2020 Sent Prayer Booklet

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA

Missions and Outreach prayer booklet for Oak Hill Church in Williamson, GA


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A Message from Lead Pastor Stephen Dervan

One of the last commands that Jesus gave to His followers was to “GO”. It seems so simple,

and yet so few of us truly engage in this task. It is impossible to read God’s Word and not catch

the heart of God in His desire to reach the nations.

Oak Hill has a long history of not just giving to missions but actively going to the ends of the

world with the message of the Gospel. As followers of Christ, we are to cross the street and

the oceans for the purpose of sharing the love of God. We accomplish this by praying, giving,

and going. As we increase our missions giving and involvement, it is going to take all of us to

do our part as we seek to impact our world for the sake of the Gospel because Jesus is our

only hope.

John tells us in Revelation 7:9, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one

could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before

the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands…”.

We long for that day, and to think that God allows us to play a small role in reaching the

nations is unbelievably humbling.

I’m praying for a day when every member of Oak Hill has an active passport on standby ready

to go in His name.

Let’s reach the world together,

Pastor Stephen

Missions 2020

Jesus said to them again,

Oak Hill Baptist Church

100 Lakeside Rd

Williamson, GA 30292



“Peace be with you.

As the Father has sent me,

even so I am sending you.”

John 20:21

Prayerwalking Tips

Prayerwalking was once defined as praying on site with insight. Whether you are prayerwalking in

your neighborhood, in Salt Lake City or in Romania or India, below are some tips to help you as you


Christian Women’s Center

New Mercy Baptist Church

Red Clay Ministries

Rushton’s Hope

GraceWorks Alaska (Anchorage)

Gospel Hope Church (Decatur, Georgia)

NAMB—Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Redemption Hill Church (Saratoga Springs, Utah)

Seven Wells (Atlanta, Georgia)

Hopegivers International (India)

DeepStream Ministries (Guatemala)

IMB—Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

IMB AID Cluster (South Asia)

Teofil Mihoc (Romania)

Open Doors

Operation Christmas Child


Pray for Direction – Prayer originates with God, so talk with Him about how to get started. “Call to

me and I will answer you” (Jer. 33:3). Ask where He wants you to walk and pray. “Your ears will hear

a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it’” (Is. 30:21). Think of prayerwalking as a way to

get to know God better by taking a walk with Him.

Get Cleaned Up – Before you can pray for others, you need to be in right relationship with God. Allow

the Holy Spirit time to examine your heart, confess any known sin, and accept God’s forgiveness.

Then you will be a clean vessel ready for God’s use in prayer. “Search me, O God, and know my

heart” (Ps. 139:23-24). “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and

purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Get Dressed – The object of a prayerwalk is not to draw attention to yourself. In addition to putting

on the armor of God as described in Ephesians 6:10-18, be sure to wear clothing that is appropriate

for the season, location, and culture, as well as comfortable walking shoes.

Start Where You Are – Don’t worry about whether you’re doing everything exactly right, or what

other people may think of you. “Do not fear the reproach of men” (Isa. 51:7). Trust and lean on the

Holy Spirit. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (Ro. 8:26-27). Take a short walk

around your neighborhood and ask God to give you eyes to see your neighbors as He sees them. Pray

silently for them as God gives you insight about them from what you see.

Use Scripture – To keep your prayers biblical, spend time reading the Bible. Memorize God’s Word or

carry a few key verses on index cards to refer to as you pray. "So will My word be which goes forth

from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire" (Is. 55:11).

Thank God that He loves your neighbors and pray that they would believe in Jesus – (John 3:16).

Ask Him to bring them out of darkness (Col. 1:13-14). Pray for them to be released from whatever

hinders their faith (2 Timothy 2:25-26). Allow God to teach you through Scripture to pray in the same

character as Jesus. Remember that “[God] is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”

(Eph. 3:20), so pray believing that He will answer.

