OCHS Annual-Report-2019

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Development Planning Committee

The Development Planning Committee supplies planning and operational support to the OCHS through

charting the development agenda of the Centre and overseeing operational matters. It meets monthly as a

PMO (Project Management Office) by teleconference and in person.

The Committee has taken a leading role in establishing the OCHS on a firm footing both financially

and structurally.

Activities include:

• focussing energies on the Continuing Education Department (CED) as an income source;

• clarifying and establishing partnerships with other institutions and scholars;

• funding academic staff positions;

• clarifying the Centre’s budgeting and financial reporting;

• and identifying other ways to fund the Centre’s operational costs.

With these interim goals achieved, the OCHS will be in a much better position to continue its endowment

campaign and its effort to establish the Centre’s finances on a permanent basis.


House of Lords Event

In March, the OCHS celebrated its 20th

anniversary at the House of Lords. The

event was hosted by Lord Dholakia, a

longstanding supporter and OCHS Board

member. The event was aimed at Hindu

temples and organisations from around

the UK.

Prominent attendees included Lord

Popat, Virendra Sharma MP, and C.B.

Patel, Chairman of Asian Voice Publishing.

Lord Dholakia highlighted the need to

create a bridge between Hindu communities

and the OCHS. Suggested partnerships include establishing a think-tank to address the concerns of

Hindu communities, providing tailored courses for Hindu communities, promoting Hindu Studies online,

working on new research projects, and generally working together to provide neutral, well-researched

information and opinion to the public and media.


OCHS Director Shaunaka Rishi Das’s media output this year included recording six ‘Prayer for the Day’

broadcasts for BBC Radio 4. He also appeared on Doordarshan TV in India.

Speaking Engagements

• Speaking at Bradford Literary festival on the

Bhagavad Gita;

• Speaking at Ahimsa Day at the House of


• Sessions on Leadership for Avicenna, with Dr

Jessica Frazier and Anuradha Dooney;

• Speaking to sixth form students at

Wimbledon High School;

• Speaking at Oxford’s Student Ministry Forum;

• Speaking on education at the Institute for Soft

Power in Delhi;

• Speaking at the St Philip’s Centre, Leicester.


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