BA(Hons) Theology Degree Prospectus 2020

Our 3-year degree in Theology. Taught in Christian community, weaving together strands of Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematics, Church History and Mission. A core set of modules based around Practical Training and vocational development and another set of core modules based on engaging the world.

Our 3-year degree in Theology. Taught in Christian community, weaving together strands of Biblical Studies, Practical Theology, Systematics, Church History and Mission. A core set of modules based around Practical Training and vocational development and another set of core modules based on engaging the world.


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PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />



<strong>2020</strong><br />





PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


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Principal’s Message<br />

Why <strong>Theology</strong>?<br />

Where Does <strong>Theology</strong> Lead?<br />

About Northern Ireland<br />

Our Lecturers<br />

Our Community<br />

<strong>BA</strong>(<strong>Hons</strong>) <strong>Theology</strong><br />

Key Teaching on This Course<br />

Practical Training<br />

Graduate Diploma<br />

MA in <strong>Theology</strong><br />

Learning For Everyone<br />

Finance & Fees<br />

How to Apply<br />

Accommodation<br />





Thank you for considering studying at Belfast Bible College.<br />

The course you are considering is a brand new edition of our<br />

<strong>BA</strong> in <strong>Theology</strong>. We have spent many months listening<br />

to students, graduates and employers, alongside reflecting<br />

on our own role as educators. This has culminated in creating<br />

a course that provides the foundation for strong theological<br />

engagement and will create space for you to develop the skills<br />

you need to live out your faith.<br />

As you contemplate what steps to take with regard to your<br />

education and what might best equip you, know we will take<br />

seriously our role in your learning and development. We are<br />

excited to be part of equipping 21st Century disciples and would<br />

love to be part of your story.<br />


Principal<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

Our goal is to equip<br />

21st century disciples<br />

through theological<br />

education that is<br />

orientated towards<br />

a lived-out faith that<br />

impacts the world.<br />



We<br />

equip<br />

twenty-first<br />

century<br />

disciples<br />

through<br />

theological<br />

education<br />

that:<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />




Spiritual maturity<br />

Appreciation of cultures<br />

and context<br />

Mission heart<br />

Biblical literacy and<br />

connected living<br />




Robust theological<br />

thinking and critical<br />

reflection<br />

Effective engagement<br />

in the context in which<br />

we live and serve<br />




“Ultimately theology is intensely<br />

practical. It leads to worship<br />

because, done appropriately,<br />

it generates an increased<br />

understanding of the greatness<br />

of God, an increased appreciation<br />

of His character and, so,<br />

an increased desire to be<br />

in relationship with Him. “<br />



PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

“<strong>Theology</strong> gives us a tried and trusted language<br />

to discuss, understand and share about unseen<br />

realities, ultimate things, and the foundation of<br />

existence. What we see, taste, hear and feel are<br />

real, but in many cases these are not the most<br />

important realities. Unseen realities such as God,<br />

truth, revelation, mercy, justice, eternity and the<br />

Kingdom of God – all expressed in time and space,<br />

here and there – are, I believe, eternal matters, the<br />

substance of significance both in and beyond daily<br />

experience.”<br />


“I have been fortunate to have experience<br />

of life and work in a variety of contexts. Each<br />

of these has thrown up different challenges,<br />

questions and issues that had to be addressed.<br />

It seems to me that dealing with these issues as a<br />

Christian is in fact to do theology. So the question<br />

is not whether or not we do theology, but whether<br />

or not we do it well.”<br />





PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />




Throughout the undergraduate programme you will be<br />

introduced to a variety of disciplines. At times they will be<br />

distinctive and at times clearly integrated. To help introduce<br />

these, we’ve asked four of our lecturers to take the topic<br />

of leadership and give their perspective.<br />


One of the key issues in the theology of mission<br />

is contextualisation; that is, how the gospel<br />

relates to the culture in which mission is being<br />

practised. True contextualisation is the result<br />

of a creative engagement between the gospel<br />

and the culture.<br />