Involve Others – Invite a Christian co-worker to come to work early to walk by each desk and pray

for your fellow workers. Think about the places you’d like to prayerwalk and Christians you know in

that area who might walk and pray with you.

2020 Schedule

February 8th-9th


9:30AM -11:45AM

1:00PM -4:00PM


Prayer Breakfast

Equipping Opportunities

9:30AM 3 Circles Next Steps

10:45AM Power of Prayer in Missions

10:45AM Church Planting

Does the Bible Belt need another church?

with Ryan McCammack and Rod Dewberry

From Gospel Hope Church, Decatur

Outreach Opportunities

Local Prayer Walk

Red Clay Ministries



Christian Women’s Center

New Mercy Church

Rushton’s Hope

Stonebriar Subdivision

Fellowship Dinner with guest speaker Gordon Fort

A Message From Discipleship & Missions Pastor Tony Waller

As we continue to engage our neighbors, our community, the nation, and the nations with

the love of Jesus, we must never underestimate the role of prayer as we live SENT. We are

told in the book of James that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Jesus

told the disciples in Luke 10 to pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers

into his harvest. In Acts 4, the church prays for boldness, and in Acts 12, the church prays in

unity for the release of Peter from prison.

This year for our Sent Weekend, we are privileged to have Dr. Gordon Fort from the

International Mission Board with us. Dr. Fort will be speaking on the role and power of prayer

in missions and outreach.

In this guide, you will find updates from Oak Hill’s missions and outreach partners, along with

current prayer requests. Please use this guide throughout the year as you pray and consider

how God might be leading you to join Him on mission. We also encourage you to stay

connected through SENT Missions (an Oak Hill Facebook group) and the Missions and

Outreach page on Oak Hill’s website (oakhillbaptist.org/missions-outreach) for updates

throughout the year.

Let’s join together and commit to continue to pray, give, and go in 2020 to see people

impacted and transformed through the redeeming Gospel message.


Pastor Tony



Muffins and Missions

Senior Adult breakfast with Keynote Speaker

Sunday Morning Worship

with Keynote Speaker Gordon Fort

2:00 PM Community Prayer Walk


Christian Women’s Center

Becky Smith, Executive Director


The mission of the Christian Women’s Center is to

provide refuge to women in crisis believing they can

be restored to physical, emotional, and spiritual

wholeness through Christian discipleship. They provide temporary residence for women in crisis

due to drug and/or alcohol addiction.

Please pray for God’s provision for financial needs and spiritual growth. Pray for discernment

for leadership, staff, and volunteers as they serve these women.

You may support the CWC by making donations and shopping in the thrift store at North Griffin

Square (Belk) shopping center. Volunteer opportunities include teaching or facilitating Bible

study, creative arts, health/nutrition, health care, facility maintenance, lawn and garden care,

mentoring, and transportation assistance for appointments.

If you are interested in any of these areas, you may contact staff at 770.227.3700 or


Operation Christmas Child


Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse,

an international Christian relief and evangelism

organization headed by Franklin Graham. The mission of

Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a

tangible way to children in need around the world and to

share the Good News of Jesus Christ together with the local

church worldwide.

Since 1993 Operation Christmas Child has collected and delivered more than 168 million

shoeboxes to children in over 160 countries and territories. For many of these children, the giftfilled

shoebox is the first gift they have ever received.

Please pray for the millions of children who receive shoebox gifts as well as the network of

churches that share the gospel and follow up with the children.

Go to samaritanspurse.org/operation-Christmas-child for more information on OCC, packing a

shoebox, and volunteer opportunities.

New Mercy Baptist Church

Rev. Grady L. Caldwell, Pastor


The mission of New Mercy is to be a body of believers in

Jesus Christ that seeks the lost, disciples the found, and

teaches how to apply God’s Word to everyday life.

This year will be a time of assessment and evaluation of

the work they are doing compared to what they believe

the Lord has called them.

