The Danger ( PDFDrive.com )

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The doctor explained that the brain controls the body by sending signals

along neural pathways. With the bends, the body is invaded by tiny bubbles of

nitrogen gas that block some of the pathways. “Your brain will attempt to

develop new ones,” he concluded. “In some patients, this is more difficult than

in others.”

“What do you mean?” Kaz asked anxiously. “She’ll walk again, right?”

“It is impossible to determine at this time,” the doctor replied. “It depends on

the individual and the degree of neurological damage.”

“But I’ve got cerebral palsy!” Star blurted. “I limp already!”

The doctor blinked. He hadn’t been on duty when Star had been treated.

“And you’re here on a dive internship?”

“She’s the best diver around!” Adriana put in. “I mean, she was — ” She fell


The doctor considered this information. “It may complicate matters,” he

admitted. “Then again, perhaps the same tenacity that made you a diver despite

the odds will help your recovery. But your diving career is at an end. You

understand this, yes?”

No more diving! Right now it didn’t seem like such a big deal, in view of

Captain Vanover’s death, and with her own future in doubt. But diving had

always been more than a hobby for Star Ling. Once in the water, she had no

handicap. Without her diving, she would be nothing more than the girl with the


Stop it! she ordered herself. Be happy. You’re alive! You could be dead like

the captain….

“And now,” said the doctor to the three visitors, “I think it is time to let your

friend get some rest.”

Shattered, Kaz, Dante, and Adriana headed for the door.

“We’ll be right outside,” promised Adriana. “Just call — ”

“Actually,” the doctor interrupted, “I believe Dr. Gallagher wants you back

at Poseidon.”

“That would be a first,” Kaz said bitterly.

In the fluorescent-lit corridor, Adriana let out a long breath. “Wow.”

“She’ll walk again,” Kaz vowed, convincing himself as much as the others.

“Star’s tough. I’ll bet she’s more upset about not being able to dive.”

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