29-Oct-2019 1700

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Welcome to the<br />

Graduation Ceremony<br />

of the<br />

University of Johannesburg<br />

<strong>29</strong> <strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>2019</strong><br />

Welkom by die<br />

Gradeplegtigheid<br />

van die<br />

Universiteit van Johannesburg<br />

<strong>29</strong> Oktober <strong>2019</strong><br />

Le a Amogelwa<br />

Moletlong wa Dikapešo wa<br />

Yunibesithi ya Johannesburg<br />

<strong>29</strong> Diphalane <strong>2019</strong><br />

Niyamukelwa<br />

eMcimbini wokweThweswa kweZiqu<br />

weNyuvesi yaseJohannesburg<br />

<strong>29</strong> kuMfumfu <strong>2019</strong><br />




Prof NS Ndebele<br />

BA (Lesotho), MA (Cambridge UK), PhD (Denver USA)<br />



Prof T Marwala<br />

BS Eng (Case Western Reserve USA), MEng (UP), PhD (Cambridge UK)<br />


Prof A Parekh<br />

BA, BA Hons, MA (UDW), MA (Kansas USA), DPhil (UDW)<br />


Prof S Sinha<br />

BEng, MEng, PhD (UP)<br />


Prof IC Burger<br />

BA, HEd, BA Hons, MA, PhD (RAU)<br />


Ms N Mamorare<br />

BCom (Rhodes), BCom Hons (UKZN), CA (SA)<br />


Prof A Swart<br />

NDip, NHDip (TWR), BEd, MEd (RAU), DTech (TWR)<br />


Prof PH O’Brien<br />

BCom, LLB, LLM, LLD (RAU)<br />


Dr N Vukuza<br />

BA (Fort Hare), BA Hons (Rhodes), DTE (UNISA), MA (Wits), PhD (Stellenbosch)<br />




Prof D van Lill<br />

BSc, BSc Hons, MSc, PhD (US)<br />


Ms A Breytenbach (Acting)<br />

BArch (UP), MBA (UJ)<br />


Prof SJ Gravett<br />

BA, HEd (PU for CHE), BEd, MEd, DEd (RAU)<br />


Prof DJ Mashao<br />

BSc Eng (UCT), MSc Eng (UCT), MSc AM (Brown, USA), PhD (Brown, USA)<br />


Prof S Khan<br />

BSc, BSc Hons, MSc, PhD (UWC)<br />


Prof AB Broadbent<br />

BA, BA Hons, MPhil, PhD (Cambridge UK)<br />


Prof LG Mpedi<br />

B Juris, LLB (Vista), LLM (RAU), LLD (UJ)<br />


Prof D Meyer<br />

BSc, BSc Hons, MSc (RAU), PhD (California USA)<br />




Mr MS Teke<br />


Dr Y Ndema<br />


Prof H Abrahamse<br />

Mr FM Baleni<br />

Mr T Ditshego<br />

Ms S Dlamini<br />

Ms K Gugushe<br />

Prof D Hildebrandt<br />

Ms X Kakana<br />

Mr G Khosa<br />

Mr MS Khoza<br />

Ms K Khumalo<br />

Ms B Madikizela<br />

Mr M Mahlasela<br />

Prof T Marwala<br />

Mr T Mati<br />

Ms Z Matlala<br />

Prof A Parekh<br />

Dr WP Rowland<br />

Prof A Strydom<br />


Dr BM Diale<br />


Programme<br />

Tuesday, <strong>29</strong> <strong>Oct</strong>ober <strong>2019</strong> at 17:00<br />

To ensure good order during the ceremony all those present are requested to leave<br />

the Auditorium only after the ceremony has been concluded.<br />

The academic procession enters the Auditorium and the members of the procession take<br />

their seats on the stage.<br />

The choir sings Gaudeamus Igitur (or a CD is played) while those present remain<br />

standing.<br />

The Chancellor constitutes the congregation.<br />

Choir.<br />

Welcome.<br />

The relevant Executive Dean presents the candidates to the Chancellor for the<br />

conferment of a degree/diploma/certificate.<br />

Singing of the National Anthem.<br />

The Chancellor dissolves the congregation.<br />

The academic procession leaves the Auditorium while those present remain standing.<br />

Lenaneo<br />

Labobedi, <strong>29</strong> Diphalane <strong>2019</strong> ka 17:00<br />

Go kgonthiša gore dilo di sepela ka tshwanelo nakong ya moletlo, bohle bao ba tlilego<br />

moletlong ba kgopelwa go tšwa ka Holong ya kopano feela ka morago ga ge moletlo o<br />

phethilwe.<br />

Sehlopha sa dirutegi se tsena ka Holong ya kopano gomme maloko a sehlopha se a dula<br />

ditulong tša ona sefaleng.<br />

Khwaere e opela Gaudeamus Igitur (goba CD e tlo bapalwa) mola bao ba lego gona ba<br />

tšwela pele go ema.<br />

Mokhanseliri o kopanya phuthego.<br />

Khwaere.<br />

Dikamogelo.<br />

Hlogophethiši ya maleba ya lefapha e hlagiša dialoga go Mokhanseliri gore di newe<br />

tikrii/diploma/setifikeiti.<br />

Go opelwa ga Koša ya Setšhaba.<br />

Mokhanseliri o phatlalatša phuthego.<br />

Sehlopha sa dirutegi se tšwa ka Holong ya kopano mola bao ba lego gona ba tšwela pele<br />

go ema.<br />


Program<br />

Dinsdag, <strong>29</strong> Oktober <strong>2019</strong> om 17:00<br />

Ter wille van die ordelike verloop van die plegtigheid<br />

word alle aanwesiges vriendelik versoek<br />

om die Ouditorium nie voor die einde van die plegtigheid te verlaat nie.<br />

Die akademiese prosessie kom die Ouditorium binne en neem op die verhoog plaas.<br />

