cut crescents in the pad<br />

of the palm.<br />

‘Steve?†Humboldt was purring. ‘Steve, are you there?â€<br />

‘Yes,†I said. ‘Iâ€ve got two things for you. Are you ready?â€<br />

‘Of course,†he said in that parry little voice, and for a moment I<br />

had a bizarre vision: William Humboldt blasting through the desert<br />

on a Harley-Davidson, surrounded by a pack of Hellâ€s Angels. On<br />

the back of his leather jacket: BORN TO COMFORT.<br />

Pain in my left hand again. It had closed up again on its own, just<br />

liken clam. This time when I unrolled it, two of the four little<br />

crescents were oozing blood.<br />

‘First,†I said, ‘that box is going to stay closed unless some divorce<br />

court judge orders it opened in the presence of Dianeâ€s attorney<br />

and mine. In the meantime, no one is going to loot it, and thatâ€s a<br />

promise. Not me, not her.†I paused. ‘Not you, either.â€<br />

‘I think that your hostile attitude is counterproductive,†he said.<br />

‘And if you examine your last few statements, Steve, you may<br />

begin to understand why your wife is so emotionally shattered,<br />

so—‘<br />

‘Second,†I overrode him (itâ€s something we hostile people are<br />

good at), ‘I find you calling me by my first name patronizing and<br />

insensitive. Do it again on the phone and Iâ€ll hang up on you. Do it<br />

to my face and youâ€ll find out just how hostile my attitude can be.â€<br />

‘Steve.. . Mr Davis . . . I hardly think—‘<br />

I hung up on him. It was the first thing Iâ€d done that gave me any<br />

pleasure since finding that note on the dining room table, with her<br />

three apartment keys on top of it to hold it down.

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