Please pray to the Lord of the harvest for more laborers

and for their Shepherd’s ministry to become all God is

calling them to be. Pray for them to have the wisdom

needed to remain good stewards of His provision.

You may contact Pastor Caldwell at


Appalachian Trail Ministry

April 6th-10th $60

Minister to hikers on the AT, drama

presentations in Helen

Salt Lake City (Redemption Hill Church)

June 9th-14th $1500

Assist Redemption Hill family with

community outreach

Helen/North Georgia

Jun 15-19th $100

VBS, service projects, drama presentations,

one-on-one evangelism

Salt Lake City (Redemption Hill Church)

September $1500

Assist Redemption Hill family with

community outreach

South Asia (IMB)

April $2800

Work with missionary and national church

planters among unreached South Asians

Barcelona, Spain (IMB)

September 19th-27th $2400

Engage South Asians living in Europe

Guatemala (DeepStream Ministries)

September $1100

Minister among students and staff and in

local villages

Contact tony@oakhillbaptist.org for additional information

South Asia (IMB)

November $2500

Extreme trekking through mountains

engaging UUPGs or working in and around

the capital city engaging in villages

Teofil Mihoc

Jibou, Romania

Pastor of Jibou Baptist Church

President of the Cluj Baptist Association

Pastor Teo has been planting churches in his area for twenty

years. The association has 300 churches and 13,000 believers.

They have ten new churches with their own buildings.

The ministry focuses on unreached people groups around

them. Currently, they are discipling twelve gypsies in the

church with the intent to send them back to their communities

and plant churches. The second focus is creating strategies and reaching the unreached villages.

Please pray for wisdom, power, and health for Pastor Teo in his new position as association

president. Pray for more pastors to be involved in the Jibou Baptist Church mission. Pray for

resources as well as spiritual and physical protection for church planters and their families. Also

pray for the ability to disciple all of the new believers and for partnerships/provision for the

Kingdom work in their area.

Open Doors


Red Clay Ministries, Inc.

Rhonda Morgan, President


The mission of Red Clay Ministries, Inc. is to identify and meet the physical, emotional, and

spiritual needs of those incarcerated so that the saving love of Jesus Christ will be shared

behind the razor wire.

The ministry has 50 volunteers certified by the State of Georgia to serve in state prisons and

10 additional volunteers who serve outside the prison. Red Clay Ministries serves at West

Central Integrated Treatment Facility (state prison for women in Zebulon) and the Spalding

County Jail. Additionally, Bibles are provided to prisoners in county jails through Lala’s Big

Dream ministry.

Please pray for opportunities to share the gospel as well as funds to purchase Bibles and

provide programs that maintain/strengthen relationships between children and their

parents who are incarcerated. Pray for the 82,000 children in Georgia with a parent in prison

and for prison chaplains.

You may support Red Clay Ministries by volunteering for projects inside and outside the jail.

Volunteers are needed for Project Connect (activities and programs), Bible study leaders,

worship leaders, and for raising funds. You may also visit Kroger.com, click “community

rewards”, and select Red Clay Ministries, Inc. to make a donation every time you shop.

Contact them by email at redclayministries@gmail.com or by using the contact tab on their


One Church. One Family. Today, just like in the

book of Acts, Christians are persecuted all over

the world for following Jesus. More than 245 million Christians face imprisonment, loss of home and

assets, physical torture, beatings, rape, and even death as a result of their faith.

Six decades after Brother Andrew began smuggling Bibles, Open Doors is on the ground in over 60

countries, continuing to support Christians who are persecuted for their faith. They provide Bibles,

discipleship training, emergency aid, vocational skills, trauma counseling, advocacy and other

assistance so the churches in their communities can continue to advance the Gospel. Open Doors

considers it a privilege to provide aid to persecuted brothers and sisters who minister in the world’s

most hostile regions.

Go to opendoorsusa.org/take-action to find a number of ways to connect with and pray for this


Rushton’s Hope, Inc.