Die koor sing Gaudeamus Igitur (of ‘n CD word gespeel) terwyl die aanwesiges staan.<br />

Die Kanselier stel die kongregasie saam.<br />

Koor.<br />

Verwelkoming.<br />

Die betrokke uitvoerende dekaan stel die kandidate aan die Kanselier voor vir die<br />

toekenning van ‘n graad/diploma/sertifikaat.<br />

Sing van die volkslied.<br />

Die Kanselier ontbind die kongregasie.<br />

Terwyl die aanwesiges bly staan, verlaat die akademiese prosessie die Ouditorium.<br />

Uhlelo<br />

uLwesibili, <strong>29</strong> kuMfumfu <strong>2019</strong> ngele-17:00<br />

Ukuze kuqinisekwe ukuthi konke kuhamba kahle ngesikhathi somcimbi, bonke abakhona<br />

bacelwa ukuba baphume eHholweni kuphela lapho umcimbi usuphothuliwe.<br />

Udwendwe lezifundiswa lungena ehholweni bese amalungu odwendwe ahlala phansi<br />

esiteji.<br />

Ikwaya icula i-Gaudeamus Igitur (noma kudlalwa iCD) ngalenkathi labo abakhona<br />

besamile.<br />

UShansela uhlanganisa ibandla.<br />

Ikwaya.<br />

Ukwamukelwa.<br />

Izinhloko Eziyiziphathimandla ezithintekayo zethula abafundi kuShansela weNyuvesi<br />

