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<strong>PART</strong> T: Trial<br />

Outrageously he claimed to be the Son<br />

of God. No pious Jew could stand for that.<br />

A gesture silenced all the witnesses.<br />

Triumphantly, and as the Law prescribed<br />

the High Priest tore his vestments and called out.<br />

‘Have we not heard enough? This blasphemy!<br />

This monstrous insult to Almighty God!<br />

You sitting here are witnesses enough.<br />

What is your verdict on the Nazarene?’<br />

And by acclaim they shouted to a man<br />

that he deserved to die. So hurriedly<br />

they dragged him off to Pontius Pilate’s court<br />

for he alone could sentence him to death.<br />

That power had been denied the Sanhedrin<br />

when Rome had conquered them and took control.<br />

In Caesarea, on the coast, was where<br />

the Roman procurator, Pilate lived.<br />

It was unusual for him to be<br />

sojourning in Jerusalem. No doubt<br />

he felt a public celebration such<br />

as Passover deserved a Roman eye<br />

and an emphatic hint of Roman power.<br />

This suited the Sanhedrin perfectly.<br />

They rushed with Jesus, now condemned, en masse<br />

towards the Roman Governor’s residence.<br />

The time for trial was the crack of dawn.<br />

That was the Roman way and Passover<br />

was almost on them. Normally his court,<br />

where he alone was judge, took place inside<br />

the palace that he used as headquarters<br />

while in Jerusalem. The members of<br />

the Sanhedrin could not go there that day.<br />

They would undoubtedly defile themselves.<br />

Thus, all the Jewish notables were forced<br />

to make a clamour just outside the doors<br />

of the Praetorium. How Pilate must<br />

have sighed! More trouble he could do without!<br />

Appeasement was the watch-word for the feast.<br />

A Passover must pass without a hitch.<br />

So swallowing his pride, he compromised<br />

and went outside himself to face the fray.<br />

‘Why bring this fellow here to me?’ he asked.<br />

‘Take him away and judge him for yourselves.<br />


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