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The galleries and sacred architectures are similar

in some way. Taking away Christianity from

churches, as well as expositions from galleries, the

space itself can make a similar impression.

Being involved in the project “Noc kostolov“, we

used a sacral building of Evangelical Church in

Prešov for one weekend as a gallery of a conceptual

art. „Noc kostolov“ is an international project

which we needed to redefine for our own internal

needs as a multi-genre festival of a live dialogue.

Questioning the forms, we try to introspect the

mystery of contents and ask tough questions in a

deep search for God.

The installation contains several different contexts.

The church was built during communism with

a strict condition not to look like a church. The

main architect was forbidden to build towers, bell

towers or crosses. By this temporary installation, a

cross was placed at the top of the church building,

not with the aim to define its territory but rather

to proclaim an invitation.

The second context is based on its ideological

concept. Through this year’s topic “Accessible

church” – we looked into causes and forms of

many barriers arising in the middle of meditation

on God. It would be too easy to talk just about

physical barriers not mentioning those arising in

the depth of our attitudes, relationships or even

historical memory.

Each of the installations symbolizes a barrier in

church or even outside of it. ‘‘The Cube‘‘ at the top

of the church building describes one of the oldest

barriers – human suffering. In a rational shape of

the cube, made of a light wooden construction,

there are pixels, randomly placed, shining to the

whole town. They don’t make any sense, neither

as individual pieces nor as a whole unit. Only by

looking at the cube from a certain perspective, the

pixels create a cross. Symbolism of the rational

shape of the cube as an effort to grasp human life

into which there enters absurdity of the suffering

causes chaos in an organized life. Chaos, which is

so often a barrier in our meditations on God.

In the perspective of the ultimate human suffering

– the cross, a place, where God suffers, as well –

is chaos of individual pixels suddenly organized

into a meaningful object. That’s why we called this

installation “Christ in human suffering“.

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