ukuze bathole idigiri/idiploma/isitifiketi.<br />

Kuculwa iHubo Lesizwe.<br />


Gaudeamus Igitur<br />

Gaudeamus igitur,<br />

Juvenes dum sumus;<br />

Post iucundum iuventutem,<br />

Post molestam senectutem<br />

Nos habebit humus.<br />

Vivat academia,<br />

Vivant professores,<br />

Vivat membrum quodlibet,<br />

Vivat membra quaelibet;<br />

Semper sint in flore!<br />

English<br />

Let us rejoice, therefore,<br />

While we are young.<br />

After a pleasant youth<br />

After a troubling old age<br />

The earth will have us.<br />

Long live the academy!<br />

Long live the professors!<br />

Long live each student;<br />

Long live the whole fraternity;<br />

For ever may they flourish!<br />

Sesotho sa Leboa<br />

Ka gona, a re thabeng,<br />

Re sa le ba bafsa.<br />

Ka morago ga bofsa bjo bo bose<br />

Ka morago ga go tšofala mo go nago le<br />

mathata<br />

Lefase le tla ba le rena.<br />

Phela thuto phela!<br />

Phelang diprofesa phelang!<br />

Phelang baithuti phelang;<br />

Phela kagišano ka botlalo phela;<br />

O ka re ba ka phela gabotse goyagoile!<br />

Afrikaans<br />

Laat ons dan vrolik wees,<br />

Terwyl ons jonk is;<br />

Na ’n aangename jeug.<br />

Na ’n onaangename oudag,<br />

Sal die aarde ons hou.<br />

Lank lewe die universiteit,<br />

Lank lewe die professore,<br />

Lank lewe elke student,<br />

Lank lewe al die studente,<br />

Mag hulle vir ewig hul jeug behou!<br />

Zulu<br />

Ngakho, masithokoze<br />

Sisebasha nje.<br />

Emva kobumnandi bobusha<br />

Emva kwezinkinga zobudala<br />

Umhlaba uzosithatha.<br />

Phambili ngemfundo!<br />

Phambili boSolwazi!<br />

Phambili nakuwe mfundi;<br />

Phambili ngenhlangano yonke;<br />

Maziqhubeke ngonaphakade!<br />



1. Diploma in Financial Services Operations<br />

Hlatshwayo, Khethiwe Samukelisiwe<br />

Hlatshwayo, Mncedisi Kagiso<br />

Pholoba, Lerato<br />

2. National Diploma<br />

Banda, Clara (Retail Business Management)<br />

Dhlongolo, Zamazwide (Retail Business Management)<br />

Govender, Vikara (Marketing)<br />

Katane, Sebushi Precious (Marketing)<br />

Khumalo, Simphiwe (Marketing)<br />

Madzhie, Mutsheli Prince (Retail Business Management)<br />

Makgatho, Thato (Marketing)<br />

Mashele, Eulander (Marketing)<br />

Mashiloane, Itumeleng Tina (Marketing)<br />

Mashiloane, Thuli Busisiwe (Marketing)<br />

Mathope, Keorapetse Given (Marketing)<br />

Matsala, Amukelani (Retail Business Management)<br />

Mc Bride, Raylene Cemone (Retail Business Management)<br />

Mdodana, Neliswa Felicity (Retail Business Management)<br />

Moodley, Kresan (Marketing)<br />

Mtikitiki, Tumelo (Marketing)<br />

Poobalan, Clinton Jaryd (Marketing)<br />

Raborifi, Tshegofatso (Marketing)<br />

Radebe, Nompumelelo Lindokuhle (Marketing)<br />

Screeramalu, Yetanya (Marketing)<br />

Simapungula, Theresa Faith (Marketing)<br />

Vilakazi, Noluthando (Marketing)<br />

Vita, Twite Cecilia (Marketing)<br />

Weitsz, Jason Peter (Marketing)<br />

Xaba, Simphiwe (Retail Business Management)<br />

3. Advanced Diploma<br />

Dlamini, Bafana (Retailing)<br />

Duiker, Tumelo Vincent (Property Valuation and Management)<br />


Gabuza, Ntobeko Felicia (Financial Markets)<br />

Hlungwani, Ndzalama Precious (Financial Markets)<br />

Kitoko, Ruth Kimvela (Financial Markets)<br />

Mabasa, Precious (Property Valuation and Management)<br />

Malesa, Rankotsane Millicent (Financial Markets)<br />

Manana, Thandazile (Property Valuation and Management)<br />

Manzini, Lorraine Thabile (Financial Markets)<br />

Moloi, Ntabiseng Princess (Property Valuation and Management)<br />

Morley, Heritage Gift (Financial Markets)<br />

Mpesi, Majobo Philomena (Property Valuation and Management)<br />

Ngobeni, Ntsako Ernest (Financial Markets)<br />

Tshosa, Tshepo (Financial Markets)<br />

4. Baccalaureus Technologiae in Marketing<br />

Mashimbyi, Happy<br />

Mohlala, Ishmael Dikgoneng<br />

Valoyi, Ntombi Gloria<br />

5. Bachelor of Arts in Information Management<br />

Brown, Chad<br />

Gobvu, Tererai Kundishora<br />

Malao, Katlego Wendy<br />

Mbele, Nhlakanipho Wiseman<br />

Mojalefa, Kagiso<br />

Njomane, Mbasa<br />

6. Bacalaureus Commercii (BCom)<br />

Bachelor of Commerce<br />

Belo, Joshua Tino (Finance)<br />

Bouchier, Connor Dalton (Information Management)<br />

Dias, Dominic (Information Management)<br />

Dias, Raquel (Information Management)<br />

Esmael, Mohammad Bassir (Information Management)<br />

Hawkins, Chad (Marketing Management)<br />

Hussain, Abdullah (Information Management)<br />

Mahlafunya, Tumelo Khotso (Marketing Management)<br />

Mashoene, Thabang Moses (Marketing Management)<br />

Mhlongo, Siyabonga Kelebogile (Marketing Management)<br />

Mogori, Mosadiwatlala Sophy (Finance)<br />


Mohale, Mapaseka Crystal Charlotte (Marketing Management)<br />

Mphahlele, Atlegang (Finance)<br />

Mthimunye, Nompumulelo Faith (Finance)<br />

Mulerov, Ilan Benjamin (Finance)<br />

Ngoma, Zwelitsha (Finance)<br />

Nyamucherera, Audrey Tafadzwa (Marketing Management)<br />

Olifant, Otis Kamogelo (Marketing Management)<br />

Ramohlale, Mosima Rosinah (Marketing Management)<br />

Satar, Mikha'il (Information Management)<br />

Sewanywa, Sekaboga Lebone (Marketing Management)<br />

Songo, Motladi Mmantshipi (Marketing Management)<br />

Tsenase, Neo Joseph (Finance)<br />

Tsopo, Nicole Tanyaradzwa (Information Management)<br />

7. Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Financial Planning<br />

Dani, Sisonke<br />

Mateane, Motshidisi<br />

Willem, Dumo<br />

8. Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Markets<br />

Ziqubu, Siphiwe<br />

9. Master of Commerce<br />

Starkey, Robert James (Investment Management) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: High-equity multi-asset investing versus pure equity investing: A<br />

study of risk-adjusted performance<br />

Supervisor: Dr CL le Roux<br />

Thusi, Philile (Marketing Management) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: The acceptance and use of mobile banking apps among millennials<br />

in Gauteng, South Africa<br />

Supervisor: Dr DK Maduku<br />

10. Master of Philosophy<br />

Elsworth, Catherine (Information Management)<br />

Dissertation: Knowledge-based automation and new workforce implementation at<br />

a financial institution<br />

Supervisor: Prof T du Plessis<br />


Loots, Riaan Christo (Information Management) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: Knowledge portal creation for postgraduate studies through online<br />

communities<br />

Supervisor: Prof MA Mearns<br />

Co-Supervisor: Dr TA Louw<br />

Sewpersadh, Natisha (Information Management)<br />

Dissertation: Knowledge mapping of blockchain technology applications for a<br />

