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m review



• Song Kang-Ho

• Lee Sun-Kyun

• Cho Yeo-Jeong

• Choi Wo-Sik

• Park So-Dam

Director: Bong Joon-Ho


Parasite director Bong Joon Ho has in the past created films

about the different social classes and the difference between

them. Such as Snowpiercer for example, but Parasite is a huge

improvement on creating a story based around this because

it has no bias towards either class. In Bongs own thrilling way

he shows how both classes can be considered parasites in this

shocking thriller.

The beginning of the film we are introduced to the Kim family

which consist of parents Ki-taeck (Kang-Ho Song) and Chungsook

(Jang-Hye-jin) and their older children Ki-jung (Park

So-dam) and Ki-Woo (Choi-Woo-shik). They live in poverty,

struggling to make ends meet, daily scrounging for wi-fi signals

and using the free fumigation from outside to get rid of their

bug infestation creates an image of how hard the family’s life

is. Turns out it is not all bad though, when the son of the family

Ki-Woo receives an opportunity to imitate an English teacher

for the teenage daughter of the upper class Park family. The

Park family are polar opposites to the Kims, they reside in a

huge modernised mansion, the Dad of the family Donk Ik owns

an IT company, whilst his wife Yeon gyo stays at home looking

after their two children with assistance from their persistent

housekeeper. Eventually the two families worlds intertwine as

the Kim family one by one manage to deceive the Park family

and con their way to gain different roles in the house. Using

a perfectly plotted plan, which director Bong brilliantly puts

together using subtle comedy and impeccable plotting skills.

This makes you really begin to see how this lower class family

can be considered as parasites, using lies and criminal activities

to take advantage of the Park family. It is almost like a heist film

with similarities to Ocean’s Eleven but eventually you realise it

is may be going too well for the Kim family. Inevitably it ends

up emulating Reservoir Dogs in how quickly a perfect plan can

change for the worse. To completely shock you, Bong takes this

film and completely turns it on its head. He changes the genre

of the film you think you are watching to a completely different

style of movie and creates the perfect upstairs downstairs story

that he has been steering to since the beginning. Using the

social classes but in a thrilling way with a compelling story which

would be hard to talk about without giving away spoilers. He

finds a way of creating a balance between not knowing who

is the villain in the story, the Park family are oblivious to the

problems but in person are very nice to the Kim family. However,

behind their backs they talk badly of them in a really snobby

way, making the audience create opinions on who they think

is right or wrong. The cast are all stand outs, and each provide

their own individual presence in the film, such as great dark

comedy from Moon-Gwang and Da-hye and the ability to switch

emotions by Ki-Taek. In one scene he just uses his facial expression

to provide a powerful insight into how he is feeling during

a driving scene after his house has been affected by floods, but

has to put it behind him so he can get back to his goal of taking

advantage of the Park family by posing as a personal driver.

There really are no minor characters because the cast is so small

but each one plays such an influential part.

The end of the movie is haunting in ways I can not really explain

without spoiling too much. There are so many scenes that will

leave the viewer taking deep breaths out of fear of what might

unfold next in this masterpiece, Bong just surprises the audience

again and again leaving you gobsmacked and eventually

playing with your emotions by using hope. Eventually just destroying

every bit of hope you had for how you personally want

the movie to finish, but I guarantee you do not expect anything

coming your way. This is so happens to be the best way to go

into the film. Parasite will be in cinemas across the UK from 7th

February 2020.

Photo by the official website


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