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Fahey Klein presents a major retrospective

of the photographers work.

Richard Avedon: A Portrait of an Artist

What do Jean Genet, Jimmy Durante, Brigitte Bardot,

Georgia O’Keeffe, Jacques Cousteau, Andy

Warhol, and Lena Horne have in common? They

were a few of the many personalities caught on film

by photographer Richard Avedon. For more than

fifty years, Richard Avedon’s portraits have filled the

pages of the country’s finest magazines. His stark

imagery and brilliant insight into his subjects’ characters

has made him one of the premier American

portrait photographers.

Born in New York in 1923, Richard Avedon dropped

out of high school and joined the Merchant Marine’s

photographic section. Upon his return in 1944, he

found a job as a photographer in a department store.

Within two years he had been “found” by an art director

at Harper’s Bazaar and was producing work

for them as well as Vogue, Look, and a number of

other magazines. During the early years, Avedon

made his living primarily through work in advertising.

His real passion, however, was the portrait and its

ability to express the essence of its subject.

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