banking institution<br />

Supervisor: Prof T du Plessis<br />

11. National Diploma (N Dip)<br />

Boea, Mmatsie Peggy (Biotechnology)<br />

Diale, Masetimane Patricia (Biotechnology)<br />

Lebese, Mavis (Biotechnology)<br />

Machaba, Malehu Koko (Biotechnology)<br />

Maemu, Mutshidzi (Biotechnology)<br />

Makhubela, Natacia Tsakani Elizabeth (Biotechnology)<br />

Mazibuko, Delisile Precious Bella (Biotechnology)<br />

Mboweni, Presley Ntshuxekani (Biotechnology)<br />

Mokholoane, Topollo Faith (Biotechnology)<br />

Motshabi, Neo Lizzy (Food Technology)<br />

Mudau, Mulalo (Biotechnology)<br />

Phalatse, Kamogelo Hendrieta (Food Technology)<br />

Phiri, Makhosazana Michele (Biotechnology)<br />

Rakgantsho, Molebogeng Johanna (Biotechnology)<br />

Selahle, Kamogleo Mabona (Biotechnology)<br />

Seshea, Tshepiso (Biotechnology)<br />

Silinda, Eva Bongiwe (Biotechnology)<br />

Tshwana, Neo (Biotechnology)<br />

12. Bachelor of Technology (BTech)<br />

Mavhindi, Mpho Rosinah (Food Technology)<br />

13. Bachelor of Science (BSc)<br />

Khoza, Njabulo Khehla Marvin (Biochemistry and Botany)<br />

Makoela, Pretty Ngoanaphara (Botany and Chemistry)<br />

Mthethwa, Lorraine Mbalenhle (Biochemistry and Botany)<br />

Mzimba, Nyiko Fortunate (Biochemistry and Botany)<br />


Nxumalo, Simangaliso Prudence (Botany and Chemistry)<br />

Rapelego, Friedah (Geography and Geology)<br />

Selepe, Thato Immaculate (Botany and Zoology)<br />

Tsikwa, Michele Rumbidzai (Physiology and Biochemistry)<br />

14. Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc Hons)<br />

Grant, Donovan (Zoology) (with distinction)<br />

Malesa, Morape Khutso (Geology)<br />

Mamba, Abe (Geology)<br />

Notole, Viwe (Geology)<br />

Sebiloane, Kabelo Albina (Botany)<br />

15. Master of Arts (MA)<br />

Stockigt, Lara Joy (Geography)<br />

Dissertation: Climate change and snow-based tourism in Africa: The case of<br />

Afriski, Lesotho.<br />

Supervisor: Prof G Hoogendoorn<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr JM Fitchett (University of the Witwatersrand)<br />

16. Master of Technology (M Tech)<br />

Mabotja, Sekitla Fanny (Food Technology)<br />

Dissertation: The ability of South African consumers to interpret nutritional<br />

labelling systems of food products.<br />

Supervisor: Dr OA Adebo<br />

Co-supervisor: Ms DJA Metcalfe<br />

17. Master of Philosophy (MPhil)<br />

Mashele, Lungile Mikateko (Energy Studies)<br />

Dissertation: The Mega-Project Paradox: Is the "New-Build Programme" the last<br />

mega-project South Africa will see this century?<br />

Supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr N Kambule<br />


18. Master of Science (MSc)<br />

Crocker, Mary-Anne Claire (Environmental Management)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Assessing the constraints to recycling mill scale in a South<br />

African Iron and Steel Industry.<br />

Supervisor: Prof NJ Kotze<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Gregorich, Carly Danielle (Zoology) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: Comparative phylogeography of Southern African ungulates across<br />

Sub-Saharan Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Prof B Jansen van Vuuren<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr R Godinho (CIBIO, Portugal)<br />

Henning, Chantel (Zoology)<br />

Dissertation: The impact of selection and limited gene flow on genetic diversity:<br />

the impala (Aepyceros melampus) as a model.<br />

Supervisor: Prof B Jansen van Vuuren<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof P Grobler (University of the Free State)<br />

Hussan, Raeesa Hoosen (Biochemistry)<br />

Dissertation: Identification of MAMP-responsive plasma membrane proteins in<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana following challenge by mutant LPS chemotypes.<br />

Supervisor: Prof LA Piater<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IA Dubery<br />

Kaekae, Kagiso Virginia (Environmental Management)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Effectiveness of EIA public participation for mixed land-use<br />

developments: a case study of legal compliance to 2010 and 2014 EIA Regulations<br />

in the Gauteng Province.<br />

Supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Lekganyane, Dorcas Mapula (Botany)<br />

Dissertation: The mystery behind muthi: A survey of bulbous and perennial herbs<br />

traded at the Faraday Medicinal Market in Johannesburg using DNA barcoding as<br />

an identification tool.<br />

Supervisor: Prof M van der Bank<br />

Main, Devon Campbell (Zoology) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: A phylogeny of genus Chamaeleo with investigation of cryptic<br />

speciation.<br />

Supervisor: Prof B Jansen van Vuuren<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof K Tolley<br />


Mashimbye, Nhlamulo Nomsa (Botany)<br />

Dissertation: Ethnobotanical uses, anatomical features, phytochemical properties,<br />

antimicrobial activity, and cytotoxicity of the Sotho medicinal plant Searsia erosa<br />

(Anacardiaceae).<br />

Supervisor: Prof A Moteetee<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof S van Vuuren (University of the Witwatersrand)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Oskolskii<br />

Matole, Onesimo Hendrieta (Biochemistry)<br />

Dissertation: A study of the Southern African begomovirus pathosystem:<br />

determining the diversity of whitefly transmitted geminiviruses (WTG) infecting<br />

indigenous plants in South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Dr L Esterhuizen<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof M van der Bank<br />

Mgolozeli, Sinazo (Aquatic Health)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Evaluating the effectiveness of Vryheid Coronation Colliery<br />

West Adit passive water treatment plant.<br />

Supervisor: Dr A Nel<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof JH Janse van Vuren<br />

Mgoqi, Aviwe (Geology)<br />

Dissertation: Effect of regional geology and mining activity on water quality:<br />

studies in the eMalahleni (Witbank) and South Rand coalfields<br />

Supervisor: Prof JD Kramers<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr D Love (Golder Associates Africa)<br />

Mhlongo, Lloyd (Botany)<br />

Dissertation: The medicinal ethnobotany of the Amandawe area in KwaCele,<br />

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Prof BE van Wyk<br />

Milne, Sarah Elizabeth Mcadam (Geology)<br />

Dissertation: Origin of sheared continental peridotites: A combined<br />

thermobarometry, mantle redox and Sr-Nd-Ca isotope study of xenoliths from the<br />

1.15 Ga Premier kimberlite, Kaapvaal craton.<br />

Supervisor: Prof S Tappe<br />

Mohlahlo, Nomkhosi Patience (Aquatic Health)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Evaluating the effects of effluent from an Acid Mine Drainage<br />

Treatment Plant on the aquatic health of the Elsburg Spruit.<br />

Supervisor: Dr A Nel<br />


Mokwena, Maria Louisa (Geology) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: The occurrence of chromium and other trace elements in selected<br />

South African coals.<br />

Supervisor: Prof NJ Wagner<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Kolker (United States Geological Survey)<br />

Morake, Mabuela Andries (Geology)<br />

Dissertation: Petrography and Geochemistry of Early-Middle Jurassic Mafic Dykes<br />

from the H.U. Sverdrupfjella, Antarctica.<br />

Supervisor: Dr GH Grantham<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof JD Kramers<br />

