Global IP Matrix - Issue 6

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 to all our readers. It has been a fantastic year for The Global IP Matrix, and 2020 is shaping up to become an even bigger and productive year for us. We have kept to our promise of giving our readers diverse news from the IP world straight from the frontline and hope you agree! We want to thank all our amazing contributors and give them credit for all the content they have submitted to us over the year. Without their expert knowledge, we would not be where we are today. We endeavor to provide our readers with engaging and up to date topics, written by specialists in the industry at all levels with an unbiased approach. Our ethos is ‘each one teach one', shared knowledge is key. We look forward to continuing to provide the right content to keep you wanting to read more in the coming year. Please enjoy this issue and look out for us again in a few months. From all of us at The Global IP Matrix & Northon’s Media, PR & Marketing

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020 to all our readers.

It has been a fantastic year for The Global IP Matrix, and 2020 is shaping up to become an even bigger and productive year for us. We have kept to our promise of giving our readers diverse news from the IP world straight from the frontline and hope you agree!

We want to thank all our amazing contributors and give them credit for all the content they have submitted to us over the year. Without their expert knowledge, we would not be where we are today.

We endeavor to provide our readers with engaging and up to date topics, written by specialists in the industry at all levels with an unbiased approach. Our ethos is ‘each one teach one', shared knowledge is key.

We look forward to continuing to provide the right content to keep you wanting to read more in the coming year. Please enjoy this issue and look out for us again in a few months.

From all of us at The Global IP Matrix & Northon’s Media, PR & Marketing


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