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<strong>PART</strong> N: Preference confirmed<br />

<strong>PART</strong> N:<br />


Though Martha wants Mary in the kitchen, Jesus encourages her to listen, instead,<br />

to his message, if that is her choice.<br />

From Tyre north to Sidon, Jesus walked<br />

then turned back southward to the lake he knew<br />

so well, in Galilee. To the south-east,<br />

its borders reaching to the shore, there lay<br />

the territory of Decapolis.<br />

Here, on a steep hillside, one day, the Lord<br />

sat down, and great crowds came to him and placed<br />

in turn, the deaf, the maimed, the blind, the dumb<br />

and other anguished sufferers at his feet:<br />

and every person healed. One was a man<br />

who was both deaf and practically dumb.<br />

The Lord took him aside, and privately,<br />

putting his fingers in his ears, he spat,<br />

and touched his tongue, and looking heavenwards, sighed,<br />

and breathed one single Aramaic word,<br />

‘Ephphatha’. ‘Open up’ is what it means.<br />

Immediately the man could hear and speak.<br />

Though everyone who witnessed all such cures<br />

was charged by Jesus not to speak about<br />

his extra-ordinary miracles,<br />

astonishment soon over-ruled his pleas.<br />

All glorified the God of Israel<br />

and made well-known the things that Jesus did.<br />

’He who sees me, sees not just me, but sees<br />

the Father who has sent me to bring light<br />

into the world. Whoever puts his trust<br />

in me will not remain a prisoner<br />

of darkness.’ Thus the message of the Lord<br />

rang out to reach the furthest listener.<br />

And then he called, ‘If you should hear my words<br />

but do not keep them, I’ll not be your judge.<br />

But who rejects my words will have a judge<br />

whom he will face on Trial Day to find<br />

that he’ll be judged from all that I have said.<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

