Plastic City

Plastic City is a graphic novel created to call attention to the danger of using plastic products and encourage people to use eco-friendly commodities. The book revolves around two main characters, a polyplastic bag and a plastic bottle personified as characters: Poly and Plas. They are represented as negative characters to trigger adverse associations toward plastic products. Plas with the help of Poly tries to force all residents out of the city by polluting streets with plastic waste. The story presents recycling as a solution to the plastic waste problem by incorporating another character called Rec who is a recycling bin. Nevertheless, Plas and Poly win the fight against Rec because more new plastic is being transported by UPS delivery trucks to the city every day than is being recycled. Fortunately, two heroes, an eco-friendly bottle and a bag collectively called the Ecos, come to New York to save it from Poly and Plas. The Ecos fight with plastic and substitute reusables for all of the disposables used in the city. Then the recycling bin Rec becomes strong enough to compete with Poly and Plas and as a result, returns the city to New Yorkers.

Plastic City is a graphic novel created to call attention to the danger of using plastic products and encourage people to use eco-friendly commodities. The book revolves around two main characters, a polyplastic bag and a plastic bottle personified as
characters: Poly and Plas. They are represented as negative characters to trigger adverse associations toward plastic products. Plas with the help of Poly tries to force all residents out of the city by polluting streets with plastic waste. The story presents recycling as a solution to the plastic waste problem by incorporating another character called Rec who is a recycling bin. Nevertheless, Plas and Poly win the fight against Rec
because more new plastic is being transported by UPS delivery trucks to the city every day than is being recycled. Fortunately, two heroes, an eco-friendly bottle and a bag
collectively called the Ecos, come to New York to save it from Poly and Plas. The Ecos fight with plastic and substitute reusables for all of the disposables used in the city. Then the recycling bin Rec becomes strong enough to compete with Poly and Plas and as a result, returns the city to New Yorkers.


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i feel so powerful since

i fought that plastic

poly. my next goal is to

promote eco-friendly

products among all new

yorkers. but with our

high-quality and free

shipping, it will be

a piece of cake.

thank you, ecos for not

letting me get rotten

in that dumpster. i have

an important mission

in my life that will help

millions of new yorkers.

i‘m ready as never

before to start

recycling again.

plastic bags

are a pile

of garbage!

you said

you can live

1,000 years,

i doubt that.

well done eco! kick that

piece of plastic. we are the

toughest eco-friendly

commodities on the market.

now we are available for

online order at amazona

with free rush shipping. soon

every new yorker will walk

outside with a brand new

set of ecos.

here comes the sweet taste of

victory. we are undefeatable.

destroying poly and plas was

not easy but we‘ve managed to

do it. as of now we still have a

lot of work ahead of us. we

have to promote eco-products

among local new yorkers who i

feel will be returning to

the city very soon.



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