Christian leadership might look very different<br />

depending on what context one is in. In a<br />

context in Northern Ireland, for example,<br />

leaders engaging in mission will have to<br />

consider their church and social contexts.<br />

They will reflect on how the gospel relates<br />

to people living in a divided society which is<br />

becoming increasingly secular and how the<br />

church community is to be a faithful, witnessing<br />

community. In contrast, however, leaders<br />

in Asian, African or Latin American cities will<br />

perhaps be addressing how the gospel relates<br />

to urban poverty in slums and to people<br />

of other faiths.<br />

Missional leaders seek to understand their<br />

cultural context and to encourage a creative<br />

engagement between that context and the<br />

gospel. In doing this they will draw upon<br />

the skills gained in the other theological<br />

disciplines, such as Biblical studies, practical<br />

theology and systematic and historical<br />

theology.<br />


Practical theology sets up a conversation<br />

between experiences of life and ministry<br />

and convictions from Scripture and tradition.<br />

The process can start on either side of the<br />

conversation.<br />

For example, when I see a leader<br />

communicate a vision, if their vision or style<br />

impresses me, I might want to copy them; if it<br />

doesn’t, I won’t. Practical theology teaches me<br />

first to reflect on this experience and to take<br />

the questions that arise to the Bible, with the<br />

help of theologians, to seek God’s perspective.<br />

It isn’t happy to ‘just do something’; it wants to<br />

do the right and best thing.<br />

Similarly, Scripture teaches that leaders should<br />

be servants. What does that mean<br />

in practice in my leadership where I am?<br />

Practical theology teaches me to work out how<br />

my knowledge changes things. It isn’t happy<br />

just knowing truths about God; it wants to obey<br />

God in everything.<br />

Practical theology, done well, challenges<br />

me to make all my theology practical and all<br />

my practice theological. It seeks faithfulness<br />

in beliefs (orthodoxy) and behaviours<br />

(orthopraxy) for the sake of the gospel<br />

and the glory of God.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />



Since the time of the apostles, the Church has had<br />

leaders of all sorts. They have differed in their<br />

temperaments, skills, education, worldview and<br />

work. Some have done much good for the Church<br />

and others have done much damage.<br />

Systematic and historical theology help us to<br />

frame our reflections on the subject of leadership<br />

through what Christianity has taught about the<br />

Church, power, what it means to be human and the<br />

Kingdom of God in the world.<br />

Christian leadership is about humble service as<br />

well as using one’s gifts, training and opportunities<br />

through the power of the Holy Spirit. Doctrines such<br />

as what it means to be human (anthropology) and<br />

what the Church is (ecclesiology) give us essential<br />

pointers to how Christians can lead others,<br />

regardless of their context.<br />

Church history gives us a plethora of examples of<br />

good and bad leaders – those who sought God<br />

and His Kingdom before self and power, and those<br />

who abandoned their submission to Christ for their<br />

own gain. Alongside the leaders of Scripture, these<br />

historical figures give us inspiration, direction and<br />

courage to lead as, when and where God leads<br />

us today.<br />


2 Timothy 3:16 describes all Scripture as two things:<br />

God-breathed and useful for forming Christian<br />

belief and practice. If all Scripture is useful, this<br />

raises the question of how we use it (all of it) well.<br />

Regarding the subject of leadership, how does<br />

Scripture both form and inform our understanding?<br />

The Bible gives examples of both good (we might<br />

think of the apostle Paul here) and bad (any<br />

number of kings in the Old Testament who ‘did<br />

what was right in their own eyes’) leadership.<br />

It also gives guidance for how to be an upright<br />

leader in the eyes of God, which begins with<br />

being a servant. Christ himself offers a pattern of<br />

servant-leadership to follow, both in His teaching,<br />

His relationships and His obedience to the<br />

Father. Scripture builds on that, with exhortations,<br />

encouragement and admonition for all Christians<br />

on serving, and possibly leading, in whatever<br />

context we find ourselves, using the gifts God<br />

has given.<br />

The subject of leadership is a ‘hot topic’ today,<br />

both culturally and in the Church. Wherever<br />

our beliefs and practice lead us, they must be<br />

grounded in and accountable to the teaching<br />

of Scripture.<br />

Studying <strong>Theology</strong> will equip you with greater knowledge and<br />

