cavalier king charles spaniel

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Cavalier king charles spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – Attractive Dog breeds

A group of domesticated animals with similar behavior, similar appearance or the characteristics that distinguish

it from other organisms of the same species is called a breed. The breed is presumably related by descent from

the common ancestors. From prehistoric times, people have been breeding dogs. People used to breed dogs from

pre-historic times to perform various tasks like hunting, herding, guarding, etc.


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was featured in the portraits from 16th to 18th centuries in northern Europe.

The Cavaliers were found in the royal courts of Spain, France, England, and Scotland. These dog breeds got the

name from England’s kings Charles and his son Charles II. In ancient times, these dog breeds were used to ease

out the stress ailments.


As the coat of this special breed is not heavy they do not require hours of brushing. They shed dirt easily. The

silky hair should be brushed at least three times a week to prevent mats. Bathing should only be done only if

necessary. They should be combed well as they shed a lot during winter and spring. It can cause allergies if they

are not groomed properly from time to time. From time to time they should be taken to the veterinarian for

proper care.

Addicted to laps

They love to be in one’s lap and hence they are called “Comforter dogs”. This breed of

dog can be described as a perfect lap dog. These dogs like to play with the children and love

to cuddle. The Cavaliers is attractive, playful and loves to be a friend with everyone that he

meets. These dog breeds sit quietly with older people and become super active with the

children and adults who are active. These dog breeds are one of the most affectionate, loving

dog breeds known to man.

Walking dependents

The breed of dog is small, playful,

attractive, loving and always happy. The

Cavaliers enjoy running, hiking on the

beach and also dog sports. The Cavaliers

excel in agility and flyball. The Cavalier

King Charles Spaniel loves to go for long

walks on the beach. They can be

considered as a perfect partner for long



These kinds of breeds can be trained easily.

This special breed of dog is generally

intelligent among the breed of dogs and

like what you want them to do. The

Cavaliers must be protected from the

clumsy toddlers as they are small in size.

This is one among that breed of dogs that

are eager to learn. They can hunt easily if

they receive the proper and correct

training. This breed of dog will do

anything to impress their owners and get an appreciative gesture. These breed of dogs undergo training with

obedience with their owners.

Health problems

All dog breeds are prone to some of the other health problems. This dog breed is prone to develop certain health

problems. The mitral valve disease is a disease which the Cavaliers are prone to that leads to heart failure. Some

of the other health problems include cataracts, certain vision and hearing disorders. Early-onset of the mitral

valve disease could be overcome in the breed by following the guidelines that are being given by the veterinary

geneticists and cardiologists.

Through the information that is provided, you may find that this dog is a perfect fit for you.

You could speak to the breeders of this breed and check whether this breed of dog suits

your lifestyle.

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