Cutest Pets of Porter County Magazine February 2020

A Magazine For Pet Owners & People Supporting Local Animal Shelters and Rescues

A Magazine For Pet Owners & People Supporting Local Animal Shelters and Rescues


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Self-care is an important piece of maintaining a happy and healthy life,

and adopting a pet can be a beneficial way to improve overall wellbeing

in a number of ways.

From reducing loneliness to keeping people more

active, the perks of pet ownership can be felt both

physically and emotionally, and are nearly impossible

to quantify. Plus, adopting a pet can be a feel-good

experience, because you’re not only getting a new best

friend, you’re helping an animal in need find a loving

forever home.

Consider some of these ways adopting a pet can

improve overall well-being. For more information on the

benefits of pet adoption, visit Pedigree.com.

1. Pets Increase Physical Activity

Adopting a pet offers owners a chance to improve

daily exercise habits. From taking walks and playing

in the yard to having a new partner for hikes and visits

to the park, dog owners have numerous opportunities

to be active with their four-legged friends. Cats also

need playtime each day, providing cat owners with a

designated time to get active while bonding with their


2. Pets Reduce Feelings of Isolation

Pets have the ability to make people feel less alone.

Whether coming home from a long day or taking a

stroll around the neighborhood, having a wagging

tail around can make everything better. The moodboosting

effect of pets is the driving idea behind a

campaign from the Mobil Delvac and PEDIGREE®

brands called Mutts4Trucks, which aims to make a

positive impact on the mental and physical well-being

of professional truck drivers while helping pets in need.

According to research from DePaul University, nearly

one-third of professional truck drivers said being alone

and away from their families is a significant issue

affecting their mental health. To help reduce those

feelings of loneliness, the campaign is pairing drivers

with shelter dogs in need of homes.

3. Pets Encourage Relationship Building

Pets require walks, trips to the vet and grooming, which

can get their parents out and into new settings and

environments. When out and about, pets can provide

a comforting presence for their owners and serve as

conversation starters, helping to put their owners at

ease and encourage socialization. Pets also provide

opportunities to meet, mingle and make friends with

neighbors while at the park, on walks or running


4. Pets Help with Stress Reduction

Almost anyone who’s ever sat on the couch with a

furry friend knows pets can bring a calming presence.

Having a dog in the house can also help people feel

safer and more secure in their surroundings. From

comforting snuggles to a friendly tail wag, pets have

an uncanny ability to help ease their owners’ minds

and reduce stress.

Cutest Pets of Porter County | February 2020


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