a willingness to ask good questions as you learn to take the time<br />

to soak yourself in the Bible, to consider the voice of history,<br />

to wrestle with context and push yourself to wise practice.<br />




CHURCH<br />

Pastor / Minister<br />

Kids’ & Youth Worker<br />

Outreach Worker<br />

Worship Leader<br />


Social Worker<br />

National & Local Government<br />

Civil Service<br />

Teaching in Schools,<br />

Colleges & Universities<br />


Songwriter<br />

Journalist<br />

Editorial Assistant<br />

PR & Advertising<br />

Sales & Marketing<br />

Television<br />


Youth Worker<br />

Schools Worker<br />

Community Development<br />

Compassion Ministries<br />

Care & Counselling<br />


Church Planting<br />

NGO Worker<br />

International Development<br />

Evangelism<br />

Medical Mission<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

Y LEAD?<br />


Amy is from Scotland and was living in<br />

Northern Ireland for a year as an intern with<br />

Drop Inn Ministries after which she started<br />

studying on the degree course.<br />

“I didn’t want to be a Religious<br />

Studies teacher and I didn’t want<br />

to be a minister or pastor, as<br />

I was often asked when people<br />

found out what I was studying.<br />

What I did know was I was<br />

passionate about the Church and<br />

seeing God’s Kingdom grow.”<br />

God has been faithful in my journey and<br />

although I wasn’t entirely sure why He led<br />

me to the Bible College, I use what I learned<br />

both in my studies and in being part<br />

of the community almost every day”.<br />

While still a student, the leaders in her<br />

church approached her about working<br />

for her church one day a week. This work<br />

developed and when she graduated she<br />

began working 4 days a week with Drop Inn<br />

Ministries and one day for her church.<br />

“Both jobs are very varied, I’ve learned new<br />

skills and had some amazing opportunities.<br />


Chris and Sarah spent their first year in Thailand in fulltime<br />

language study and have worked in Central Thailand<br />

with OMF for the last 7 years, helping to support local<br />

churches. They spend a large part of their time visiting<br />

and developing new believers.<br />

The Thai people are very welcoming, but it takes time to<br />

work out how to share the gospel with people who are<br />

from a Buddhist culture - they would both be quick to tell<br />

you they still have a lot to learn! It is in spending time<br />

developing deep relationships that they then create opportunities<br />

to talk about God.<br />



A B O U T<br />




Located on the edge of Europe, the region we<br />

call Northern Ireland, whose people span the<br />

globe, has a rich Christian heritage. Its main<br />

city, Belfast, was an industrial powerhouse in<br />

the Victorian era and, having emerged from<br />

the ‘Troubles’ of the 1960s-1990s, is now a<br />

vibrant, lively city.<br />


Our culture is like the Northern Irish people<br />

–fun, profound and exciting. From musicians<br />

such as Van Morrison and Snow Patrol,<br />

to writers like C.S. Lewis and Seamus Heaney<br />

and sports stars including Rory McIlroy and<br />

George Best, whether it is someone famous<br />

or just your next door neighbour, we are<br />

a creative people.<br />

CHURCH<br />

We have a history of deep spirituality<br />

that has had a great effect throughout<br />

the world. St Patrick and others laid the<br />

foundations for an expression of faith<br />

in which the gospel creatively engaged<br />

with Ireland’s Celtic culture. Columba and<br />

others moved out from Ireland to Iona in<br />

Scotland, from where they evangelised<br />

the northern part of Great Britain and<br />

onwards deep into continental Europe.<br />

In more recent times, many of our men<br />

and women have engaged in missionary<br />

service across the world. The church here<br />

is theologically strong, socially aware<br />

and is becoming increasingly creative in<br />

its approach to impacting the nation.<br />


Vast, scenic coastlines, historic cathedral cities<br />

and green rolling countryside combine to make<br />

this a beautiful and fascinating country.<br />

You will enjoy exploring the whole island<br />

of Ireland and experiencing the warmth<br />

of Irish hospitality.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

Edinburgh<br />

35 minute flight<br />

Belfast Bible College<br />

Leeds Bradford<br />

40 minute flight<br />

London Luton<br />

45 minute flight<br />





The hub of our community,<br />

where we join together for<br />

worship and prayer.<br />


With an extensive collection<br />

of theological books, this is<br />

a top quality resource for<br />

study.<br />


Our three large lecture<br />

rooms and several smaller<br />

ones are where we provoke<br />

you to think, learn and<br />

communicate.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

M U S TA R D<br />


The place to go for good<br />

food and to spend time in<br />

community.<br />


Home to staff offices,<br />

meeting rooms and some<br />

teaching spaces.<br />


We encourage students to<br />

consider living on site for at<br />

least their first year, giving<br />

an opportunity to learn to<br />

share their faith living in<br />

community.<br />




H E L E N<br />


D R K A R E N<br />

FULTON<br />



D R P E T E R<br />


Practical <strong>Theology</strong><br />

New Testament and<br />

Hellenistic Greek<br />

Old Testament Study<br />

and Hebrew<br />

Missiology<br />

Helen brings vast ministry<br />

leadership experience;<br />

having worked in the<br />

local church, with Youth<br />

For Christ NI and then for<br />

13 years as the Director<br />

of Scripture Union<br />

Northern Ireland. She is<br />

passionate about seeing<br />

people of all ages grow<br />

and develop in their<br />

faith, and is particularly<br />

invested in seeing people<br />

engage with their context<br />

and wrestle with the<br />

complexity of living out<br />

their faith in Jesus in<br />

these times.<br />

Karen has lived in<br />

London, where she<br />

worked as a computer<br />

consultant, and Kenya,<br />

where she taught in a<br />

theological college.<br />

Living in another<br />

culture in Kenya was<br />

a key experience in<br />

Karen’s life, developing<br />

in her an interest in<br />

considering how much<br />

our understanding of the<br />

Bible is influenced by our<br />

own, often unconscious<br />

and unrecognised,<br />

cultural assumptions<br />

which can impede an<br />

accurate understanding<br />

of the Biblical text.<br />

Charlie grew up in<br />

communist Bulgaria and<br />

saw a Bible for the first<br />

time when he was at<br />

University. Reading the<br />

story of Jesus transformed<br />

his life. This led to<br />

studying theology and<br />

eventually completing<br />

doctoral research at<br />