But I’m not here to judge: I’ve come to save<br />

and what I speak is not from me, it is<br />

the message from my Father I pass on.’<br />

The Parable of the Lost Silver Coin<br />

Perhaps I miscounted<br />

There should be ten<br />

There seems only nine here.<br />

Let’s count again.<br />

Could I have dropped it<br />

Inside a shoe?<br />

Surely I’d see it<br />

It’s shiny and new.<br />

Under the carpet?<br />

Down by the bed?<br />

A crack in the floorboard?<br />

Best mind how I tread.<br />

I’ve looked in the larder<br />

I’ve brushed down the stairs<br />

I’ve checked all my pockets<br />

I’ve moved all the chairs.<br />

Oh! The clouds are fast thickening<br />

Here comes the night<br />

This is ridiculous<br />

I need a light. (Ah! Better!)<br />

The box with the trinkets<br />

The box with my beads<br />

Under the pillow<br />

Heavens! None of this leads<br />

Anywhere!! Just a moment<br />

What’s this?<br />

Under a flower pot!<br />

Why! There it is!<br />

I’m so pleased to see it<br />

Would you believe?<br />

It’s worth all the other ones...<br />

The one you retrieve.<br />


<strong>PART</strong> N: Preference confirmed<br />

I’ll tell all my neighbours<br />

They can laugh at me – then<br />

They can come round to supper<br />

And I’ll count out all ten.<br />

On one occasion the disciple, John,<br />

told Jesus that they’d seen a man – some one<br />

not of their following – who went about<br />

and using the Lord’s name, was casting out<br />

spirits of evil, just as they’d been taught.<br />

‘He lacked the mark of real discipleship.<br />

He was no follower of yours,’ said John.<br />

‘We told him that he must not use your name.’<br />

‘Do not forbid him,’ Jesus said. ‘Why not?<br />

‘No one who works a miracle through me<br />

will ever after speak maliciously<br />

of me. Whoever’s not against us must<br />

be for us, and indeed, no one who gives<br />

a little drop of water in my name<br />

to any thirsty child will lack reward.’<br />

The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard<br />

Early each morning<br />

Standing around<br />

Casual labourers<br />

Could always be found.<br />

Men in the market place<br />

Waiting each day<br />

For someone to hire them<br />

Someone who’d pay<br />

For tending to vines<br />

Or some other chore -<br />

Anything to keep<br />

The wolf from the door.<br />

Only just daylight<br />

In comes a man<br />

Rich in appearance<br />

Has a quick scan.<br />

Offers the going rate<br />

‘Denarius a day?’<br />

Agreed! Undisputed!<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

They’re off on their way<br />

To work in his vineyard.<br />

Up comes the sun.<br />

A laugh and a handshake<br />

He hires every one.<br />

Nine in the morning<br />

He’s there, back again<br />

Others are waiting<br />

More unemployed men.<br />

‘What are you doing<br />

Just hanging around?’<br />

That is his question.<br />

‘Oh! We’ve found<br />

No one who wants us.<br />

Nothing today –<br />

We’ll wait. We’re patient<br />

We’ll hope and we’ll stay.’<br />

‘But, come, I can use you<br />

My vineyard’s not small<br />

Just follow my steward<br />

He’ll take you all.’<br />

One hesitated.<br />

‘Wages tonight?’<br />

‘Oh, yes. I’ll pay you.<br />

You’ll get what is right.’<br />

At noon, three and five o’clock<br />

He took on more yet<br />

It seemed that he wanted<br />

Every man he could get.<br />

Then came the evening<br />

The day’s work was done<br />

At least, (one could argue)<br />

A day’s work for some.<br />

The steward was called<br />

‘Make the men form a queue<br />

Late comers first.<br />

I’ll pay them their due.’<br />

He gave one denarius<br />

To those who’d come late<br />

To those who’d worked early<br />


<strong>PART</strong> N: Preference confirmed<br />

He paid the same rate.<br />

To the men who’d worked hard<br />

In the heat of the day<br />

He gave one denarius<br />

Just the same pay<br />

As those who had worked<br />

For a short hour or two.<br />

There were complaints<br />

From more than a few.<br />

‘I’ve paid you’ the owner said,<br />

‘What we agreed.<br />

You make it sound<br />

Like some villainous deed.<br />

Where’s the wrong-doing?<br />

Wherein lies the vice?<br />

You’ve taken fair wages<br />

They’ve had a slice<br />

Of what is my own –<br />

From my own bank .<br />

Your best course of action<br />

Would p’rhaps be to thank<br />

Me for plain dealing:<br />

And be happy for the<br />

Not treated as ‘workers’<br />

But valued as men.<br />

‘Do not imagine I have come to wreck<br />

the Law, or undermine what has been taught<br />

before by prophets. This is not the case:<br />

for I have come to make their meaning clear.<br />

Take Scribes and Pharisees, whom many think<br />

have scaled the pinnacles of righteousness –<br />

I’ll tell you this: unless your piety,<br />

unless your goodness and integrity<br />

exceeds that of the Scribe and Pharisee,<br />

God’s Heavenly Kingdom will be closed to you.<br />

No details of the Law should be ignored,<br />

nor any prophet’s teaching overlooked.<br />

This is the way that you must spread the Word –<br />

the Word that I bring you – the Word of Truth –<br />

and those who catechise you otherwise<br />

will find themselves rejected at the last.<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

