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The coordination of global epidemics

Michael Safi

A patient presents at an emergency department

somewhere in the world. They are feverish and vomiting.

Doctors suspect it is influenza, but they are wrong.When

the outbreak of a virulent new disease such as the

coronavirus is identified, the starting gun is fired on a

vast, multimillion-dollar international effort to try to

contain it.

But nothing can start before a health professional

determines that, against the odds, they are confronting

something exceptional. "You need to work through that

process, establish that this is an out-of-the-ordinary

disease and say, let's do lab tests on it," says Jonathan

Quick, an adjunct professor of global health and author of

The End of Epidemics.

Sometimes the signs are clear: health workers becoming

infected, or patients growing sicker or dying faster than

expected.Other cases rely on a hunch. In 2003, the Italian

specialist Carlo Urbani was asked to examine a patient in

a Vietnamese hospital with symptoms of influenza.

Urbani saw a different pattern. He commissioned tests,

reinforced infection controls around the patient and

alerted the World Health Organization.

A global alert for a virus named severe acute respiratory

syndrome (Sars) was declared 12 days later. Urbani died

from it the following month.Advances in medical science

by the late 1960s led some experts to declare that

humanity had conquered infectious diseases. It was

wishful thinking. Two decades into the 21st century,

viruses are breaking out more frequently than in the past,

data shows.

One factor is that humans are spreading into territories

we have never lived in before, bringing us into contact

with animal populations carrying diseases our bodies

never learned to fight.The 2014 Ebola outbreak was

formally identified more than two and a half months after

it was first detected. The 2015-16 epidemic of Zika,the

mosquito-borne virus that led to 3,000 severe birth

defects, took 37 days. The disease always gets a head start,

and not just for biological reasons. An epidemic may be a

medical phenomenon, but it is social and political too.

In the crucible of an outbreak, sharing information is

one of the most important factors in saving lives. But

instincts often lead the other way. When Sars emerged in

China in November 2002, it raged for several months

before Beijing alerted the WHO.

"China actively hid Sars from the international

community and the WHO was really disempowered,"

says Alexandra Phelan, an adjunct professor at the

Georgetown law school.The same urgent need for

transparency applies to scientists studying the disease,

some of whom have been incentivised in the past to

withhold important findings in a crisis for fear they may

not be able to publish them in medical journals later.

The impulse for secrecy even extended to Liberian

villages afflicted with Ebola, where out of fear and

mistrust some families would hide sick or deceased

relatives from medical teams."Information sharing is

what it's all about," says Rebecca Katz, the director of the

Center for Global Health Science and Security at

Georgetown University. "If you don't know something is

happening, you can't stop it."

Once an outbreak is identified, the focus can shift to

stopping its spread, which in theory is straightforward.

"Your rate of growth needs to be less than one," says

Joshua Ginsberg, the president of the Cary Institute of

Ecosystem Studies. "If every person who gets the disease

gives it to slightly less than one person, then the disease

will go away."

That requires determining who is already sick, and who

may become so. Hospitals become vigilant for symptoms

of the disease in new patients, while teams are sent out

into communities to enlist them to report anyone showing

the telltale signs - and in some cases, to prevent those

people from making the journey to a clinic themselves.

"If a disease is highly contagious, if people are coming to

the hospital it probably means they've contaminated a lot

of people on the way," says Michel Yao, a physician who

advises the Democratic Republic of the Congo's health

ministry on its Ebola response.

Infected people take part in a process known as contact

tracing: listing everyone they have interacted with in the

past days or weeks, and for how long. Those lists can be

vast - a 2011 study found every measles case generated

sometimes hundreds of contacts that needed to be

investigated. But when Ebola hit Africa's most populous

country, Nigeria, contact tracing and surveillance

networks that were already in place to combat polio

helped to stop the outbreak in its tracks.

Medical teams managed to reach every Nigerian case

and seven deaths were reported in the country of 181

million people. "Because they had that system in place,

they were able to jump in immediately and figure out,

where did this patient go, who did he talk to? And isolate

those people," says Ashley Arabasadi, a policy adviser at

the US-based Management Sciences for Health institute.

Quarantining cities, as China has done to Wuhan in

response to the coronavirus outbreak, can often make the

epidemic worse, according to some experts."It causes

mistrust in the government and panic and concern,"

Phelan says. "People can't access healthcare because

public transport is shut down. Or they may do the

opposite and overwhelm medical facilities. And how do

you get in food and drugs for other non-coronavirus

issues? It is a very heavy-handed move that has no

evidence base behind it."

Blunting the spread of an epidemic is difficult enough in

wealthy states with strong governments and developed

health systems, but when Ebola broke out in Sierra Leone,

Liberia and Guinea in January 2014, the three countries

were quickly overwhelmed.