Mothogoane, Mashiane Sonnyboy (Botany)<br />

Dissertation: Studies on the medicinally important southern African Rhynchosia<br />

(Phaseoleae, Fabaceae) species: their taxonomy, ethnobotany, phytochemistry and<br />

antimicrobial activity.<br />

Supervisor: Prof A Moteetee<br />

Ngwakum, Bendicta Biligwe (Zoology)<br />

Dissertation: DNA barcoding of South African sponges.<br />

Supervisor: Prof PR Teske<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr T Samaai (Department of Environmental Affairs)<br />

Ntokoane, Tholoana (Aquatic Health)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Stereological analysis of the effects of Trenbolone on the<br />

gametogenesis in the ovaries of the fish, Oreochromis mossambicus.<br />

Supervisor: Dr ML Mokae<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof JN Maina<br />

Ormond, Robyn Jean (Geology) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: Structural and geochronological constraints on the formation of the<br />

Johannesburg Dome.<br />

Supervisor: Dr J Lehmann<br />

Parbhu, Shilpa Pradeep (Zoology)<br />

Dissertation: Captive breeding and conservation: lessons from captive lion<br />

breeding.<br />

Supervisor: Prof B Jansen van Vuuren<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof A Kotze (South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI))<br />


Rattray, Ryan David (Botany) (with distinction)<br />

Dissertation: The use of DNA barcoding and chemical analysis to identify material<br />

utilised to manufacture herbal medicines – The Interchangeable use of<br />

Pelargonium sidoides and Pelargonium reniforme in commercial herbal products as<br />

a case study.<br />

Supervisor: Prof M van der Bank<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof AM Viljoen (Tshwane University of Technology)<br />

Sanders, Scott Geoffrey (Environmental Management)<br />

Minor Dissertation: An investigation into the use of technology in Environmental<br />

Education in South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Ms T Schoeman<br />

Seretlo, Matlou Francis (Aquatic Health)<br />

Minor Dissertation: An assessment of aspects of the ecological status of the Klip<br />

River.<br />

Supervisor: Prof JC van Dyk<br />

Sibiya, Nozipho Patience (Botany)<br />

Dissertation: Nutritional value of selected wild indigenous fruits of southern Africa<br />

and their commercial potential.<br />

Supervisor: Prof A Moteetee<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr E Kayitesi<br />

Sithole, Mercy (Environmental Management)<br />

Minor Dissertation: Understanding the mechanisms driving the effects of urban<br />

green spaces on human health conditions: A case study of the city of Bulawayo,<br />

Zimbabwe.<br />

Supervisor: Dr K Yessoufou<br />

Stelli, Samanta Adele (Aquatic Health)<br />

Minor Dissertation: The use of small-scale constructed wetlands to treat<br />

greywater in residential households for use in activities that require non-potable<br />

water.<br />

Supervisor: Dr A Nel<br />

Thango, Samkelisiwe (Biochemistry)<br />

Dissertation: An investigation of the identity, transmission efficiency and control of<br />

TuYV-vectoring aphid species in South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Dr L Esterhuizen<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr SW van Heerden (Sakata Vegenetics)<br />


19. Doctor Technologiae (DTech)<br />

Gbashi, Sefater (Food Technology)<br />

Thesis: Development, Chemometric-Assisted Optimization and in-House Validation<br />

of a Modified Pressurized Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) Method for Multi-Mycotoxin<br />

Analysis.<br />

Supervisor: Prof PB Njobeh<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr E Madala<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof S de Saeger (Ghent University, Belgium)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr M de Boevre (Ghent University, Belgium)<br />

20. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD)<br />

Burgoyne, Christopher Nicholas (Geography)<br />

Thesis: Stakeholder Relations and Natural Resource Management: Case Studies<br />

from Ecotourism in Tanzania and South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Dr CJ Kelso<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof KF Mearns (University of South Africa)<br />

Fischer, Delmarie Anne (Energy Studies)<br />

Thesis: Strategic Environmental Assessment – Supporting the Transition to<br />

Renewable Energy in South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Prof HJ Annegarn<br />

Hulley, Isabel Margaret (Botany)<br />

Thesis: Medicinal ethnobotany of the Little Karoo, South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Prof BE van Wyk<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Schutte-Vlok (CapeNature)<br />

Klein, Juliana Dunia (Zoology)<br />

Thesis: Genetic investigation of reproductive philopatry in raggedtooth sharks off<br />

the South African coast.<br />

Supervisor: Prof PR Teske<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Bester-van der Merwe (Stellenbosch University)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr M Dicken (KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board)<br />

Makhubela, Tebogo Vincent (Geology)<br />

Thesis: Multiple isotope studies relating to cave development and landscape<br />

evolution in the Cradle of Humankind UNESCO Heritage Site, South Africa.<br />

Supervisor: Prof JD Kramers<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr D Scherler (German Research Centre for Geosciences,<br />

Germany)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr GA Belyanin<br />


Masekameni, Masilu Daniel (Energy Studies)<br />

Thesis: Xenobiotic Particle Emission Formation in Fixed-Bed Domestic Coal<br />

Combustion.<br />

Supervisor: Prof M Gulumian (University of the Witwatersrand)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr T Makonese<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Modley, Lee-Ann Sade (Environmental Management)<br />

Thesis: Aspects of the biological integrity of the rivers flowing into the hypereutrophic<br />

Roodeplaat Dam: A comparative study.<br />

Supervisor: Prof JC van Dyk<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof A Oldewage<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Nibamureke, Uwineza Marie Clementine (Aquatic Health)<br />

