Bekämpfung von moderner Sklaverei und Menschenhandel

Liechtenstein hat 2019 gemeinsam mit der niederländischen und australischen Regierung in der UNO eine Initiative zur Bekämpfung von Menschenhandel und modernder Sklaverei eingereicht (sog. Liechtenstein-Initaitve). Diese Broschüre gibt eine Übersicht über die Materie und bindet mittels Augmented Reality (siehe letzte Seite) multimediale Inhalte wie Videos, Animationen und 3D-Modelle ein.

Liechtenstein hat 2019 gemeinsam mit der niederländischen und australischen Regierung in der UNO eine Initiative zur Bekämpfung von Menschenhandel und modernder Sklaverei eingereicht (sog. Liechtenstein-Initaitve). Diese Broschüre gibt eine Übersicht über die Materie und bindet mittels Augmented Reality (siehe letzte Seite) multimediale Inhalte wie Videos, Animationen und 3D-Modelle ein.


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The Liechtenstein Initiative

Human trafficking and modern

slavery are crimes that are

prohibited across the world.

Yet slavery is all around us, in

every region of the globe. In

fact, there are over 40 million

men, women and children living

in modern slavery – which

amounts to 1 in every 185

people on the planet.

Despite a wide range of international

and domestic legal

regimes banning such practices,

it is clear that these are not

always complied with. The reason

for this is as simple as it is

devastating: human trafficking

is highly lucrative. Around USD

150 billion is generated

from such exploitation

every year. From

food, clothing and other

things of everyday life, this

indirectly affects Liechtenstein’s

population, too.

Innovation is generating

new possibilities

Through the use of new

technology and data

streams, new options

have emerged

that will allow


communities and businesses to

better identify these risks on a

global scale.

In September 2015, Liechtenstein

adopted the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs)

together with 193 countries

at the United Nations General

Assembly. Target 8.7 of these

goals commits countries to

«take immediate and effective

measures to eradicate forced

labour, end modern slavery and

human trafficking and secure

the prohibition and

elimination of the worst forms

of child labour». The Government

of Liechtenstein, in wanting

to offer its expertise as a

financial centre to help find

a lasting solution, went even

further in considering how

to address these crimes. The

«Liechtenstein Initiative for

Finance Against Slavery and

Trafficking» aims to put the

financial sector at the heart

of global efforts to address

modern slavery and human


Augmented Reality

Discover how modern slavery is brought about

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