Fragmented Futures Zine

Marking the centennial of the “modern Afghan state”, Fragmented Futures: Afghanistan 100 Years Later is an unprecedented exhibit that employs art, writing, film, and scholarship to probe the ongoing consequences of foreign intervention in Afghanistan and the future of its diaspora. The exhibit, conceived and curated by the Afghan American Artists & Writers Association, expands the conversation beyond prevailing depictions and sheds light on how Afghans’ everyday aspirations continue to be interrupted, transformed, and reborn in both the diaspora and in an ever-changing Afghanistan. This zine was created specically for the exhibit and features art and writing that prompt us to reimagine Afghanistan, its people, and their many futures. It is meant to stand as its own knowledge artifact—a unique artistic object that archives and establishes diasporic voices. Situated amongst more well known texts, its very presence is an intervention into the canon.

Marking the centennial of the “modern Afghan state”, Fragmented
Futures: Afghanistan 100 Years Later is an unprecedented exhibit that employs art, writing, film, and scholarship to probe the ongoing consequences of foreign intervention in Afghanistan and the future of its diaspora. The exhibit, conceived and curated by the Afghan American Artists & Writers Association, expands the conversation beyond prevailing depictions and sheds light on how Afghans’ everyday aspirations continue to be interrupted, transformed, and reborn in both the diaspora and in an
ever-changing Afghanistan. This zine was created specically for the
exhibit and features art and writing that prompt us to reimagine
Afghanistan, its people, and their many futures. It is meant to stand as
its own knowledge artifact—a unique artistic object that archives and
establishes diasporic voices. Situated amongst more well known texts,
its very presence is an intervention into the canon.


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Table of Contents

Poison - Laimah Osman 1

The Long-Lasting Shoes - Susan Saleh 2

Examining the Role of Folklore in the 3

Construction of an Afghan Identity -

Sara Zhobin

Attan - Neda Olomi 6

Musafir - Jamil Kochai 7

Sharbatskulla - Deeva Momand 9

try remembering - Hanna Kherzai 10

On Kings, Films & Astral Nomads - 11

A Script for Cave Paintings - Leeza Ahmady

Azizabad, Afghanistan - Brian Higbee 16

Spooky - Brian Higbee 17

The Night Journey - Seelai Karzai 18

Lida - Arash Azizzada 19

No Justice - Arash Azizzada 19

I See My Mother Fly a Kite in Her Backyard 20

Forty Years Ago - Seelai Karzai

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