ECA Review 2020-01-02

ECA Review 2020-01-02

ECA Review 2020-01-02


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Council exploring use of security cameras

J. Webster

ECA Review

CAO Plachner was directed by

council at their Dec. 18, 2019 regular

meeting to provide two quotes for

installing security cameras for

recording outside the front entrance

to the village office, in the office and

in the shop area adjacent to the


Council felt it was prudent for the

CAO to have this for protection purposes

as she mostly works alone.


Draft budget in the works at FCSS

Mayor Helton noted that at the

Community Futures meeting, Family

and Community Support Services

spent time going over the 2019 financial

reports and working on a draft

budget for 2020 as well as review the

manager’s report and the monthly

financial statements.

Coun. Wilton reported on several

things the Morrin Ag Society is doing

including hosting a Bullarama which

will be prior to the Homecoming in


Maybe people think it is ‘fake news’

by Lois Perepelitz

Stats Canada reports that in 2015

police reported 72,039 impaired driving

incidents, that is a

rate of 201 per

100,000 population.

It is good to see

that they are

reporting that is

four per cent lower

than 2014. I hope

that downward

trend continues.


That does sound

good but we all

know that the

actual number of people who drink

and drive is much higher.

I don’t know why people still drink


Love OpEd writer’s columns

Dear Editor,

I love your OpEd writer’s columns.

Brenda Schimke has a way of presenting

facts in such a way that she

makes her point but doesn’t rile too

many feathers. I wait excitedly every

week for her article.

You have a gem working with you.

I subscribe to a magazine called

Alberta Views.

It comes out monthly. It contains

much commentary on social issues.

I would like to suggest that Ms.

Schimke or you on her behalf contact

the Alberta Views magazine to organize

the possibility of getting her

columns published in the Alberta


Many Albertans are caring, community-minded

individuals and not the

reactionary, flat earthers that we are

often portrayed as.

More Albertans need a chance to

read Schimke’s articles.

I have several friends who read

Schimke faithfully and they appreciate

her as much as I do. Her thoughts

would ring very sympathetically with

many Albertans.

Keep up the good work.

Ken Eshpeter

Daysland, Alta.

Not deliberately angering people

Cont’d from Pg 2

The other point I have referred to

that has angered Albertan’s is the

reckless spending.

Alberta was already running deficits

with the old PC government.

There was absolutely no effort made

by the NDP’ers to cut back spending in

any area.

There are too many top level

bureaucrats in Alberta and they are

way overpaid. Nobody needs to be paid

$600 to over $900 to provide government


In just four short years the NDP government

ran up the largest debt in the

and drive. The information about why

it is dangerous has been out there over

and over again.

Maybe people think it is ‘fake news’.

Whatever the problem is, there are

still way too many people drinking and


One problem might be that they do

not realize how many other things

there are to factor in when drinking.

Things like how much you weigh, if

you ate enough, or how fast you drink,

are a few examples.

Maybe the big problem is that they

just don’t think at all when drinking.

I wonder what kind of excuses they

tell themselves to make it okay to


Let’s see… there is the coffee excuse.

history of Alberta.

In the last election Jason Kenney

and the UCP won 60 out of the 87 seats

in the legislature. That was because

almost 75 per cent of those voting were

so angry at how Notley and the NDP

were governing Alberta.

In fact, the people were so determined

to defeat the NDP government

that no one from another party other

than the NDP were elected for fear of

vote splitting.

When Jason Kenney and the UCP

were campaigning for the last election

they promised to repeal most of

Notley’s irresponsible legislation.

‘I drank a cup of coffee so I am now

good to drive.’

No, not really, you are just more

awake. The only thing that helps is

time, so if it took you about five hours

to drink that coffee you might be able

to go.

Another excuse, ‘I live out in the

boonies, no one else drives on my road.’

I guess these people have not heard of

the ‘one vehicle accident’. Maybe they

think that is ‘fake news’ too.

Or, ‘I can drive. I have done it many

times and nothing happened.’ There is

always the first time and even if you

don’t hit another car and kill someone

else, I refer back to the ‘single vehicle


Then there is the ‘I won’t get caught.

Dianne Schmidt of

Family and Community

Support Services (FCSS)

received Brownfield

Community School’s

food bank donations

that were collected at the

Christmas Concert held

on Wed. Dec. 18. From

the left: Cloe Thomas,

Cody Cooper, Austin

Thomson, Diane Schmidt,

Sydney Richardson and

Cora Thomson holding

various donations for the

Coronation Food Bank.

ECA Review/Submitted

Cuts to government programs had

to be made in order to get Alberta’s

finances under control.

Of course, people will be upset when

their program is the one that was cut.

People are in favour of cutbacks until

it is their ox that is gored.

It was Notley who angered the


Kenney is not deliberately angering

people. He has no choice but to clean

up the mess he was left with from the

former NDP government.

Herman Schwenk

Coronation, Alta.

The police are never around this time

of night.’

Well, sometimes they are. Can you

afford the big fine, or will it take away

Christmas for your family? What

about getting your licence taken away?

How will that affect your life? Will you

still be able to get to your job?

And finally, ‘My parents do it so I

can do it too.’

Wow! Just the thought of mixing

youth and inexperience with drinking

and driving is scary. What kind of

example are those parents giving their


I do feel encouraged by the number

of young people who do make sure

they have a designated driver and do

not let friends drink and drive.

What a wonderful example their

children will have to follow. That gives

me hope for the future.

Don’t drink and drive.

Castor & District AG Society

would like to thank everyone for

supporting the raffle.

CASH Raffle Winners

1 st Prize - $5,000

Kerry Russel

2 nd Prize - $2,500

Gayle Haugen

3 rd Prize - $1,500

Barry Fletcher

4 th Prize - $1,000

Doug Robinson

County of Paintearth No. 18



The County of Paintearth will be hosting

public meetings to engage the residents in

a process to update our MDP and LUB in

2020. Letters were previously sent to all and

requested that an RSVP process be followed

for attending. Your LAST CHANCE to RSVP

will be on Monday January 6 - in order to

prepare our numbers for workbooks and catering.

For more information please check

out the County website or call the office at


The locations and dates are as follows:

#1 Monday January 13 Brownfield Community Hall

5:30 – 9:30 pm - For residents north of 599 and east of

Range Rd 120

#2 Tuesday January 14 Coronation Community Center

5:30 – 9:30 pm - For residents south of 599 and east of

Range Rd 123

#3 Wednesday January 15 Halkirk Community Hall

5:30 – 9:30 pm - For residents in Ranges 15 and 16

#4 Thursday January 16 Castor Community Hall

5:30 – 9:30 pm - For residents in Ranges 14, 13, and 12

west of Range Rds 120/123

Dated: January 2, 2020

Todd Pawsey,

Development Officer

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