NYC Commercial Litigtion Lawyer

Litigation lawyers do not need to be attorneys; some are employed by non-pro se litigants (non-attorneys) like construction firms, banks, insurance companies, casinos, hospitals, etc. NYC Commercial Litigtion Lawyer sometimes takes on many cases because of their specialization and provide legal representation to litigants in their territory.

Litigation lawyers do not need to be attorneys; some are employed by non-pro se litigants (non-attorneys) like construction firms, banks, insurance companies, casinos, hospitals, etc. NYC Commercial Litigtion Lawyer sometimes takes on many cases because of their specialization and provide legal representation to litigants in their territory.


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NYC Class Action Lawyer

A property management company is just like any other business.

You can expect legal challenges, and you can expect to need to make some of your own.

It’s important to understand that there are many local and state laws governing how your real estate

investment may be used.

These laws include controls on how and when you can raise rents, what must be repaired or offered, when you

can remove a tenant, when you can enter a unit, and what sort of notice you must give before doing anything

to the property.

Violate a tenant’s rights, and you could face hefty fines and disadvantageous circumstances that cut into your


Even “flipping” properties can come with a host of complications you’ll want expert help with.

Litigious buyers and unscrupulous sellers can cost you a fortune unless you get out in front of the problem by

retaining a skilled NYC real estate attorney before problems arise.

Real Estate Attorneys

Make sure you have that expert help from the moment you get involved in your next real estate transaction,

and you’ll prevent problems before they threaten your ability to keep doing business. Contact the Richman Law

Firm PLLC and schedule an appointment today.

Developing a property?

There are many parties involved in the average construction project. That creates a lot of room for mistakes to

be made.

When your architect, engineer, general contractor, subcontractors or other stakeholders create a defect that

causes an injury or subjects you to financial loss, what are your next steps?

How do you ensure you don’t weaken your case? When is the right time to repair the damage?

If you’ve already partnered with an experienced construction litigation attorney, then you’ll know the answers

to these questions right from the start.

It won’t always take a court case to recoup your losses, but neither should you have to shy away from one.


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