The Learning Adventure Brochure UK

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Favourites for schools running the International Baccalaureate and looking for ways their students

can fulfil the CAS requirement, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia are more than just backpacking

destinations. To create meaningful experiences, we partner with local sustainability organisations, like

Trash Rehash in Cambodia, animal sanctuaries, like the Elephant Jungle Sanctuary in Thailand, and local

communities, like Ban Sop Jaek Village in Laos.

We also offer a range of subject-focused trips in South East Asia. Students can apply their classroom

education to conduct biological studies out in the field or learn about a different culture’s art and design world.

Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia all make affordable school trip destinations, but these

countries don’t sacrifice on rewarding and immersive educational and cultural opportunities.

Highlights include the learning experiences that teach students about the environmental

stress on this region. In Laos, students can hear from local experts on how the country’s

environment has suffered as the economy has grown. In Cambodia, groups can work with

Ten Thousand Trees, an organisation with a mission to plant 10,000 trees per year.

Lesley, Operational Manager

Popular Subjects

Biology • History • IB CAS • Art & Design

24 The Learning Adventure | info@thelearningadventure.com

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