Oxford. He has served<br />

as General Secretary<br />

of a Christian student<br />

movement in Bulgaria,<br />

an Academic Dean of<br />

a theological college<br />

in Sofia, an Associate<br />

Regional Secretary for<br />

IFES Europe, and a coleader<br />

of a new church<br />

plant in Bulgaria.<br />

Peter spent almost six<br />

years working with the<br />

United Mission to Nepal,<br />

first as an engineer then<br />

as coordinator of the<br />

Language and Orientation<br />

Programme for new<br />

expatriate missionaries. As<br />

a Presbyterian minister he<br />

has served congregations<br />

in Limerick and Belfast,<br />

the Irish Churches Peace<br />

Project and the Church<br />

Mission Department.<br />

He is interested in the<br />

relationship between<br />

gospel and culture and<br />

in appropriate forms of<br />

spirituality for the post-<br />

Christendom context.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


Practical <strong>Theology</strong><br />

and Missiology<br />

Joy ‘accidentally’ took a<br />

theology class in her first<br />

year of an MA in English<br />

and fell in love with it, to<br />

the point of changing her<br />

degree; she has been<br />

in love with theology<br />

ever since. She has been<br />

training with and working<br />

for churches of various<br />

denominations, working<br />

in social/mental health<br />

care, and teaching in<br />

the UK and Italy. It is her<br />

care for the marginalised,<br />

passion for teaching, and<br />

love of theology, which<br />

forms her theological<br />

outlook. Her work was<br />

based in Pentecostal/<br />

Charismatic churches,<br />

which has formed much<br />

of her own personal and<br />

professional context.<br />

DR CINDY<br />

BROWN<br />

Systematic and<br />

Historical <strong>Theology</strong><br />

Cindy was introduced to<br />

systematic theology in her<br />

early 30s, which was a<br />

simultaneous discovery of<br />

a language to understand<br />

the deep things of faith<br />

and her vocation of<br />

being a theologian.<br />

Alongside this, her<br />

mission experience<br />

across four continents<br />

impressed upon her that<br />

there is a host of ways<br />

to express what the<br />

Church believes, but there<br />

remains one core to it<br />

all: Jesus Christ and Him<br />

crucified, resurrected and<br />

ascended.<br />


FORD<br />

Old Testament Study<br />

and Hebrew<br />

Before and in between<br />

studying theology, William<br />

spent two periods in<br />

London, firstly a gap<br />

year with the London City<br />

Mission, and secondly<br />

training to be a chartered<br />

accountant. His aim is<br />

not just to give students<br />

more knowledge of the<br />

Old Testament, but also<br />

to inspire them to study it<br />

further themselves.<br />





We believe it is important to<br />

acknowledge, as a community, our<br />

dependence on God and our need for<br />

Him, so once a week we meet to worship<br />

God together and to hear from Him<br />


To encourage the building of authentic<br />

relationships, staff and students<br />

participate in small groups, where they<br />

have the chance to get to know each<br />

other better, share their spiritual journeys<br />

and enjoy social activities together.<br />



We believe in the principle of pausing in<br />

the midst of our normal activities in order<br />

to listen to God, so once a semester we<br />

have a morning when there are no lectures<br />

and we gather together to reflect and be<br />

renewed. Through teaching from Scripture,<br />

testimony, individual and group reflection,<br />

we allow our souls to be fed and restored.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


We teach missiology in the classroom<br />

and we include mission sessions during<br />

our chapel services, when we may look<br />

at Business as Mission or we may reflect<br />

on how we engage with culture – all with<br />

the goal of equipping twenty-first century<br />

disciples for whatever God has for them<br />

after their studies.<br />


At several points of the week, there<br />

are opportunities to come together<br />

to pray; we also have a Prayer Week<br />

once or twice a year, when we enjoy<br />

more focussed times of prayer; and for<br />

individual prayer time we have a prayer<br />

room and a prayer walk.<br />


We believe that our love for God is<br />

demonstrated in our love for one<br />

another, so we invite students to serve<br />

the community by engaging in practical<br />

service. This could be leading worship,<br />

serving lunch, leading a fellowship<br />

group, training in pastoral care or<br />

helping with gardening.<br />



Alongside their<br />

studies, students<br />

are offered an<br />

experience of<br />

living and serving<br />

in community,<br />

which gives them<br />

the opportunity<br />

to develop their<br />

gifts, grow in their<br />

faith, deepen their<br />

relationships with<br />

God and allow<br />

Him to shape their<br />

characters.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

S T U D E N T<br />

CHAIR<br />


The College provides its students with<br />

many opportunities to learn in the<br />

classroom but also to serve on campus.<br />

As a student it has been my experience<br />

that learning and serving go very much<br />

hand in hand.<br />

Being part of the Bible College means<br />

being part of a community, and there<br />

are many different aspects to community<br />

life that all students are invited to take<br />

part in. Every Tuesday at 12pm, the staff<br />

and students meet to worship God. I<br />

have come to learn that in our worship<br />

services we don’t disengage our brains,<br />

but rather our acts of worship and<br />

what we have learned in the classroom<br />

complement each other in how we<br />

continually get to know our God more<br />

and more.<br />

Community life provides ways for<br />

students to serve, through leading<br />

worship, leading fellowship groups,<br />

sharing in chapel and other practical<br />

ways. There is fantastic pastoral support<br />

on campus with a team of people with<br />

willing ears to listen and give support.<br />

As a community, we strive to love one<br />

another in a way that demonstrates<br />

Christ-likeness.<br />

The Student Committee works for<br />

students and helps them in many ways,<br />

but primarily our aim is to provide<br />

opportunities for students so that they<br />

engage and get involved in community<br />

life. Student Committee oversee<br />

a number of great student events<br />

throughout the year: from the welcoming<br />

Castlewellan retreat at the beginning<br />

to the celebratory Student Formal<br />

at the end.<br />




PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />



<strong>BA</strong>(HONS) THEOLOGY<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