Ron and Wanda Cook


The mission of Rushton’s Hope is to impact lives with hope in

Christ by meeting physical and spiritual needs of homeless to

helpless, rejected to neglected, and abused to refused from our

inner city to any city.

This ministry serves nearly 1,000 individuals monthly through

community meals, worship services, food pantries, assistance

with medications, transportation, housing, pregnancy and

parenting counseling, clothes closets, jail ministry, block parties, and holiday events

throughout the year. Last year brought one of their greatest opportunities through the

establishment of their Hope Community Mission House which houses two missionaries

reaching the surrounding unchurched community.

Please pray for wisdom in leadership as they move forward into a new era of ministry, for

leaders and laborers to be supplied to meet the ever-increasing needs of ministry, for Ron

and Wanda in their walk with God, their work for Him, and His will for their life. Praise God

for His great faithfulness and the lives that are being transformed.

You may support Rushton’s Hope by donating food, hygiene products, household items, or

clothing. There are also volunteer opportunities for events, administration, and maintenance

items. All of these opportunities are listed on their website.

You may contact them at 770.468.6606 or by email at rushhope@bellsouth.net.

International Mission Board

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering


Since 1845, the IMB has partnered with churches to send missionaries to live and work among

those around the world with little to no access to the gospel. In 2019, 3,619 missionaries engaged

847 people groups around the world.

One hundred percent of gifts go directly for housing, training, education and healthcare of missionaries

that live among the unreached people they serve.

Affinity Initiatives and Diaspora (AID) Cluster

South Asia

From the heights of the mighty Himalayas to the crystal-clear water of the Maldives, South Asia is

both awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching. It has the largest concentration of non-Christians on the

planet. South Asia is home to more than 500 million Muslims and is the birthplace of Hinduism,

Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism.

With over 1.7 billion people, 22 million (only 1.54%) are

evangelical believers. South Asia has 1,975 unreached

people groups across the countries of Pakistan, Bangladesh,

India, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Go to www.imb.org/south-asia to learn more. Select

“pray” under the South Asian Peoples heading to view

their prayer guide for this area.

Oak Hill is partnering with IMB for three mission trips in

2020. Two to South Asia (April and November) and one

to Barcelona, Spain (September).

DeepStream Ministries

Buena Vista, Guatemala

Mark and Gina Schmidt


DeepStream’s Educational Center is a wholistic, gospel-centric

mission focused on reforming the small village of Buena Vista

in four areas: spiritual, physical, mental, and social. Using

education and health, they are training an entire generation of

future leaders on how to live life as a complete person, love

God and others, and then live on mission for God.

They have over two hundred students on site each day. Mark

and Gina are beginning to focus more on leadership

development with hopes of expanding to other villages. They have just expanded their primary

play area which gives them more reach into the lives of the students daily and further impact in

the community.

Please pray for the lead team as they grow closer in Christ and community, for clarity and

energy for the Schmidt family as they lean in to the vision and mission of God for this area, and

for continued provision and partnerships. They are asking God for ten more church partners

this year.

You may support them by purchasing handmade leather products from CrashLeather. See their

website for more info. Also, you may sign up and go! Oak Hill will be taking a group in

September 2020.

GraceWorks Alaska

Dr. Scott Kirby, President


The mission of GraceWorks Alaska is to

literally transform Alaska by winning new

believers, growing disciples, and starting

new gatherings of believers through

volunteer teams.

In 2019, they provided 12,505 meals to boys and girls, hosted 1,210 mission

volunteers (housed at five different locations) along with 85 volunteer staff. They

ministered in fifteen parks five days a week all summer. Summer 2020 is nearly

booked with 1,348 volunteers committed.

Please pray for summer staff. They will need about 80 volunteer staff including volunteer cooks.

Also pray for the raising up of local leaders to lead groups of believers in the parks where

GraceWorks ministers, as well as a “discipleship genius” to mentor these local leaders and

catalyze a church planting movement.