"It was actually possible that one or more [of their

governments] could have collapsed," says Beth Cameron,

Barack Obama chairs a 2014 meeting to coordinate the US government's Ebola response.

Photo: Kevin Lamarque

a health security specialist who served on the task force

established by Barack Obama to fight the disease.

Ned Price, another Obama administration official who

worked on the Ebola response, recalled a meeting in the

White House situation room that August, when those

assembled, including Obama himself, were shown the

worst possible outcome.

"It showed 1.5 million active cases by the end of January

2015," Price says. "There was shock. I forget if there were

audible gasps, but people were definitely gasping on the

inside."When Ebola cases appeared in the US, Spain and

Britain, it was clear the world was only as strong as its

weakest health system. About 2,800 US troops were

deployed to west Africa alongside soldiers and health

workers from the region and around the world, to treat

the sick, test for others who might have the disease and

prevent it from spreading.

By the end of the year, Price says, the daily reports the

White House was receiving started to show the number of

new transmissions falling. "There was a moment in late

2014 where it became apparent the intervention was

working," he says.

More than 11,000 people died in the three worstaffected

countries, but the disease continues to roil the

DRC, where more than 2,200 have died so far.One of the

keys to beating an epidemic has little to do with a

country's wealth or infrastructure. The most effective

vaccines and public-health programmes are useless if a

population does not trust those trying to fight the disease.

Sources of misinformation have proliferated. "Ebola

literally set Twitter records in terms of the number of

posts about it," says Quick. "And when we looked at what

was on there, a lot of it was false stuff, and people were

more likely to believe downright fictions on social media

than they were official sources."

Stigma is another deadly accelerant for any outbreak.

"The worst thing for an epidemic is for it to start in what

are considered the 'social evils'," says Quick, who worked

extensively on the Aids epidemic, which has killed an

estimated 32 million people since the virus was identified

in the 1980s.

He recalls the resistance among conservatives in the US

to public-health measures such a needle exchanges, and

within the gay community, the reluctance to share lists of

people they had had sexual contact with for the purposes

of tracing the disease's spread.

"They were so distrustful, with good reason, that they

wouldn't participate," Quick says. "The number-one thing

is not to politicise the disease."Leaders in the fight against

the 2014 Ebola outbreak turned to anthropologists to

explain that burial practices, including ritually washing

the dead, were helpingto spread the virus. They

recommended small changes that reduced hostility

between health workers and communities.

"The first wave of human remains were dealt with

through cremation, which is not how people in those

areas bury their dead," says Arabasadi. "It was also

discovered that if the treatment facilities had windows, or

a fence where your family could visit you and give you

food, that impacted where people would go."

Advances in machine learning are honing the science of

predicting future outbreaks. "Our goal is to have the realtime

ability to look at human traits, ecological traits and

those of animals that are reservoirs for these diseases, and

be able to say: we think there is going to be an Ebola

outbreak, in the eastern Congo, in the next six-to-eight

months," says Ginsberg. "That's the dream."

But technology will not eradicate diseases. The best that

can be done is to strengthen local health systems to

contain them as close to the source as possible, Arabasadi

says. "It is very hard to get people to fund preparedness

because the measure of success is a non-event, and that's

hard to get excited about," she says. "But investments in

health systems will have a huge rate of return, including

on things that aren't outbreak-related, like better

maternal care and less infant mortality."

Africa can be termed as

humanitarian blind spot

PetitaAlbarracín has been fighting for justice for her daughter Paola Guzmán Albarracín since 2002. Photo: CPR

Bringing perpetrators to justice:the

case of Ecuadorian schoolgirl

Kate Hodal

An international court hearing that

involves the alleged sexual abuse of an

Ecuadorian schoolgirl between the age

of 14 and 16 by her deputy head could

transform girls' rights across Latin

America.In a region where 30% of

students between 13 and 15 claim to

have experienced sexual harassment

while at school, it is hoped that the

case, heard on Tuesday at the Inter-

American Court on Human Rights

(IACHR) in Costa Rica, will establish

the first international standards to

protect girls from coercion and sexual

violence in school.

The case revolves around the 2002

death of 16-year-old Paola Guzmán

Albarracín, an Ecuadorian schoolgirl

who had allegedly been sexually

abused by her deputy head after she

had gone to him to ask for academic

help. He was 65. When, at 15, Paola

discovered she was pregnant, the

school doctor agreed to perform an

abortion on the condition that she have

sex with him, it is alleged.Paola

subsequently attempted to take her

own life, yet the school failed to get

immediate medical help. When her

mother was finally informed many

hours later, Paola was rushed to

hospital, but the doctors were not able

to save her.

