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doing it. Maybe, it would simply be how I called their work too

little too late the night my mother was found in the alley by our

house – a knife protruding from her belly like a sixth limb.

Suddenly, I feel something in my throat, a bulging presence

like a cluster of hair in my windpipe. It rises like water in a

sunken vessel and creeps up the back of my tongue. In seconds,

it floods my mouth. I try to speak, to alert Connor, but it’s too

late. My lips part and my head dives for the sink. Among the

putrid vomit that spews over the sink and colours it a tinted

yellow, is blood - lots and Lots of blood. The dregs of it shake

from my tongue and I can see Connor’s disturbed face in the

corner of the mirror. The purple glint of his eyepiece holds

dulled beneath a furrowed brow.

“What was that?”

“I don’t know, it’s probably something you gave me.” I hastily

wipe my ruby-stained lips on my pyjama sleeve and shoot him

a glare.

“Did you bleed?” His tone is accusatory. There is no concern

or interest laced in his words, instead a hidden Ferocity. I

almost protested, attempting to profess sarcasm instead of any

appropriate and contemplated response. But, as I part my lips

and inhale, he cuts me off. “You’re just like the others,” he

grumbles through gritted teeth, turning on his heels.

He marches with haste out of the doorway and closes himself

into our bedroom.

A wave of shock placates me, my jaw loosening with an

inability to grasp what has just been said. Like the others. What’s

that supposed to mean? I watched him leave, cursing each step

with tongues of fire and an angry roar building from my belly.

Air rushes into my lungs, my chest raises and I can see every

profanity I know tattooing itself across my brain, ready for


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