Should you, because you bear the name of Christ<br />

be well received, the one who welcomes you<br />

will also be much blessed. It’s like a chain.<br />

They welcome me because they welcome you:<br />

in doing that, they welcome God Himself -<br />

my Heavenly Father who has sent me here.<br />

And those who serve the rest of humankind<br />

for love of me – they will not lack reward,<br />

however small their contribution is.<br />

The contrary, of course, is also true.<br />

To reject me is to reject the One<br />

from whom I’ve come – Almighty God himself.<br />

They came to Jesus in the hope that he<br />

would bless their children and their babes-in-arms.<br />

No doubt among his friends were those who helped<br />

prevent the crowds from overwhelming him:<br />

and these began, perhaps, to try to stop<br />

the practice and to hinder those who sought<br />

to thrust their children forward to be blessed.<br />

But Jesus was not slow to demonstrate<br />

how cross he was with those who barred their way.<br />

‘Let no-one stop a child from reaching me:<br />

for Heaven is theirs and anyone who wants<br />

the gift of entrance to the Kingdom must<br />

receive it like a child. For otherwise,<br />

unless he’s born again, he will be stopped.<br />

With that he swept a child into his arms.<br />

The reputation Jesus had, now meant<br />

that he was followed everywhere by crowds<br />

who either came to hear him speak, or hoped<br />

that he would heal them of their sicknesses.<br />

Sometimes he preached out in the open air:<br />

at other times he might be found indoors.<br />

On this occasion he was in a house.<br />

The Scribes and Pharisees were there in force,<br />

all seated comfortably near the front<br />

anxious to question and to criticise.<br />

The place was full to bursting, and indeed<br />

the less prestigious crammed the doorways, pleased<br />

to catch a glimpse or hear a word or two.<br />


<strong>PART</strong> N: Preference confirmed<br />

At this point four young men came on the scene.<br />

Between them they were carrying a friend.<br />

He was completely paralysed, and lay<br />

upon a stretcher. They were very keen –<br />

perhaps they’d carried him for many miles –<br />

that Jesus should have sight of him. Thus, not<br />

to be outdone by doors blocked by folk<br />

who would not move, they hit upon a plan,<br />

and climbing on the flat roof, tile by tile,<br />

they opened up a space just wide enough<br />

to let their sick friend through, and gingerly,<br />

to climb down after him. So! There he was,<br />

exactly as they’d wished, safe and unharmed,<br />

and lying at the feet of him they sought.<br />

When Jesus saw the certainty with which<br />

the youngsters stood, awaiting his response,<br />

he looked down at the prostrate man and said,<br />

‘Your sins are all forgiven. So! Take heart!’<br />

The Scribes and Pharisees said not a word<br />

but everyone took note: for what they heard<br />

was blasphemy. Forgiving sins was God’s<br />

prerogative. It was more evidence<br />

that they could use against this renegade.<br />

But Jesus could read minds and fathom thoughts.<br />

‘Cannot you rid your hearts of spitefulness?’<br />

he asked. ‘You men of learning, tell me this.<br />

Which do you think the easier to say?<br />

“ Your every sin has been forgiven you,”<br />

or “Stand! Pick up your stretcher now, and leave!”<br />

Well, to convince you that the Son of Man<br />

has power and authority on earth<br />

to cleanse a man of sin and to remit<br />

the penalty, watch what will happen now.’<br />

This time, in earnest, the instruction was<br />

repeated, and the paralytic stirred.<br />

‘Get up! Pick up your bed and take it home.’<br />

With every mouth agape, the man stood up<br />

shouldered the load, and made to leave at once<br />

reciting prayers of thanks as he went out.<br />

Thus, fear, amazement, and a deal of shock<br />

was on the faces of those in the room<br />

or those who saw what happened from outside.<br />


A gospel in blank verse with rhymed parables<br />

‘Such strange things we have never ever seen,’<br />

they said, and glorified the God who gave<br />

such power to Jesus, Son of Man.<br />

They journeyed on and found a place to stay.<br />

A woman they called Martha welcomed him<br />

and those who followed him: so while he taught<br />

in comfort in her house, she went about<br />

and busily prepared a meal and served<br />

their needs –and there was much to do – indeed<br />

so much that she’d have liked some help. She asked<br />

her sister Mary for a hand, but ‘No!’<br />

she sat enraptured at the Teacher’s feet,<br />

curled up and hanging on his every word.<br />

The girl refused to budge. Martha complained.<br />

‘Look, Lord,’ she said, ‘I am in need of help<br />

but not one finger will my sister raise!<br />

She lounges with the guests. Tell her to help.’<br />

‘Oh, Martha, Martha, Martha don’t you see?<br />

Your head is full of commonplace concerns<br />

preparing food and making sure the guests<br />

all have a helping and are full. Well done!<br />

Your sister chooses to digest the food<br />

that I bring to the world. Then let her be.<br />

Her’s is the better choice. She shall not be<br />

deprived of that which is her preference.’<br />


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