Thesis: The different life stages of Oreochromis mossambicus and their response<br />

to chronic exposure to pharmaceuticals: The HIV anti-retroviral drug nevirapine and<br />

the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.<br />

Supervisor: Prof GM Wagenaar<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IEJ Barnhoorn (University of Venda)<br />

Wuyep, Solomon Zitta (Geography)<br />

Thesis: Assessment of urban agriculture in Jos, Nigeria: Food security,<br />

employment and income generation.<br />

Supervisor: Prof NJ Kotze<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr AP Ifegbesan (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria)<br />

<br />


Gbashi, Sefater (DTech)<br />

Sefater Gbashi was born in Makurdi, Nigeria. He completed his secondary<br />

education in 2005 at Government College Katsina-ala, and obtained his Bachelor’s<br />

degree in 2011 from the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria. In 2016, he<br />

completed an MTech Degree in Food Technology (Cum laude) at the University of<br />

Johannesburg (UJ), following which he registered for a DTech degree. While at this<br />

institution, Sefater received various scholarships including the Global Excellence<br />

and Stature (GES) Scholarship for both his Master’s and Doctoral studies, and in<br />

2018, the MYTOX-SOUTH PhD Traineeship Student Exchange Scholarship<br />

allowed him to spend over four months at Ghent University, Belgium.<br />

Effective management of mycotoxins rely on stringent regulation and routine<br />

surveillance of agricultural commodities through efficient mycotoxin analysis and<br />

interpretation of data, hence the continuous need for improved methods of<br />

mycotoxin analysis. Sefater’s doctoral research focused on the development,<br />

optimization and validation of a modified, pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE)<br />

(instrument built in-house) method for mycotoxin analysis. This method was<br />

developed as an efficient, cheaper, greener and faster alternative to conventional<br />

methods for mycotoxin extraction. To the best of our knowledge, this constitutes the<br />

first report on the use of PHWE for the extraction and analysis of mycotoxins in<br />

food and feed. Research in this area is envisaged to promote bioanalytical<br />

techniques that are more environmentally friendly and sustainable. The thesis has<br />

resulted in two book chapters and one international peer-reviewed publication, with<br />

two others under review for publication. The data obtained were also presented at<br />

three international conferences.<br />

Supervisor: Prof PB Njobeh<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr E Madala<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof S de Saeger (Ghent University, Belgium)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr M de Boevre (Ghent University, Belgium)<br />

<br />


Burgoyne, Christopher Nicholas (PhD)<br />

Christopher Burgoyne was born in Cape Town in 1988. He completed his A-Levels<br />

at the International School of Cape Town in 2005. He obtained a Bachelor of Social<br />

Science degree majoring in Environmental Science and Psychology, followed by an<br />

honours degree and an MA degree in Geography from the University of<br />

Johannesburg in 2011 and 2014 respectively. That same year he enrolled for a<br />

PhD degree at the University of Johannesburg. He is currently working as a<br />

freelance environmental control specialist at various industrial facilities in Cape<br />

Town.<br />

Historically, the science and practice of biodiversity conservation has had an<br />

antithetical position to the consumptive practices of rural people, often excluding<br />

them from resource use. In order for conservation to be sustainable, it is necessary<br />

to find people-oriented resource management strategies. This thesis focused on the<br />

social factors influencing co-operative natural resource management in three ecotourism<br />

concessions in Tanzania and South Africa, including two wildlife protected<br />

areas and one marine protected area. It used in-depth semi-structured interviews<br />

and qualitative analysis to improve the understanding of the complex human<br />

aspects of natural resource management in each case study. The results highlight<br />

the important influence of power, trust, and ad-hoc human behaviour on the<br />

outcome of co-operative natural resource management. This study is important<br />

because it demonstrates the complexity of stakeholder engagements with direct<br />

impacts on biodiversity. The research has resulted in two international peerreviewed<br />

publications and presentations at two conferences.<br />

Supervisor: Dr CJ Kelso<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof KF Mearns (University of South Africa)<br />

<br />


Fischer, Delmarie Anne (PhD)<br />

Ms Fischer matriculated at the Vaal High School in Vanderbijlpark in 1978. She<br />

went on to complete a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of the<br />

Witwatersrand in 1992. In 1994 she presented her professional practice example<br />

and became a practicing architect. In 1996 Delmarie joined government in the<br />

environmental field and in 1999, her academic path changed when she enrolled for<br />

a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management which was awarded in 2006. Her<br />

mini-dissertation on the topic Environmental Management Cooperative Agreements<br />

passed with distinction. She enrolled for a doctorate in Energy Studies in 2012.<br />

Delmarie Fischer investigated the contributions that Strategic Environmental<br />

Assessments (SEA) could make in streamlining the issuing of environmental<br />

authorisations for South Africa’s burgeoning renewable energy programme. Ms<br />

Fischer identified that current Environmental Impact Assessments were inefficient<br />

and contributing marginally to environmental protection. Ms Fischer has developed<br />

an innovative practice for SEA that consolidates regional commonalities of<br />

individual projects and streamlines internal assessments. Geographical regions<br />

suitable for wind turbines are identified, together with associated power corridors to<br />

allow for the construction of transmission lines. By researching a sound theoretical<br />

base and pragmatic, time-appropriate assessment processes, Ms Fischer has<br />

developed and implemented world-class innovations in Strategic Environmental<br />

Assessments, that will promote sustainable environmental practices in the<br />

renewable energy sector and contribute to the economic viability of independent<br />

power production in South Africa. Her contributions have been published in an<br />

international journal and implemented as standard practice by the Department of<br />

Environmental Affairs.<br />

Supervisor: Prof HJ Annegarn<br />

<br />


Hulley, Isabel Margaret (PhD)<br />

Isabel Hulley was born in Johannesburg in 1980 and matriculated at the Dinamika<br />

