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Electricity - Our future







Achieving the balance of

investing now for an unknown


Electricity distribution networks are

built to serve the long-term interests of

communities and customers.

While there is much debate and

deliberation about changes coming in

the energy environment, the majority of

our customers continue to use centrallygenerated

electricity from sources such

as wind farms, hydro-electric power

stations and thermal plants. We think

this will continue to be the backbone of

how the majority of people support their

energy needs in the foreseeable future.

It is therefore essential we continue to

invest in our assets to ensure they are in

appropriate condition and of sufficient

capacity to meet the future needs of


Decarbonising the economy

The role of energy companies in

decarbonising the economy is a

worldwide focus. For Powerco, this begins

with our network being the platform

that supports new technologies and

connection of new renewable sources of


Our network evolution strategy reflects

this and aims to ensure we play a part

through supporting our customers and

the wider New Zealand economy and

environment. In particular, it recognises

the challenges brought by the 3Ds of the

energy industry:

1D. Decarbonisation

Decarbonisation is the challenge to

reduce CO2 emissions to fight climate


2D. Decentralisation

Decentralisation is the shift from central

generation electricity to distributed

devices that generate, store or consume


3D. Digitalisation

Digitalisation is the increase in digitally

enabled sensors, data and analysis

available to customers, the market and

asset owners.

Open-access network

We can all see society is facing the

challenge of dealing with climate change

and the impact of energy use on the


In a fortunate convergence of improving

technology and cost-efficiency, people


• More choice and the power to exercise

their values

• An increasing ability to achieve

significant reductions in their energy use

A key contributor to this is the ability

to cost effectively generate electricity

locally, through renewable methods such

as solar panels or small wind generators.

This not only reduces electricity taken

from the grid, but also holds potential

for exporting excess energy. This truly

motivates people to take power into their

own hands and exercise their choices for

the future.


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