You may support GraceWorks by being a volunteer! Find out more on their website or by

contacting them through email at gograceworks@aol.com.

Gospel Hope Church

Decatur, Ga

Ryan McCammack, Lead Pastor

Rodrick Dewberry, Executive Pastor


Gospel Hope Church exists to make disciples who are growing in the gospel as a family while on

mission. They are an Oak Hill church plant partner.

In 2019, the pastoral team went to the Dominican Republic. They are training a team there with plans

to plant a church in Santo Domingo in 2021. On the home front, they are leading a group of 40 adults

in a Doctrine & Life course to actively engage in disciple-making.

Please pray for Ryan’s family as they care for his father who has Parkinson’s disease. Pray for “Connect

Sunday” in February designed to get people connected in small groups. Pray for an upcoming trip to

Dubai to meet with a missionary, and preparations to send a family to Lebanon soon.

North American Mission Board

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering


The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is the

primary way we support mission efforts in

North America. One hundred percent of gifts

given to AAEO are used to support Southern Baptist missionaries serving across the United

States and Canada and U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American

Samoa. Every gift goes to train, resource, and send out thousands of missionaries involved in

church planting and compassion ministries. Partnership with Southern Baptist Convention

churches and individuals makes this work possible.

Many North American cities could reasonably be called pre-Christian. Even in the traditional

“Bible Belt” Christianity is being pushed to the margins. In the midst of this, God is bringing the

nations to our shores and offering unprecedented opportunities for the gospel.

Redemption Hill Church

Salt Lake City, Utah

Steve Pierson, Elder/Teaching Pastor


The mission of Redemption Hill is to be a body of believers that

demonstrates the love of Jesus Christ to a lost world in order to

win lost souls. They are an Oak Hill church plant partner.

Approaching three years old, they are finally beginning to impact

the local Mormon community. The face of the church is rapidly

changing to reflect the younger culture in the area.

Please pray for a permanent building by summer 2020 as they currently meet in a middle school. Also

pray for a children’s pastor to join the team at Redemption Hill.

Oak Hill is partnering with Redemption Hill for two mission trips in 2020 in June and September.

Seven Wells

Atlanta, Ga

Paul Sewell


Paul and his wife, Elisha, make disciples at Georgia

Tech and in Atlanta to help them enjoy Jesus more

and flow his joy to the world. They raise up goers for

unreached nations and train them to go and thrive, not just go and survive.

They equip people to share the gospel through the “Enjoying Jesus” course, which is now

avaible online for anyone, anywhere, anytime to take. Over one hundred goers have been

launched to the nations through this ministry over the last 10 years. Their downstream

discipleship is truly a work of God through His grace.

Please pray for more goers to unreached nations, that hundreds would learn to enjoy Jesus

more through the course, wisdom in how to invest their time in this Kingdom work, and health

for their family, especially healing for their son Caspian.

HopeGivers International

Dr. Samuel Thomas, President, CEO

Pam Ward, COO


Hopegivers International’s vision is to rescue and

train one million orphan leaders worldwide to

impact their culture for Christ by 2030. They do this

by rescuing abandoned children on the streets of India and providing them with care and love,

sharpening them with the Word of God, and launching them as missionaries and leaders into


The ministry has Hope Homes, operates primary and secondary schools, and provides

opportunities for Bible College and Seminary. Over 97% of their graduates go into full-time

ministry. Since beginning in 1960, they have established over 70,000 congregations. They will

have six hundred students graduating February 2020.

Please pray that they remember their main objectives to rescue, sharpen and launch. Pray for

the removal of the U.N. JJ Act Rule in India, Burma, and Nepal which prohibits ministries from

caring for children. Pray for all involved to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Also, pray

for monthly sponsors for the children, funds to purchase Bibles in the languages of India, and

the ability to distribute them freely.

See their website for information on mission trip opportunities.

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