In our rapidly changing world,<br />

we are continually presented<br />

with opportunities to interact<br />

with a diverse range of people.<br />

Each day we have to engage<br />

with political opinion, social<br />

debate, ethical conundrums<br />

and cultural diversity. These can<br />

be local or global, physical or<br />

virtual, simple or complex and<br />

we have the choice as to how<br />

we respond and bring the reality<br />

of God into the world.<br />

In the 21st Century, we<br />

increasingly have to interact with<br />

those that do not hold the same<br />

worldviews and principles as<br />

we do. The challenge is how we<br />

understand views different from<br />

our own and then present the<br />

truth of Scripture in a way that is<br />

understood and meaningful<br />

to those hearing it. How can<br />

we move beyond debates<br />

to be a living demonstration of<br />

the Gospel so that it transforms<br />

the people around us?<br />

The opportunities for serving<br />

Jesus in this century are<br />

continually developing and<br />

changing. We want to equip<br />

you with the ability to encounter<br />

new situations with knowledge,<br />

maturity and Christian character.<br />

We want to help you develop<br />

as a critical thinker who can<br />

communicate clearly,<br />

a practitioner with the ability<br />

to engage meaningfully and<br />

a disciple committed<br />

to following Jesus.<br />



K E Y T E A C H I N G<br />



Understanding how to read and interpret<br />

the Bible is a key feature of this course.<br />

We want you to develop a high level<br />

of Biblical literacy and a depth of<br />

knowledge about how to connect the<br />

teachings of the Bible to the people<br />

with whom you will live and serve.<br />

Looking at the Biblical text in its original<br />

context gives an awareness of how the<br />

message of the text would have been<br />

understood by the first hearers and how<br />

culture and translation can impact your<br />

understanding of the Biblical text.<br />


Our Developing Practice modules are at the<br />

heart of our goal to equip you as a disciple;<br />

confident in your faith, reflective in your<br />

practice and informed and passionate<br />

in your theological thinking about connecting<br />

with and serving your neighbours, wherever<br />

you are.<br />

YEAR 1<br />

Discipleship and Service:<br />

This opportunity to serve regularly<br />

in a weekly placement, will raise<br />

awareness of social issues and<br />

theological questions. The focus<br />

is on reflective practice, personal<br />

development, spiritual formation and<br />

discipleship.<br />


The language and terminology we use<br />

to describe the Christian faith has been<br />

developed over the last two thousand<br />

years. These terms, such as, Christology,<br />

trinitarian, eschatology, sacrament and<br />

many more are used regularly by the<br />

Church but are packed with meaning<br />

and depth that are important for those<br />

in Christian ministry and leadership to<br />

understand. You will be encouraged to<br />

consider a range of views on different<br />

issues, including those different from<br />

your own, to gain an understanding<br />

of different viewpoints and a better<br />

understanding of your own views. The<br />

interdenominational and international<br />

nature of the College provides a context<br />

for some interesting discussions and<br />

debates.<br />

YEAR 2<br />

YEAR 3<br />

Mission and Ministry:<br />

There will be weekly and block<br />

placements where you are encouraged<br />

to challenge yourself, to develop<br />

accountable working relationships,<br />

outstanding team skills and have<br />

a clear awareness of your own skills<br />

and abilities.<br />

Vocation and Connection:<br />

You will have the opportunity to<br />

consider and evaluate your vocation,<br />

know skills and focus for your next<br />

steps after college. This will help you<br />

develop as a leader of integrity who<br />

has a desire for lifelong learning and<br />

the tools to provide for your spiritual<br />

growth, professional growth and selfcare<br />

in ministry and employment.<br />



PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


The Church today stands on the<br />

foundation of those who have gone<br />

before, people and events that have<br />

spread the Church into the worldwide<br />

phenomenon that it is now. Starting from<br />

the years after the early Church of the<br />

New Testament to the present day you<br />

will look at the successes and failures of<br />

(the decisions that have been made by)<br />

those who have gone before us.<br />


In Engaging the World you will grapple<br />

with the interconnectedness of the Bible<br />

and theology; with issues such as culture,<br />

economics, politics, worldviews and ethical<br />

issues.<br />

YEAR 1<br />

The Bible and Mission:<br />

You will develop a Biblical<br />

understanding of mission based<br />

on God’s engagement with the world<br />

from Genesis to Revelation, centred<br />

on the work of Christ. You will then<br />

explore how this should inform your<br />

engagement in the world in mission.<br />


Sharing the Good News of Jesus is<br />

a central command of the Bible. We<br />

want you to be able to understand<br />

how to speak into a range of cultures<br />

and contexts, whether local or global.<br />

You will have the opportunity to study<br />

other religions, understanding what they<br />

believe, and also study subjects such as<br />

evangelism and apologetics which teach<br />

you how to engage constructively with<br />

those of other faiths.<br />


Throughout the degree, you will learn<br />

key skills such as communication and<br />

critical thinking which will allow you to<br />

be confident in working in any area. We<br />

also allow students to focus on particular<br />

areas which are of interest to them and<br />

their future calling. In the final year of the<br />

degree you get to choose from a range<br />

of practical subject areas that allow you<br />

to learn key skills and understanding in<br />

that particular area to develop you.<br />

YEAR 2<br />

YEAR 3<br />

Cultures Then and Now:<br />

Focuses on the important relationship<br />

between the gospel and culture.<br />

You will explore how the gospel can<br />

be communicated in ways that are<br />

relevant to different cultures, but also<br />

how the gospel challenges aspects<br />

of all cultures.<br />

Worldviews or Issues & Ethics:<br />

There are two Engaging the World<br />

modules and you must choose one,<br />

but you may choose to do both.<br />

The first explores the concept of<br />

worldview and missiological responses<br />

to several contemporary challenges,<br />

such as neoliberalism, postmodernism,<br />

and secularism. The second focuses<br />

on how Christians can engage in<br />

informed and meaningful ways with<br />

specific issues, such as sexuality,<br />

euthanasia and poverty.<br />


Within the traditional<br />

framework of our<br />

theology degree, we<br />

have developed a new<br />

core set of modules<br />

which give our students<br />

a unique advantage<br />

as we seek to equip<br />

them as 21st Century<br />

Disciples.<br />




YEAR 1<br />


This is about learning how to study theology<br />

and acquiring the skills & knowledge, as well<br />

as an understanding of the underpinning<br />

concepts and principles, which allow you to<br />

study the Bible in more depth.<br />

YEAR 2<br />


We encourage you to develop your ability to<br />

evaluate theological issues and then to communicate<br />

your ideas and arguments in an articulate way. We<br />

want to you be able to think more independently<br />

and be able to reflect on your Christian experience<br />

and practice in the light of scholarship.<br />

Core Modules (all mandatory)<br />

Core Modules<br />

• Engaging the World: The Bible and<br />

Mission<br />

• Developing Practice: Discipleship and<br />

Service<br />

• Engaging the World: Cultures Then and Now<br />

• Developing Practice: Mission and Ministry<br />

Compulsory<br />

• Old Testament Introduction<br />

• New Testament Introduction<br />

• Methods for Theological Thinking<br />

• Foundations of the Christian Faith<br />

Compulsory<br />

• Introduction to Hermeneutics<br />

• Core Christian Doctrine<br />

Optional (Choose 2)<br />

• Contemporary Use of Scripture<br />

• Greek<br />

• Pastoral Care<br />

• Church in Practice<br />

• Encounters on the Edge<br />

• Jesus Through the Centuries<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