High School in 1998. She obtained a BSc degree (2002) and a Post Graduate<br />

Certificate in Education (2004) from the Rand Afrikaans University, as well as a<br />

BSc honours degree (2007) and an MSc degree in Botany cum laude (2010) from<br />

the University of Johannesburg. She taught Natural Science and Biology in Doha,<br />

Qatar (2011-2013) and various undergraduate courses at the University of<br />

Johannesburg (2008-2011, 2014-2017). In 2014, she enrolled at the University of<br />

Johannesburg for a PhD degree in Botany. Ms Hulley is currently working as a tutor<br />

in Winnipeg, Canada.<br />

A detailed quantitative ethnobotanical study was conducted in nine villages in the<br />

Little Karoo region of South Africa. With the help of 101 local participants, the<br />

vernacular names and traditional uses of plants were compiled into a<br />

comprehensive inventory of more than 1200 medicinal, edible and other useful<br />

plants. The Matrix Method and various newly devised statistical indices were used<br />

to determine the relative importance of the plant species, as well as levels of<br />

indigenous knowledge among participants. A study of the phytochemistry and<br />

antimicrobial activity of a selection of locally important yet scientifically poorly<br />

known species, yielded data of considerable academic novelty as well as potential<br />

commercial value. The study is of global significance because it represents an<br />

important contribution to Khoi and San ethnobotany, and ensures the conservation<br />

of fragile, oral-traditional indigenous knowledge. The thesis has resulted in five<br />

international peer-reviewed publications and presentations at three international<br />

conferences.<br />

Supervisor: Prof BE van Wyk<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Schutte-Vlok (CapeNature)<br />

<br />


Klein, Juliana Dunia (PhD)<br />

Ms Klein was born in Heidelberg (Germany), and holds an MSc in Biological<br />

Oceanography from Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. She enrolled for a PhD<br />

at the University of Johannesburg in 2016 and is currently conducting postdoctoral<br />

research at Stellenbosch University.<br />

In her doctoral study, Ms Klein studied the spotted ragged-tooth shark, Carcharius<br />

taurus. Population numbers of this top predator have been declining worldwide, and<br />

the South African population is believed to be the only one not at risk of extinction.<br />

However, little information on its population structure and demographic trends is<br />

available, and it remains vulnerable. Ms Klein used genetic data and tagging<br />

information to conclusively prove that females return to the sites where they were<br />

born to give birth. This behaviour has resulted in the formation of several distinct<br />

pupping grounds, and the protection of each of these will help to maintain the<br />

genetic health of the South African population. The candidate has presented her<br />

work at two local and 3 international conferences, and has published two peer<br />

reviewed journal articles.<br />

Supervisor: Prof PR Teske<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr A Bester-van der Merwe (Stellenbosch University)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr M Dicken (KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board)<br />

<br />


Makhubela, Tebogo Vincent (PhD)<br />

Tebogo Vincent Makhubela was born and raised in Tshiawelo, Soweto, where he<br />

also completed his schooling in 2008. He attended Mveledzandivho Primary School<br />

and Vuwani Secondary School. After matric, he went on to complete all his tertiary<br />

studies at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). He graduated with a BSc in<br />

Physical Sciences majoring in Geology and Chemistry (2011), BSc Honours in<br />

Geology (2012) and an MSc in Geology (Cum Laude, 2014). In 2015, he enrolled<br />

for a PhD in Geology and was also appointed as an assistant lecturer in the UJ<br />

Department of Geology. He was then appointed as a permanent lecturer as part of<br />

the new Generation of Academics Programme (nGAP) in 2016.<br />

Tebogo Makhubela’s research involved the Rising Star cave near Sterkfontein,<br />

where Homo naledi was discovered in 2013. First he demonstrated, from<br />

mineralogical, geochemical and geochronological studies on cave sediments, the<br />

absence of external material at the discovery site. This underpinned the argument<br />

for H naledi’s deliberate disposal of their dead. Second, he co-developed the<br />

uranium-thorium-helium dating method for calcium carbonate, and applied this new<br />

technique to flowstones to refine their chronology. Finally, he researched the local<br />

erosion rate and landscape history through analyzing the radioactive isotopes<br />

beryllium-10 and aluminium-26, which form at the Earth’s surface due to cosmic<br />

rays. He determined a local erosion rate around 10 m per million years, and found<br />

that the landscape, and the soil that H naledi individuals walked on, have not<br />

changed much since about 250,000 years ago. Mr Makhubela is a lead author of<br />

one, and co-author in three publications in international journals.<br />

Supervisor: Prof JD Kramers<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr D Scherler (German Research Centre for Geosciences,<br />

Germany)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr GA Belyanin<br />

<br />


Masekameni, Masilu Daniel (PhD)<br />

Masilu Daniel Masekameni was born in 1984 in the Limpopo Province. He<br />

matriculated at Tseana High School in 2003. In 2006, he obtained his National<br />

diploma in Environmental Health (Cum laude). He obtained a B-Tech degree in<br />

2009 (Cum laude) and completed an MPhil in Energy Studies with a distinction in<br />

2016 at the University of Johannesburg. He enrolled for his PhD in the same year.<br />

Mr Masekameni is employed as a lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand,<br />

School of Public Health.<br />

The study focused on emission factors from small-scale coal combustion<br />

technologies, particle size distribution, physicochemical properties of emissions,<br />

risk assessment of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX)<br />

emissions, and cellular uptake of particulates. Results revealed that gaseous and<br />

aerosol emissions were significantly reduced by the correct selection of stove to<br />

fuel combinations. Emissions of particulates were directly proportional to stove<br />

type, fuel properties and ignition method. Particles from domestic coal burning<br />

exhibited small diameter of less than 100 nm. This is concerning given higher<br />

deposition rates in the lower respiratory track of exposed individuals. BTEX<br />

emissions remain a worrying aspect due to the high probability of cancer risk under<br />

defined exposure scenarios. The study has international importance because for<br />

the first time, a methodology for health risk assessment from residential coal<br />

burning was applied. This study produced publications in peer-reviewed journals,<br />

three conference papers and eight international conference presentations.<br />

Supervisor: Prof M Gulumian (University of the Witwatersrand)<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr T Makonese<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

