Christ Revealed

A Christmas Devotional 2019 by Dr Charlie Hadjiev

A Christmas Devotional 2019 by Dr Charlie Hadjiev


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‘The last enemy to be

destroyed is death’

1 CorinthIAns 15:26

10. The eschaton

Read: Psalm 110

With Psalm 110 we are back in the

throne room, observing another

coronation ceremony. We do not get to

see all the details, just the climax of the

ritual. Our gaze is fixed on God himself

who sits on his throne. As the king

approaches, the Lord speaks. The words

are striking: ‘sit at my right hand’. It is

an invitation to enter the presence of

God and assume a position of honour

and power. And then God speaks again:

‘you are a priest forever according to

the order of Melchizedek’. The kingpriest

is to represent his people before

God and to mediate God’s presence

to the nation. He is to be the living

conduit which connects the divine and

the human sphere.

The rest of the psalm, however, is

filled with disturbing scenes of military

violence. The reign of the king is not a

peaceful one, at least to begin with. The

king leads his forces into battle. On his

behalf the Lord will shatter kings and

fill the nations with corpses. And all

this violence continues until everyone

is subjugated and the enemies are made

into a footstool of the king.

In that humiliating position the

defeated foes will serve forever as a

visual symbol of his enduring power

and authority.

The New Testament makes it quite

clear that the king at the right hand

of God and the eternal priest in the

order of Melchizedek is no other than

Jesus himself. That is why it is difficult

to reconcile the psalm’s picture of

nations filled with corpses and the

reign of the Son of God who teaches us

to love our enemies. Here Paul helps

us to understand the military imagery.

The enemies are not people of flesh

and blood, but the cosmic forces of

wickedness. The last, most resilient and

powerful enemy is death itself.

Christ conquers the world, defeats evil

and destroys death not by violence, but

by self-sacrifice. When his victory is

complete death itself will die and God

will be all in all. And so we can look to

the future with hope. The reign of the

priest-king opens before us a world of

peace cleansed by the king’s own blood,

not the blood of his enemies.

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