YEAR 3<br />


The final year of the degree is when we really push<br />

students past the point where they just understand<br />

Biblical and Christian issues to where they can<br />

critically evaluate them, suggest solutions to<br />

complex problems, and then communicate solutions<br />

in a variety of ways. This year is about developing<br />

your ability to work independently in the workplace<br />

and ministry, understanding how to exercise good<br />

judgement, how to be accountable and how to think<br />

analytically about everything you do.<br />

Core<br />

• Engaging the World: Worldviews or Issues & Ethics<br />

• Developing Practice: Vocation and Connection<br />

Optional<br />

• Advanced Hermeneutics<br />

• Advanced study of OT text<br />

• Advanced study of NT text<br />

• Problematic Biblical Texts<br />

• Hebrew<br />

• Jesus through the Centuries<br />

• Being Human<br />

• Modern <strong>Theology</strong><br />

• World Religions<br />

• Preaching<br />

• Leadership<br />

• Youth Ministry<br />

• <strong>Theology</strong> of Christian Worship<br />

• Evangelism and Apologetics<br />

• Dissertation<br />

(Not all optional modules will be offered each year and<br />

are subject to there being sufficient students interested in<br />

taking them. The exact modules offered or their titles are<br />

subject to change as part of the revalidation process.<br />

See website for full details of modules.)<br />



S T U D Y I N G<br />



YOU TO:<br />

• Understand the Biblical and theological<br />

foundations of Christian life and ministry<br />

and apply this to your own spiritual<br />

formation and in facilitating the spiritual<br />

formation of others.<br />

• Learn how the Bible impacts people<br />

in various local and global cultures and<br />

how to share your faith with them.<br />

• Be equipped with skills for ministry and<br />

ongoing personal spiritual development.<br />

• Learn how to communicate information,<br />

ideas, arguments, principles and<br />

theories, both written and oral. Present<br />

arguments for your views while taking on<br />

board the views of others.<br />

• Discover how to study and also to reflect<br />

on your strengths and weaknesses.<br />

• Become a critical thinker, looking<br />

beneath the surface of theological<br />

issues.<br />

• Grow in Christian character and develop<br />

as a disciple of Jesus.<br />

• Learn to work as a team member.<br />

• Come away with an understanding of<br />

the richness of Christianity and how it<br />

has been influenced by context and<br />

shaped by the thinking of individuals<br />

and churches throughout history.<br />

• Learn to take the teaching of Scripture<br />

and apply it to the world today,<br />

understanding how it shapes and<br />

influences contemporary issues.<br />


CERT HE – 1 YEAR<br />

DIP HE – 2 YEARS<br />


This degree programme is taught in a variety<br />

of interesting ways; lectures, group/work,<br />

class discussions, seminars, online forums<br />

and interactive exercises. Assessment is<br />

mainly through writing essays or reflective<br />

journals but there may also be exams,<br />

presentations and portfolios. This varied<br />

approach helps you to develop a wide range<br />

of skills.<br />


Around 8 hours per week of teaching<br />

and 25 to 30 hours per week of reading,<br />

individual study, placement and community<br />

participation.<br />



• Study part time or full time.<br />

• Placements and practical training<br />

are a core element.<br />

• You can move from one<br />

undergraduate course to another<br />

including to the degree.<br />

• Potential to transfer from another<br />

theological college or university.<br />

• Prior learning and experience<br />

taken into consideration for entry<br />

for mature students.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


STARTS:<br />

September <strong>2020</strong><br />

Study over three years full-time / six<br />

years part-time<br />

E N T R Y :<br />

64 UCAS points, typically A2 CC,<br />

plus 2 GCSE’s at Grade C or higher<br />

to include English Language (or<br />

equivalent)<br />

University-validated courses at Belfast Bible<br />

College have been Quality Assured by QAA.<br />

This course is delivered in partnership with<br />

the University of Cumbria. The teaching is<br />

designed and delivered by the Bible College<br />

lecturers while the course is validated by the<br />

University of Cumbria to ensure it is of an<br />

appropriately high standard.<br />

www.cumbria.ac.uk<br />

This course is subject to revalidation with<br />

the University of Cumbria which should be<br />

completed in February <strong>2020</strong>. Please see our<br />

website for further information.<br />


This programme is flexible, allowing you to complete different parts and still<br />

achieve a qualification.<br />

Complete year 1 and you can graduate with a Cert HE.<br />

Complete years 1 and 2 and you can achieve a Dip HE.<br />

Complete all 3 years and you can receive a <strong>BA</strong>(<strong>Hons</strong>) <strong>Degree</strong>.<br />