<br />


Modley, Lee-Ann Sade (PhD)<br />

Lee-Ann Sade Modley was born in Johannesburg in 1988 and matriculated from Sir<br />

John Adamson High School in 2006. She obtained a BSc degree majoring in<br />

Human Physiology and Zoology, followed by an Honours degree in Zoology from<br />

the University of Johannesburg in 2011. In 2014, she obtained an MSc degree in<br />

Environmental Management, also from the same institution. Ms Modley is currently<br />

employed as a lecturer in the Department of Geography, Environmental<br />

Management and Energy studies at the University of Johannesburg.<br />

The aim of this doctoral thesis was to assess and compare aspects related to the<br />

biotic integrity of three rivers that supply the highly polluted, hyper-eutrophic<br />

Roodeplaat Dam. The research was done using a multi-indicator approach which<br />

included an assessment of macroinvertebrate assemblages, fish health as well as<br />

water quality and sediment analyses. The results of this study provides a<br />

comprehensive contribution to better understand the complex suite of<br />

physiochemical and biological factors impacting on water quality and in situ fish<br />

health in the Roodeplaat catchment area. It further provides useful insight on the<br />

bioaccumulated levels of the bio-toxin analogues microcystin-LR, -YR, and -RR in<br />

the hepatic tissues of two indicator fish species. The study also highlights seasonal<br />

variations in abiotic components and the associated biological responses at<br />

different trophic levels. This research has resulted in a publication in an<br />

international peer-reviewed journal with a second paper currently under review.<br />

Supervisor: Prof JC van Dyk<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof A Oldewage<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

<br />


Nibamureke, Uwineza Marie Clementine (PhD)<br />

Marie Clémentine Nibamureke was born in the Northern Province of Rwanda. She<br />

obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Education – Biology, from the University of<br />

Rwanda in 2006 and was a high school Biology and Chemistry teacher in Rwanda<br />

before furthering her studies at the University of Johannesburg in 2012. She<br />

completed her BSc Honours in Zoology in 2013 and MSc in Aquatic Health in 2015.<br />

Ms Nibamureke received a Global Excellence and Stature Scholarship to complete<br />

a PhD in Aquatic Health. She is currently working as a Senior Laboratory manager<br />

at the Department of Zoology and is a married mother of two children aged 22 and<br />

12.<br />

Ms Nibamureke’s research focused on human pharmaceuticals in aquatic systems.<br />

It was the first study to investigate the potential effects of the antiretroviral drug<br />

nevirapine and the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, present in<br />

surface waters, on the life stages of an indigenous fish species, Oreochromis<br />

mossambicus. Results showed that the fish exposed to a mixture of nevirapine and<br />

the antibiotics were more affected compared to those exposed to nevirapine alone<br />

in both juvenile and adult fish. Adult fish liver tissue showed pronounced changes to<br />

organ histology that may affect organ function. The long-term negative effects of<br />

nevirapine on all life stages showed the importance of putting measures in place to<br />

reduce or prevent the entry of pharmaceuticals into the environment. Three articles<br />

in peer-reviewed journals and one conference paper have been published from this<br />

study and the results have been presented at international and local conferences.<br />

Supervisor: Prof GM Wagenaar<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IEJ Barnhoorn (University of Venda)<br />

<br />


Wuyep, Solomon Zitta (PhD)<br />

Solomon Wuyep was born in Kebbi State (Nigeria) in 1977 and matriculated in<br />

1997 at the United Tongfom Fellowship College. He obtained a BSc Geography<br />

degree from University of Jos in 2003. In 2012, Mr Wuyep completed his MSc<br />

degree in Environmental Resources Management from the Federal Technology<br />

University of Yola. He enrolled for a PhD degree in Geography at the University of<br />

Johannesburg in 2015 and is currently a lecturer at Plateau State University<br />

(Nigeria).<br />

Urban populations in most African countries are predicted to increase to 1.2 billion<br />

in the next four decades and the sub-Saharan African region will constitute the<br />

greatest proportion of this growth rate. Inevitably, agricultural productivity and food<br />

accessibility will be reduced, thus constraining food security and quality of life in<br />

these countries. Solomon’s doctoral thesis assessed the contributions of smallscale<br />

agriculture towards livelihoods in the Jos metropolis (Nigeria). Results<br />

obtained are of international importance, both from the context of development<br />

challenges in the sub-Saharan African region and Nigeria in particular. The<br />

research revealed how urban farming wields a significant influence on employment<br />

opportunities, income generation, and food security in Jos, thus producing<br />

important knowledge for enhanced small-scale farming and how integrated zoning<br />

regulations can accommodate these activities. Research from the candidate’s<br />

thesis generated publications in an international, peer-reviewed journal, a<br />

conference proceeding, while other manuscripts are currently under review.<br />

Supervisor: Prof NJ Kotze<br />

Co-supervisor: Prof IT Rampedi<br />

Co-supervisor: Dr AP Ifegbesan (Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria)<br />

<br />


See the back cover for the words of the National Anthem.<br />

<br />

A word of thanks to the UJ Alumni Office for sponsoring the flower arrangements at<br />

the University of Johannesburg graduation ceremonies.<br />

The UJ Alumni Office manages a network to the advantage<br />

of every alumnus and the University. Become part of the ultimate network!<br />

www.uj.ac.za/alumni<br />


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