In 2006 the Center for

Reproductive Rights (CRR) filed a

case at the IACHR to hold the

Ecuadorian authorities accountable

for failing to investigate the

circumstances leading to Paola's

death. To date, no one has been held

responsible for what happened to


"Paola Guzmán's case will allow the

Inter-American Court on Human

Rights to decide on the rights that all

women have to autonomy and how

this autonomy is the fundamental

pillar of our sexual and reproductive

rights," said Catalina Martínez Coral,

regional director for Latin America

and the Caribbean at the CRR.

"This is a symbolic case: Paola

represents many girls in the region

who are living, or have lived, through

this situation already, and by

representing this case we are trying to

get justice for Paola's family, as well as

flag to the continent that this is a

systematic and structural problem and

we need to address it.

"This is why this case is so important

for the region. It is the first case the

court has ever heard on sexual abuse

against girls in a school setting and

consequently it is the first opportunity

the court will have to create standards

around these issues, such as capacity

and consent. And what it decides will

be binding for all 23 member states of

the court," she said.

The court's jurisdiction stretches all

the way from Mexico down to Chile,

and a victory could set a precedent for

other reproductive rights cases in the

region and beyond, said Martínez,

especially those regarding access to

abortion for girls.

In Ecuador, where the age of consent

is 14, girls and adolescents are

especially vulnerable to sexual

violence: 32% of girls report

experiencing some form of sexual

violence while at school. Teachers and

administrators often take advantage of

their positions of trust and authority,

yet school authorities rarely act - a

failure that perpetuates the existing

culture of impunity, according to the


"When a girl is facing sexual

harassment, sometimes she doesn't

even know she is a victim of

harassment, and this was the case with

Paola: she thought she was in a

relationship with the vice-principal

and that she was in love with him," said


Karen McVeigh

The African continent is a

"blind spot" for coverage

of the humanitarian crises

that are being fuelled by

the climate emergency,

according to a new

analysis. Madagascar's

chronic food crisis, where

2.6 million people were

affected by drought in

2019, came top of the list

of 10 of the most underreported

crises last year,

Care International's

annual survey found.

Others included Zambia,

a country on the frontline

of the climate emergency,

with 2.3 million struggling

to eat due to drought, and

Kenya, which received

only 20% of expected

rainfall in 2019, and where

1.1 million people were

hungry amid both floods

and drought.

Last year, climate

activism led by Swedish

teenager Greta Thunberg

dominated headlines in

the northern hemisphere,

but the suffering of

millions of people in food

poverty caused by global

heating in the south was

not being covered,

according to the research.

Nine of the 10 countries

in which at least one

million people were

affected by natural or

man-made disasters to

receive the least media

attention were in Africa,

where temperatures are

rising at twice the global

average, according to the

Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change.

"We're seeing increasing

linkages between the

effects of man-made

climate change and the

longevity and complexity

of humanitarian crises,"

said Sally Austin,

international head of

emergency operations at

Care. "From Madagascar

to Lake Chad to North

Korea, the majority of

crises ranked in our report

are partly a consequence

of declining natural

resources, increasing

extreme weather events

and global warming more


"What the report does is

to highlight those 10

countries which received

the least amount of media

coverage. Is this because

people aren't interested in

reading about it? Should

we be thinking: 'Is this

good enough?'"

North Korea and Eritrea,

both highly secretive states

where press freedom is

limited and reporting is

restricted, were also on the

list."The increased public

attention for the global

climate crisis is

encouraging, but we must

ensure that the

conversation is not limited

to the global north and

m u c h - n e e d e d

transformations there,"

Austin said.

The countries with

most media coverage of

humanitarian crisis were

Syria and Yemen and the

Democratic Republic of

Congo, all countries with

ongoing conflict.For its

fourth annual survey,

Care used the Meltwater

group to monitor and

analyse 2.4 million online

sources, in English,

French, German,

Spanish and Arabic. A list

of 40 humanitarian crises

in which a million people

were affected was

monitored from January

2019 until 15 November.

The other countries

included the Central

African Republic, which

was ranked second after

Madagascar, due to

ongoing conflict; Burundi,

where instability is causing

displacement and 1.7

million people are hungry;

and Burkina Faso, where a

quarter of the population,

5.2 million, are affected by

escalation of violence.

Also among the areas

listed were Ethiopia, one

of the world's most

drought-prone countries,

where 7.9 million people

are suffering a cycle of

disaster, hunger and

displacement, and the

Lake Chad basin, where 10

million people are in need

due to conflict,

displacement and hunger,

partly due to the lake's


The report found a

correlation between media

coverage and funding

received: three of the 10

most under-reported

crises in the report are also

on the UN's 2019 list of

most underfunded


A Central African soldier patrols at the market in Birao, Central African


Photo: Camille Laffont

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