If you leave with a Cert HE or Dip HE, there is the option to return at a later<br />

date to continue to study towards the degree.<br />



P R A C T I C A L<br />


Practical Placements provide exciting<br />

opportunities to apply theory in service.<br />

All students participate in both weekly and block<br />

placements as part of the undergraduate course. You<br />

can choose from a wide variety of weekly placement<br />

opportunities, with amazing organisations. Choose<br />

to work with children, young people or the elderly;<br />

choose to work with churches, charities, or local<br />

organisations. Four semesters working in specific<br />

situations, allows the development of meaningful<br />

relationships and gives valuable experience and<br />

significant opportunity to learn and develop skills and<br />

strengths for ministry and employment. The learning<br />

from student experiences on placement, is developed<br />

through class discussion and assignments in the<br />

‘Developing Practice’ modules.<br />


For the summer at the end of second year, students<br />

select and plan a block placement - at least 4<br />

weeks full time - either overseas or in the UK. These<br />

opportunities are as varied as students’ hopes,<br />

dreams, and organisational skills and the College<br />

framework will allow! Students spend this more<br />

concentrated period of time working in ministry<br />

situations alongside full-time workers. They experience<br />

the challenges and possibilities of their chosen areas<br />

of work, helping them to discern their suitability for a<br />

future commitment, by detailed reflection on an aspect<br />

of their choice.<br />

“For my placement, I headed<br />

over half way across the world<br />

to Gold Coast, Australia where<br />

I interned at a church called<br />

SurfCity. What an adventure this<br />

was – from helping with worship,<br />

youth ministry, kids’ ministry,<br />

administration, creative ministry<br />

and much more, this placement<br />

gave me an insight of what church<br />

is and allowed me to develop<br />

different skills and talents. Over<br />

the two months I was there, I saw<br />

incredible things happen and<br />

saw God work in the community<br />

of SurfCity Church. This adventure<br />

was a great experience and God<br />

was in the centre of everything<br />

that we did.“<br />

Student: Esther<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

“During my placement with Prison<br />

Fellowship NI, I saw the power of<br />

God at work with people we may<br />

otherwise forget about or look<br />

down on. He wasn’t limited by<br />

their prison cells, He broke right<br />

in and is transforming lives, an<br />

unforgettable experience which<br />

I witnessed over and over during<br />

my time there. This taught me how<br />

He isn’t restricted by where we<br />

are spiritually or physically either,<br />

and it has been a life-shaping<br />

experience to be a part of the<br />

work there.”<br />

Student: Kate<br />


“My placement student hit the<br />

ground running, engaging pupils<br />

in God’s Good News in both<br />

Primary and Secondary schools,<br />

through assemblies, RE Lessons<br />

and SU Groups across East Antrim.<br />

It was a joy to see him grow in his<br />

understanding and confidence<br />

of how to engage pupils through<br />

the writing and delivering<br />

of a program, increasing his<br />

understanding of how to partner<br />

with and empower the local<br />

church. He was a huge blessing to<br />

East Antrim and Scripture Union!”<br />

Supervisor: Sarah<br />



G R A D U AT E<br />


The Graduate Diploma course is for<br />

anyone who has an undergraduate<br />

degree and wants to spend a year<br />

developing their knowledge of the<br />

Bible, learning relevant skills for<br />

Christian ministry and developing<br />

their own spiritual discipline<br />

and devotion.<br />

The skills and knowledge acquired<br />

on this course are an excellent<br />

preparation to serve in Christian ministry,<br />

mission and leadership. It also gives<br />

you the confidence and skills to bring<br />

the gospel into the workplace or lead<br />

in a church or community context. The<br />

academic teaching on the course allows<br />

progression on to a Masters of <strong>Theology</strong><br />

and further research.<br />

You can study a range of theological<br />

topics and gain a breadth of<br />

understanding about Biblical studies,<br />

ministry, mission, and investigate many<br />

contemporary religious issues. You have<br />

the flexibility on this course to choose the<br />

modules which best prepare you for your<br />

Christian calling.<br />

For a list of the modules usually offered on<br />

the Graduate Diploma course, see page<br />

35 under Level 6. You can choose any 6 of<br />

these modules along with the option of an<br />

individual research module.<br />

The Graduate Diploma can be studied<br />

intensively in one year or part-time over<br />

two years.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />



S TA R T S :<br />

September <strong>2020</strong> Study over<br />

one year full-time / two years<br />

part-time<br />

E N T R Y :<br />

A degree from a recognised<br />

university, at 2.2 level or a<br />

professional qualification<br />

at the same level, also 1 year<br />

of active engagement in some<br />

form of Christian Ministry.<br />

COURSE<br />


Around 8 hours per week<br />

of teaching and 25 to 30<br />

hours per week of reading,<br />

individual study and community<br />

participation.<br />

University-validated courses at Belfast Bible College have been Quality-<br />

Assured by QAA.<br />

This course is delivered in partnership with the University of Cumbria. The<br />

teaching is designed and delivered by the Bible College lecturers while<br />

the course is validated by the University of Cumbria to ensure it is of an<br />

appropriately high standard.<br />

www.cumbria.ac.uk<br />




Our range of postgraduate courses aims to stimulate<br />

deeper thinking and Biblical understanding for those<br />

in Christian leadership or those pursuing an interest<br />

in academic theology.<br />


Bible and Ministry in the<br />

Contemporary World<br />

Our MA is designed to help<br />

you to deepen your Biblical<br />

knowledge and then apply<br />

it to ministry in the<br />

contemporary world.<br />

We will be looking at current<br />

cultural issues, Biblical texts,<br />

topics of particular relevance<br />

to modern society, and effective<br />

contemporary practice in<br />

mission and ministry.<br />

We want to assist leaders in<br />

developing ways of thinking<br />

that allow them to build up their<br />

ministry in Biblical and relevant<br />

ways.<br />

E N T R Y :<br />

Applicants must normally<br />

hold an Honours <strong>Degree</strong> in<br />

any subject (Minimum Class<br />

2:1). Alternative entry routes<br />

available.<br />


2 years part-time study,<br />

delivered through week- long<br />

intensives and regular online<br />

learning.<br />

Validated by the University of Cumbria.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />



