NYC Business Litigation Lawyer

An NYC Business Litigation Lawyer is a lawyer who mainly focuses on commercial or business-related litigation. He or she often represents an organization that intends to make a profit in its ongoing dispute with another entity. This type of attorney is usually one who practices litigation law, meaning he or she specializes in commercial disputes.

An NYC Business Litigation Lawyer is a lawyer who mainly focuses on commercial or business-related litigation. He or she often represents an organization that intends to make a profit in its ongoing dispute with another entity. This type of attorney is usually one who practices litigation law, meaning he or she specializes in commercial disputes.


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Litigation Lawyer NYC

Percentages Determine Recovery.

There are lots of ways to contribute to your own injury.

Perhaps you assumed a risk by taking certain actions.

Or you failed to look for a hazard before moving. Or you failed to take a

safety precaution you should have taken, such as neglecting to wear a

motorcycle helmet or seat belt.

Richman Law Firm PLLC is led by Scott B. Richman an experienced litigation,

trial, and appellate attorney.

Richman Law Firm PLLC provides legal services in the following practice

areas: business/commercial litigation, personal injury litigation, real estate

litigation, and class action cases. Richman Law Firm PLLC also provides

consulting and counseling services on behalf of businesses, small and large,

and also provides general civil and commercial defense services, whether it

be defending individuals and corporations in court or assisting in providing

services to individuals and corporations to assist in avoiding litigation.

www.richman-law- rm.com

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