January 2020

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A very warm welcome to

Our Organisations

You’ll receive a warm welcome at any of our groups, whose details are given

below. For further information about each organisation, please see our website


Group Where and when we meet Contact







Guild of



Green Team

Toddlers’ Group

Bacon Rolls

Song School

Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm (not July and


We meet in the MacFarlane Hall, once

a month at 2pm on a Sunday

afternoon. Dates will be announced.

Meets once a year as a whole group,

Members take their turn at arranging

the flowers in church each week and

at major religious festivals.

Members take their turn on the

Sunday Bell ringing rota and ring on

other community occasions if they


Members meet together twice a year.

The Guild visits housebound members

of the congregation. The number of

homes and frequency of visits is

flexible and can easily be arranged to

suit the availability of the Visitor

Members take turns at the purposebuilt

cupboard selling Fairtrade goods

after morning worship each Sunday

Help to provide ideas for each of us to

better care for God’s creation.

MacFarlane Hall

Tuesdays in school terms. 9.30-


Friday mornings. Join a team taking

your turn preparing and serving

Bacon Rolls. Each team is ‘on’ once

every 6 weeks. Great fun!

Sarah Brown

(Director of Music)

07597 394059

Cathy Davidson

01896 830419

Rachael Forsyth

01721 724693

Anne Derrick

01721 721075

Elizabeth Fairless

01721 720344

Janette Cameron

01721 722528

Neil Cummings

01896 831771

Please speak to the

Minister or Session


Janette Cameron

01721 722528

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