L E A R N I N G<br />


We want everyone<br />

to have opportunities<br />

to gain a deeper<br />

understanding of the<br />

Bible and to develop<br />

their relationship with<br />

God through theological<br />

education.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />

EVENTS<br />

Throughout the year we run a range of<br />

evening seminars and day conferences<br />

that speak into specific theological<br />

issues and encourage people in their<br />

faith. Details of these will be available<br />

on our website.<br />


Open to everyone, these are three or six<br />

week courses held on Tuesday evenings,<br />

looking at a range of interesting and<br />

relevant topics focussing on the Bible,<br />

Mission or Ministry. Take one module or<br />

several over the course of the year and<br />

work towards a certificate if you choose.<br />



Held on Monday mornings, this course<br />

is for women who want to spend time<br />

studying the Bible, developing their faith,<br />

and learning skills for ministry. With time<br />

for prayer, worship and fellowship, this<br />

course is very popular.<br />


COURSE<br />

This is ideal for anyone who is involved<br />

in providing pastoral care from<br />

a Christian perspective. Learn Biblical<br />

and theological perspectives and skills<br />

for contemporary pastoral care.<br />

We run a variety of<br />

events and courses<br />

throughout the year<br />

that range from just one<br />

morning or evening to<br />

one day a week over the<br />

course of the year.<br />




• For all of our undergraduate courses,<br />

you are able to apply for a student<br />

loan if you are eligible. It is the<br />

same process as for any other UK<br />

university.<br />

• For students from Northern Ireland,<br />

our fees are slightly higher than<br />

the loan from the Student Loans<br />

Company. This payment can be<br />

spread over the course of the year.<br />

• The enrolment fee of £350 has to be<br />

paid each year before the start of<br />

term.<br />

• For full details of fees, please see<br />

our website. All fees may be subject<br />

to changes and increases.<br />


The College provides support to our<br />

students in several ways: each student<br />

has a personal tutor who will help with<br />

academic issues; each student is part of<br />

a fellowship group where students can<br />

support one another as well as receive<br />

support from their group leader; and if a<br />

student is in need of some pastoral care<br />

at any stage, then this is available from<br />

our pastoral care team.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


Everyone is welcome to apply to study at<br />

the College and our application process<br />

is designed to make sure that we will<br />

be a good fit for each other. We want<br />

everyone who comes to study to thrive<br />

and really benefit from their education.<br />

1. Application is via our website:<br />

www.belfastbiblecollege.com<br />

2. Click on the course you want to<br />

apply for and please take some time to<br />

discover exactly what is involved in the<br />

course.<br />

3. Then on that page press the ‘Apply’<br />

button.<br />

4. The form will ask for:<br />

• Personal details<br />

• Details about your education, serving<br />

and working experience<br />

• Information about you, and how you<br />

think studying theology will benefit<br />

you<br />

• Names and emails for two referees<br />

5. We will take up your references and<br />

then when they are received we will<br />

invite you to the College for an interview.<br />

6. After the interview we normally notify<br />

you about the outcome in a couple of<br />

days.<br />

Applications are open from September<br />

2019 until August <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

From the point of application to receiving<br />

an offer is normally about three<br />

to four weeks.<br />




There are some amazing opportunities as Christians<br />

to learn more about ourselves and develop our<br />

relationship with God - living in Christian community<br />

for a season can be a time of real spiritual growth<br />

and personal development.<br />

Living on campus can be an enriching and exciting time, as many different and<br />

unique people share their lives and experiences. It is an amazing opportunity<br />

to come and challenge yourself to put the needs of the community above your<br />

own; to seek to serve others with willingness and joy, and to be considerate<br />

and sensitive towards others.<br />

We do encourage all our first year students to live on site, and fully commit<br />

to the community to enhance their faith development, make lasting friendships,<br />

and invest in their studies.<br />


Riverside House has 10 comfortable<br />

single rooms on each floor. Each<br />

room has a bed, wardrobe and<br />

storage space, study desk and chair,<br />

a wash hand basin and IT access.<br />

Wi-Fi is also available. One side<br />

of the building overlooks the river<br />

and woodlands, the other the<br />

College garden and lawns. Shared<br />

facilities of four toilets, two baths<br />

and two showers are available on<br />

each floor, and there is a wellequipped<br />

ground floor kitchen and<br />

bright, comfy lounge for the exclusive<br />

use of our resident students.<br />


The ground floor of Wellesley<br />

House has four individual selfcontained<br />

flats, ideally suited<br />

to two people sharing, each with<br />

a double bedroom/study, a lounge,<br />

kitchen/dinette, and bath or shower<br />

room. The upper floor has two<br />

independent flats, each comprising<br />

five individual single study/<br />

bedrooms, two shower rooms<br />

and a kitchen.<br />

Each single study room comprises a bed, wardrobe, shelving, desk & chair,<br />

easy seat and a wash hand basin/mirror.<br />

All accommodation is fully equipped for self-catering and study.<br />

Heating, electricity and internet are all included in the price.<br />


PROSPECTUS <strong>2020</strong><br />


We have a number of Discovery Days for you<br />

to come to and experience what it is like<br />

to study at the College. Check out our website<br />

or social media to find when they’re coming up.<br />

Or if you want to come along for a visit at<br />

another time, we can arrange for you to have<br />

an individual tour and a chat with our<br />

Admissions staff.<br />




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